def CreateDisplayClip(self, matrix=['auto', 'tv'], interlaced=None, swapuv=False, bit_depth=None): self.current_frame = -1 self.display_clip = self.clip self.RGB48 = False self.bit_depth = bit_depth if bit_depth: try: if bit_depth == 'rgb48': # TODO if self.IsYV12: self.RGB48 = True self.DisplayWidth /= 2 self.DisplayHeight /= 2 return True elif self.IsYV12 or self.IsYV24 or self.IsY8: if bit_depth == 's16': args = [self.display_clip, 0, 0, 0, self.Height / 2] self.display_clip = self.env.invoke('Crop', args) elif bit_depth == 's10': if self.env.function_exists('mt_lutxy'): args = ( 'avsp_raw_clip\n' 'msb = Crop(0, 0, Width(), Height() / 2)\n' 'lsb = Crop(0, Height() / 2, Width(), Height() / 2)\n' 'mt_lutxy(msb, lsb, "x 8 << y + 2 >>", chroma="process")' ) self.display_clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', args) elif bit_depth == 'i16': args = ( 'avsp_raw_clip.AssumeBFF().TurnLeft().SeparateFields().' 'TurnRight().AssumeFrameBased().SelectOdd()') self.display_clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', args) elif bit_depth == 'i10': if self.env.function_exists('mt_lutxy'): args = ( 'avsp_raw_clip.AssumeBFF().TurnLeft().SeparateFields().TurnRight().AssumeFrameBased()\n' 'mt_lutxy(SelectOdd(), SelectEven(), "x 8 << y + 2 >>", chroma="process")' ) self.display_clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', args) if not isinstance(self.display_clip, avisynth.AVS_Clip): raise avisynth.AvisynthError("Not a clip") vi = self.display_clip.get_video_info() self.DisplayWidth = vi.width self.DisplayHeight = vi.height except avisynth.AvisynthError, err: return self.CreateErrorClip(display_clip_error=True)
def CreateErrorClip(self, err='', display_clip_error=False): fontFace, fontSize = global_vars.options['errormessagefont'][:2] if display_clip_error: if not err: err = _('Error trying to display the clip') if self.bit_depth: err += '\n' + _('Is bit-depth set correctly?') else: err = str(err) self.error_message = err lineList = [] yLine = 0 nChars = 0 for errLine in err.split('\n'): lineList.append( 'Subtitle("""%s""",y=%i,font="%s",size=%i,text_color=$FF0000,align=8)' % (errLine, yLine, fontFace.encode( sys.getfilesystemencoding()), fontSize)) yLine += fontSize nChars = max(nChars, len(errLine)) eLength = self.Framecount eWidth = nChars * fontSize / 2 eHeight = yLine + fontSize / 4 firstLine = 'BlankClip(length=%(eLength)i,width=%(eWidth)i,height=%(eHeight)i)' % locals( ) errText = firstLine + '.'.join(lineList) try: clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', errText) if not isinstance(clip, avisynth.AVS_Clip): raise avisynth.AvisynthError("Not a clip") if display_clip_error: self.display_clip = clip vi = self.display_clip.get_video_info() self.DisplayWidth = vi.width self.DisplayHeight = vi.height else: self.clip = clip except avisynth.AvisynthError, err: return
def __init__(self, script, filename='', workdir='', env=None, fitHeight=None, fitWidth=None, oldFramecount=240, display_clip=True, reorder_rgb=False, matrix=['auto', 'tv'], interlaced=False, swapuv=False, bit_depth=None): # Internal variables self.initialized = False = filename self.error_message = None self.current_frame = -1 self.pBits = None self.display_clip = None self.ptrY = self.ptrU = self.ptrV = None # Avisynth script properties self.Width = -1 self.Height = -1 self.WidthSubsampling = -1 self.HeightSubsampling = -1 self.Framecount = -1 self.Framerate = -1.0 self.FramerateNumerator = -1 self.FramerateDenominator = -1 self.Audiorate = -1.0 self.Audiolength = -1 #~ self.AudiolengthF = None self.Audiochannels = -1 self.Audiobits = -1 self.IsAudioFloat = None self.IsAudioInt = None self.IsRGB = None self.IsRGB24 = None self.IsRGB32 = None self.IsYUV = None self.IsYUY2 = None self.IsYV24 = None self.IsYV16 = None self.IsYV12 = None self.IsYV411 = None self.IsY8 = None self.IsPlanar = None self.IsInterleaved = None self.IsFieldBased = None self.IsFrameBased = None self.GetParity = None self.HasAudio = None self.HasVideo = None self.Colorspace = None self.ffms_info_cache = {} # Create the Avisynth script clip if env is not None: if isinstance(env, avisynth.AVS_ScriptEnvironment): self.env = env else: raise TypeError("env must be a PIScriptEnvironment or None") else: if isinstance(script, avisynth.AVS_Clip): raise ValueError("env must be defined when providing a clip") try: self.env = avisynth.AVS_ScriptEnvironment(3) except OSError: return if hasattr(self.env, 'get_error'): self.error_message = self.env.get_error() if self.error_message: return if isinstance(script, avisynth.AVS_Clip): self.clip = script else: # vpy hack, remove when VapourSynth is supported if == 'nt' and filename.endswith('.vpy'): if self.env.function_exists('AutoloadPlugins'): # AviSynth+ self.env.invoke('AutoloadPlugins') if self.env.function_exists('VSImport'): script = ur'VSImport("{0}", stacked=true)'.format(filename) else: script = ur'AviSource("{0}")'.format(filename) scriptdirname, scriptbasename = os.path.split(filename) curdir = os.getcwdu() workdir = os.path.isdir(workdir) and workdir or scriptdirname if os.path.isdir(workdir): self.env.set_working_dir(workdir) self.env.set_global_var("$ScriptFile$", scriptbasename) self.env.set_global_var("$ScriptName$", filename) self.env.set_global_var("$ScriptDir$", scriptdirname) try: self.clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', [script, filename]) if not isinstance(self.clip, avisynth.AVS_Clip): raise avisynth.AvisynthError("Not a clip") except avisynth.AvisynthError, err: self.Framecount = oldFramecount if not self.CreateErrorClip(err): return finally:
raise self.env.set_var("last", self.clip) self.env.set_var("avsp_raw_clip", self.clip) if self.env.function_exists('AutoloadPlugins'): # AviSynth+ self.env.invoke('AutoloadPlugins') # Set the video properties = self.clip.get_video_info() self.HasVideo = if not self.HasVideo: self.clip = None errText = 'MessageClip("No video")' try: self.clip = self.env.invoke('Eval', errText) if not isinstance(self.clip, avisynth.AVS_Clip): raise avisynth.AvisynthError("Not a clip") except avisynth.AvisynthError, err: return try: if not isinstance(self.env.get_var('last'), avisynth.AVS_Clip): self.env.set_var('last', self.clip) except avisynth.AvisynthError as err: if str(err) != 'NotFound': raise self.env.set_var('last', self.clip) = self.clip.get_video_info() self.HasVideo = self.Framecount = self.Width = self.Height = if and not