コード例 #1
class Control(object):#MODIFIED VERSION OF Mekire's CONTROL __INIT__ FUNCTION
	"""Primary control flow."""
	def __init__(self):
		"""Initialize the display and create a player and level."""
		self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((1000,1000))
		self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
		self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
		self.fps = 60.0
		self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
		self.done = False
		self.playfield = PlayField(1000, 1000,20,20,self.screen)
		self.avatar = Avatar(self.screen, 1000, 1000)
		self.bugList = []
		self.score = 0
		pg.display.set_caption('Space Custodian Alpha')

		# scoring variables
		self.score = 0
		self.msg = "Score: %d" % self.score
		self.fontObj = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
		self.msgSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.msg, False, (0,0,255))
		self.msgRect = self.msgSurface.get_rect()

		#visual timing variables
		self.timer = 0
		self.timerMsg= "%d seconds alive." % self.timer
		self.timerSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.timerMsg, False, (100, 0, 255))
		self.timerRect =  self.timerSurface.get_rect()

		#visual instructions variables
		self.instructions = "Arrow Keys to Move. Space to (Double Jump). R to warp. X to melee. Don't let too many bugs get to the bottom!"
		self.instructionSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.instructions, False, (100,100,100))
		self.instructionRect = self.instructionSurface.get_rect()

		self.bugSpawnThreshold = 60 # frames
		self.bugSpawnTimer = 0
		self.lifepoints = 20
		self.gameOver = False
		self.highScore = 0

	def manageLifepoints(self):
		for bug in self.bugList:
			if (bug.rect.y >= 800):
				trash = self.bugList.remove(bug)
				self.lifepoints -= 1
		if (self.lifepoints <= 0):
			if self.score > self.highScore:
				self.highScore = self.score
			self.msg = "Game Over! Score: %d HighScore: %d (press press t to restart!)" % (self.score, self.highScore)
			self.msgSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.msg, False, (0,0,255))
			self.msgRect = self.msgSurface.get_rect()
			self.msgRect.topleft = (250, 250)
			self.screen.blit(self.msgSurface, self.msgRect)
			self.gameOver = True

	def event_loop(self): #modified from original version for my keyset
		"""Let us quit and jump."""
		for event in pg.event.get():
			self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
			if self.gameOver:
				if self.keys[pg.K_t]:
			if event.type == pg.QUIT or self.keys[pg.K_ESCAPE]:
				self.done = True
			elif self.keys[pg.K_x]:
			elif self.keys[pg.K_c]:
			#elif self.keys[pg.K_b]:
			#	newBug = Bug(self.screen, 1000, 1000, random.randint(250, 750-15), 40)
			#	self.bugList.append(newBug)
			elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
				if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
			elif event.type == pg.KEYUP:
				if event.key == pg.K_x:
					self.avatar.isMelee = False
				if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
					if (self.avatar.airborne):
						self.avatar.airborneUpRelease = True

	def restart(self):
		self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((1000,1000))
		self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
		self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
		self.fps = 60.0
		self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
		self.done = False
		self.playfield = PlayField(1000, 1000,20,20,self.screen)
		self.avatar = Avatar(self.screen, 1000, 1000)
		self.bugList = []
		self.score = 0
		pg.display.set_caption('Space Custodian Alpha Build')

		# scoring variables
		self.score = 0
		self.msg = "Score: %d" % self.score
		self.fontObj = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20)
		self.msgSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.msg, False, (0,0,255))
		self.msgRect = self.msgSurface.get_rect()

		#visual timing variables
		self.timer = 0
		self.timerMsg= "%d seconds alive." % self.timer
		self.timerSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.timerMsg, False, (100, 0, 255))
		self.timerRect = self.timerSurface.get_rect()

