コード例 #1
def download_lyrics(artist=str):
    api = azapi.AZlyrics(proxies=proxyDict)
    api.artist = artist

    all_songs = api.getSongs()
    print('Found {} total songs'.format(len(all_songs)))
    for song in all_songs:
        # check if lyric file exists already
        file_name = '{} - {}.txt'.format(str(song).strip(), api.artist)
        if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
            print('Getting lyrics for {}...'.format(str(song)))
            api.getLyrics(url=all_songs[song]["url"], save=True, sleep=30.0)
            print('Lyric file exists already for {}'.format(str(song)))
コード例 #2
    async def lyr_command(self, ctx, title):

        channel_lyrics = self.client.get_channel(784434857445949490)

        await channel_lyrics.send(
            "<:mag_right:782771344726687764> `Searching for the lyrics...`")
        API = azapi.AZlyrics('google', accuracy=0.5)

        # API.artist = artist
        API.title = title

        #get and/or save the lyrics
        lyrics = API.getLyrics()

        lyrics1 = lyrics[:1995]
        lyrics2 = lyrics[1995:]

        await channel_lyrics.send(f"`{lyrics1}`")
        await channel_lyrics.send(f"`{lyrics2}`")
コード例 #3
ydl_opts = {
    selectedSong['artists'][0]['name'] + ' - ' + selectedSong['title'] +
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
print('✅ Downloaded \033[95m\033[1m', selectedSong['title'], '\033[0m')

## Thumbnail Grabber
# Grabs album art from Youtube Music with ytmusicapi.
thumbnailURL = selectedSong['thumbnails'][0]['url'].split(
)[0]  # Since the thumbnail URL contains image dimensions, this splits size data off to save in highest resolution available.
wget.download(thumbnailURL, 'thumbnail.jpg'
              )  # There's probably a better solution than wget but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

# Lyrics Collector
# Data is acquired from AZLyrics.com using azapi.

api = azapi.AZlyrics()

api.artist = selectedSong['artists'][0]['name']
api.title = selectedSong['title']

api.getLyrics(save=True)  # Saves the lyrics as a (Title) - (Artist).txt
コード例 #4
from dearpygui.dearpygui import *
from dearpygui.wrappers import *
import azapi

api = azapi.AZlyrics('google', accuracy=0.5)

set_main_window_title("GUI Lyrics")

def mainCallback(sender, data):
    if get_table_selections("songlisttable"):
        index = get_table_selections("songlisttable")
        urls = get_data("songs")
        url = urls[index[0][0]]
        set_value(get_data("lyricsdata"), api.getLyrics(url))
        add_data("lyricsdata", api.getLyrics(url))
        set_table_selection("songlisttable", row=index[0][0], column=index[0][1], value=False)

def searchHandler(sender, data):
    if get_value("artist") and get_value("title"):
        api.artist = get_value("artist")
        api.title = get_value("title")
            set_value(get_data("lyricsdata"), api.getLyrics())
            add_data("lyricsdata", api.getLyrics())
            add_text(get_data("lyricsdata"), "Try another Search term")
            add_data("lyricsdata", "Try another Search term")
        songs = api.getSongs()
コード例 #5
import azapi

# playlist.txt 파일에서 가수와 제목을 가져옴
with open('playlist.txt', 'r') as f:
    playlist = f.readlines()
    # 개행 문자 제거
    playlist = list(map(lambda s:s.strip(), playlist))

playlist_splited = list()
for i in range(len(playlist)) :
    # '-'를 기준으로 가수와 제목을 구분
    playlist_splited.append(playlist[i].split(' - '))

# 앞에서 가져온 가수와 제목을 바탕으로 az api를 이용해 가사 검색 & 명사, 형용사 키워드 추출
Music = azapi.AZlyrics()
for artist, title in playlist_splited :
    print(artist, '-', title)
    # 가사 검색
    lyric = Music.getLyrics(artist=artist, title=title)
    # 가사를 모두 소문자로 변경
    lyric = lyric.lower()
    # lyric 문자열을 토큰화 한 다음 universal 품사 tagset 적용
    lyric_tokens = pos_tag(word_tokenize(lyric), tagset='universal')

    # 명사, 형용사 태그의 토큰들만 모아 각각 리스트를 만듦
    lyric_noun_list = [word for word, pos in lyric_tokens if pos in ['NOUN']]
    lyric_adj_list = [word for word, pos in lyric_tokens if pos in ['ADJ']]

    # 길이 3 미만의 단어는 제외
    lyric_noun_list = [word for word in lyric_noun_list if not len(word) < 3]
コード例 #6
ファイル: lyrics.py プロジェクト: bdkiran/Lyragen
import azapi
import re
import pprint
import json
import time

azAPI = azapi.AZlyrics()

def getCleanedLyrics(songData, retries=3):
    lyrics_from_api = getLyricsFromAPI(songData, retries)
    if lyrics_from_api == None:
        print("Error: Unable to fetch: " + songData['title'] + " by " +
        return None
        cleaned_lyrics = cleanLyrics(lyrics_from_api)
        return cleaned_lyrics

def getLyricsFromAPI(songData, retries):
    counter = 0
    while (counter < retries):
        print("Attempting to fetch: " + songData['title'] + " by " +
            azAPI.artist = songData['artist']
            azAPI.title = songData['title']
            res = azAPI.getLyrics(save=False, sleep=10)