コード例 #1
    def _get_soup(cls, url=None, html=None, request_args=None):
        if html:
            html = normalize(unescape(html))
            return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")

        html = cls._fetch_html(url, request_args)
        html = normalize(unescape(html))

        return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
コード例 #2
    def _get_soup(cls, url=None, html=None, request_args=None):
        request_args = request_args or {}

        if html:
            html = normalize(unescape(html))
            return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")

        headers = dict(cls.request_headers)
        if url:
            headers["Host"] = urlparse(url).netloc

        user_headers = request_args.pop("headers", {})
        html = requests.get(url, headers=headers, **request_args).text
        html = normalize(unescape(html))

        return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
コード例 #3
    def build(
        Automatically constructs a set of rules to scrape the specified target[s] from a web page.
            The rules are represented as stack_list.

        url: str, optional
            URL of the target web page. You should either pass url or html or both.

        wanted_list: list of strings or compiled regular expressions, optional
            A list of needed contents to be scraped.
                AutoScraper learns a set of rules to scrape these targets. If specified,
                wanted_dict will be ignored.

        wanted_dict: dict, optional
            A dict of needed contents to be scraped. Keys are aliases and values are list of target texts
                or compiled regular expressions.
                AutoScraper learns a set of rules to scrape these targets and sets its aliases.

        html: str, optional
            An HTML string can also be passed instead of URL.
                You should either pass url or html or both.

        request_args: dict, optional
            A dictionary used to specify a set of additional request parameters used by requests
                module. You can specify proxy URLs, custom headers etc.

        update: bool, optional, defaults to False
            If True, new learned rules will be added to the previous ones.
            If False, all previously learned rules will be removed.

        text_fuzz_ratio: float in range [0, 1], optional, defaults to 1.0
            The fuzziness ratio threshold for matching the wanted contents.

        List of similar results

        soup = self._get_soup(url=url, html=html, request_args=request_args)

        result_list = []

        if update is False:
            self.stack_list = []

        if wanted_list:
            wanted_dict = {"": wanted_list}

        wanted_list = []

        for alias, wanted_items in wanted_dict.items():
            wanted_items = [normalize(w) for w in wanted_items]
            wanted_list += wanted_items

            for wanted in wanted_items:
                children = self._get_children(soup, wanted, url,

                for child in children:
                    result, stack = self._get_result_for_child(
                        child, soup, url)
                    stack["alias"] = alias
                    result_list += result

        result_list = [item.text for item in result_list]
        result_list = unique_hashable(result_list)

        self.stack_list = unique_stack_list(self.stack_list)
        return result_list