コード例 #1
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: derosm2/gantryd
class Component(object):
    """ A component that can be/is running. Tracks all the runtime information
      for a component.

    def __init__(self, manager, config):
        # Logging.
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # The overall manager for components, which tracks global state.
        self.manager = manager

        # The underlying config for the component.
        self.config = config

        # The manager for registering/deregistering targets in ELB
        self.elb_manager = ELB(self.config.elb_target_group_arn)

    def applyConfigOverrides(self, config_overrides):
        """ Applies the list of configuration overrides to this component's config.
        Format: ['Name=Value', 'Name.SubName=Value']
        for override in config_overrides:

    def getName(self):
        """ Returns the name of the component. """
        return self.config.name

    def lookupExportedComponentLink(self, link_name):
        """ Looks up the exported component link with the given name and returns it or None if none. """

    def isRunning(self):
        """ Returns whether this component has at least one running container. Note that
        this will return True for ALL possible containers of the component, including
        deprecated ones.
        self.logger.debug("Checking if component %s is running", self.getName())
        client = getDockerClient()
        return len(self.getAllContainers(client)) > 0

    def getPrimaryContainer(self):
        """ Returns the container for this component that is not marked as draining or None if
        client = getDockerClient()
        for container in self.getAllContainers(client):
            if getContainerStatus(container) != "draining":
                return container

        return None

    def getImageId(self):
        """ Returns the docker ID of the image used for this component. Note that this
        will *not* return the *named* image, but rather the full UUID-like ID.
        client = getDockerClient()
        named_image = self.config.getFullImage()
        self.logger.debug("Finding image ID for component %s with named image %s", self.getName(), named_image)
        result = client.inspect_image(named_image)
        return result["Id"]

    def pullRepo(self):
        """ Attempts to pull the repo for this component. On failure, returns False. """
                "Attempting to pull repo for component %s: %s:%s", self.getName(), self.config.repo, self.config.tag
            client = getDockerClient()
            client.pull(self.config.repo, tag=self.config.tag)
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def update(self):
        """ Updates a running instance of the component. Returns True on success and False
        self.logger.debug("Updating component %s", self.getName())
        client = getDockerClient()

        # Get the list of currently running container(s).
        existing_containers = self.getAllContainers(client)
        existing_primary = self.getPrimaryContainer()

        # Start the new instance.
        container = self.start()
        if not container:
            return False

        # Mark all the existing containers as draining.
        for existing in existing_containers:
            setContainerStatus(existing, "draining")

        # Signal the existing primary container to terminate
        if existing_primary is not None:
            self.manager.terminateContainer(existing_primary, self)

        return True

    def stop(self, kill=False):
        """ Stops all containers for this component. """
        if not self.isRunning():

        self.logger.debug("Stopping component %s", self.getName())
        client = getDockerClient()

        # Mark all the containers as draining.
        report("Draining all containers...", component=self)
        for container in self.getAllContainers(client):
            setContainerStatus(container, "draining")
            self.manager.terminateContainer(container, self)

        # Kill any associated containers if asked.
        if kill:
            for container in self.getAllContainers(client):
                report("Killing container " + container["Id"][:12], component=self)

    def getContainerInformation(self):
        """ Returns the container status information for all containers. """
        client = getDockerClient()
        information = []

        for container in self.getAllContainers(client):
            information.append((container, getContainerStatus(container)))

        return information

    def isHealthy(self):
        """ Runs the health checks on this component's container, ensuring that it is healthy.
        Returns True if healthy and False otherwise.
        self.logger.debug("Checking if component %s is healthy...", self.getName())
        container = self.getPrimaryContainer()
        if not container:
            self.logger.debug("No container running for component %s", self.getName())
            return False

        checks = []
        for check in self.config.health_checks:
            checks.append((check, buildHealthCheck(check)))

        for (config, check) in checks:
            report("Running health check: " + config.getTitle(), component=self)
            result = check.run(container, report)
            if not result:
                report("Health check failed", component=self)
                return False

        self.logger.debug("Component %s is healthy", self.getName())
        return True


    def readyCheck(self, container, timeout):
        """ Method which performs ready health check(s) on a container, returning whether
        they succeeded or not.

        container: The container running the component that will be checked.
        timeout: The amount of time after which the checks have timed out.
        self.logger.debug("Checking if component %s is ready...", self.getName())
        checks = []
        for check in self.config.ready_checks:
            checks.append((check, buildHealthCheck(check)))

        start = time.time()
        while True:
            now = time.time()
            if now - start > timeout:
                # Timed out completely.
                self.logger.debug("Component %s ready checks have timed out")
                return False

