async def set_queue_metadata(self, metadata=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): # type: ignore # type: (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[int], Optional[Any]) -> None """Sets user-defined metadata on the specified queue. Metadata is associated with the queue as name-value pairs. :param metadata: A dict containing name-value pairs to associate with the queue as metadata. :type metadata: dict(str, str) :param int timeout: The server timeout, expressed in seconds. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START set_queue_metadata] :end-before: [END set_queue_metadata] :language: python :dedent: 12 :caption: Set metadata on the queue. """ headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) headers.update(add_metadata_headers(metadata)) # type: ignore try: return await self._client.queue.set_metadata( # type: ignore timeout=timeout, headers=headers, cls=return_response_headers, **kwargs) except StorageErrorException as error: process_storage_error(error)
async def create_queue(self, metadata=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): # type: ignore # type: (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[int], Optional[Any]) -> None """Creates a new queue in the storage account. If a queue with the same name already exists, the operation fails. :param metadata: A dict containing name-value pairs to associate with the queue as metadata. Note that metadata names preserve the case with which they were created, but are case-insensitive when set or read. :type metadata: dict(str, str) :param int timeout: The server timeout, expressed in seconds. :return: None or the result of cls(response) :rtype: None :raises: .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START async_create_queue] :end-before: [END async_create_queue] :language: python :dedent: 8 :caption: Create a queue. """ headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) headers.update(add_metadata_headers(metadata)) # type: ignore try: return await self._client.queue.create( # type: ignore metadata=metadata, timeout=timeout, headers=headers, cls=deserialize_queue_creation, **kwargs) except StorageErrorException as error: process_storage_error(error)