def __init__(self, inputs, processors, period, extent, existing_inputs=False): ''' Inputs: {var_name: input_reader} Processors: {var_name: [p0, p1...]} ''' self.inputs = inputs self.processor_map = processors self.period = period self.split_periods = dt.split_period(self.period, 'a') self.control = mp.Queue() self.input_mapper = ClimateInputBridge(inputs, self.split_periods, extent, existing_inputs) #self.extent = extent.translate_to_origin(self.input_mapper.input_bridge.geo_ref) self.extent = extent
def resample_data(in_path, in_pattern, variable, period, out_path, to_freq, method, mode='w', enforce_mask=True, extent=None, use_weights=False): ''' method is 'sum' or 'mean' if no extent is supplied then the full (unmasked) input will be used 'use_weights' should be set for unequally binned conversions (monthly->annual means, for example) ''' from glob import glob import time import numpy as np from awrams.utils.messaging import reader as nr from awrams.utils.messaging import writer as nw from awrams.utils.messaging.brokers import OrderedFanInChunkBroker, FanOutChunkBroker from awrams.utils.messaging.general import message from awrams.utils.messaging.buffers import create_managed_buffers from awrams.utils.processing.chunk_resampler import ChunkedTimeResampler from awrams.utils.catchments import subdivide_extent from awrams.utils import datetools as dt from awrams.utils import mapping_types as mt from import data_mapping as dm start = time.time() NWORKERS = 2 read_ahead = 3 writemax = 3 BLOCKSIZE = 128 nbuffers = (NWORKERS * 2) + read_ahead + writemax # Receives all messages from clients ''' Build the 'standard queues' This should be wrapped up somewhere else for various topologies... ''' control_master = mp.Queue() worker_q = mp.Queue() for i in range(NWORKERS): worker_q.put(i) #Reader Queues chunk_out_r = mp.Queue(read_ahead) reader_in = dict(control=mp.Queue()) reader_out = dict(control=control_master, chunks=chunk_out_r) #Writer Queues chunk_in_w = mp.Queue(writemax) writer_in = dict(control=mp.Queue(), chunks=chunk_in_w) writer_out = dict(control=control_master) #FanIn queues fanout_in = dict(control=mp.Queue(), chunks=chunk_out_r, workers=worker_q) fanout_out = dict(control=control_master) fanin_in = dict(control=mp.Queue()) fanin_out = dict(control=control_master, out=chunk_in_w, workers=worker_q) #Worker Queues work_inq = [] work_outq = [] for i in range(NWORKERS): work_inq.append(mp.Queue()) fanout_out[i] = work_inq[-1] work_outq.append(mp.Queue()) fanin_in[i] = work_outq[-1] ''' End standard queues... ''' infiles = glob(in_path + '/' + in_pattern) if len(infiles) > 1: ff = dm.filter_years(period) else: ff = None sfm = dm.SplitFileManager.open_existing(in_path, in_pattern, variable, ff=ff) in_freq = sfm.get_frequency() split_periods = [period] if hasattr(in_freq, 'freqstr'): if in_freq.freqstr == 'D': #Force splitting so that flat files don't end up getting loaded entirely into memory! #Also a bit of a hack to deal with PeriodIndex/DTI issues... split_periods = dt.split_period( dt.resample_dti(period, 'd', as_period=False), 'a') in_periods = [dt.resample_dti(p, in_freq) for p in split_periods] in_pmap = sfm.get_period_map_multi(in_periods) out_periods = [] for p in in_periods: out_periods.append(dt.resample_dti(p, to_freq)) if extent is None: extent = sfm.ref_ds.get_extent(True) if extent.mask.size == 1: extent.mask = (np.ones(extent.shape) * extent.mask).astype(np.bool) sub_extents = subdivide_extent(extent, BLOCKSIZE) chunks = [nr.Chunk(*s.indices()) for s in sub_extents] out_period = dt.resample_dti(period, to_freq) out_cs = mt.gen_coordset(out_period, extent) v = mt.Variable.from_ncvar(sfm.ref_ds.awra_var) in_dtype = sfm.ref_ds.awra_var.dtype sfm.close_all() use_weights = False if method == 'mean': if dt.validate_timeframe(in_freq) == 'MONTHLY': use_weights = True ''' Need a way of formalising multiple buffer pools for different classes of work.. ''' max_inplen = max([len(p) for p in in_periods]) bufshape = (max_inplen, BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE) shared_buffers = {} shared_buffers['main'] = create_managed_buffers(nbuffers, bufshape, build=False) mvar = mt.MappedVariable(v, out_cs, in_dtype) sfm = dm.FlatFileManager(out_path, mvar) CLOBBER = mode == 'w' sfm.create_files(False, CLOBBER, chunksize=(1, BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE)) outfile_maps = { dict(, period_map=sfm.get_period_map_multi(out_periods)) } infile_maps = { dict(, period_map=in_pmap)} reader = nr.StreamingReader(reader_in, reader_out, shared_buffers, infile_maps, chunks, in_periods) writer = nw.MultifileChunkWriter(writer_in, writer_out, shared_buffers, outfile_maps, sub_extents, out_periods, enforce_mask=enforce_mask) fanout = FanOutChunkBroker(fanout_in, fanout_out) fanin = OrderedFanInChunkBroker(fanin_in, fanin_out, NWORKERS, len(chunks)) fanout.start() fanin.start() workers = [] w_control = [] for i in range(NWORKERS): w_in = dict(control=mp.Queue(), chunks=work_inq[i]) w_out = dict(control=control_master, chunks=work_outq[i]) w = ChunkedTimeResampler(w_in, w_out, shared_buffers, sub_extents, in_periods, to_freq, method, enforce_mask=enforce_mask, use_weights=use_weights) workers.append(w) w_control.append(w_in['control']) w.start() writer.start() reader.start() writer.join() fanout_in['control'].put(message('terminate')) fanin_in['control'].put(message('terminate')) for i in range(NWORKERS): w_control[i].put(message('terminate')) for x in range(4): control_master.get() for i in range(NWORKERS): workers[i].join() control_master.get() reader.join() fanout.join() fanin.join() end = time.time()"elapsed time: %ss", end - start)
