def get_signins_for_app( parsed_args, config, app, application_id=""): """ This action will return a dictionary of all the signins of a specified application. """ # Getting the number of signins for the application sign_ins = [] paginate( LIST_SIGNINS_FOR_APP.format(application_id), sign_ins, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=False) # Build a dictionary with using in the signIn object id # as the key. sign_ins_details = {} for sign_in in sign_ins: sign_ins_details[sign_in['id']] = sign_in # Log dataset to logfile if -l flag is given if parsed_args.log: file_logger.to_file("get_signins_for_app", sign_ins_details) return sign_ins_details
def get_users_from_enforced_groups(parsed_args, config, app): """ This method returns a list of dictionary objects representing the users in the MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS. """ users = [] groups = config['MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS'].copy() while groups: members = [] group = groups.pop() paginate( GROUP_LIST_TRANSITIVEMEMBERS.format(group), members, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases().get_users_in_enforced_groups_test_data(), std_output=False) for member in members: if 'user' in member["@odata.type"]: member['mfaEnforcedGroup'] = group users.append(member) if 'group' in member["@odata.type"]: groups.append(member["id"]) return users
def get_users_from_enforced_groups(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return all the users in the MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS """ users = [] groups = config["MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS"].copy() while groups: members = [] group = groups.pop() paginate( GROUP_LIST_TRANSITIVEMEMBERS.format(group), members, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases(). get_users_in_enforced_groups_test_data(), std_output=False) for member in members: if "user" in member["@odata.type"]: member["mfaEnforcedGroup"] = group users.append(member) if "group" in member["@odata.type"]: groups.append(member["id"]) users_dict = {} for user in users: if user["userPrincipalName"] in users_dict.keys(): users_dict[user["userPrincipalName"]]["mfaEnforcedGroups"].append(user["mfaEnforcedGroup"]) else: users_dict[user["userPrincipalName"]] = user users_dict[user["userPrincipalName"]]["mfaEnforcedGroups"] = [user["mfaEnforcedGroup"]] return users_dict
def get_num_signins_for_user(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of the number of sign-ins (up to 100) for a specified user. """ # If the UPN is not specified, throw an exception. if not parsed_args.user: raise Exception("You must specify the user parameter when using" " get_num_signins_for_user action") # Getting the number of signins for the user, up to 100. # To save cycles, this action does not paginate results. # This 100 limit is enfourced in sign_ins = [] paginate(LIST_SIGNINS_FOR_USER.format(parsed_args.user), sign_ins, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=False, skiptoken=False) # Build a dictionary with using in the signIn object id # as the key. num_of_signins = {} num_of_signins[parsed_args.user] = {'num_of_sign_ins': str(len(sign_ins))} # Log dataset to logfile if -l flag is given if parsed_args.log: file_logger.to_file("get_num_signins_for_user", num_of_signins) return num_of_signins
def list_groups_for_user(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return the details of all the groups a specified user is a part of. It will return a dictionary indexed by the groups UserPrincipalName """ if not parsed_args.user: raise Exception("--user or -u flags must be used with this action!") groups = [] payload = {"securityEnabledOnly": "true"} paginate(USER_GETMEMBERGROUPS.format(parsed_args.user), groups, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, payload=payload, std_output=False) # The above requests only retrieves IDs, we must retrieve their friendly displayName now # TODO: Look into using the $select odata query parameter to achieve this group_details = {} for group_id in groups: group_info = [] paginate(GROUP_GET.format(group_id), group_info, '', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=False) group_details[group_info[0]['id']] = group_info return group_details
def get_upn_from_id(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of all the id's read from a file along with their UPNs """ if not parsed_args.input_file: logging.error("INPUT FILE REQUIRED FOR THIS ACTION") exit() # Opening file for reading file1 = open(parsed_args.input_file, 'r') users = [] for line in file1: user_data = [] paginate_result = paginate(ONE_USER_GET.format(line.strip()), user_data, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=True) users.extend(user_data) print(user_data) print(user_data) user_details = {} for user in users: user_details[user["userPrincipalName"]] = user if parsed_args.log: file_logger.to_file("get_upn_from_id", user_details) return user_details
def list_credential_user_registration_details( parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of all the credentialUserRegistrationDetails objects from the tenant indexed by userPrincipalName """ user_reg_data = [] paginate_result = paginate( USER_REG_DETAILS, user_reg_data, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases(). get_test_user_reg_info_graph_data(), std_output=False) # Retry if request failed retries = config["MAX_RETRIES"] current_retry = 1 while retries and paginate_result == "FAILED": user_reg_data = [] paginate_result = paginate( USER_REG_DETAILS, user_reg_data, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases(). get_test_user_reg_info_graph_data(), std_output=False, retry_count=current_retry) retries -= 1 current_retry += 1 user_reg_details = {} for user in user_reg_data: user_reg_details[user["userPrincipalName"]] = user if parsed_args.log: file_logger.to_file("list_credential_user_registration_details", user_reg_details) return user_reg_details
def list_all_service_principals(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of service principals indexed by the ID of the record. """ sp_entries = [] paginate(LIST_SERVICE_PRINCIPALS, sp_entries, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases().get_service_principal_test_data(), std_output=False) sps = {} for entry in sp_entries: sps[entry["appId"]] = entry return sps
def get_mfa_enforced_groups_displayname(parsed_args, config, app): """ This method returns a dictionary mapping of the IDs of the MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS defined in the config and their respective displayNames """ mfa_enforced_groups_with_display_name = {} for group in config["MFA_ENFORCED_GROUPS"].copy(): group_info = [] paginate(GROUP_GET.format(group), group_info, 'displayName', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases().get_group_test_data(), std_output=False) mfa_enforced_groups_with_display_name[group] = "".join(group_info) return mfa_enforced_groups_with_display_name
def _get_app_role_assignments(sp_id, parsed_args, config, app): assignments = [] users_and_groups = {"groups": [], "numUsers": None} paginate(APP_ROLE_ASSIGNED_TO.format(sp_id), assignments, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=False) users = [] for assignment in assignments: if assignment['principalType'] == 'Group': users_and_groups['groups'].append( assignment['principalDisplayName']) elif assignment['principalType'] == 'User': users.append(assignment['principalDisplayName']) users_and_groups['numUsers'] = len(users) return users_and_groups
def list_all_applications(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of applications indexed by the ID of the record. """ application_entries = [] paginate( LIST_APPLICATIONS, application_entries, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases().get_application_test_data(), std_output=False) applications = {} for entry in application_entries: applications[entry["appId"]] = entry return applications
def list_all_users(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action returns a dictionary of all the users indexed by userPrincipalName """ user_data = [] paginate(USER_GET_ENDPOINT, user_data, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, test_data=TestCases().get_test_user_graph_data(), std_output=False, transformer=expand_onPremisesExtensionAttributes) # Return a dictionary of all the users in the tenant, indexed by # userPrincipalName users = {} for user in user_data: users[user["userPrincipalName"]] = user return users
def list_directory_audits(parsed_args, config, app): """ This action will return a dictionary of audit logs for the past day, indexed by the ID of the record. """ audit_entries = [] date = yesterday = date - datetime.timedelta(days=1) paginate( DIRECTORYAUDIT_LIST.format( yesterday.year, yesterday.month,, audit_entries, 'value', parsed_args, config, app, std_output=False) audit_logs = {} for entry in audit_entries: audit_logs[entry["id"]] = entry return audit_logs