コード例 #1
def create_elastic_load_balancer():
    elb_conn = get_elb_connection_obj()

    # setup availability zones to which this lb forwards requests
    ports = [(80, cfg['webapp_instance_port'], 'http'), (443, cfg['webapp_instance_port'], 'http')]
    subnets = get_vpc_subnets()
    elb_sg = get_security_group(cfg['webapp_elb_sg_name'])

    # create the load balancer.  NB:  zones must be None when associating elb to non-default vpc
    elb = elb_conn.create_load_balancer(name=cfg['elb_name'], zones=None, listeners=ports,
                                        subnets=subnets, security_groups=[elb_sg.id])

    # Add the health check configuration to the ELB.
    hc = HealthCheck(
        target='HTTP:' + str(cfg['webapp_instance_port']) + cfg['health_check_url']


    print 'elastic load balancer created: ', elb
    print 'elastic load balancer dns: ', elb.dns_name

    return elb
コード例 #2
def create_cname_to_elb(cname, elb_name=None, app_domain=None):
    cname = formatDomain(cname)

    if not elb_name:
        print 'elastic load balancer name not passed to script.  querying aws based on configuration file'
        elb_name = cfg['elb_name']
        if not elb_name:
            raise Exception("ERROR! elastic load balancer name not specified on cmd line or in configuration file")

    elb_conn = get_elb_connection_obj()
    elb = elb_conn.get_all_load_balancers(load_balancer_names=[elb_name])[0]
    print 'elb: %s' % elb

    elb_dns_name = elb.dns_name

    if not app_domain:
        app_domain = formatDomain(cfg['app_domain_name'])
    print 'adding cname to domain: %s' % app_domain

    route53 = get_route53_connection_obj()
    hosted_zone = route53.get_zone(app_domain)
    print 'hosted zone discovered: %s' % hosted_zone
    print 'zone id: %s' % hosted_zone.id
    zone_id = hosted_zone.id

    changes = ResourceRecordSets(route53, zone_id)

    change = changes.add_change("CREATE", cname, "CNAME", ttl=60)

    # try:
    # except Exception, e:
    #     logging.error(e)

        # elb_id =
        # if not elb_id:
        #     raise Exception("ERROR! domain name not specified on cmd line or in configuration file")

    # ok we have a domain name.  it must end with a period before setting it up as a hosted zone

    print 'creating route53 hosted zone from domain name %s' % cname