		#visual instructions variables
		self.instructions = "Arrow Keys to Move. Space to Jump/Double Jump. R to warp to top. X to melee. Don't let too many bugs get to the bottom!"
		self.instructionSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.instructions, False, (100,100,100))
		self.instructionRect = self.instructionSurface.get_rect()

		self.bugSpawnThreshold = 60 # frames
		self.bugSpawnTimer = 0
		self.lifepoints = 20
		self.gameOver = False

	def updateMsgs(self):
		self.timer += 1

		# score
		self.msg = "Score: %d" % self.score
		self.msgSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.msg, False, (0,0,255))
		self.msgRect = self.msgSurface.get_rect()
		self.msgRect.topleft = (10, 25)
		self.screen.blit(self.msgSurface, self.msgRect)

		# time
		self.timerMsg= "%d seconds alive." % (self.timer/int(self.fps))
		self.timerSurface = self.fontObj.render(self.timerMsg, False, (100, 0, 255))
		self.timerRect.topleft = (10, 50)
		self.screen.blit(self.timerSurface, self.timerRect) 

		# instructions
		self.instructionRect.topright = (995, 5)
		self.screen.blit(self.instructionSurface, self.instructionRect)


	def generateBug(self):
			newBug = Bug(self.screen, 1000, 1000, random.randint(250, 750-15), 40)
			self.bugSpawnTimer = 0
			self.bugSpawnThreshold = random.randint(0,2)*60 #seconds * frames
			self.bugSpawnTimer += 1

	def updateBugList(self):
		for bug in self.bugList:
			if bug.health < 1:
				trash = self.bugList.remove(bug)
			elif bug.rect.centery >= 1000:
				trash = self.bugList.remove(bug)

	def checkBugEatCollisions(self, bug):
		testRect = bug.eatRect
		if (testRect == None): #base case
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		topleft = testRect.topleft
		topright = testRect.topright
		bottomleft = testRect.bottomleft
		bottomright = testRect.bottomright
		collisionPoints = [topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						self.playfield.rectList[y][x] = None
						bug.blocksEaten += 1


	def checkMove(self, thing):
		testRect = thing.rect.move(thing.xvel, thing.yvel)
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		topleft = testRect.topleft
		topright = testRect.topright
		bottomleft = testRect.bottomleft
		bottomright = testRect.bottomright
		collisionPoints = [topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#print index, point
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				#print index, "point =", collisionPoints[index]
				#print self.playfield.rectList[y][x].topleft
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						collision = True
		# print "collisionRect Coords:"
		# for item in collideRects:
		# 	print item.topleft
		if (collision):
			thing.xvel = 0
			self.snapToSurface(thing, collisionPoints, collideRects)

	def snapToSurface(self, thing, collisionPoints, collisionRects):
		# print "(300, 480)" #first two coords w/o movement
		# print "(300, 500)"
		# print "snapToSurface called."
		# print "collisionPoints;"
		# for item in collisionPoints:
		# 	print item
		# print "Corners:"
		rectCorners = [thing.rect.topleft, thing.rect.topright, thing.rect.bottomleft, thing.rect.bottomright]
		# for corner in rectCorners:
		# 	print corner
		# print "interpolations:"
		pointA = self.interpolate(rectCorners[0], collisionPoints[0], collisionRects, thing)
		pointB = self.interpolate(rectCorners[1], collisionPoints[1], collisionRects, thing)
		pointC = self.interpolate(rectCorners[2], collisionPoints[2], collisionRects, thing)
		pointD = self.interpolate(rectCorners[3], collisionPoints[3], collisionRects, thing)
		interpolatedPoints = [pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD]
		# for interpoint in interpolatedPoints:
		# 	print interpoint
		#distance calculations...
		# print "distances:"
		distA = self.distance(rectCorners[0], interpolatedPoints[0])
		distB = self.distance(rectCorners[1], interpolatedPoints[1])
		distC = self.distance(rectCorners[2], interpolatedPoints[2])
		distD = self.distance(rectCorners[3], interpolatedPoints[3])
		distances = [distA, distB, distC, distD]
		# for dists in distances:
		# 	print dists
		#snap relevant corner to shortest distanced interpolated point
		# print "minimum dist =", min(distances)
		for item in distances:
			if (item == distA):
				thing.rect.topleft = pointA
				# print "Min point A"
			elif(item == distB):
				# print "Min point B"
				thing.rect.topright = pointB
			elif(item == distC):
				# print "Min point C"
				thing.rect.bottomleft = pointC
			else: #item == distD
				# print "Min point D"
				thing.rect.bottomright = pointD
			fixed = True
			for obstacle in collisionRects:
				if obstacle.colliderect(thing.rect):
					fixed = False
			if fixed:

