observer = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodObserver(printby) term = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodTerminator(checkby) for i in range(0,len(square_dim_list)): xdim = square_dim_list[i] ydim = square_dim_list[i] g = igraph.Graph.Lattice([xdim,ydim], nei=1, directed=False, circular=False) env = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodEnvironment(g) for k in range(0,N): this_s_time = time.clock() # get this simulation's seed curseed = seedlist[place] place = place + 1 np.random.seed(curseed) timeobj = dworp.BasicTime(n_tsteps) # reset all the agent states agents = [axelrod_aurora_test1.Site(v,num_features,num_traits) for v in g.vs] # ensuring reproducibility by setting the seed scheduler = dworp.RandomOrderScheduler(np.random.RandomState(curseed+1)) sim = dworp.TwoStageSimulation(agents, env, timeobj, scheduler, observer,terminator=term) lastcount = observer.computenumregions(0,agents,env) allresults[i,k] = lastcount this_e_time = time.clock() alltimings[i,k] = this_e_time - this_s_time try: end_time = time.clock() sim_time_minutes = float(end_time-start_time)/60.0 print("simulation finished after %.2f minutes" % (sim_time_minutes)) except: print("error here") pdb.set_trace()
ydim = square_dim_list[i] g = igraph.Graph.Lattice([xdim, ydim], nei=1, directed=False, circular=False) env = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodEnvironment(g) for k in range(0, N): this_s_time = time.clock() # get this simulation's seed curseed = seedlist[place] place = place + 1 np.random.seed(curseed) timeobj = dworp.BasicTime(n_tsteps) # reset all the agent states agents = [ axelrod_aurora_test1.Site(v, num_features, num_traits) for v in g.vs ] # ensuring reproducibility by setting the seed scheduler = dworp.RandomOrderScheduler( np.random.RandomState(curseed + 1)) sim = dworp.TwoStageSimulation(agents, env, timeobj, scheduler, observer, terminator=term) lastcount = observer.computenumregions(0, agents, env) allresults[i, k] = lastcount this_e_time = time.clock()
allresults = np.zeros([len(features_list), len(numtraits_list), N]) place = 0 for i in range(0, len(features_list)): num_features = features_list[i] for j in range(0, len(numtraits_list)): num_traits = numtraits_list[j] for k in range(0, N): # get this simulation's seed curseed = seedlist[place] place = place + 1 np.random.seed(curseed) g = igraph.Graph.Lattice([xdim, ydim], nei=1, directed=False, circular=False) agents = [axelrod_aurora_test1.Site(v) for v in g.vs] env = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodEnvironment(g) time = dworp.BasicTime(n_tsteps) # ensuring reproducibility by setting the seed scheduler = dworp.RandomOrderScheduler( np.random.RandomState(curseed + 1)) observer = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodObserver(printby) term = axelrod_aurora_test1.AxelrodTerminator(checkby) sim = dworp.TwoStageSimulation(agents, env, time, scheduler, observer, terminator=term) lastcount = observer.computenumregions(0, agents, env)