コード例 #1
def con2vert(A, b):
    Convert sets of constraints to a list of vertices (of the feasible region).
    If the shape is open, con2vert returns False for the closed property.
    # Python implementation of con2vert.m by Michael Kleder (July 2005),
    #  available: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7894
    #  -con2vert-constraints-to-vertices
    # Author: Michael Kelder (Original)
    #         Andre Campher (Python implementation)
    c = linalg.lstsq(mat(A), mat(b))[0]
    btmp = mat(b)-mat(A)*c
    D = mat(A)/matlib.repmat(btmp, 1, A.shape[1])

    fmatv = qhull(D, "Ft") #vertices on facets

    G  = zeros((fmatv.shape[0], D.shape[1]))
    for ix in range(0, fmatv.shape[0]):
        F = D[fmatv[ix, :], :].squeeze()
        G[ix, :] = linalg.lstsq(F, ones((F.shape[0], 1)))[0].transpose()

    V = G + matlib.repmat(c.transpose(), G.shape[0], 1)
    ux = uniqm(V)

    eps = 1e-13
    Av = dot(A, ux.T)
    bv = tile(b, (1, ux.shape[0]))
    closed = sciall(Av - bv <= eps)

    return ux, closed
コード例 #2
def vert2con(V):
    Convert sets of vertices to a list of constraints (of the feasible region).
    Return A, b and s of the set;  Ax < b   (s is the sign-vector [to be used later])
    vert2con always closes the shape and generates inequalities accordingly.
    # Dependencies: * qhull (libqhull5, qhull-bin)
    #               * scipy
    k = qhull(V,"n") #convert to martrix with vertices
    # k is a (n+1)x(p) matrix in the form [A b] (from qhull doc: Ax < -b is
    # satisfied), thus;
    A = k[:, :-1]
    b = array([-k[:, -1]]).T
    s = -ones(b.shape)
    return A, s, b
コード例 #3
def tryvol(A, b, cs):
    Try to determine volume of feasible region, otherwise impose box 
        V = con2vert(A, b)[0] # get vertices for constraint set iteration
    except NameError: #catch unbound shapes
        #create large box around original shape
        fixA = r_[eye(cs.nd), -eye(cs.nd)]
        fixb = r_[[numpy.max(cs.vert[:, x]) for x in range(cs.vert.shape[1])],
                  [-numpy.min(cs.vert[:, x]) for x in range(cs.vert.shape[1])]]
        fixb = array([fixb]).T
        fA = r_[fixA, A]
        fb = 2. * r_[fixb, b]  # double the box size
        V = con2vert(fA, fb)[0]
    #return vol (normal or fixed) and vertices (normal or fixed) 
    return qhull(V, "FS"), V
コード例 #4
 def vol(self):
     """Return 'volume' of feasible region."""
     return qhull(self.vert,"FS")