コード例 #1
def py_test_02():

    # parse content
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
        return False

    # get the node
    node = doc.get ("/content/load/value")

    node2 = axl.Node ("test")
    node2.attr ('id', "10")

    # do replace
    node.replace (node2)

    (content, size) = doc.dump ()

    # check value
    if content != "<?xml version='1.0' ?><content><load><test id='10' /></load></content>":
        return False

    # now swap two nodes
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /><value2 test='20' /></load></content>")
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
        return False

    node  = doc.get ("/content/load/value")
    node2 = doc.get ("/content/load/value2")

    # disconnect node from document
    node.deattach ()

    # now place after
    node2.set_child_after (node)

    (content, size) = doc.dump ()

    # check value
    if content != "<?xml version='1.0' ?><content><load><value2 test='20' /><value test='10' /></load></content>":
        return False

    return True
コード例 #2
def py_test_04_load ():
    # parse content
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
        return False

    # get the node
    return doc.get ("/content/load/value")
コード例 #3
def test_01():
    # do two consecutive parse operations
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?><axldoc />", 32)
    if err:
        error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
        return False

    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml  version=\"1.0\" \t \n \r encoding='utf-8\"   ?> <data />", 63)
    if err:
        error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
        return False

    # check doc encoding 
    if doc.encoding != "utf-8":
        error ("Error, expected to find enconding value utf-8 but found: " + doc.encoding)
        return False

    # do a fail parse operation
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("aefadsadsf<?xml  version=\"1.0\" \t \n \r encoding='utf-8\"   ?> <data />", 73)
    if not err:
        error ("Expected to find error but found no error report")
        return False
    # check error returned
    if not err.code == -2:
        error ("Expected to find error code -2 but found: " + str (err.code))

    # check standalone configuration
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>  <data/>", 65)
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper document parse but a failure was found: " + err.msg)
        return False

    if not doc.standalone:
        error ("Expected to find standalone enabled but found it disabled")
        return False
    return True
コード例 #4
def test_03():
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?>\n\
    <td> 23  </td>\n\
</complex>", -1)
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper document load, but a failure was found: " + err.msg)
        return False

    if doc.root.name != "complex":
        error ("Expected to find complex node name but found: " + doc.root.name)
        return False
    node = doc.get ("/complex/data2/td")
    if not node:
        error ("Expected to find node found at /complex/data2/td")
        return False

    # check node name 
    if node.name != "td":
        error ("Expected to find node name td but found: " + node.name)
        return False

    node = doc.get ("/complex/data3/td")
    if node:
        error ("Expected to not find node in wrong path but found: " + node.name)
        return False

    (content, size) = doc.get ("/complex/data2/td").content
    if content != " 23  ":
        error ("Expected to find content ' 23  ' but found: " + content)
        return False

    node = doc.get ("complex/data3/td")
    if node:
        error ("Expected to find no node but found: " + node.name)
        return False

    return True
コード例 #5
def py_test_01():

    # parse content
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content />")
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
        return False

    # get the node
    node = doc.root

    # get document containing node
    doc2 = node.doc

    if doc2.root.name != "content":
        error ("Expected to find node name: content but found: " + doc2.root.name)
        return False

    return True
コード例 #6
def py_test_03():
    # parse content
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
        return False

    # get the node
    node = doc.get ("/content/load/value")

    info ("Got root node, creating child nodes..")

    iterator = 0
    while iterator < 100:
        # now add content to the node
        # info ("About to create child node, iterator=" + str (iterator))
        node2 = axl.Node ("test")
        node.set_child (node2)

        iterator += 1

    return True
コード例 #7
def test_04():
    (doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?>" +
                     "  <?test \"my content\" ?>" + 
                     "  <complex>" + 
                     "    <data>" + 
                     "       <row>" + 
                     "         <!-- A comment inside the middle of the document " + 
                     " more comments ... " + 
                     " more comments \n \r <td>..</td> -->" + 
                     "          <td>10</td>" + 
                     "          <test />" + 
                     " \n \n \r     <?test \"my content\" ?>     \n    \n" + 
                     "  <?test \"my content\" ?>" + 
                     "          <more>" + 
                     "              <test3 attr='2.0' />" + 
                     "          </more>" + 
                     "       </row>" + 
                     "       <test2 />" + 
                     "       <non-xml-document>" + 
                     "                             \n \r \n \t" + 
                     "         <![CDATA[<xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>>]]>"
                     "          \r \n \r \t" + 
                     "       </non-xml-document>" + 
                     "    </data>" + 
                     " <!--   <data>" + 
                     "       <row>" + 
                     "         A comment inside the middle of the document " + 
                     " more comments ... " + 
                     " more comments \n \r <td>..</td> " + 
                     "          <td>10</td>" + 
                     "          <test />" + 
                     "          <more>" + 
                     "              <test2 attr='2.0' attr2='3.0' attr4='4.0'/>" + 
                     "          </more>" + 
                     "       </row>" + 
                     "       <test2 />" + 
                     "    </data> -->" + 
                     "  </complex>", -1)
    if err:
        error ("Expected to find proper parse result but found a failure: " + err.msg)
        return False
    if doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0] != "10":
        error ("Expected to find content 10 but found: " + doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0])
        return False

    node = doc.get ("/complex/data/row/more/test3")

    if not node.has_attr ("attr"):
        error ("Expected to find attribute attr but not found")
        return False

    # now check attr content
    if node.attr ("attr") != "2.0":
        error ("Expected to find attribute value 2.0 but found: " + node.attr ("attr"))
        return False
    # check pi instructions support
    if not doc.has_pi ("test"):
        error ("Expected to find pi instruction test but not found")
        return False

    if doc.pi ("test") != "\"my content\"":
        error ("Expected to find 'my content' but found: " + doc.pi ("test"))
        return False

    # check node content
    if doc.get ("/complex/data/non-xml-document").content[0] != "<xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>>":
        error ("Expected to find <xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>> but found: " + doc.get ("/complex/data/non-xml-document").content[0])
        return False

    return True