def convertMesh(meshBlock,exportData,workerthreat): exportData.doc.SetActiveObject(meshBlock.copiedMesh) if not meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(5604): return if not meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(5600): return materials=workerHelpers.getObjectsMaterials(meshBlock.copiedMesh) matCounter=0 while matCounter<len(materials): meshBlock.saveSubMeshes.append(classesAWDBlocks.awdSubMesh(materials[matCounter][0],materials[matCounter][1].name,materials[matCounter][1].selectionIndexe,materials[matCounter][2])) matCounter+=1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return workerSubMeshReader.prepareSubmeshIndexe(meshBlock) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return # if the meshBlock has a WeightTag-applied, we create a "jointTranslater"-list, so when parsing the weight-data later, we know which joint-indicies to set. if meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights)!=None: firstSkeleton=exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get(str(meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint(0,exportData.doc).GetName()),None) noValidSkeleton=False if firstSkeleton!=None: firstSkeletonName=exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks[str(meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint(0,exportData.doc).GetName())].name jointcounter=0 meshBlock.jointTranslater=[] while jointcounter<meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJointCount(): curJoint=meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint(jointcounter,exportData.doc) if curJoint is not None: if exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get(str(curJoint.GetName()),None) is None: noValidSkeleton=True break if exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get(str(curJoint.GetName()),None) is not None: if firstSkeletonName!=exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks[str(curJoint.GetName())].name: noValidSkeleton=True break meshBlock.jointTranslater.append(exportData.jointIDstoJointBlocks[str(curJoint.GetName())].jointID-1) jointcounter+=1 if noValidSkeleton==False: pass#print "Skeleton Found: "+str(firstSkeletonName) if firstSkeleton==None or noValidSkeleton==True: jointcounter=0 meshBlock.jointTranslater=[] while jointcounter<meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJointCount(): meshBlock.jointTranslater.append(jointcounter) jointcounter+=1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return #morphs=[] #for morphState in allPointAndUvMorpTag: #if morphState.morphedObject==cur_mesh: #morphs.append(morphState) #for submesh in new_submeshes: #for morphState in morphs: #submorphVerts=[] #submorphUVs=[] #submorphActiv=False #submorphdata=[submorphVerts,submorphUVs,submorphActiv,morphState.morphName,morphState.tagName,morphState.tagObject] #submesh.morphs.append(submorphdata) workerSubMeshReader.collectSubmeshData(meshBlock,exportData,workerthreat) # parse this object into a awd2-geometry-block if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # when the user has cancelled the process: return # we stop executing and return for subMesh in meshBlock.saveSubMeshes: # for every SubMeshBlock that has been created: if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # we check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.transformUVS(subMesh) # transform the uvs if needed (to allow for tilling etc) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.buildGeometryStreams(subMesh,exportData.scale) # build the AWD-geometry-streams for all submeshes
def convertMesh(meshBlock, exportData, workerthreat): exportData.doc.SetActiveObject( if not return if not return createGeoMaterials = [ ] # this will store the list of materials used to split the polygons into submeshes applyToinstanceMaterials = [ ] # a list of materials that will be applied for each instance that is using this geometry allmaterials = [] allInstanceMaterials = [] allSelections = workerHelpers.getAllPolySelections(, exportData ) # get all the polygon-selections as a list of helperclass.PolySelection baseGeoMaterials = workerHelpers.getMaterials(, allSelections, False, exportData ) # get all the Materials that are applied by a textureTag on the PolygonObject directly useSelectionsComplete = False useInstanceSelection = [] print "baseGeoMaterials " + str(baseGeoMaterials) if len( baseGeoMaterials ) > 0: # if a material is directly applied to the polygonObject, all instances will have this same materials (if they have