コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, pipeline_configuration):
        Constructor for instantiating a pipeline adapter object.

        :param auth_provider: The authentication provider
        :param pipeline_configuration: The configuration generated based on user inputs
        # NOTE: This pipeline DOES NOT handle SasToken management!
        # (i.e. using a SasTokenStage)
        # It instead relies on the parallel MQTT pipeline to handle that.
        # Because they share a pipeline configuration, and MQTT has renewal logic we can be sure
        # that the SasToken in the pipeline configuration is valid.
        # Furthermore, because HTTP doesn't require constant connections or long running tokens,
        # there's no need to reauthorize connections, so we can just pass the token from the config
        # when needed for auth.
        # This is not an ideal solution, but it's the simplest one for the time being.

        # Contains data and information shared globally within the pipeline
        self._nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(

        self._pipeline = (pipeline_stages_base.PipelineRootStage(

        callback = EventedCallback()

        op = pipeline_ops_base.InitializePipelineOperation(callback=callback)

コード例 #2
 def stage(self, mocker, cls_type, init_kwargs, pipeline_config):
     stage = cls_type(**init_kwargs)
     stage.nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(pipeline_config)
     stage.send_op_down = mocker.MagicMock()
     stage.send_event_up = mocker.MagicMock()
     mocker.spy(stage, "report_background_exception")
     return stage
コード例 #3
 def stage(self, mocker, cls_type, init_kwargs):
     stage = cls_type(**init_kwargs)
     stage.nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(
     stage.nucleus.pipeline_configuration.hostname = "some.fake-host.name.com"
     stage.send_op_down = mocker.MagicMock()
     stage.send_event_up = mocker.MagicMock()
     mocker.spy(stage, "report_background_exception")
     return stage
コード例 #4
    def stage(self, mocker, request, cls_type, init_kwargs, mock_transport):
        stage = cls_type(**init_kwargs)
        stage.nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(
        stage.send_op_down = mocker.MagicMock()
        stage.send_event_up = mocker.MagicMock()
        mocker.spy(stage, "report_background_exception")

        # Set up the Transport on the stage
        op = pipeline_ops_base.InitializePipelineOperation(

        assert stage.transport is mock_transport.return_value

        return stage
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, pipeline_configuration):
        Constructor for instantiating a pipeline adapter object
        :param auth_provider: The authentication provider
        :param pipeline_configuration: The configuration generated based on user inputs

        self.feature_enabled = {
            constant.C2D_MSG: False,
            constant.INPUT_MSG: False,
            constant.METHODS: False,
            constant.TWIN: False,
            constant.TWIN_PATCHES: False,

        # Handlers - Will be set by Client after instantiation of this object
        self.on_connected = None
        self.on_disconnected = None
        self.on_new_sastoken_required = None
        self.on_background_exception = None

        self.on_c2d_message_received = None
        self.on_input_message_received = None
        self.on_method_request_received = None
        self.on_twin_patch_received = None

        # Contains data and information shared globally within the pipeline
        self._nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(pipeline_configuration)

        self._pipeline = (
            # The root is always the root.  By definition, it's the first stage in the pipeline.
            # SasTokenStage comes near the root by default because it should be as close
            # to the top of the pipeline as possible, and does not need to be after anything.
            # EnsureDesiredPropertiesStage needs to be above TwinRequestResponseStage because it
            # sends GetTwinOperation ops and that stage handles those ops.
            # TwinRequestResponseStage comes near the root by default because it doesn't need to be
            # after anything
            # CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage needs to be after TwinRequestResponseStage because
            # TwinRequestResponseStage creates the request ops that CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage
            # is coordinating.  It needs to be before IoTHubMQTTTranslationStage because that stage
            # operates on ops that CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage produces
            # IoTHubMQTTTranslationStage comes here because this is the point where we can translate
            # all operations directly into MQTT.  After this stage, only pipeline_stages_base stages
            # are allowed because IoTHubMQTTTranslationStage removes all the IoTHub-ness from the ops
            # AutoConnectStage comes here because only MQTT ops have the need_connection flag set
            # and this is the first place in the pipeline where we can guarantee that all network
            # ops are MQTT ops.
            # ConnectionStateStage needs to be after AutoConnectStage because the AutoConnectStage
            # can create ConnectOperations and we (may) want to queue connection related operations
            # in the ConnectionStateStage
            # ConnectionLockStage needs to be after ConnectionStateStage because we want any ops that
            # ConnectionStateStage creates to go through the ConnectionLockStage gate
            # RetryStage needs to be near the end because it's retrying low-level MQTT operations.
            # OpTimeoutStage needs to be after RetryStage because OpTimeoutStage returns the timeout
            # errors that RetryStage is watching for.
            # MQTTTransportStage needs to be at the very end of the pipeline because this is where
            # operations turn into network traffic

