コード例 #1
container_weights = [1, 5, 9, 21, 35, 5, 3, 5, 10, 11]

# Create a problem for the list of containers:
problem = create_problem_for_container_weights(container_weights)

# Submit problem to Azure Quantum using the ParallelTempering solver:
from azure.quantum.optimization import ParallelTempering
import time

# Instantiate a solver to solve the problem.
solver = ParallelTempering(workspace, timeout=100)

# Optimize the problem
print('Submitting problem...')
start = time.time()
result = solver.optimize(problem)
timeElapsed = time.time() - start
print(f'\nResult in {timeElapsed} seconds:\n{result}\n')

# Print out a summary of the results:
def print_result_summary(result):
    # Print a summary of the result
    ship_a_weight = 0
    ship_b_weight = 0
    for container in result['configuration']:
        container_assignment = result['configuration'][container]
        container_weight = container_weights[int(container)]
        ship = ''
        if container_assignment == 1:
            ship = 'A'
コード例 #2
# This allows you to connect to the Workspace you've previously deployed in Azure.
# Be sure to fill in the settings below which can be retrieved by running 'az quantum workspace show' in the terminal.
from azure.quantum import Workspace

# Copy the settings for your workspace below
workspace = Workspace(subscription_id="",

# Define the problem
problem = Problem(name="My First Problem", problem_type=ProblemType.ising)

terms = [
    Term(c=-9, indices=[0]),
    Term(c=-3, indices=[1, 0]),
    Term(c=5, indices=[2, 0]),
    Term(c=9, indices=[2, 1]),
    Term(c=2, indices=[3, 0]),
    Term(c=-4, indices=[3, 1]),
    Term(c=4, indices=[3, 2])


# Create the solver
solver = ParallelTempering(workspace, timeout=100)

# Solve the problem
result = solver.optimize(problem)