            # Try each check. If any fail, we'll sleep and try again.
            check_failed = None
            for (config, check) in checks:
                report("Running health check: " + config.getTitle(), component=self)
                result = check.run(container, report)
                if not result:
                    report("Health check failed", component=self)
                    check_failed = config

            if check_failed:
                report("Sleeping " + str(check_failed.timeout) + " second(s)...", component=self)

        return True

    def start(self):
        """ Starts a new instance of the component. Note that this does *not* update the proxy. """
        client = getDockerClient()
        self.logger.debug("Starting container for component %s", self.getName())

        # Ensure that we have the image. If not, we try to download it.

        # Start the instance with the proper image ID.
        container = self.createContainer(client)
        report("Starting container " + container["Id"][:12], component=self)

        if self.config.privileged:
            report("Container will be run in privileged mode", component=self)


        # Health check until the instance is ready.
        report("Waiting for health checks...", component=self)


        # Start a health check thread to determine when the component is ready.
        timeout = self.config.getReadyCheckTimeout()
        readycheck_thread = Thread(target=self.readyCheck, args=[container, timeout])
        readycheck_thread.daemon = True

        # Wait for the health thread to finish.

        # If the thread is still alived, then our join timed out.
        if readycheck_thread.isAlive():
            report("Timed out waiting for health checks. Stopping container...", component=self)
            report("Container stopped", component=self)
            return None

        # Otherwise, the container is ready. Set it as starting.
        setContainerComponent(container, self.getName())
        setContainerStatus(container, "running")
        return container

    def getAllContainers(self, client):
        """ Returns all the matching containers for this component. """
        containers = []
        for container in client.containers():
            containerName = getContainerComponent(container)
            if (
                not containerName and container["Image"] == self.config.getFullImage()
            ) or containerName == self.getName():

        return containers

    def calculateEnvForComponent(self):
        """ Calculates the dict of environment variables for this component. """
        links = self.config.getComponentLinks()
        environment = self.config.getEnvironmentVariables()

        for link_alias, link_name in links.items():
            component_link_info = self.manager.lookupComponentLink(link_name)
            if not component_link_info:
                fail("Component link %s not defined on any component" % link_name, component=self)
                return None

            if not component_link_info.running:
                info = (link_name, component_link_info.component.getName())
                fail('Component link "%s" cannot be setup: Component "%s" is not running' % info, component=self)
                return None

            # Component link env var format:
            #   THEALIAS_CLINK=tcp://{hostip}:{hostport}
            #   THEALIAS_CLINK_6379_TCP=tcp://{hostip}:{hostport}
            #   THEALIAS_CLINK_6379_TCP_PROTO=tcp
            #   THEALIAS_CLINK_6379_TCP_ADDR={hostip}
            #   THEALIAS_CLINK_6379_TCP_PORT={hostport}

            prefix = link_alias.upper() + "_CLINK"
            prefix_with_port = prefix + "_" + str(component_link_info.container_port)
            full_prefix = prefix_with_port + ("_HTTP" if component_link_info.kind == "http" else "_TCP")
            full_uri = "%s://%s:%s" % (

            environment[prefix] = full_uri
            environment[full_prefix] = full_uri
            environment[full_prefix + "_PROTO"] = component_link_info.kind
            environment[full_prefix + "_ADDR"] = component_link_info.address
            environment[full_prefix + "_PORT"] = component_link_info.exposed_port

        return environment

    def createContainer(self, client):
        """ Creates a docker container for this component and returns it. """
        command = self.getCommand()
        if not command:
                "No command defined in either gantry config or docker image for component " + self.getName(),

        self.logger.debug("Starting container for component %s with command %s", self.getName(), command)

        host_config = {"privileged": self.config.privileged}

        if self.config.bindings:
            host_config["binds"] = {b.external: {"bind": b.volume} for b in self.config.bindings}

        if self.config.volumes_from:
            host_config["volumes_from"] = self.config.volumes_from

        if self.config.restart_policy:
            host_config["restart_policy"] = {
                "Name": self.config.restart_policy.name,
                "MaximumRetryCount": self.config.restart_policy.max_retry_count,

        host_config["port_bindings"] = dict([(80, self.elb_manager.newPort())])

        host_config = client.create_host_config(**host_config)

        container = client.create_container(
            name="%s_%s" % (self.getName(), int(time.time())),

        return container

    def getCommand(self):
        """ Returns the command to run or None if none found. """
        config_command = self.config.getCommand()
        if config_command:
            return config_command

        client = getDockerClient()
        named_image = self.config.getFullImage()
        result = client.inspect_image(named_image)
        container_cfg = result["Config"]
        if not "Cmd" in container_cfg:
            return None

        return " ".join(container_cfg["Cmd"])

    def ensureImage(self, client):
        """ Ensures that the image for this component is present locally. If not,
        we attempt to pull the image.
        images = client.images(name=self.config.repo)
        if images:
            for image in images:
                if "RepoTags" in image.keys() and self.config.getFullImage() in image["RepoTags"]:

            client.pull(self.config.repo, tag=self.config.tag)
        except Exception as e:
            fail("Could not pull repo " + self.config.repo, component=self, exception=str(e))