not a different objectColorMode) print "useSelectionsComplete" for instanceBlock in if == True: instanceBlock = meshBlock textBaseMat = baseGeoMaterials[ 0] # the first material in this list should allways be a material not restricted by polySelection (e.g. the 'baseMaterial') useSelections, returnBasemat = workerHelpers.getObjectColorMode(, textBaseMat, exportData ) # get the BaseMaterial used by this Instance, and a boolean, if the selections should be used on this instance or not applyToinstanceMaterials.append(returnBasemat) useInstanceSelection.append(useSelections) if useSelections == True: # if the selections are used on this Instance: useSelectionsComplete = True # the polygonObject must be split into the selections if useSelectionsComplete == True: # if the polygonObject must be split: print "useSelectionsComplete" createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.cleanMaterialRestriction(, baseGeoMaterials ) # get all the Materials and make shure that each polygon is used ba only one material, delete unused materials instanceCnt = 0 useFirst = True if str(createGeoMaterials[0][1].name) != "Base": useFirst = False for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 if useFirst == True: newInstanceMats.append( applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt = 1 while geoMatCnt < len(createGeoMaterials): if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: newInstanceMats.append( createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][0]) if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == False: newInstanceMats.append( applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt += 1 = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if len( baseGeoMaterials ) == 0: # if no materials are directly applied, we check all instances for their directly applied and inherited materials and the baseobject for the inherited too. instanceCnt = 0 for instanceBlock in instanceMaterials = workerHelpers.getMaterials(, allSelections, True, exportData ) # search for all materials that are applied to the instance-object (including inheritet tags) textBaseMat = None if == True: # if the instance is considered a renderInstance, we use the baseObject (meshblock.sceneObject) for the ObjectColorMode-check instanceBlock = meshBlock if len(instanceMaterials) > 0: textBaseMat = instanceMaterials[0] useSelections, returnMat = workerHelpers.getObjectColorMode(, textBaseMat, exportData) if len(instanceMaterials) == 0: instanceMaterials.append([]) instanceMaterials[0] = returnMat useInstanceSelection.append(useSelections) if useSelections == True: # if the selections are used on this Instance: useSelectionsComplete = True # the polygonObject must be split into the selections allInstanceMaterials.append(instanceMaterials) applyToinstanceMaterials.append(instanceMaterials[0]) if instanceCnt == 0: baseGeoMaterials = instanceMaterials instanceCnt += 1 if useSelectionsComplete == True: # if the polygonObject must be split: allMatsDic = {} allmaterials = [] instanceCnt = 0 allCleanMats = [] for instanceBlock in if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: print str(allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt]) cleanedMats = workerSubMeshReader.cleanMaterialRestriction(, allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt] ) # get all the Materials and make shure that each polygon is used ba only one material, delete unused materials allCleanMats.append(cleanedMats) for cleanedMat in cleanedMats: matExists = allMatsDic.get(str(cleanedMat[1].name), None) if matExists is None: allMatsDic[str(cleanedMat[1].name)] = cleanedMat cleanedMat.append(instanceBlock) allmaterials.append(cleanedMat) if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == False: allCleanMats.append([allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]]) instanceCnt += 1 createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.mergeMaterialRestriction(, allmaterials) instanceCnt = 0 useFirst = True if str(createGeoMaterials[0][1].name) != "Base": useFirst = False for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 if useFirst == True: newInstanceMats.append( applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt = 1 while geoMatCnt < len(createGeoMaterials): if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: foundOnInstance = applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][ 0] # if this will not be changed, the baseMaterial will be set for this Submesh for intMat in