コード例 #1
ファイル: graphics_Idle.py プロジェクト: AOSP8146/external
    def verify_short_blanking(self):
        """On baytrail systems with a known panel, checks the kernel log for a
        message that a short blanking mode has been added."""
        logging.info('Running verify_short_blanking')
        if self._gpu_type != 'baytrail' or utils.has_no_monitor():
            return ''

        # Open the EDID to find the panel model.
        param_path = '/sys/class/drm/card0-eDP-1/edid'
        if not os.path.exists(param_path):
            logging.error('Error: %s not found.', param_path)
            return self.handle_error(
                'Short blanking not added (no EDID found). ')

        with open(param_path, 'r') as edp_edid_file:
            data = edp_edid_file.read(2)
            manufacturer = int(struct.unpack('<H', data)[0])
            data = edp_edid_file.read(2)
            product_code = int(struct.unpack('<H', data)[0])
        # This is not the panel we are looking for (AUO B116XTN02.2)
        if manufacturer != 0xaf06 or product_code != 0x225c:
            return ''
        # Get the downclock message from the logs.
        reader = cros_logging.LogReader()
        if not reader.can_find(
                'Modified preferred into a short blanking mode'):
            return self.handle_error('Short blanking not added. ')
        return ''
コード例 #2
ファイル: graphics_Idle.py プロジェクト: AOSP8146/external
    def verify_graphics_fbc(self):
        """ On systems which support FBC, check that we can get into FBC;
        idle before doing so, and retry every second for 20 seconds."""
        logging.info('Running verify_graphics_fbc')

        # Link's FBC is disabled (crbug.com/338588).
        # TODO(marcheu): remove this when/if we fix this bug.
        board = utils.get_board()
        if board == 'link':
            return ''

        # Machines which don't have a monitor can't get FBC.
        if utils.has_no_monitor():
            return ''

        if (self._gpu_type == 'haswell' or self._gpu_type == 'ivybridge'
                or self._gpu_type == 'sandybridge'):
            tries = 0
            found = False
            param_path = self.get_valid_path(FBC_PATHS)
            if not param_path:
                return 'FBC_PATHS not found.'
            while not found and tries < 20:
                with open(param_path, 'r') as fbc_info_file:
                    for line in fbc_info_file:
                        if re.search('FBC enabled', line):
                            found = True

                tries += 1
            if not found:
                return self.handle_error('Did not see FBC enabled. ',
        return ''