def split_periods(self, period): return dt.split_period(period, 'm')
def split_dti(self, dti): return dt.split_period(dti, 'm')
def run(self,input_map,output_map,period,extent): #periods,chunks): ''' Should be the basis for new-style sim server Currently no file output, but runs inputgraph/model quite happily... ''' import time start = time.time() chunks = extents.subdivide_extent(extent,self.spatial_chunk) periods = dt.split_period(period,'a')"Getting I/O dataspecs...") #+++ Document rescaling separately, don't just change the graph behind the scenes... #mapping = graph.map_rescaling_nodes(input_map.mapping,extent) mapping = input_map filtered = graph.get_input_tree(self.model.get_input_keys(),mapping) input_nodes = {} worker_nodes = {} output_nodes = {} for k,v in filtered.items(): if 'io' in input_nodes[k] = v worker_nodes[k] = nodes.const(None) else: worker_nodes[k] = v for k,v in output_map.items(): try: if['io'] == 'from_model': output_nodes[k] = v except: # AttributeError: pass # print("EXCEPTION",k,v) igraph = graph.ExecutionGraph(input_nodes) self._set_max_dims(igraph) input_dspecs = igraph.get_dataspecs(True) #+++ No guarantee this will close files. Put in separate function? del igraph model_dspecs = graph.ExecutionGraph(mapping).get_dataspecs(True) output_dspecs = graph.OutputGraph(output_nodes).get_dataspecs(True) self.model.init_shared(model_dspecs) ### initialise output ncfiles"Initialising output files...") outgraph = graph.OutputGraph(output_map) outgraph.initialise(period,extent) #+++ Can we guarantee that statespecs will be 64bit for recycling? # NWORKERS = 2 # READ_AHEAD = 1 sspec = DataSpec('array',['cell'],np.float64) state_specs = {} for k in self.model.get_state_keys(): init_k = 'init_' + k input_dspecs[init_k] = sspec state_specs[k] = sspec"Building buffers...") input_bufs = create_managed_buffergroups(input_dspecs,self.max_dims,self.num_workers+self.read_ahead) state_bufs = create_managed_buffergroups(state_specs,self.max_dims,self.num_workers*2+self.read_ahead) output_bufs = create_managed_buffergroups(output_dspecs,self.max_dims,self.num_workers+self.read_ahead) all_buffers = dict(inputs=input_bufs,states=state_bufs,outputs=output_bufs) smc = SharedMemClient(all_buffers,False) control_master = mp.Queue() control_status = mp.Queue() state_returnq =mp.Queue() chunkq = mp.Queue() chunkoutq = mp.Queue() reader_inq = dict(control=mp.Queue(),state_return=state_returnq) reader_outq = dict(control=control_master,chunks=chunkq) writer_inq = dict(control=mp.Queue(),chunks=chunkoutq) writer_outq = dict(control=control_master,log=mp.Queue()) #,chunks=chunkq) child_control_qs = [reader_inq['control'],writer_inq['control'],writer_outq['log']]"Running simulation...") workers = [] for w in range(self.num_workers): worker_inq = dict(control=mp.Queue(),chunks=chunkq) worker_outq = dict(control=control_master,state_return=state_returnq,chunks=chunkoutq) worker_p = mg.ModelGraphRunner(worker_inq,worker_outq,all_buffers,chunks,periods,worker_nodes,self.model) worker_p.start() workers.append(worker_p) child_control_qs.append(worker_inq['control']) control = ControlMaster(control_master, control_status, child_control_qs) control.start() reader_p = input_reader.InputGraphRunner(reader_inq,reader_outq,all_buffers,chunks,periods,input_nodes,self.model.get_state_keys()) reader_p.start() writer_p = writer.OutputGraphRunner(writer_inq,writer_outq,all_buffers,chunks,periods,output_map) writer_p.start() log = True while log: msg = writer_outq['log'].get() if msg['subject'] == 'terminate': log = False else:['subject']) writer_p.join() for w in workers: w.qin['control'].put(message('terminate')) # control_master.get_nowait() w.join() reader_inq['control'].put(message('terminate')) control_master.put(message('finished')) problem = False msg = control_status.get() if msg['subject'] == 'exception_raised': problem = True control.join() reader_p.join() if problem: raise Exception("Problem detected")"elapsed time: %.2f",time.time() - start)
def split_period_annual_chunked(in_dti,chunksize): out_a= dt.split_period(in_dti,'a') all_out = [] for dti in out_a: all_out = all_out + [DomainMappedDatetimeIndex(d) for d in dt.split_period_chunks(dti,chunksize)] return all_out