allCleanMats[instanceCnt]: if str(intMat[1].name) == str( createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][1].name): foundOnInstance = intMat[0] break nameCnt = 0 for name in createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][ 1].multiNames: if str(intMat[1].name) == str(name): foundOnInstance = createGeoMaterials[ geoMatCnt][1].multiMats[nameCnt] nameCnt += 1 newInstanceMats.append(foundOnInstance) if useInstanceSelection[ instanceCnt] == False: # if the instance does not use selections, we just apply the baseMaterial of this instance to all submeshes newInstanceMats.append( applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt += 1 = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if useSelectionsComplete == False: # if the polygonObject must not be split createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.clearSubmeshIndexe(, baseGeoMaterials) instanceCnt = 0 for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return poseAnimationDic = {} # for all materialBlocks that will be applied to MeshInstanceBlocks, we make shure that they are fully created (the textureBlocks will be created here) and set to tagForExport = True for instanceBlock in print "finalMats = " + str( # collect all vertexAnimations found on the InstanceObjects of the Geoemtrys on the Geometry itself (use dictionary to makes shure each animation is only used once) for vertexanimationBlock in addposeAnimationBlock(, vertexanimationBlock, poseAnimationDic) = mainLightRouting.getObjectLights(, exportData ) # get the LightPicker for this sceneObject (if the lightpicker does not allready exists, it will be created) matCount = 0 for mat in matAwdBlock = exportData.allAWDBlocks[int(mat)] if matAwdBlock is not None: repeat = False if len( == 0: = = False foundMat = mat else: foundMat = -1 for matID in if exportData.allAWDBlocks[int( matID )].data.lightPicker == if exportData.allAWDBlocks[int( matID)].data.repeat == repeat: foundMat = matID if foundMat == -1: foundMat = workerHelpers.copyAsNewMaterialBlock( exportData, matAwdBlock,, repeat)[matCount] = foundMat if == False and == False: = True mainMaterials.createMaterial(, exportData) #if>0: # matAwdBlock.tagForExport = True matCount += 1 for mat in createGeoMaterials: # create a SubMeshBlock for every Material/selection found and used #print "create Submesh: "+str(mat[0]) classesAWDBlocks.awdSubMesh(mat[0], mat[1].name, mat[1].selectionIndexe, mat[2])) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return #for instanceMat in allInstanceMaterials #for mat in finalMats: # create a SubMeshBlock for every Material/selection found # for instanceBlock in meshBlock.sceneBlocks: # saveMaterials= # if the meshBlock has a WeightTag-applied, we check if the mesh is used by one single skeleton or not. weightTag = if weightTag is not None: jointCount = weightTag.GetJointCount() allSkeletons = getUsedSkeletons(jointCount, weightTag, exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks, exportData.doc) if len(allSkeletons) == 0: print "Warning - No Joints are bound to a valid Skeleton" if len(allSkeletons) > 1: print "Warning - Not all Joints are bound to the same Skeleton" if len(allSkeletons) == 1: = weightTag if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return #morphs=[] #for morphState in allPointAndUvMorpTag: #if morphState.morphedObject==cur_mesh: #morphs.append(morphState) #for submesh in new_submeshes: #for morphState in morphs: #submorphVerts=[] #submorphUVs=[] #submorphActiv=False #submorphdata=[submorphVerts,submorphUVs,submorphActiv,morphState.morphName,morphState.tagName,morphState.tagObject] #submesh.morphs.append(submorphdata) #print ("parse = "+str(meshBlock.sceneObject.GetName())) workerSubMeshReader.collectSubmeshData(, exportData, workerthreat) # parse this object into a awd2-geometry-block if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # when the user has cancelled the process: return # we stop executing and return subMeshNr = 0 for subMesh in # for every SubMeshBlock that has been created: if workerthreat.TestBreak( ): # we check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.transformUVS( subMesh) # transform the uvs if needed (to allow for tilling etc) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.buildGeometryStreams( subMesh, exportData.scale,, subMeshNr) # build the AWD-geometry-streams for all submeshes subMeshNr += 1
