def testLocateDeviceSuccess_MixedBuildsMultiBoards(self): """Test locate_device call can allocate devices by given builds for multiple boards. """ serials = ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4'] testbed_1 = testbed.TestBed(adb_serials=serials) hosts = [ self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything() ] for i in [0, 1]: self.mox.StubOutWithMock(hosts[i], 'get_device_aliases') hosts[i].get_device_aliases().MultipleTimes().AndReturn([BOARD_1]) for i in [2, 3]: self.mox.StubOutWithMock(hosts[i], 'get_device_aliases') hosts[i].get_device_aliases().MultipleTimes().AndReturn([BOARD_2]) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(testbed_1, 'get_adb_devices') testbed_1.get_adb_devices().AndReturn(dict(zip(serials, hosts))) images = [(BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None), (BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None), (BOARD_2_BUILD_1, None), (BOARD_2_BUILD_1, None)] self.mox.ReplayAll() devices = testbed_1.locate_devices(images) expected = dict(zip(serials[0:2], [BOARD_1_BUILD_1] * 2)) expected.update(dict(zip(serials[2:], [BOARD_2_BUILD_1] * 2))) self.assertEqual(devices, expected)
def create_testbed(machine, **kwargs): """Create the testbed object. @param machine: A dict representing the test bed under test or a String representing the testbed hostname (for legacy caller support). If it is a machine dict, the 'hostname' key is required. Optional 'afe_host' key will pipe in afe_host from the afe_host object from the autoserv runtime or the AFE. @param kwargs: Keyword args to pass to the testbed initialization. @returns: The testbed object with all associated host objects instantiated. """ detected_args = _get_host_arguments(machine) hostname = detected_args.pop('hostname') kwargs.update(detected_args) return testbed.TestBed(hostname, **kwargs)
def create_testbed(machine, **kwargs): """Create the testbed object. @param machine: A dict representing the test bed under test or a String representing the testbed hostname (for legacy caller support). If it is a machine dict, the 'hostname' key is required. Optional 'host_attributes' key will pipe in host_attributes from the autoserv runtime or the AFE. @param kwargs: Keyword args to pass to the testbed initialization. @returns: The testbed object with all associated host objects instantiated. """ hostname, host_attributes = server_utils.get_host_info_from_machine( machine) kwargs['host_attributes'] = host_attributes return testbed.TestBed(hostname, **kwargs)
def testLocateDeviceSuccess_SingleBuild(self): """Test locate_device call can allocate devices by given builds. """ serials = ['s1', 's2', 's3'] testbed_1 = testbed.TestBed(adb_serials=serials) hosts = [ self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything() ] for host in hosts: self.mox.StubOutWithMock(host, 'get_device_aliases') host.get_device_aliases().MultipleTimes().AndReturn([BOARD_1]) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(testbed_1, 'get_adb_devices') testbed_1.get_adb_devices().AndReturn(dict(zip(serials, hosts))) images = [(BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None)] * 3 self.mox.ReplayAll() devices = testbed_1.locate_devices(images) self.assertEqual(devices, dict(zip(serials, [BOARD_1_BUILD_1] * 3)))
def testLocateDeviceFail_TooManyBuilds(self): """Test locate_device call cannot allocate devices by given builds. If the given builds are more than the number of devices the testbed has, it should fail to locate devices for the test. """ serials = ['s1', 's2', 's3'] testbed_1 = testbed.TestBed(adb_serials=serials) hosts = [ self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything() ] for host in hosts: self.mox.StubOutWithMock(host, 'get_device_aliases') host.get_device_aliases().MultipleTimes().AndReturn([BOARD_1]) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(testbed_1, 'get_adb_devices') testbed_1.get_adb_devices().AndReturn(dict(zip(serials, hosts))) # Request 4 images but the testbed has only 3 duts. images = [(BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None)] * 4 self.mox.ReplayAll() self.assertRaises(error.InstallError, testbed_1.locate_devices, images)
def testLocateDeviceSuccess_MixedBuildsSingleBoard(self): """Test locate_device call can allocate devices by given builds. If the given builds are the same and the number of duts required is less than the number of devices the testbed has, it should return all devices with the same build. """ serials = ['s1', 's2', 's3'] testbed_1 = testbed.TestBed(adb_serials=serials) hosts = [ self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything(), self.mox.CreateMockAnything() ] for host in hosts: self.mox.StubOutWithMock(host, 'get_device_aliases') host.get_device_aliases().MultipleTimes().AndReturn([BOARD_1]) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(testbed_1, 'get_adb_devices') testbed_1.get_adb_devices().AndReturn(dict(zip(serials, hosts))) images = [(BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None), (BOARD_1_BUILD_1, None)] self.mox.ReplayAll() devices = testbed_1.locate_devices(images) self.assertEqual(devices, dict(zip(serials, [BOARD_1_BUILD_1] * 3)))