コード例 #1
ファイル: aws_http.py プロジェクト: rcosnita/aws-tests
 def setUp(self):
     AwsExceptionsFactory.add_exception("TestEx", TestEx)
     self._http_cls = Mock()
     self._http_module = Mock(return_value=self._http_cls)
     self._http_client = AwsHttpClient(self._http_module)
コード例 #2
 def test_add_exception(self):
     '''Test case for add_exception method success scenario.'''
     AwsExceptionsFactory.add_exception("AccessDenied", TestEx)
     result = AwsExceptionsFactory._EX_REGISTRY.get("AccessDenied")
     self.assertIs(TestEx, result)
コード例 #3
 def test_get_exception_concrete(self):
     '''Test case for get exception method when a concrete exception is found.'''
     AwsExceptionsFactory.add_exception("AccessDenied", TestEx)
     for code in ["AccessDenied", "Access.Denied"]:
         self._error_response["ErrorResponse"]["Error"]["Code"] = code
         ex = AwsExceptionsFactory.get_exception(self._error_response)
         self.assertIsInstance(ex, TestEx)
         self.assertEqual(400, ex.http_status)
         self.assertEqual("Sender", ex.error_type)
         self.assertEqual("AccessDenied", ex.error_code)
         self.assertEqual("Test message", ex.error_msg)
         self.assertEqual("123", ex.request_id)
コード例 #4
ファイル: aws_http.py プロジェクト: rcosnita/aws-tests
 def do_request(self, url, headers, action, method="GET"):
     '''Method used to execute an aws http request. In case an exception occurs an aws strong type exception is thrown.
     Otherwise the json response is returned.
     :param url: The AWS SQS url we want to invoke through http.
     :type url: string
     :param headers: A dictionary containing all signed headers we want to send to aws.
     :type headers: dict
     :param action: The sqs action we are currently invoking against SQS. It is used for extracting only useful part of 
     the response.
     :type action: string
     :param method: The HTTP method used for invoking the url.
     :type method: string
     :returns: json
     :except: :py:class:`aws.core.aws_exceptions.AwsGenericException`
     request = self._http_module()
     resp, content = request.request(url, method, headers=headers)
     if resp.status >= 400:
         err_resp = json.loads(content.decode())
         raise AwsExceptionsFactory.get_exception(err_resp)
     if not content:
         return {}
     content = json.loads(content.decode())
     return content["%sResponse" % action]["%sResult" % action]
コード例 #5
 def test_get_exception_generic(self):
     '''Test case for get exception method when no concrete exception is found but the error response is valid.'''
     ex = AwsExceptionsFactory.get_exception(self._error_response, 400)
     self.assertIsInstance(ex, AwsGenericException)
     self.assertEqual(400, ex.http_status)
     self.assertEqual("Sender", ex.error_type)
     self.assertEqual("AccessDenied", ex.error_code)
     self.assertEqual("Test message", ex.error_msg)
     self.assertEqual("123", ex.request_id)
コード例 #6
ファイル: iaws_config.py プロジェクト: rcosnita/aws-tests
    def test_register_exceptions_from_module(self):
        '''Test case for checking that exceptions from a given module are registered correctly.'''        
        expected_exceptions = inspect.getmembers(aws_exceptions, 
                                                   lambda obj: inspect.isclass(obj) and 
                                                            issubclass(obj, aws_exceptions.AwsGenericException) and
                                                            obj != aws_exceptions.AwsGenericException)
        self.assertGreater(len(expected_exceptions), 0, "aws_exceptions module must contain all common aws exceptions.")
        self.assertEqual(len(expected_exceptions), len(AwsExceptionsFactory._EX_REGISTRY.keys()))

        err_resp = {"ErrorResponse": {"Error": {"Type": "Sender", "Message": "Test", "Code": "AccessDenied"},
                                      "RequestId": "123"}}
        ex = AwsExceptionsFactory.get_exception(err_resp)
        self.assertEqual(403, ex.http_status)
        self.assertEqual("Test", ex.error_msg)
        self.assertEqual("Sender", ex.error_type)
        self.assertEqual("123", ex.request_id)
コード例 #7
 def test_add_exception_exist(self):
     '''Test case for add_exception method when the code is already registered in the factory.'''
     AwsExceptionsFactory.add_exception("AccessDenied", TestEx)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, AwsExceptionsFactory.add_exception, *["AccessDenied", TestEx])