コード例 #1
def split_index(service):
    #Split index format: region -> term type -> product family
    indexDict = {}  #contains the keys of the files that will be created
    productFamilies = {}
    usageGroupings = []
    partition_keys = phelper.get_partition_keys('')
    for pk in partition_keys:
        indexDict[pk] = []

    fieldnames = []

    with open(get_index_file_name(service, 'index', 'csv'), 'rb') as csvfile:
        pricelist = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        indexRegion = ''
        x = 0
        for row in pricelist:
            indexKey = ''
            if x == 0: fieldnames = row.keys()
            if 'Location Type' in row:
                if row['Location Type'] == 'AWS Region':
                    indexRegion = row['Location']
            if 'Product Family' in row:
                if row['Product Family'] == consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_DATA_TRANSFER:
                    indexRegion = row['From Location']

            indexKey = phelper.create_file_key(indexRegion, row['TermType'],
                                               row['Product Family'])
            if indexKey in indexDict:

            #Get a list of distinct product families in the index file
            productFamily = row['Product Family']
            if productFamily not in productFamilies:
                productFamilies[productFamily] = []
            usageGroup = row['Group']
            if usageGroup not in productFamilies[productFamily]:

            x += 1

    #print "metadata: {}".format(metadata)

    i = 0
    for f in indexDict.keys():
        if indexDict[f]:
            i += 1
            print "Writing file for key: [{}]".format(f)
            with open(get_index_file_name(service, f, 'csv'), 'w') as csvfile:
                writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
                for r in indexDict[f]:

    print "Number of files written: [{}]".format(i)
コード例 #2
def split_index(service, region, term, **args):
    #Split index format: region -> term type -> product family
    indexDict = {}#contains the keys of the files that will be created
    productFamilies = {}
    partition_keys = phelper.get_partition_keys(service, region, term, **args)#All regions and all term types (On-Demand + Reserved)
    for pk in partition_keys:

    fieldnames = []

    #with open(get_index_file_name(service, 'index', 'csv'), 'rb') as csvfile:
    with open(get_index_file_name(service, 'index', 'csv'), 'r') as csvfile:
        pricelist = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        indexRegion = ''
        x = 0
        for row in pricelist:
            indexKey = ''
            if x==0: fieldnames=row.keys()
            if row.get('Location Type','') == 'AWS Region':
                indexRegion = row['Location']
            if row.get('Product Family','')== consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_DATA_TRANSFER:
                indexRegion = row['From Location']

            #Determine the index partition the current row belongs to and append it to the corresponding array
            if row.get('TermType','') == consts.TERM_TYPE_RESERVED:
                #TODO:move the creation of the index dimensions to a common function
                if service == consts.SERVICE_EC2:
                    indexDimensions = (indexRegion,row['TermType'],row['Product Family'],row['OfferingClass'],row['Tenancy'], row['PurchaseOption'])
                elif service in (consts.SERVICE_RDS, consts.SERVICE_REDSHIFT):#'Tenancy' is not part of the RDS/Redshift index, therefore default it to Shared
                    indexDimensions = (indexRegion,row['TermType'],row['Product Family'],row['OfferingClass'],row.get('Tenancy',consts.EC2_TENANCY_SHARED),row['PurchaseOption'])
                if service == consts.SERVICE_EC2:
                    indexDimensions = (indexRegion,row['TermType'],row['Product Family'],row['Tenancy'])
                    indexDimensions = (indexRegion,row['TermType'],row['Product Family'])

            #print ("TermType:[{}] - service:[{}] - indexDimensions:[{}]".format(row.get('TermType',''), service, indexDimensions))

            indexKey = phelper.create_file_key(indexDimensions)
            if indexKey in indexDict:
                indexDict[indexKey].append(remove_fields(service, row))

            #Get a list of distinct product families in the index file
            productFamily = row['Product Family']
            if productFamily not in productFamilies:
                productFamilies[productFamily] = []
            usageGroup = row.get('Group','')
            if usageGroup not in productFamilies[productFamily]:

            x += 1
            if x % 1000 == 0: print("Processed row [{}]".format(x))

    print ("productFamilies:{}".format(productFamilies))

    i = 0
    #Create csv files based on the partitions that were calculated when scanning the main index.csv file
    for f in indexDict.keys():
        if indexDict[f]:
            i += 1
            print ("Writing file for key: [{}]".format(f))
            with open(get_index_file_name(service, f, 'csv'),'w') as csvfile:
                writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect='excel', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
                for r in indexDict[f]:

    print ("Number of records in main index file: [{}]".format(x))
    print ("Number of files written: [{}]".format(i))
コード例 #3
def split_index(service, region):
    #Split index format: region -> term type -> product family
    indexDict = {}  #contains the keys of the files that will be created
    productFamilies = {}
    usageGroupings = []
    partition_keys = phelper.get_partition_keys(
        region, '')  #All regions and all term types (On-Demand + Reserved)
    for pk in partition_keys:
        indexDict[pk] = []

    #print ("indexDict:[{}]".format(indexDict))

    fieldnames = []

    with open(get_index_file_name(service, 'index', 'csv'), 'rb') as csvfile:
        pricelist = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        indexRegion = ''
        x = 0
        for row in pricelist:
            indexKey = ''
            if x == 0: fieldnames = row.keys()
            if row.get('Location Type', '') == 'AWS Region':
                indexRegion = row['Location']
            if row.get('Product Family',
                       '') == consts.PRODUCT_FAMILY_DATA_TRANSFER:
                indexRegion = row['From Location']

            #Determine the index partition the current row belongs to and append it to the corresponding array
            #TODO: add support for Reserved RDS
            if row['TermType'] == consts.TERM_TYPE_RESERVED and service == consts.SERVICE_EC2:
                #TODO:move the creation of the index dimensions to a common function
                indexDimensions = (indexRegion, row['TermType'],
                                   row['Product Family'], row['OfferingClass'],
                                   row['Tenancy'], row['PurchaseOption'])
                indexDimensions = (indexRegion, row['TermType'],
                                   row['Product Family'])

            #indexKey = phelper.create_file_key(indexRegion,row['TermType'],row['Product Family'])
            indexKey = phelper.create_file_key(indexDimensions)
            #print ("indexKey to write to: [{}] ".format(indexKey))
            if indexKey in indexDict:
                #print ("adding indexKey [{}] in indexDict".format(indexKey))

            #Get a list of distinct product families in the index file
            productFamily = row['Product Family']
            if productFamily not in productFamilies:
                productFamilies[productFamily] = []
            usageGroup = row['Group']
            if usageGroup not in productFamilies[productFamily]:

            x += 1

    #print "metadata: {}".format(metadata)

    i = 0
    #Create csv files based on the partitions that were calculated when scanning the main index.csv file
    for f in indexDict.keys():
        if indexDict[f]:
            i += 1
            print "Writing file for key: [{}]".format(f)
            with open(get_index_file_name(service, f, 'csv'), 'w') as csvfile:
                writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile,
                for r in indexDict[f]:

    print "Number of files written: [{}]".format(i)