	def interpolate(self, origin, collision, rects, thing): #return corrected point
		#determine which rect collides with the collisionPoint...
		rect = None
		for item in rects:
			if item.collidepoint(collision):
				rect = item
		#check trivial case: this point never collides anyway.
		if rect == None:
			return collision
		#interpolate to get the point on the surface of the rect we should snap to...(floats!)
			(x0, y0) = origin
			(x1, y1) = collision
			topline = rect.top
			bottomline = rect.bottom
			leftline = rect.left
			rightline = rect.right
		#Region I case - origin lies above platform
		if(y0 <= topline):
			#print "interpolation Region I achieved!"
			if(x0 < leftline):
				#hits left side of rect
				collisionSlope = self.slope(origin, collision)
				#print "collisionSlope: ", collisionSlope
				cornerSlope = self.slope(origin, rect.topleft)
				#print "cornerSlope:", cornerSlope
				if (collisionSlope >= cornerSlope):
					#print "hits top"
					yR = topline-1
					xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
					thing.yvel = 0
					thing.airborne = False
					#print "hits left"
					xR = leftline-1
					yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
			elif(leftline <= x0 <= rightline):
				#hits top of rect - trivial
				yR = topline-1
				xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
				thing.yvel = 0
				thing.airborne = False
				#hits right side of rect
				collisionSlope = self.slope(origin, collision)
				cornerSlope = self.slope(origin, rect.topright)
				if(collisionSlope >= cornerSlope):
					xR = rightline+1
					yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
					yR = topline-1
					xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
					thing.yvel = 0
					thing.airborne = False
		#Region II case - trivial - origin lies inbetween top and bottom of rectangle
		elif(topline < y0 < bottomline):
			#print "interpolation Region II achieved!"
			if(x0 <= leftline):
				#hits left side of rect
				xR = leftline-1
				yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
				#hits right side of rect
				xR = rightline+1
				yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
		#Region III case - opposite I case - origin lies below platform
			#print "interpolation Region I achieved!"
			if(x0 < leftline):
				#hits left side of rect
				collisionSlope = self.slope(origin, collision)
				cornerSlope = self.slope(origin, rect.topright)
				if(collisionSlope >= cornerSlope):
					xR = leftline-1
					yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
					yR = bottomline+1
					xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
			elif(leftline <= x0 <= rightline):
				#hits bottom of rect
				yR = bottomline+1
				xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
				#hits right of rect
				collisionSlope = self.slope(origin, collision)
				cornerSlope = self.slope(origin, rect.topright)
				if(collisionSlope >= cornerSlope):
					yR = bottomline+1
					xR = self.interpolationFormulaX(x0, y0, x1, y1, yR)
					xR = rightline+1
					yR = self.interpolationFormulaY(x0, y0, x1, y1, xR)
		#return that point (as integers!)
		return (int(xR), int(yR))

	def distance(self, point1, point2):
		#cast to floats!
		(x0, y0) = point1
		(x1, y1) = point2
		x0 = float(x0)
		y0 = float(y0)
		x1 = float(x1)
		y1 = float(y1)
		return(((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2)**0.5)
		#returns a distance magnitude

