コード例 #1
def memory_inventory():
    inventory = MemInventory()
    h = inventory.get_host('my_host')
    h.variables = {'foo': 'bar'}
    g = inventory.get_group('my_group')
    g.variables = {'foobar': 'barfoo'}
    h2 = inventory.get_host('group_host')
    return inventory
コード例 #2
def test_create_child_group():
    inventory = MemInventory()
    g1 = inventory.get_group('g1')
    # Create new group by name as child of g1
    g2 = inventory.get_group('g2', g1)
    # Check that child is in the children of the parent group
    assert g1.children == [g2]
    # Check that _only_ the parent group is listed as a root group
    assert inventory.all_group.children == [g1]
    # Check that _both_ are tracked by the global `all_groups` dict
    assert set(inventory.all_group.all_groups.values()) == set([g1, g2])
コード例 #3
ファイル: inventory_import.py プロジェクト: traytonwhite/awx
    def perform_update(self, options, data, inventory_update):
        """Shared method for both awx-manage CLI updates and inventory updates
        from the tasks system.

        This saves the inventory data to the database, calling load_into_database
        but also wraps that method in a host of options processing
        # outside of normal options, these are needed as part of programatic interface
        self.inventory = inventory_update.inventory
        self.inventory_source = inventory_update.inventory_source
        self.inventory_update = inventory_update

        # the update options, could be parser object or dict
        self.overwrite = bool(options.get('overwrite', False))
        self.overwrite_vars = bool(options.get('overwrite_vars', False))
        self.enabled_var = options.get('enabled_var', None)
        self.enabled_value = options.get('enabled_value', None)
        self.group_filter = options.get('group_filter', None) or r'^.+$'
        self.host_filter = options.get('host_filter', None) or r'^.+$'
        self.exclude_empty_groups = bool(options.get('exclude_empty_groups', False))
        self.instance_id_var = options.get('instance_id_var', None)

            self.group_filter_re = re.compile(self.group_filter)
        except re.error:
            raise CommandError('invalid regular expression for --group-filter')
            self.host_filter_re = re.compile(self.host_filter)
        except re.error:
            raise CommandError('invalid regular expression for --host-filter')

        begin = time.time()

        # Since perform_update can be invoked either through the awx-manage CLI
        # or from the task system, we need to create a new lock at this level
        # (even though inventory_import.Command.handle -- which calls
        # perform_update -- has its own lock, inventory_ID_import)
        with advisory_lock('inventory_{}_perform_update'.format(self.inventory.id)):

            except PermissionDenied as e:
                raise e

                # Check the per-org host limits
            except PermissionDenied as e:
                raise e

            if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                queries_before = len(connection.queries)

            # Update inventory update for this command line invocation.
            with ignore_inventory_computed_fields():
                # TODO: move this to before perform_update
                iu = self.inventory_update
                if iu.status != 'running':
                    with transaction.atomic():
                        self.inventory_update.status = 'running'

            logger.info('Processing JSON output...')
            inventory = MemInventory(group_filter_re=self.group_filter_re, host_filter_re=self.host_filter_re)
            inventory = dict_to_mem_data(data, inventory=inventory)

            logger.info('Loaded %d groups, %d hosts', len(inventory.all_group.all_groups), len(inventory.all_group.all_hosts))

            if self.exclude_empty_groups:

            self.all_group = inventory.all_group

            if settings.DEBUG:
                # depending on inventory source, this output can be
                # *exceedingly* verbose - crawling a deeply nested
                # inventory/group data structure and printing metadata about
                # each host and its memberships
                # it's easy for this scale of data to overwhelm pexpect,
                # (and it's likely only useful for purposes of debugging the
                # actual inventory import code), so only print it if we have to:
                # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-tower/issues/7414#issuecomment-321615104

            with batch_role_ancestor_rebuilding():
                # If using with transaction.atomic() with try ... catch,
                # with transaction.atomic() must be inside the try section of the code as per Django docs
                    # Ensure that this is managed as an atomic SQL transaction,
                    # and thus properly rolled back if there is an issue.
                    with transaction.atomic():
                        # Merge/overwrite inventory into database.
                        if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                            logger.warning('loading into database...')
                        with ignore_inventory_computed_fields():
                            if getattr(settings, 'ACTIVITY_STREAM_ENABLED_FOR_INVENTORY_SYNC', True):
                                with disable_activity_stream():
                            if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                                queries_before2 = len(connection.queries)
                        if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                            logger.warning('update computed fields took %d queries', len(connection.queries) - queries_before2)

                        # Check if the license is valid.
                        # If the license is not valid, a CommandError will be thrown,
                        # and inventory update will be marked as invalid.
                        # with transaction.atomic() will roll back the changes.
                        license_fail = True

                        # Check the per-org host limits
                        license_fail = False
                except PermissionDenied as e:
                    if license_fail:
                    raise e

                if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                    logger.warning('Inventory import completed for %s in %0.1fs', self.inventory_source.name, time.time() - begin)
                    logger.info('Inventory import completed for %s in %0.1fs', self.inventory_source.name, time.time() - begin)

            # If we're in debug mode, then log the queries and time
            # used to do the operation.
            if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
                queries_this_import = connection.queries[queries_before:]
                sqltime = sum(float(x['time']) for x in queries_this_import)
                logger.warning('Inventory import required %d queries ' 'taking %0.3fs', len(queries_this_import), sqltime)
コード例 #4
def test_ungrouped_mechanics():
    # ansible-inventory returns a group called `ungrouped`
    # we can safely treat this the same as the `all_group`
    inventory = MemInventory()
    ug = inventory.get_group('ungrouped')
    assert ug is inventory.all_group
コード例 #5
def test_inventory_create_all_group():
    inventory = MemInventory()
    assert inventory.all_group.name == 'all'