        # Define behavior for domain-specific events
        def _on_pipeline_event(event):
            if isinstance(event, pipeline_events_iothub.C2DMessageEvent):
                if self.on_c2d_message_received:
                    logger.error("C2D message event received with no handler.  dropping.")

            elif isinstance(event, pipeline_events_iothub.InputMessageEvent):
                if self.on_input_message_received:
                    logger.error("input message event received with no handler.  dropping.")

            elif isinstance(event, pipeline_events_iothub.MethodRequestEvent):
                if self.on_method_request_received:
                    logger.error("Method request event received with no handler. Dropping.")

            elif isinstance(event, pipeline_events_iothub.TwinDesiredPropertiesPatchEvent):
                if self.on_twin_patch_received:
                    logger.error("Twin patch event received with no handler. Dropping.")

                logger.error("Dropping unknown pipeline event {}".format(event.name))

        def _on_connected():
            if self.on_connected:
                logger.debug("IoTHub Pipeline was connected, but no handler was set")

        def _on_disconnected():
            if self.on_disconnected:
                logger.debug("IoTHub Pipeline was disconnected, but no handler was set")

        def _on_new_sastoken_required():
            if self.on_new_sastoken_required:
                logger.debug("IoTHub Pipeline requires new SASToken, but no handler was set")

        def _on_background_exception(e):
            if self.on_background_exception:
                    "IoTHub Pipeline experienced background exception, but no handler was set"

        # Set internal event handlers
        self._pipeline.on_pipeline_event_handler = _on_pipeline_event
        self._pipeline.on_connected_handler = _on_connected
        self._pipeline.on_disconnected_handler = _on_disconnected
        self._pipeline.on_new_sastoken_required_handler = _on_new_sastoken_required
        self._pipeline.on_background_exception_handler = _on_background_exception

        # Initialize the pipeline
        callback = EventedCallback()
        op = pipeline_ops_base.InitializePipelineOperation(callback=callback)

        # Set the running flag
        self._running = True
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, pipeline_configuration):
        Constructor for instantiating a pipeline
        :param security_client: The security client which stores credentials
        self.responses_enabled = {provisioning_constants.REGISTER: False}

        # Event Handlers - Will be set by Client after instantiation of pipeline
        self.on_connected = None
        self.on_disconnected = None
        self.on_background_exception = None
        self.on_message_received = None
        self._registration_id = pipeline_configuration.registration_id

        # Contains data and information shared globally within the pipeline
        self._nucleus = pipeline_nucleus.PipelineNucleus(

        self._pipeline = (
            # The root is always the root.  By definition, it's the first stage in the pipeline.
            # SasTokenStage comes near the root by default because it should be as close
            # to the top of the pipeline as possible, and does not need to be after anything.
            # RegistrationStage needs to come early because this is the stage that converts registration
            # or query requests into request and response objects which are used by later stages
            # PollingStatusStage needs to come after RegistrationStage because RegistrationStage counts
            # on PollingStatusStage to poll until the registration is complete.
            # CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage needs to be after RegistrationStage and PollingStatusStage
            # because these 2 stages create the request ops that CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage
            # is coordinating.  It needs to be before ProvisioningMQTTTranslationStage because that stage
            # operates on ops that CoordinateRequestAndResponseStage produces
            # ProvisioningMQTTTranslationStage comes here because this is the point where we can translate
            # all operations directly into MQTT.  After this stage, only pipeline_stages_base stages
            # are allowed because ProvisioningMQTTTranslationStage removes all the provisioning-ness from the ops
            # AutoConnectStage comes here because only MQTT ops have the need_connection flag set
            # and this is the first place in the pipeline wherer we can guaranetee that all network
            # ops are MQTT ops.
            # ConnectionStateStage needs to be after AutoConnectStage because the AutoConnectStage
            # can create ConnectOperations and we (may) want to queue connection related operations
            # in the ConnectionStateStage
            # ConnectionLockStage needs to be after ConnectionStateStage because we want any ops that
            # ConnectionStateStage creates to go through the ConnectionLockStage gate
            # RetryStage needs to be near the end because it's retrying low-level MQTT operations.
            # OpTimeoutStage needs to be after RetryStage because OpTimeoutStage returns the timeout
            # errors that RetryStage is watching for.
            # MQTTTransportStage needs to be at the very end of the pipeline because this is where
            # operations turn into network traffic

        def _on_pipeline_event(event):
            # error because no events should
            logger.error("Dropping unknown pipeline event {}".format(

        def _on_connected():
            if self.on_connected:

        def _on_disconnected():
            if self.on_disconnected:

        def _on_background_exception():
            if self.on_background_exception:

        self._pipeline.on_pipeline_event_handler = _on_pipeline_event
        self._pipeline.on_connected_handler = _on_connected
        self._pipeline.on_disconnected_handler = _on_disconnected

        callback = EventedCallback()
        op = pipeline_ops_base.InitializePipelineOperation(callback=callback)


        # Set the running flag
        self._running = True