コード例 #1
def check_unfence(clients, options):
    if clients:
        compute_client = clients[0]
        network_client = clients[1]
        rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]

            vms = compute_client.virtual_machines.list(rgName)
        except Exception as e:
            fail_usage("Failed: %s" % e)

        for vm in vms:
            vmName = vm.name
            if azure_fence.get_network_state(compute_client, network_client,
                                             rgName, vmName) == "off":
                logging.info("Found fenced node " + vmName)
                # dont return "off" based on network-fencing status
                options.pop("--network-fencing", None)
                options["--plug"] = vmName
                if get_power_status(clients, options) == "off":
                    logging.info("Unfencing " + vmName)
                    options["--network-fencing"] = ""
                    options["--action"] = "on"
                    set_power_status(clients, options)
                    options["--action"] = "monitor"
コード例 #2
def get_power_status(clients, options):
    vmstate = {"running": "on", "deallocated": "off", "stopped": "off"}
    logging.info("getting power status for VM " + options["--plug"])

    if clients:
        compute_client = clients[0]
        rgName = options["--resourceGroup"]
        vmName = options["--plug"]

        if "--network-fencing" in options:
            network_client = clients[1]
            netState = azure_fence.get_network_state(compute_client,
                                                     network_client, rgName,
            logging.info("Found network state of VM: " + netState)

            # return off quickly once network is fenced instead of waiting for vm state to change
            if options["--action"] == "off" and netState == "off":
                logging.info("Network fenced for " + vmName)
                return netState

        powerState = "unknown"
            vmStatus = compute_client.virtual_machines.get(
                rgName, vmName, "instanceView")
        except Exception as e:
            fail_usage("Failed: %s" % e)

        for status in vmStatus.instance_view.statuses:
            if status.code.startswith("PowerState"):
                powerState = status.code.split("/")[1]

        vmState = vmstate.get(powerState, "unknown")
        logging.info("Found power state of VM: %s (%s)" %
                     (vmState, powerState))

        if "--network-fencing" in options and netState == "off":
            return "off"

        if options["--action"] != "on" and vmState != "off":
            return "on"

        if vmState == "on":
            return "on"

        return "off"