def convertMesh(meshBlock, exportData, workerthreat): exportData.doc.SetActiveObject( if not return if not return createGeoMaterials = [] # this will store the list of materials used to split the polygons into submeshes applyToinstanceMaterials = ( [] ) # a list of materials that will be applied for each instance that is using this geometry allmaterials = [] allInstanceMaterials = [] allSelections = workerHelpers.getAllPolySelections(, exportData ) # get all the polygon-selections as a list of helperclass.PolySelection baseGeoMaterials = workerHelpers.getMaterials(, allSelections, False, exportData ) # get all the Materials that are applied by a textureTag on the PolygonObject directly useSelectionsComplete = False useInstanceSelection = [] print "baseGeoMaterials " + str(baseGeoMaterials) if ( len(baseGeoMaterials) > 0 ): # if a material is directly applied to the polygonObject, all instances will have this same materials (if they have not a different objectColorMode) print "useSelectionsComplete" for instanceBlock in if == True: instanceBlock = meshBlock textBaseMat = baseGeoMaterials[ 0 ] # the first material in this list should allways be a material not restricted by polySelection (e.g. the 'baseMaterial') useSelections, returnBasemat = workerHelpers.getObjectColorMode(, textBaseMat, exportData ) # get the BaseMaterial used by this Instance, and a boolean, if the selections should be used on this instance or not applyToinstanceMaterials.append(returnBasemat) useInstanceSelection.append(useSelections) if useSelections == True: # if the selections are used on this Instance: useSelectionsComplete = True # the polygonObject must be split into the selections if useSelectionsComplete == True: # if the polygonObject must be split: print "useSelectionsComplete" createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.cleanMaterialRestriction(, baseGeoMaterials ) # get all the Materials and make shure that each polygon is used ba only one material, delete unused materials instanceCnt = 0 useFirst = True if str(createGeoMaterials[0][1].name) != "Base": useFirst = False for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 if useFirst == True: newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt = 1 while geoMatCnt < len(createGeoMaterials): if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: newInstanceMats.append(createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][0]) if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == False: newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt += 1 = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if ( len(baseGeoMaterials) == 0 ): # if no materials are directly applied, we check all instances for their directly applied and inherited materials and the baseobject for the inherited too. instanceCnt = 0 for instanceBlock in instanceMaterials = workerHelpers.getMaterials(, allSelections, True, exportData ) # search for all materials that are applied to the instance-object (including inheritet tags) textBaseMat = None if ( == True ): # if the instance is considered a renderInstance, we use the baseObject (meshblock.sceneObject) for the ObjectColorMode-check instanceBlock = meshBlock if len(instanceMaterials) > 0: textBaseMat = instanceMaterials[0] useSelections, returnMat = workerHelpers.getObjectColorMode(, textBaseMat, exportData ) if len(instanceMaterials) == 0: instanceMaterials.append([]) instanceMaterials[0] = returnMat useInstanceSelection.append(useSelections) if useSelections == True: # if the selections are used on this Instance: useSelectionsComplete = True # the polygonObject must be split into the selections allInstanceMaterials.append(instanceMaterials) applyToinstanceMaterials.append(instanceMaterials[0]) if instanceCnt == 0: baseGeoMaterials = instanceMaterials instanceCnt += 1 if useSelectionsComplete == True: # if the polygonObject must be split: allMatsDic = {} allmaterials = [] instanceCnt = 0 allCleanMats = [] for instanceBlock in if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: print str(allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt]) cleanedMats = workerSubMeshReader.cleanMaterialRestriction(, allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt] ) # get all the Materials and make shure that each polygon is used ba only one material, delete unused materials allCleanMats.append(cleanedMats) for cleanedMat in cleanedMats: matExists = allMatsDic.get(str(cleanedMat[1].name), None) if matExists is None: allMatsDic[str(cleanedMat[1].name)] = cleanedMat cleanedMat.append(instanceBlock) allmaterials.append(cleanedMat) if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == False: allCleanMats.append([allInstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]]) instanceCnt += 1 createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.mergeMaterialRestriction(, allmaterials) instanceCnt = 0 useFirst = True if str(createGeoMaterials[0][1].name) != "Base": useFirst = False for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 if useFirst == True: newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt = 1 while geoMatCnt < len(createGeoMaterials): if useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == True: foundOnInstance = applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][ 0 ] # if this will not be changed, the baseMaterial will be set for this Submesh for intMat in allCleanMats[instanceCnt]: if str(intMat[1].name) == str(createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][1].name): foundOnInstance = intMat[0] break nameCnt = 0 for name in createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][1].multiNames: if str(intMat[1].name) == str(name): foundOnInstance = createGeoMaterials[geoMatCnt][1].multiMats[nameCnt] nameCnt += 1 newInstanceMats.append(foundOnInstance) if ( useInstanceSelection[instanceCnt] == False ): # if the instance does not use selections, we just apply the baseMaterial of this instance to all submeshes newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) geoMatCnt += 1 = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if useSelectionsComplete == False: # if the polygonObject must not be split createGeoMaterials = workerSubMeshReader.clearSubmeshIndexe(, baseGeoMaterials) instanceCnt = 0 for instanceBlock in newInstanceMats = [] geoMatCnt = 0 newInstanceMats.append(applyToinstanceMaterials[instanceCnt][0]) = newInstanceMats instanceCnt += 1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return poseAnimationDic = {} # for all materialBlocks that will be applied to MeshInstanceBlocks, we make shure that they are fully created (the textureBlocks will be created here) and set to tagForExport = True for instanceBlock in print "finalMats = " + str( # collect all vertexAnimations found on the InstanceObjects of the Geoemtrys on the Geometry itself (use dictionary to makes shure each animation is only used once) for vertexanimationBlock in addposeAnimationBlock(, vertexanimationBlock, poseAnimationDic) = mainLightRouting.getObjectLights(, exportData ) # get the LightPicker for this sceneObject (if the lightpicker does not allready exists, it will be created) matCount = 0 for mat in matAwdBlock = exportData.allAWDBlocks[int(mat)] if matAwdBlock is not None: repeat = False if len( == 0: = = False foundMat = mat else: foundMat = -1 for matID in if exportData.allAWDBlocks[int(matID)].data.lightPicker == if exportData.allAWDBlocks[int(matID)].data.repeat == repeat: foundMat = matID if foundMat == -1: foundMat = workerHelpers.copyAsNewMaterialBlock( exportData, matAwdBlock,, repeat )[matCount] = foundMat if == False and == False: = True mainMaterials.createMaterial(, exportData) # if>0: # matAwdBlock.tagForExport = True matCount += 1 for mat in createGeoMaterials: # create a SubMeshBlock for every Material/selection found and used # print "create Submesh: "+str(mat[0]) classesAWDBlocks.awdSubMesh(mat[0], mat[1].name, mat[1].selectionIndexe, mat[2]) ) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return # for instanceMat in allInstanceMaterials # for mat in finalMats: # create a SubMeshBlock for every Material/selection found # for instanceBlock in meshBlock.sceneBlocks: # saveMaterials= # if the meshBlock has a WeightTag-applied, we check if the mesh is used by one single skeleton or not. weightTag = if weightTag is not None: jointCount = weightTag.GetJointCount() allSkeletons = getUsedSkeletons(jointCount, weightTag, exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks, exportData.doc) if len(allSkeletons) == 0: print "Warning - No Joints are bound to a valid Skeleton" if len(allSkeletons) > 1: print "Warning - Not all Joints are bound to the same Skeleton" if len(allSkeletons) == 1: = weightTag if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return # morphs=[] # for morphState in allPointAndUvMorpTag: # if morphState.morphedObject==cur_mesh: # morphs.append(morphState) # for submesh in new_submeshes: # for morphState in morphs: # submorphVerts=[] # submorphUVs=[] # submorphActiv=False # submorphdata=[submorphVerts,submorphUVs,submorphActiv,morphState.morphName,morphState.tagName,morphState.tagObject] # submesh.morphs.append(submorphdata) # print ("parse = "+str(meshBlock.sceneObject.GetName())) workerSubMeshReader.collectSubmeshData(, exportData, workerthreat ) # parse this object into a awd2-geometry-block if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # when the user has cancelled the process: return # we stop executing and return subMeshNr = 0 for subMesh in # for every SubMeshBlock that has been created: if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # we check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.transformUVS(subMesh) # transform the uvs if needed (to allow for tilling etc) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.buildGeometryStreams( subMesh, exportData.scale,, subMeshNr ) # build the AWD-geometry-streams for all submeshes subMeshNr += 1
def convertMesh(meshBlock, exportData, workerthreat): exportData.doc.SetActiveObject(meshBlock.copiedMesh) if not meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(5604): return if not meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(5600): return materials = workerHelpers.getObjectsMaterials(meshBlock.copiedMesh) matCounter = 0 while matCounter < len(materials): meshBlock.saveSubMeshes.append( classesAWDBlocks.awdSubMesh( materials[matCounter][0], materials[matCounter][1].name, materials[matCounter][1].selectionIndexe, materials[matCounter][2])) matCounter += 1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return workerSubMeshReader.prepareSubmeshIndexe(meshBlock) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return # if the meshBlock has a WeightTag-applied, we create a "jointTranslater"-list, so when parsing the weight-data later, we know which joint-indicies to set. if meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights) != None: firstSkeleton = exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get( str( meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint( 0, exportData.doc).GetName()), None) noValidSkeleton = False if firstSkeleton != None: firstSkeletonName = exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks[str( meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint( 0, exportData.doc).GetName())].name jointcounter = 0 meshBlock.jointTranslater = [] while jointcounter < meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag( c4d.Tweights).GetJointCount(): curJoint = meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag(c4d.Tweights).GetJoint( jointcounter, exportData.doc) if curJoint is not None: if exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get( str(curJoint.GetName()), None) is None: noValidSkeleton = True break if exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks.get( str(curJoint.GetName()), None) is not None: if firstSkeletonName != exportData.jointIDstoSkeletonBlocks[ str(curJoint.GetName())].name: noValidSkeleton = True break meshBlock.jointTranslater.append( exportData.jointIDstoJointBlocks[str( curJoint.GetName())].jointID - 1) jointcounter += 1 if noValidSkeleton == False: pass #print "Skeleton Found: "+str(firstSkeletonName) if firstSkeleton == None or noValidSkeleton == True: jointcounter = 0 meshBlock.jointTranslater = [] while jointcounter < meshBlock.copiedMesh.GetTag( c4d.Tweights).GetJointCount(): meshBlock.jointTranslater.append(jointcounter) jointcounter += 1 if workerthreat.TestBreak(): return #morphs=[] #for morphState in allPointAndUvMorpTag: #if morphState.morphedObject==cur_mesh: #morphs.append(morphState) #for submesh in new_submeshes: #for morphState in morphs: #submorphVerts=[] #submorphUVs=[] #submorphActiv=False #submorphdata=[submorphVerts,submorphUVs,submorphActiv,morphState.morphName,morphState.tagName,morphState.tagObject] #submesh.morphs.append(submorphdata) workerSubMeshReader.collectSubmeshData( meshBlock, exportData, workerthreat) # parse this object into a awd2-geometry-block if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # when the user has cancelled the process: return # we stop executing and return for subMesh in meshBlock.saveSubMeshes: # for every SubMeshBlock that has been created: if workerthreat.TestBreak( ): # we check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.transformUVS( subMesh) # transform the uvs if needed (to allow for tilling etc) if workerthreat.TestBreak(): # check if the user cancelled the process return # and return if he has workerSubMeshReader.buildGeometryStreams( subMesh, exportData.scale ) # build the AWD-geometry-streams for all submeshes