コード例 #1
def _get_upgrade_versions(cros_versions, omaha_versions, boards):
    Get the new stable versions to which we should update.

    The new versions are returned as a tuple of a dictionary mapping
    board names to versions, plus a new default board setting.  The
    new default is determined as the most commonly used version
    across the given boards.

    The new dictionary will have a mapping for every board in `boards`.
    That mapping will be taken from `cros_versions`, unless the board has
    a mapping in `omaha_versions` _and_ the omaha version is more recent
    than the AFE version.

    @param cros_versions    The current board->version mappings in the
    @param omaha_versions   The current board->version mappings from
                            Omaha for the Beta channel.
    @param boards           Set of boards to be upgraded.
    @return Tuple of (mapping, default) where mapping is a dictionary
            mapping boards to versions, and default is a version string.
    upgrade_versions = {}
    version_counts = {}
    afe_default = cros_versions[_DEFAULT_BOARD]
    for board in boards:
        version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade(
            omaha_versions, board, cros_versions.get(board, afe_default))
        upgrade_versions[board] = version
        version_counts.setdefault(version, 0)
        version_counts[version] += 1
    return (upgrade_versions, max(version_counts.items(),
                                  key=lambda x: x[1])[0])
コード例 #2
 def test_board_name_mapping(self):
     """Test that AFE board names are mapped to Omaha board names."""
     board_equivalents = [('a-b', 'a-b'), ('c_d', 'c-d'),
                          ('e_f-g', 'e-f-g'), ('hi', 'hi')]
     for afe_board, omaha_board in board_equivalents:
         new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({omaha_board: self.V1},
                                                    afe_board, self.V0)
         self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V1)
コード例 #3
    def set_mapping(self, board, version):
        """Assign the Chrome OS mapping for the given board.

        This function assigns the given Chrome OS version to the given
        board.  Additionally, for any model with firmware bundled in the
        assigned build, that model will be assigned the firmware version
        found for it in the build.

        @param board    Chrome OS board to be assigned a new version.
        @param version  New Chrome OS version to be assigned to the
        new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade(
            build_data.get_omaha_version_map(), board, version)
        if new_version != version:
            print 'Force %s version from Omaha:  %-12s -> %s' % (
                self._description, board, new_version)
        super(_CrOSVersionMapHandler, self).set_mapping(board, new_version)
        fw_versions = build_data.get_firmware_versions(board, new_version)
        fw_handler = _FirmwareVersionMapHandler(self._afe, self._dry_run)
        for model, fw_version in fw_versions.iteritems():
            if fw_version is not None:
                fw_handler.set_mapping(model, fw_version)
コード例 #4
 def test_choose_cros_version(self):
     """Test that the CrOS version is chosen when it is later."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({'board': self.V0}, 'board',
     self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V1)
コード例 #5
 def test_no_version_whatsoever(self):
     """Test handling when both versions are `None`."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({}, 'board', None)
コード例 #6
 def test_no_afe_version(self):
     """Test handling when there's no CrOS version."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({'board': self.V1}, 'board',
     self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V1)
コード例 #7
 def test_no_omaha_version(self):
     """Test handling when there's no Omaha version."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({}, 'board', self.V1)
     self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V1)
コード例 #8
 def test_identical_versions(self):
     """Test handling when both the versions are the same."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({'board': self.V1}, 'board',
     self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V1)
コード例 #9
 def test_branch_version_comparison(self):
     """Test that versions on different branches compare properly."""
     new_version = build_data.get_omaha_upgrade({'board': self.V1}, 'board',
     self.assertEquals(new_version, self.V2)