	def slope(self, point1, point2):
		#cast to floats!
		(x0,y0) = point1
		(x1,y1) = point2
		x0 = float(x0)
		y0 = float(y0)
		x1 = float(x1)
		y1 = float(y1)
		if (x1 - x0 == 0):
			x1 += 0.000001
		return (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)

	def interpolationFormulaY(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, xR):
		#cast to floats!
		x0 = float(x0)
		y0 = float(y0)
		x1 = float(x1)
		y1 = float(y1)
		xR = float(xR)
		if(x1 - x0 == 0):
			return x0
		return (y0 + (y1 - y0)*((xR - x0)/(x1 - x0)))

	def interpolationFormulaX(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, yR):
		#cast to floats!
		x0 = float(x0)
		y0 = float(y0)
		x1 = float(x1)
		y1 = float(y1)
		yR = float(yR)
		if(y1-y0 == 0):
			return y0
		return (x0 + (x1 - x0)*((yR - y0)/(y1 - y0)))

	def checkCeiling(self, thing): #i wrote this
		testRect = thing.rect.move(0, -1)
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		topleft = testRect.topleft
		topright = testRect.topright
		collisionPoints = [topleft, topright]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						collision = True
					#set flag
		if (collision):
			thing.capped = False
			thing.capped = True

	def checkFloor(self, thing): #i wrote this
		testRect = thing.rect.move(0, 1)
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		bottomleft = testRect.bottomleft
		bottomright = testRect.bottomright
		collisionPoints = [bottomleft, bottomright]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						collision = True
					#set flag
		if (collision):
			thing.airborne = False
			thing.airborne = True

	def checkRight(self, thing): #i wrote this
		testRect = thing.rect.move(1,0)
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		topright = testRect.topright
		bottomright = testRect.bottomright
		collisionPoints = [topright, bottomright]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						collision = True
					#set flag
		if (collision):
			thing.wallRight = True
			thing.wallRight = False

	def checkLeft(self, thing): #i wrote this
		testRect = thing.rect.move(-1,0)
		offset = 300 #screen pixels before grid in both x and y direction
		numCells = 20 #number of cells in a row/col of platform grid
		#un-converted values into list
		topleft = testRect.topleft
		bottomleft = testRect.bottomleft
		collisionPoints = [topleft, bottomleft]
		modelPoints = []
		collision = False
		collideRects = []
		#mathematical conversion to grid model-workable values
		for point in collisionPoints:
			(x,y) = point
			#grid-workable points are either negative (non-colliding)
			#positive and within 0-19 (numCells),
			#or 20+ (non-colliding on the right side)
			x = (x - offset)/numCells 
			y = (y - offset)/numCells
			modelPoint = (x,y)
		#evaluate collisions with only relevant grid rects
		for index, point in enumerate(modelPoints):
			#check if the bounds of the point warrant checking collision
			(x,y) = point #based on grid values...
			if (not((x < 0) or (x >= numCells)) and not((y < 0) or (y >= numCells))):
				#check collision
				if self.playfield.rectList[y][x]:
					if self.playfield.rectList[y][x].collidepoint(collisionPoints[index]): #uses actual point
						collision = True
					#set flag
		if (collision):
			thing.wallLeft = True
			thing.wallLeft = False

	def checkWalls(self, thing):

	def checkMeleeCollisions(self):
		if (self.avatar.isMelee):
			for bug in self.bugList:
				if self.avatar.meleeRect.colliderect(bug.rect):
					bug.health -= 1
					self.score += 5 + bug.blocksEaten

	def checkPlayerKillzone(self):
		if self.avatar.rect.y >= 800:
			self.avatar.rect = pg.Rect(self.avatar.screenLength/2-self.avatar.width, 
				40, self.avatar.height, self.avatar.width)

	def update(self): 
		if not(self.gameOver):
			"""Call the update for the level and the actors."""
			for bug in self.bugList:

	def main_loop(self):
		"""Run around."""
		while not self.done: