class AbstractParser(b3.parser.Parser): ''' An abstract base class to help with developing q3a parsers ''' gameName = None privateMsg = True rconTest = True OutputClass = rcon.Rcon _settings = {} _settings['line_length'] = 65 _settings['min_wrap_length'] = 100 _commands = {} _commands['message'] = 'tell %s %s ^8[pm]^7 %s' _commands['deadsay'] = 'tell %s %s [DEAD]^7 %s' _commands['say'] = 'say %s %s' _commands['set'] = 'set %s %s' _commands['kick'] = 'clientkick %s %s' _commands['ban'] = 'banid %s %s' _commands['tempban'] = 'clientkick %s %s' _commands['moveToTeam'] = 'forceteam %s %s' _eventMap = { 'warmup':, 'shutdowngame': } # remove the time off of the line _lineClear = re.compile(r'^(?:[0-9:]+\s?)?') _lineTime = re.compile(r'^(?P<minutes>[0-9]+):(?P<seconds>[0-9]+).*') _lineFormats = ( #1579:03ConnectInfo: 0: E24F9B2702B9E4A1223E905BF597FA92: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: 3: 3: re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<pbid>[0-9A-Z]{32}):\s*(?P<name>[^:]+):\s*(?P<num1>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<num2>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+))$', re.IGNORECASE), #1536:17sayc: 0: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: sorry... #1536:34sayteamc: 17: ^1[^7DP^1]^4Timekiller: ^4ammo ^2here !!!!! re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<name>.+):\s+(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), #1536:37Kill: 1 18 9: ^1klaus killed ^1[pura] by MOD_MP40 re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<acid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<aweap>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)) #num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate #--- ----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- ----- #2 0 29 465030 <-{^4AS^7}-^3ThorN^7->^7 50 6597 5000 #_regPlayer = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<guid>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<name>.*?)\s+(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<qport>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.I) _regPlayer = re.compile( r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<guid>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+(?P<name>.*?)\s+(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<qport>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.I) _regPlayerShort = re.compile( r'\s+(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<name>.*)\^7\s+', re.I) _reColor = re.compile(r'(\^[0-9a-z])|[\x80-\xff]') _reCvarName = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_.]+$', re.I) _reCvar = re.compile( r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"\s+default:\s*"(?P<default>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.I) _reMapNameFromStatus = re.compile(r'^map:\s+(?P<map>.+)$', re.I) PunkBuster = None def startup(self): # add the world client client = self.clients.newClient(1022, guid='WORLD', name='World', hide=True, pbid='WORLD') if self.config.has_option('server', 'punkbuster') and self.config.getboolean( 'server', 'punkbuster'): self.PunkBuster = PunkBuster(self) def getLineParts(self, line): line = re.sub(self._lineClear, '', line, 1) for f in self._lineFormats: m = re.match(f, line) if m: #self.debug('line matched %s' % f.pattern) break if m: client = None target = None return (m,'action').lower(),'data').strip(), client, target) elif '------' not in line: self.verbose('line did not match format: %s' % line) def parseLine(self, line): m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ', '') #self.debug("-==== FUNC!!: " + func) if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent([action], data, client, target)) else: self.queueEvent(, str(action) + ': ' + str(data), client, target)) def getClient(self, match=None, attacker=None, victim=None): """Get a client object using the best availible data""" if attacker: return self.clients.getByCID('acid')) elif victim: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) elif match: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) #---------------------------------- def OnSay(self, action, data, match=None): """\ if self.type == b3.COMMAND: # we really need the second line text = if text: msg = string.split(text[:-1], '^7: ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None else: """ msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByExactName(msg[0]) return, msg[1], client) def OnShutdowngame(self, action, data, match=None): #self.clients.sync() return, data) def OnClientdisconnect(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: client.disconnect() return None def OnSayteam(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByName(msg[0]) if client: return, msg[1], client, else: return None def OnExit(self, action, data, match=None): return, None) def OnItem(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: return,'text'), client) return None def OnClientbegin(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientBegin: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientconnect(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientConnect: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientuserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): bclient = self.parseUserInfo(data) self.verbose('Parsed user info %s' % bclient) if bclient: client = self.clients.getByCID(bclient['cid']) if client: # update existing client for k, v in bclient.iteritems(): setattr(client, k, v) else: client = self.clients.newClient(bclient['cid'], **bclient) return None def OnClientuserinfochanged(self, action, data, match=None): return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, data, match) def OnUserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): #f = re.findall(r'\\name\\([^\\]+)', data) #if f: # client = self.clients.getByExactName(f[0]) # if client: try: id = self._clientConnectID except: id = None self._clientConnectID = None if not id: self.error('OnUserinfo called without a ClientConnect ID') return None return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, '%s %s' % (id, data), match) def OnKill(self, action, data, match=None): #Kill: 1022 0 6: <world> killed <-NoX-ThorN-> by MOD_FALLING #20:26.59 Kill: 3 2 9: ^9n^2@^9ps killed [^0BsD^7:^0Und^7erKo^0ver^7] by MOD_MP40 #m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+): (.*?) killed (.*?) by ([A-Z_]+)$', data) attacker = self.getClient(attacker=match) if not attacker:'No attacker') return None victim = self.getClient(victim=match) if not victim:'No victim') return None return, (100,'aweap'), None), attacker, victim) def OnInitgame(self, action, data, match=None): options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', data) for o in options: if o[0] == 'mapname': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'g_gametype': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'fs_game': = o[1] else: setattr(, o[0], o[1]) return, #---------------------------------- def parseUserInfo(self, info): #0 \g_password\none\cl_guid\0A337702493AF67BB0B0F8565CE8BC6C\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\thorn\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\password\test\protocol\83\qport\16735\challenge\-79719899\ip\ playerID, info = string.split(info, ' ', 1) if info[:1] != '\\': info = '\\' + info options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', info) data = {} for o in options: data[o[0]] = o[1] if data.has_key('n'): data['name'] = data['n'] t = None if data.has_key('team'): t = data['team'] elif data.has_key('t'): t = data['t'] data['team'] = self.getTeam(t) if data.has_key('cl_guid') and not data.has_key('pbid'): data['pbid'] = data['cl_guid'] return data def getTeam(self, team): team = str(team).lower( ) # We convert to a string and lower the case because there is a problem when trying to detect numbers if it's not a string (weird) if team == 'free' or team == '0': result = b3.TEAM_FREE elif team == 'red' or team == '1': result = b3.TEAM_RED elif team == 'blue' or team == '2': result = b3.TEAM_BLUE elif team == 'spectator' or team == '3': result = b3.TEAM_SPEC else: result = b3.TEAM_UNKNOWN return result def message(self, client, text): try: if client == None: self.say(text) elif client.cid == None: pass else: lines = [] for line in self.getWrap(text, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']): lines.append( self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) except: pass def say(self, msg): lines = [] for line in self.getWrap(msg, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']): lines.append( self.getCommand('say', prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) if len(lines): self.writelines(lines) def saybig(self, msg): for c in range(1, 6): self.say('^%i%s' % (c, msg)) def smartSay(self, client, msg): if client and (client.state == b3.STATE_DEAD or == b3.TEAM_SPEC): self.verbose('say dead state: %s, team %s', client.state, self.sayDead(msg) else: self.verbose('say all') self.say(msg) def sayDead(self, msg): wrapped = self.getWrap(msg, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']) lines = [] for client in self.clients.getClientsByState(b3.STATE_DEAD): if client.cid: for line in wrapped: lines.append( self.getCommand('deadsay', cid=client.cid, prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) if len(lines): self.writelines(lines) def kick(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client, reason=reason)) return if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 0.5, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'kicked_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'kicked', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, reason, client)) client.disconnect() def ban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif not # no client id, database must be down, do tempban self.error( 'Q3AParser.ban(): no client id, database must be down, doing tempban' ) return self.tempban(client, reason, '1d', admin, silent) if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.ban(client, reason) # bans will only last 7 days, this is a failsafe incase a ban cant # be removed from punkbuster #self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 1440 * 7, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'banned_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'banned', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, reason, client)) client.disconnect() def unban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if self.PunkBuster: if client.pbid: result = self.PunkBuster.unBanGUID(client) if result: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7: %s' % (client.exactName, result)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'unbanned_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'unbanned', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) elif admin: admin.message('%s^7 unbanned but has no punkbuster id' % client.exactName) elif admin: admin.message( '^3Unbanned^7: %s^7. You may need to manually remove the user from the game\'s ban file.' % client.exactName) def tempban(self, client, reason='', duration=2, admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): duration = b3.functions.time2minutes(duration) if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif admin: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'temp_banned_by', self.getMessageVariables( client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin, banduration=b3.functions.minutesStr(duration))) else: fullreason = self.getMessage( 'temp_banned', self.getMessageVariables( client=client, reason=reason, banduration=b3.functions.minutesStr(duration))) if self.PunkBuster: # punkbuster acts odd if you ban for more than a day # tempban for a day here and let b3 re-ban if the player # comes back if duration > 1440: duration = 1440 self.PunkBuster.kick(client, duration, reason) else: self.write( self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, reason, client)) client.disconnect() def rotateMap(self): self.say('^7Changing map to next map') time.sleep(1) self.write('map_rotate 0') def changeMap(self, map): self.say('^7Changing map to %s' % map) time.sleep(1) self.write('map %s' % map) def getPlayerPings(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('ping')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerScores(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('score')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerScoressssss(self): plist = self.getPlayerListRcon() scorelist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: scorelist[str(cid)] = c['score'] return scorelist def getPlayerList(self, maxRetries=None): if self.PunkBuster: return self.PunkBuster.getPlayerList() else: data = self.write('status', maxRetries=maxRetries) if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n')[3:]: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: d = m.groupdict() d['pbid'] = None players[str('slot'))] = d #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerList() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getCvar(self, cvarName): if self._reCvarName.match(cvarName): #"g_password" is:"^7" default:"scrim^7" val = self.write(cvarName) self.debug('Get cvar %s = [%s]', cvarName, val) #sv_mapRotation is:gametype sd map mp_brecourt map mp_carentan map mp_dawnville map mp_depot map mp_harbor map mp_hurtgen map mp_neuville map mp_pavlov map mp_powcamp map mp_railyard map mp_rocket map mp_stalingrad^7 default:^7 m = self._reCvar.match(val) if m and'cvar').lower() == cvarName.lower(): return b3.cvar.Cvar('cvar'),'value'),'default')) return None def set(self, cvarName, value): self.warning( 'Parser.set() is depreciated, use Parser.setCvar() instead') self.setCvar(cvarName, value) def setCvar(self, cvarName, value): if re.match('^[a-z0-9_.]+$', cvarName, re.I): self.debug('Set cvar %s = [%s]', cvarName, value) self.write(self.getCommand('set', name=cvarName, value=value)) else: self.error('%s is not a valid cvar name', cvarName) def getMap(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return None line = data.split('\n')[0] #self.debug('[%s]'%line.strip()) m = re.match(self._reMapNameFromStatus, line.strip()) if m: return str('map')) return None def getMaps(self): return None def sync(self): plist = self.getPlayerList() mlist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: if client.guid and c.has_key('guid'): if client.guid == c['guid']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.guid, c['guid']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.guid, c['guid']) client.disconnect() elif client.ip and c.has_key('ip'): if client.ip == c['ip']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.ip, c['ip']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.ip, c['ip']) client.disconnect() else: self.debug('no-sync: no guid or ip found.') return mlist def authorizeClients(self): players = self.getPlayerList(maxRetries=4) self.verbose('authorizeClients() = %s' % players) for cid, p in players.iteritems(): sp = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if sp: # Only set provided data, otherwise use the currently set data sp.ip = p.get('ip', sp.ip) sp.pbid = p.get('pbid', sp.pbid) sp.guid = p.get('guid', sp.guid) = p sp.auth()
class AbstractParser(b3.parser.Parser): """ An abstract base class to help with developing q3a parsers. """ gameName = None privateMsg = True rconTest = True OutputClass = rcon.Rcon PunkBuster = None _clientConnectID = None _logSync = 2 _commands = { 'ban': 'banid %(cid)s %(reason)s', 'kick': 'clientkick %(cid)s %(reason)s', 'kickbyfullname': 'kick %(name)s', 'message': 'tell %(cid)s %(message)s', 'moveToTeam': 'forceteam %(cid)s %(team)s', 'say': 'say %(message)s', 'set': 'set %(name)s "%(value)s"', 'tempban': 'clientkick %(cid)s %(reason)s', } _eventMap = { #'warmup':, #'shutdowngame': } # remove the time off of the line _lineTime = re.compile(r'^(?P<minutes>[0-9]+):(?P<seconds>[0-9]+).*') _lineClear = re.compile(r'^(?:[0-9:]+\s?)?') _lineFormats = ( # 1579:03ConnectInfo: 0: E24F9B2702B9E4A1223E905BF597FA92: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: 3: 3: re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<pbid>[0-9A-Z]{32}):\s*' r'(?P<name>[^:]+):\s*' r'(?P<num1>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<num2>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+))$', re.IGNORECASE), # 1536:17sayc: 0: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: sorry... # 1536:34sayteamc: 17: ^1[^7DP^1]^4Timekiller: ^4ammo ^2here !!!!! re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>' r'(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<name>.+):\s+' r'(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), # 1536:37Kill: 1 18 9: ^1klaus killed ^1[pura] by MOD_MP40 re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>' r'(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s' r'(?P<acid>[0-9]+)\s' r'(?P<aweap>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>.*)$', re.IGNORECASE) ) # num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate # --- ----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- ----- # 2 0 29 465030 ThorN 50 6597 5000 _regPlayer = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+' r'(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<guid>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+' r'(?P<name>.*?)\s+' r'(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+' r'(?P<qport>[0-9]+)' r'\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE) _regPlayerShort = re.compile(r'\s+(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<score>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<name>.*)\^7\s+', re.IGNORECASE) _reColor = re.compile(r'(\^[0-9a-z])|[\x80-\xff]') _reCvarName = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_.]+$', re.IGNORECASE) _reCvar = ( # "sv_maxclients" is:"16^7" default:"8^7" # latched: "12" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*' r'"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"\s+default:\s*' r'"(?P<default>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), # "g_maxGameClients" is:"0^7", the default # latched: "1" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*' r'"(?P<default>(?P<value>.*?))(\^7)?",\s+the\sdefault$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), # "mapname" is:"ut4_abbey^7" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), ) _reMapNameFromStatus = re.compile(r'^map:\s+(?P<map>.+)$', re.IGNORECASE) #################################################################################################################### # # # PARSER INITIALIZATION # # # #################################################################################################################### def startup(self): """ Called after the parser is created before run(). """ if not self.config.has_option('server', 'game_log'): self.critical("Your main config file is missing the 'game_log' setting in section 'server'") raise SystemExit(220) # add the world client self.clients.newClient('1022', guid='WORLD', name='World', hide=True, pbid='WORLD') if self.config.has_option('server', 'punkbuster') and self.config.getboolean('server', 'punkbuster'): self.PunkBuster = PunkBuster(self) self._eventMap['warmup'] = self.getEventID('EVT_GAME_WARMUP') self._eventMap['shutdowngame'] = self.getEventID('EVT_GAME_ROUND_END') # force g_logsync self.debug('Forcing server cvar g_logsync to %s' % self._logSync) self.setCvar('g_logsync', self._logSync) #################################################################################################################### # # # PARSING # # # #################################################################################################################### def getLineParts(self, line): """ Parse a log line returning extracted tokens. :param line: The line to be parsed """ line = re.sub(self._lineClear, '', line, 1) m = None for f in self._lineFormats: m = re.match(f, line) if m: #self.debug('line matched %s' % f.pattern) break if m: client = None target = None return m,'action').lower(),'data').strip(), client, target elif '------' not in line: self.verbose('Line did not match format: %s' % line) def parseLine(self, line): """ Parse a log line creating necessary events. :param line: The log line to be parsed """ m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ', '') if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent(self.getEvent(self._eventMap[action], data=data, client=client, target=target)) else: data = str(action) + ': ' + str(data) self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_UNKNOWN', data=data, client=client, target=target)) def parseUserInfo(self, info): """ Parse an infostring. :param info: The infostring to be parsed. """ # 0 \g_password\none\cl_guid\0A337702493AF67BB0B0F8565CE8BC6C\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\thorn\rate\25000... cid, info = string.split(info, ' ', 1) if info[:1] != '\\': info = '\\' + info options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', info) data = {} for o in options: data[o[0]] = o[1] if 'n' in data: data['name'] = data['n'] t = None if 'team' in data: t = data['team'] elif 't' in data: t = data['t'] data['team'] = self.getTeam(t) if 'cl_guid' in data and 'pbid' not in data: data['pbid'] = data['cl_guid'] return data #################################################################################################################### # # # EVENT HANDLERS # # # #################################################################################################################### def OnSay(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByExactName(msg[0]) return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_SAY', msg[1], client) def OnShutdowngame(self, action, data, match=None): #self.clients.sync() return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_ROUND_END', data) def OnClientdisconnect(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: client.disconnect() return None def OnSayteam(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByName(msg[0]) if client: return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_TEAM_SAY', msg[1], client, return None def OnExit(self, action, data, match=None): return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_EXIT', None) def OnItem(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_ITEM_PICKUP','text'), client) return None def OnClientbegin(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientBegin: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientconnect(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientConnect: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientuserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): bclient = self.parseUserInfo(data) self.verbose('Parsed user info: %s' % bclient) if bclient: client = self.clients.getByCID(bclient['cid']) if client: # update existing client for k, v in bclient.iteritems(): setattr(client, k, v) else: self.clients.newClient(bclient['cid'], **bclient) return None def OnClientuserinfochanged(self, action, data, match=None): return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, data, match) def OnUserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): _id = self._clientConnectID self._clientConnectID = None if not _id: self.error('OnUserinfo called without a ClientConnect ID') return None return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, '%s %s' % (_id, data), match) def OnKill(self, action, data, match=None): # Kill: 1022 0 6: <world> killed <-NoX-ThorN-> by MOD_FALLING # 20:26.59 Kill: 3 2 9: ^9n^2@^9ps killed [^0BsD^7:^0Und^7erKo^0ver^7] by MOD_MP40 # m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+): (.*?) killed (.*?) by ([A-Z_]+)$', data) attacker = self.getClient(attacker=match) if not attacker:'No attacker') return None victim = self.getClient(victim=match) if not victim:'No victim') return None return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_KILL', (100,'aweap'), None), attacker, victim) def OnInitgame(self, action, data, match=None): options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', data) for o in options: if o[0] == 'mapname': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'g_gametype': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'fs_game': = o[1] else: setattr(, o[0], o[1]) return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_ROUND_START', #################################################################################################################### # # # OTHER METHODS # # # #################################################################################################################### def getClient(self, match=None, attacker=None, victim=None): """ Get a client object using the best availible data. :param match: The match group extracted from the log line parsing :param attacker: The attacker group extracted from the log line parsing :param victim: The victim group extracted from the log line parsing """ if attacker: return self.clients.getByCID('acid')) elif victim: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) elif match: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) def getTeam(self, team): """ Return a B3 team given the team value. :param team: The team value """ team = str(team).lower() if team == 'free' or team == '0': return b3.TEAM_FREE elif team == 'red' or team == '1': return b3.TEAM_RED elif team == 'blue' or team == '2': return b3.TEAM_BLUE elif team == 'spectator' or team == '3': return b3.TEAM_SPEC return b3.TEAM_UNKNOWN #################################################################################################################### # # # B3 PARSER INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION # # # #################################################################################################################### def message(self, client, text): """ Send a private message to a client. :param client: The client to who send the message. :param text: The message to be sent. """ if client is None: # do a normal say self.say(text) return if client.cid is None: # skip this message return lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix, self.pmPrefix], text) message = message.strip() for line in self.getWrap(message): lines.append(self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def say(self, text): """ Broadcast a message to all players. :param text: The message to be broadcasted """ lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix], text) message = message.strip() for line in self.getWrap(message): lines.append(self.getCommand('say', message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def saybig(self, text): """ Broadcast a message to all players in a way that will catch their attention. :param text: The message to be broadcasted """ for c in range(1, 6): self.say('^%i%s' % (c, text)) def smartSay(self, client, text): """ Send a message to the game chat area with visibility regulated by the client dead state. :param client: The client whose state will regulate the message visibility. :param text: The message to be sent. """ if client and (client.state == b3.STATE_DEAD or == b3.TEAM_SPEC): self.verbose('Say dead state: %s, team %s', client.state, self.sayDead(text) else: self.verbose('Say all') self.say(text) def sayDead(self, text): """ Send a private message to all the dead clients. :param text: The message to be sent. """ lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix, self.deadPrefix], text) message = message.strip() wrapped = self.getWrap(message) for client in self.clients.getClientsByState(b3.STATE_DEAD): if client.cid: for line in wrapped: lines.append(self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def kick(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Kick a given client. :param client: The client to kick :param reason: The reason for this kick :param admin: The admin who performed the kick :param silent: Whether or not to announce this kick """ if isinstance(client, basestring) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client, reason=reason)) return if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 0.5, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_KICK', {'reason': reason, 'admin': admin}, client)) client.disconnect() def kickbyfullname(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Kick the client matching the given name. We get here if a name was given, and the name was not found as a client: this will allow the kicking of non autenticated players :param client: The client name :param reason: The reason for this kick :param admin: The admin who performed the kick :param silent: Whether or not to announce this kick """ # We get here if a name was given, and the name was not found as a client # This will allow the kicking of non autenticated players if 'kickbyfullname' in self._commands.keys(): self.debug('Trying kick by full name: %s for %s' % (client, reason)) result = self.write(self.getCommand('kickbyfullname', name=client)) if result.endswith('is not on the server\n'): admin.message('^7You need to use the full exact name to kick this player') elif result.endswith('was kicked.\n'): admin.message('^7Player kicked using full exact name') def ban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Ban a given client. :param client: The client to ban :param reason: The reason for this ban :param admin: The admin who performed the ban :param silent: Whether or not to announce this ban """ if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif not # no client id, database must be down, do tempban self.error('Q3AParser.ban(): no client id, database must be down, doing tempban') return self.tempban(client, reason, 1440, admin, silent) if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.ban(client, reason) # bans will only last 7 days, this is a failsafe incase a ban cant # be removed from punkbuster #self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 1440 * 7, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('banned_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('banned', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_BAN', {'reason': reason, 'admin': admin}, client)) client.disconnect() def unban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Unban a client. :param client: The client to unban :param reason: The reason for the unban :param admin: The admin who unbanned this client :param silent: Whether or not to announce this unban """ if self.PunkBuster: if client.pbid: result = self.PunkBuster.unBanGUID(client) if result: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7: %s' % (client.exactName, result)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) elif admin: admin.message('%s^7 unbanned but has no punkbuster id' % client.exactName) elif admin: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7. You may need to manually remove the user ' 'from the game\'s ban file.' % client.exactName) def tempban(self, client, reason='', duration=2, admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Tempban a client. :param client: The client to tempban :param reason: The reason for this tempban :param duration: The duration of the tempban :param admin: The admin who performed the tempban :param silent: Whether or not to announce this tempban """ duration = b3.functions.time2minutes(duration) if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif admin: banduration = b3.functions.minutesStr(duration) variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin, banduration=banduration) fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned_by', variables) else: banduration = b3.functions.minutesStr(duration) variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, banduration=banduration) fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned', variables) if self.PunkBuster: # punkbuster acts odd if you ban for more than a day # tempban for a day here and let b3 re-ban if the player # comes back if duration > 1440: duration = 1440 self.PunkBuster.kick(client, duration, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_BAN_TEMP', {'reason': reason, 'duration': duration, 'admin': admin}, client)) client.disconnect() def rotateMap(self): """ Load the next map/level. """ self.say('^7Changing map to next map') time.sleep(1) self.write('map_rotate 0') def changeMap(self, mapname): """ Load a given map/level. """ self.say('^7Changing map to %s' % mapname) time.sleep(1) self.write('map %s' % mapname) def getPlayerPings(self, filter_client_ids=None): """ Returns a dict having players' id for keys and players' ping for values. :param filter_client_ids: If filter_client_id is an iterable, only return values for the given client ids. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('ping')) return players def getPlayerScores(self): """ Returns a dict having players' id for keys and players' scores for values. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('score')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerList(self, maxRetries=None): """ Query the game server for connected players. Return a dict having players' id for keys and players' data as another dict for values. """ if self.PunkBuster: return self.PunkBuster.getPlayerList() else: data = self.write('status', maxRetries=maxRetries) if not data: return {} players = {} lastslot = -1 for line in data.split('\n')[3:]: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: d = m.groupdict() if int('slot')) > lastslot: lastslot = int('slot')) d['pbid'] = None players[str('slot'))] = d else: self.debug('Duplicate or incorrect slot number - ' 'client ignored %s last slot %s' % ('slot'), lastslot)) return players def getCvar(self, cvar_name): """ Return a CVAR from the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name. """ if self._reCvarName.match(cvar_name): val = self.write(cvar_name) self.debug('Get cvar %s = [%s]', cvar_name, val) m = None for f in self._reCvar: m = re.match(f, val) if m: break if m: if'cvar').lower() == cvar_name.lower(): try: default_value ='default') except IndexError: default_value = None return b3.cvar.Cvar('cvar'),'value'), default=default_value) else: return None def setCvar(self, cvar_name, value): """ Set a CVAR on the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name :param value: The CVAR value """ if re.match('^[a-z0-9_.]+$', cvar_name, re.IGNORECASE): self.debug('Set cvar %s = [%s]', cvar_name, value) self.write(self.getCommand('set', name=cvar_name, value=value)) else: self.error('%s is not a valid cvar name', cvar_name) def set(self, cvar_name, value): """ Set a CVAR on the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name :param value: The CVAR value """ self.warning('Use of deprecated method: set(): please use: setCvar()') self.setCvar(cvar_name, value) def getMap(self): """ Return the current map/level name. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return None line = data.split('\n')[0] m = re.match(self._reMapNameFromStatus, line.strip()) if m: return str('map')) return None def getMaps(self): pass def getNextMap(self): pass def sync(self): """ For all connected players returned by self.get_player_list(), get the matching Client object from self.clients (with self.clients.get_by_cid(cid) or similar methods) and look for inconsistencies. If required call the client.disconnect() method to remove a client from self.clients. This is mainly useful for games where clients are identified by the slot number they occupy. On map change, a player A on slot 1 can leave making room for player B who connects on slot 1. """ plist = self.getPlayerList() mlist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: if client.guid and 'guid' in c.keys(): if client.guid == c['guid']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.guid, c['guid']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.guid, c['guid']) client.disconnect() elif client.ip and 'ip' in c.keys(): if client.ip == c['ip']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.ip, c['ip']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.ip, c['ip']) client.disconnect() else: self.debug('no-sync: no guid or ip found') return mlist def authorizeClients(self): """ For all connected players, fill the client object with properties allowing to find the user in the database (usualy guid, or punkbuster id, ip) and call the Client.auth() method. """ players = self.getPlayerList(maxRetries=4) self.verbose('authorizeClients() = %s' % players) for cid, p in players.iteritems(): sp = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if sp: # Only set provided data, otherwise use the currently set data sp.ip = p.get('ip', sp.ip) sp.pbid = p.get('pbid', sp.pbid) sp.guid = p.get('guid', sp.guid) = p sp.auth() #################################################################################################################### # # # ALTER THE WAY ADMIN.PY WORKS FOR SOME Q3A BASED GAMES # # # #################################################################################################################### def patch_b3_admin_plugin(self): """ Monkey patches the admin plugin """ def new_cmd_kick(this, data, client=None, cmd=None): """ <name> [<reason>] - kick a player <fullexactname> [<reason>] - kick an incompletely authed player """ m = this.parseUserCmd(data) if not m: client.message('^7Invalid parameters') return False cid, keyword = m reason = this.getReason(keyword) if not reason and client.maxLevel < this._noreason_level: client.message('^1ERROR: ^7You must supply a reason') return False sclient = this.findClientPrompt(cid, client) if sclient: if sclient.cid == client.cid: this.console.say(self.getMessage('kick_self', client.exactName)) return True elif sclient.maxLevel >= client.maxLevel: if sclient.maskGroup: client.message('^7%s ^7is a masked higher level player, can\'t kick' % sclient.exactName) else: message = this.getMessage('kick_denied', sclient.exactName, client.exactName, sclient.exactName) this.console.say(message) return True else: sclient.kick(reason, keyword, client) return True elif re.match('^[0-9]+$', cid): # failsafe, do a manual client id kick this.console.kick(cid, reason, client) else: this.console.kickbyfullname(cid, reason, client) admin_plugin = self.getPlugin('admin') command = admin_plugin._commands['kick'] command.func = new.instancemethod(new_cmd_kick, admin_plugin) = new_cmd_kick.__doc__.strip()
class AbstractParser(b3.parser.Parser): ''' An abstract base class to help with developing q3a parsers ''' gameName = None privateMsg = True rconTest = True OutputClass = rcon.Rcon _settings = { 'line_length': 65, 'min_wrap_length': 100, } _commands = { 'message': 'tell %s %s ^8[pm]^7 %s', 'deadsay': 'tell %s %s [DEAD]^7 %s', 'say': 'say %s %s', 'set': 'set %s %s', 'kick': 'clientkick %s %s', 'ban': 'banid %s %s', 'tempban': 'clientkick %s %s', 'moveToTeam': 'forceteam %s %s', } _eventMap = { 'warmup' :, 'shutdowngame' : } # remove the time off of the line _lineClear = re.compile(r'^(?:[0-9:]+\s?)?') _lineTime = re.compile(r'^(?P<minutes>[0-9]+):(?P<seconds>[0-9]+).*') _lineFormats = ( #1579:03ConnectInfo: 0: E24F9B2702B9E4A1223E905BF597FA92: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: 3: 3: re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<pbid>[0-9A-Z]{32}):\s*(?P<name>[^:]+):\s*(?P<num1>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<num2>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+))$', re.IGNORECASE), #1536:17sayc: 0: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: sorry... #1536:34sayteamc: 17: ^1[^7DP^1]^4Timekiller: ^4ammo ^2here !!!!! re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<name>.+):\s+(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), #1536:37Kill: 1 18 9: ^1klaus killed ^1[pura] by MOD_MP40 re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<acid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<aweap>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>.*)$', re.IGNORECASE) ) #num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate #--- ----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- ----- #2 0 29 465030 <-{^4AS^7}-^3ThorN^7->^7 50 6597 5000 #_regPlayer = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<guid>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<name>.*?)\s+(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<qport>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.I) _regPlayer = re.compile(r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<guid>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+(?P<name>.*?)\s+(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+(?P<qport>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.I) _regPlayerShort = re.compile(r'\s+(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<score>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+(?P<name>.*)\^7\s+', re.I) _reColor = re.compile(r'(\^[0-9a-z])|[\x80-\xff]') _reCvarName = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_.]+$', re.I) _reCvar = ( #"sv_maxclients" is:"16^7" default:"8^7" #latched: "12" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"\s+default:\s*"(?P<default>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.I | re.M), #"g_maxGameClients" is:"0^7", the default #latched: "1" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<default>(?P<value>.*?))(\^7)?",\s+the\sdefault$', re.I | re.M), #"mapname" is:"ut4_abbey^7" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.I | re.M), ) _reMapNameFromStatus = re.compile(r'^map:\s+(?P<map>.+)$', re.I) PunkBuster = None def startup(self): # add the world client client = self.clients.newClient('1022', guid='WORLD', name='World', hide=True, pbid='WORLD') if self.config.has_option('server', 'punkbuster') and self.config.getboolean('server', 'punkbuster'): self.PunkBuster = PunkBuster(self) def getLineParts(self, line): line = re.sub(self._lineClear, '', line, 1) m = None for f in self._lineFormats: m = re.match(f, line) if m: #self.debug('line matched %s' % f.pattern) break if m: client = None target = None return m,'action').lower(),'data').strip(), client, target elif '------' not in line: self.verbose('line did not match format: %s' % line) def parseLine(self, line): m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ','') #self.debug("-==== FUNC!!: " + func) if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent( self._eventMap[action], data, client, target )) else: self.queueEvent(, str(action) + ': ' + str(data), client, target )) def getClient(self, match=None, attacker=None, victim=None): """Get a client object using the best availible data""" if attacker: return self.clients.getByCID('acid')) elif victim: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) elif match: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) #---------------------------------- def OnSay(self, action, data, match=None): """\ if self.type == b3.COMMAND: # we really need the second line text = if text: msg = string.split(text[:-1], '^7: ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None else: """ msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByExactName(msg[0]) return, msg[1], client) def OnShutdowngame(self, action, data, match=None): #self.clients.sync() return, data) def OnClientdisconnect(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: client.disconnect() return None def OnSayteam(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByName(msg[0]) if client: return, msg[1], client, else: return None def OnExit(self, action, data, match=None): return, None) def OnItem(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: return,'text'), client) return None def OnClientbegin(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientBegin: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientconnect(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientConnect: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientuserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): bclient = self.parseUserInfo(data) self.verbose('Parsed user info %s' % bclient) if bclient: client = self.clients.getByCID(bclient['cid']) if client: # update existing client for k, v in bclient.iteritems(): setattr(client, k, v) else: client = self.clients.newClient(bclient['cid'], **bclient) return None def OnClientuserinfochanged(self, action, data, match=None): return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, data, match) def OnUserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): #f = re.findall(r'\\name\\([^\\]+)', data) #if f: # client = self.clients.getByExactName(f[0]) # if client: try: id = self._clientConnectID except Exception: id = None self._clientConnectID = None if not id: self.error('OnUserinfo called without a ClientConnect ID') return None return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, '%s %s' % (id, data), match) def OnKill(self, action, data, match=None): #Kill: 1022 0 6: <world> killed <-NoX-ThorN-> by MOD_FALLING #20:26.59 Kill: 3 2 9: ^9n^2@^9ps killed [^0BsD^7:^0Und^7erKo^0ver^7] by MOD_MP40 #m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+): (.*?) killed (.*?) by ([A-Z_]+)$', data) attacker = self.getClient(attacker=match) if not attacker:'No attacker') return None victim = self.getClient(victim=match) if not victim:'No victim') return None return, (100,'aweap'), None), attacker, victim) def OnInitgame(self, action, data, match=None): options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', data) for o in options: if o[0] == 'mapname': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'g_gametype': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'fs_game': = o[1] else: setattr(, o[0], o[1]) return, #---------------------------------- def parseUserInfo(self, info): #0 \g_password\none\cl_guid\0A337702493AF67BB0B0F8565CE8BC6C\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\thorn\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\password\test\protocol\83\qport\16735\challenge\-79719899\ip\ playerID, info = string.split(info, ' ', 1) if info[:1] != '\\': info = '\\' + info options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', info) data = {} for o in options: data[o[0]] = o[1] if data.has_key('n'): data['name'] = data['n'] t = None if data.has_key('team'): t = data['team'] elif data.has_key('t'): t = data['t'] data['team'] = self.getTeam(t) if data.has_key('cl_guid') and not data.has_key('pbid'): data['pbid'] = data['cl_guid'] return data def getTeam(self, team): team = str(team).lower() # We convert to a string and lower the case because there is a problem when trying to detect numbers if it's not a string (weird) if team == 'free' or team == '0': result = b3.TEAM_FREE elif team == 'red' or team == '1': result = b3.TEAM_RED elif team == 'blue' or team == '2': result = b3.TEAM_BLUE elif team == 'spectator' or team == '3': result = b3.TEAM_SPEC else: result = b3.TEAM_UNKNOWN return result def message(self, client, text): try: if client is None: self.say(text) elif client.cid is None: pass else: lines = [] for line in self.getWrap(text, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']): lines.append(self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) except Exception: pass def say(self, msg): lines = [] for line in self.getWrap(msg, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']): lines.append(self.getCommand('say', prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) if len(lines): self.writelines(lines) def saybig(self, msg): for c in range(1,6): self.say('^%i%s' % (c, msg)) def smartSay(self, client, msg): if client and (client.state == b3.STATE_DEAD or == b3.TEAM_SPEC): self.verbose('say dead state: %s, team %s', client.state, self.sayDead(msg) else: self.verbose('say all') self.say(msg) def sayDead(self, msg): wrapped = self.getWrap(msg, self._settings['line_length'], self._settings['min_wrap_length']) lines = [] for client in self.clients.getClientsByState(b3.STATE_DEAD): if client.cid: for line in wrapped: lines.append(self.getCommand('deadsay', cid=client.cid, prefix=self.msgPrefix, message=line)) if len(lines): self.writelines(lines) def kick(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client, reason=reason)) return if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 0.5, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, reason, client)) client.disconnect() def ban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif not # no client id, database must be down, do tempban self.error('Q3AParser.ban(): no client id, database must be down, doing tempban') return self.tempban(client, reason, '1d', admin, silent) if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.ban(client, reason) # bans will only last 7 days, this is a failsafe incase a ban cant # be removed from punkbuster #self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 1440 * 7, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage('banned_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage('banned', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, {'reason': reason, 'admin': admin}, client)) client.disconnect() def unban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): if self.PunkBuster: if client.pbid: result = self.PunkBuster.unBanGUID(client) if result: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7: %s' % (client.exactName, result)) if admin: fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin)) else: fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) elif admin: admin.message('%s^7 unbanned but has no punkbuster id' % client.exactName) elif admin: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7. You may need to manually remove the user from the game\'s ban file.' % client.exactName) def tempban(self, client, reason='', duration=2, admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): duration = b3.functions.time2minutes(duration) if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif admin: fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned_by', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin, banduration=b3.functions.minutesStr(duration))) else: fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned', self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, banduration=b3.functions.minutesStr(duration))) if self.PunkBuster: # punkbuster acts odd if you ban for more than a day # tempban for a day here and let b3 re-ban if the player # comes back if duration > 1440: duration = 1440 self.PunkBuster.kick(client, duration, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent(, {'reason': reason, 'duration': duration, 'admin': admin} , client)) client.disconnect() def rotateMap(self): self.say('^7Changing map to next map') time.sleep(1) self.write('map_rotate 0') def changeMap(self, map): self.say('^7Changing map to %s' % map) time.sleep(1) self.write('map %s' % map) def getPlayerPings(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('ping')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerScores(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('score')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerScoressssss(self): plist = self.getPlayerListRcon() scorelist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: scorelist[str(cid)] = c['score'] return scorelist def getPlayerList(self, maxRetries=None): if self.PunkBuster: return self.PunkBuster.getPlayerList() else: data = self.write('status', maxRetries=maxRetries) if not data: return {} players = {} lastslot = -1 for line in data.split('\n')[3:]: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: d = m.groupdict() if int('slot')) > lastslot: lastslot = int('slot')) d['pbid'] = None players[str('slot'))] = d else: self.console.debug('Duplicate or Incorrect slot number - client ignored %s lastslot %s' % ('slot'), lastslot)) return players def getCvar(self, cvarName): if self._reCvarName.match(cvarName): #"g_password" is:"^7" default:"scrim^7" val = self.write(cvarName) self.debug('Get cvar %s = [%s]', cvarName, val) #sv_mapRotation is:gametype sd map mp_brecourt map mp_carentan map mp_dawnville map mp_depot map mp_harbor map mp_hurtgen map mp_neuville map mp_pavlov map mp_powcamp map mp_railyard map mp_rocket map mp_stalingrad^7 default:^7 m = None for f in self._reCvar: m = re.match(f, val) if m: #self.debug('line matched %s' % f.pattern) break if m: #self.debug('m.lastindex %s' % m.lastindex) if'cvar').lower() == cvarName.lower(): try: default_value ='default') except IndexError: default_value = None return b3.cvar.Cvar('cvar'),'value'), default=default_value) else: return None def set(self, cvarName, value): self.warning('Parser.set() is depreciated, use Parser.setCvar() instead') self.setCvar(cvarName, value) def setCvar(self, cvarName, value): if re.match('^[a-z0-9_.]+$', cvarName, re.I): self.debug('Set cvar %s = [%s]', cvarName, value) self.write(self.getCommand('set', name=cvarName, value=value)) else: self.error('%s is not a valid cvar name', cvarName) def getMap(self): data = self.write('status') if not data: return None line = data.split('\n')[0] #self.debug('[%s]'%line.strip()) m = re.match(self._reMapNameFromStatus, line.strip()) if m: return str('map')) return None def getMaps(self): return None def sync(self): plist = self.getPlayerList() mlist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: if client.guid and c.has_key('guid'): if client.guid == c['guid']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.guid, c['guid']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.guid, c['guid']) client.disconnect() elif client.ip and c.has_key('ip'): if client.ip == c['ip']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.ip, c['ip']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.ip, c['ip']) client.disconnect() else: self.debug('no-sync: no guid or ip found.') return mlist def authorizeClients(self): players = self.getPlayerList(maxRetries=4) self.verbose('authorizeClients() = %s' % players) for cid, p in players.iteritems(): sp = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if sp: # Only set provided data, otherwise use the currently set data sp.ip = p.get('ip', sp.ip) sp.pbid = p.get('pbid', sp.pbid) sp.guid = p.get('guid', sp.guid) = p sp.auth()
class AbstractParser(b3.parser.Parser): """ An abstract base class to help with developing q3a parsers. """ gameName = None privateMsg = True rconTest = True OutputClass = rcon.Rcon PunkBuster = None _clientConnectID = None _logSync = 2 _commands = { 'ban': 'banid %(cid)s %(reason)s', 'kick': 'clientkick %(cid)s %(reason)s', 'kickbyfullname': 'kick %(name)s', 'message': 'tell %(cid)s %(message)s', 'moveToTeam': 'forceteam %(cid)s %(team)s', 'say': 'say %(message)s', 'set': 'set %(name)s "%(value)s"', 'tempban': 'clientkick %(cid)s %(reason)s', } _eventMap = { #'warmup':, #'shutdowngame': } # remove the time off of the line _lineTime = re.compile(r'^(?P<minutes>[0-9]+):(?P<seconds>[0-9]+).*') _lineClear = re.compile(r'^(?:[0-9:]+\s?)?') _lineFormats = ( # 1579:03ConnectInfo: 0: E24F9B2702B9E4A1223E905BF597FA92: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: 3: 3: re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<pbid>[0-9A-Z]{32}):\s*' r'(?P<name>[^:]+):\s*' r'(?P<num1>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<num2>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9]+))$', re.IGNORECASE), # 1536:17sayc: 0: ^w[^2AS^w]^2Lead: sorry... # 1536:34sayteamc: 17: ^1[^7DP^1]^4Timekiller: ^4ammo ^2here !!!!! re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>' r'(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<name>.+):\s+' r'(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), # 1536:37Kill: 1 18 9: ^1klaus killed ^1[pura] by MOD_MP40 re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*' r'(?P<data>' r'(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s' r'(?P<acid>[0-9]+)\s' r'(?P<aweap>[0-9]+):\s*' r'(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+):\s*(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile( r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>(?P<cid>[0-9]+)\s(?P<text>.*))$', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^(?P<action>[a-z]+):\s*(?P<data>.*)$', re.IGNORECASE)) # num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate # --- ----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- ----- # 2 0 29 465030 ThorN 50 6597 5000 _regPlayer = re.compile( r'^(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<score>[0-9-]+)\s+' r'(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<guid>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+' r'(?P<name>.*?)\s+' r'(?P<last>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<ip>[0-9.]+):(?P<port>[0-9-]+)\s+' r'(?P<qport>[0-9]+)' r'\s+(?P<rate>[0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE) _regPlayerShort = re.compile( r'\s+(?P<slot>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<score>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<ping>[0-9]+)\s+' r'(?P<name>.*)\^7\s+', re.IGNORECASE) _reColor = re.compile(r'(\^[0-9a-z])|[\x80-\xff]') _reCvarName = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_.]+$', re.IGNORECASE) _reCvar = ( # "sv_maxclients" is:"16^7" default:"8^7" # latched: "12" re.compile( r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*' r'"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"\s+default:\s*' r'"(?P<default>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), # "g_maxGameClients" is:"0^7", the default # latched: "1" re.compile( r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*' r'"(?P<default>(?P<value>.*?))(\^7)?",\s+the\sdefault$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), # "mapname" is:"ut4_abbey^7" re.compile(r'^"(?P<cvar>[a-z0-9_.]+)"\s+is:\s*"(?P<value>.*?)(\^7)?"$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE), ) _reMapNameFromStatus = re.compile(r'^map:\s+(?P<map>.+)$', re.IGNORECASE) #################################################################################################################### # # # PARSER INITIALIZATION # # # #################################################################################################################### def startup(self): """ Called after the parser is created before run(). """ if not self.config.has_option('server', 'game_log'): self.critical( "Your main config file is missing the 'game_log' setting in section 'server'" ) raise SystemExit(220) # add the world client self.clients.newClient('1022', guid='WORLD', name='World', hide=True, pbid='WORLD') if self.config.has_option('server', 'punkbuster') and self.config.getboolean( 'server', 'punkbuster'): self.PunkBuster = PunkBuster(self) self._eventMap['warmup'] = self.getEventID('EVT_GAME_WARMUP') self._eventMap['shutdowngame'] = self.getEventID('EVT_GAME_ROUND_END') # force g_logsync self.debug('Forcing server cvar g_logsync to %s' % self._logSync) self.setCvar('g_logsync', self._logSync) #################################################################################################################### # # # PARSING # # # #################################################################################################################### def getLineParts(self, line): """ Parse a log line returning extracted tokens. :param line: The line to be parsed """ line = re.sub(self._lineClear, '', line, 1) m = None for f in self._lineFormats: m = re.match(f, line) if m: #self.debug('line matched %s' % f.pattern) break if m: client = None target = None return m,'action').lower(), 'data').strip(), client, target elif '------' not in line: self.verbose('Line did not match format: %s' % line) def parseLine(self, line): """ Parse a log line creating necessary events. :param line: The log line to be parsed """ m = self.getLineParts(line) if not m: return False match, action, data, client, target = m func = 'On%s' % string.capwords(action).replace(' ', '') if hasattr(self, func): func = getattr(self, func) event = func(action, data, match) if event: self.queueEvent(event) elif action in self._eventMap: self.queueEvent( self.getEvent(self._eventMap[action], data=data, client=client, target=target)) else: data = str(action) + ': ' + str(data) self.queueEvent( self.getEvent('EVT_UNKNOWN', data=data, client=client, target=target)) def parseUserInfo(self, info): """ Parse an infostring. :param info: The infostring to be parsed. """ # 0 \g_password\none\cl_guid\0A337702493AF67BB0B0F8565CE8BC6C\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\thorn\rate\25000... cid, info = string.split(info, ' ', 1) if info[:1] != '\\': info = '\\' + info options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', info) data = {} for o in options: data[o[0]] = o[1] if 'n' in data: data['name'] = data['n'] t = None if 'team' in data: t = data['team'] elif 't' in data: t = data['t'] data['team'] = self.getTeam(t) if 'cl_guid' in data and 'pbid' not in data: data['pbid'] = data['cl_guid'] return data #################################################################################################################### # # # EVENT HANDLERS # # # #################################################################################################################### def OnSay(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByExactName(msg[0]) return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_SAY', msg[1], client) def OnShutdowngame(self, action, data, match=None): #self.clients.sync() return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_ROUND_END', data) def OnClientdisconnect(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: client.disconnect() return None def OnSayteam(self, action, data, match=None): msg = string.split(data, ': ', 1) if not len(msg) == 2: return None client = self.clients.getByName(msg[0]) if client: return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_TEAM_SAY', msg[1], client, return None def OnExit(self, action, data, match=None): return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_EXIT', None) def OnItem(self, action, data, match=None): client = self.getClient(match) if client: return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_ITEM_PICKUP','text'), client) return None def OnClientbegin(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientBegin: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientconnect(self, action, data, match=None): # we get user info in two parts: # 19:42.36 ClientConnect: 4 # 19:42.36 Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.56\cg_u # we need to store the ClientConnect ID for the next call to userinfo self._clientConnectID = data return None def OnClientuserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): bclient = self.parseUserInfo(data) self.verbose('Parsed user info: %s' % bclient) if bclient: client = self.clients.getByCID(bclient['cid']) if client: # update existing client for k, v in bclient.iteritems(): setattr(client, k, v) else: self.clients.newClient(bclient['cid'], **bclient) return None def OnClientuserinfochanged(self, action, data, match=None): return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, data, match) def OnUserinfo(self, action, data, match=None): _id = self._clientConnectID self._clientConnectID = None if not _id: self.error('OnUserinfo called without a ClientConnect ID') return None return self.OnClientuserinfo(action, '%s %s' % (_id, data), match) def OnKill(self, action, data, match=None): # Kill: 1022 0 6: <world> killed <-NoX-ThorN-> by MOD_FALLING # 20:26.59 Kill: 3 2 9: ^9n^2@^9ps killed [^0BsD^7:^0Und^7erKo^0ver^7] by MOD_MP40 # m = re.match(r'^([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+): (.*?) killed (.*?) by ([A-Z_]+)$', data) attacker = self.getClient(attacker=match) if not attacker:'No attacker') return None victim = self.getClient(victim=match) if not victim:'No victim') return None return self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_KILL', (100,'aweap'), None), attacker, victim) def OnInitgame(self, action, data, match=None): options = re.findall(r'\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)', data) for o in options: if o[0] == 'mapname': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'g_gametype': = o[1] elif o[0] == 'fs_game': = o[1] else: setattr(, o[0], o[1]) return self.getEvent('EVT_GAME_ROUND_START', #################################################################################################################### # # # OTHER METHODS # # # #################################################################################################################### def getClient(self, match=None, attacker=None, victim=None): """ Get a client object using the best availible data. :param match: The match group extracted from the log line parsing :param attacker: The attacker group extracted from the log line parsing :param victim: The victim group extracted from the log line parsing """ if attacker: return self.clients.getByCID('acid')) elif victim: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) elif match: return self.clients.getByCID('cid')) def getTeam(self, team): """ Return a B3 team given the team value. :param team: The team value """ team = str(team).lower() if team == 'free' or team == '0': return b3.TEAM_FREE elif team == 'red' or team == '1': return b3.TEAM_RED elif team == 'blue' or team == '2': return b3.TEAM_BLUE elif team == 'spectator' or team == '3': return b3.TEAM_SPEC return b3.TEAM_UNKNOWN #################################################################################################################### # # # B3 PARSER INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION # # # #################################################################################################################### def message(self, client, text): """ Send a private message to a client. :param client: The client to who send the message. :param text: The message to be sent. """ if client is None: # do a normal say self.say(text) return if client.cid is None: # skip this message return lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix, self.pmPrefix], text) message = message.strip() for line in self.getWrap(message): lines.append( self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def say(self, text): """ Broadcast a message to all players. :param text: The message to be broadcasted """ lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix], text) message = message.strip() for line in self.getWrap(message): lines.append(self.getCommand('say', message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def saybig(self, text): """ Broadcast a message to all players in a way that will catch their attention. :param text: The message to be broadcasted """ for c in range(1, 6): self.say('^%i%s' % (c, text)) def smartSay(self, client, text): """ Send a message to the game chat area with visibility regulated by the client dead state. :param client: The client whose state will regulate the message visibility. :param text: The message to be sent. """ if client and (client.state == b3.STATE_DEAD or == b3.TEAM_SPEC): self.verbose('Say dead state: %s, team %s', client.state, self.sayDead(text) else: self.verbose('Say all') self.say(text) def sayDead(self, text): """ Send a private message to all the dead clients. :param text: The message to be sent. """ lines = [] message = prefixText([self.msgPrefix, self.deadPrefix], text) message = message.strip() wrapped = self.getWrap(message) for client in self.clients.getClientsByState(b3.STATE_DEAD): if client.cid: for line in wrapped: lines.append( self.getCommand('message', cid=client.cid, message=line)) self.writelines(lines) def kick(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Kick a given client. :param client: The client to kick :param reason: The reason for this kick :param admin: The admin who performed the kick :param silent: Whether or not to announce this kick """ if isinstance(client, basestring) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client, reason=reason)) return if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 0.5, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('kick', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('kicked', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent( self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_KICK', { 'reason': reason, 'admin': admin }, client)) client.disconnect() def kickbyfullname(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Kick the client matching the given name. We get here if a name was given, and the name was not found as a client: this will allow the kicking of non autenticated players :param client: The client name :param reason: The reason for this kick :param admin: The admin who performed the kick :param silent: Whether or not to announce this kick """ # We get here if a name was given, and the name was not found as a client # This will allow the kicking of non autenticated players if 'kickbyfullname' in self._commands.keys(): self.debug('Trying kick by full name: %s for %s' % (client, reason)) result = self.write(self.getCommand('kickbyfullname', name=client)) if result.endswith('is not on the server\n'): admin.message( '^7You need to use the full exact name to kick this player' ) elif result.endswith('was kicked.\n'): admin.message('^7Player kicked using full exact name') def ban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Ban a given client. :param client: The client to ban :param reason: The reason for this ban :param admin: The admin who performed the ban :param silent: Whether or not to announce this ban """ if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif not # no client id, database must be down, do tempban self.error( 'Q3AParser.ban(): no client id, database must be down, doing tempban' ) return self.tempban(client, reason, 1440, admin, silent) if self.PunkBuster: self.PunkBuster.ban(client, reason) # bans will only last 7 days, this is a failsafe incase a ban cant # be removed from punkbuster #self.PunkBuster.kick(client, 1440 * 7, reason) else: self.write(self.getCommand('ban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('banned_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('banned', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent( self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_BAN', { 'reason': reason, 'admin': admin }, client)) client.disconnect() def unban(self, client, reason='', admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Unban a client. :param client: The client to unban :param reason: The reason for the unban :param admin: The admin who unbanned this client :param silent: Whether or not to announce this unban """ if self.PunkBuster: if client.pbid: result = self.PunkBuster.unBanGUID(client) if result: admin.message('^3Unbanned^7: %s^7: %s' % (client.exactName, result)) if admin: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin) fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned_by', variables) else: variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason) fullreason = self.getMessage('unbanned', variables) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) elif admin: admin.message('%s^7 unbanned but has no punkbuster id' % client.exactName) elif admin: admin.message( '^3Unbanned^7: %s^7. You may need to manually remove the user ' 'from the game\'s ban file.' % client.exactName) def tempban(self, client, reason='', duration=2, admin=None, silent=False, *kwargs): """ Tempban a client. :param client: The client to tempban :param reason: The reason for this tempban :param duration: The duration of the tempban :param admin: The admin who performed the tempban :param silent: Whether or not to announce this tempban """ duration = b3.functions.time2minutes(duration) if isinstance(client, b3.clients.Client) and not client.guid: # client has no guid, kick instead return self.kick(client, reason, admin, silent) elif isinstance(client, str) and re.match('^[0-9]+$', client): self.write(self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client, reason=reason)) return elif admin: banduration = b3.functions.minutesStr(duration) variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, admin=admin, banduration=banduration) fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned_by', variables) else: banduration = b3.functions.minutesStr(duration) variables = self.getMessageVariables(client=client, reason=reason, banduration=banduration) fullreason = self.getMessage('temp_banned', variables) if self.PunkBuster: # punkbuster acts odd if you ban for more than a day # tempban for a day here and let b3 re-ban if the player # comes back if duration > 1440: duration = 1440 self.PunkBuster.kick(client, duration, reason) else: self.write( self.getCommand('tempban', cid=client.cid, reason=reason)) if not silent and fullreason != '': self.say(fullreason) self.queueEvent( self.getEvent('EVT_CLIENT_BAN_TEMP', { 'reason': reason, 'duration': duration, 'admin': admin }, client)) client.disconnect() def rotateMap(self): """ Load the next map/level. """ self.say('^7Changing map to next map') time.sleep(1) self.write('map_rotate 0') def changeMap(self, mapname): """ Load a given map/level. """ self.say('^7Changing map to %s' % mapname) time.sleep(1) self.write('map %s' % mapname) def getPlayerPings(self, filter_client_ids=None): """ Returns a dict having players' id for keys and players' ping for values. :param filter_client_ids: If filter_client_id is an iterable, only return values for the given client ids. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('ping')) return players def getPlayerScores(self): """ Returns a dict having players' id for keys and players' scores for values. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return {} players = {} for line in data.split('\n'): #self.debug('Line: ' + line + "-") m = re.match(self._regPlayerShort, line) if not m: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: players[str('slot'))] = int('score')) #elif '------' not in line and 'map: ' not in line and 'num score ping' not in line: #self.verbose('getPlayerScores() = Line did not match format: %s' % line) return players def getPlayerList(self, maxRetries=None): """ Query the game server for connected players. Return a dict having players' id for keys and players' data as another dict for values. """ if self.PunkBuster: return self.PunkBuster.getPlayerList() else: data = self.write('status', maxRetries=maxRetries) if not data: return {} players = {} lastslot = -1 for line in data.split('\n')[3:]: m = re.match(self._regPlayer, line.strip()) if m: d = m.groupdict() if int('slot')) > lastslot: lastslot = int('slot')) d['pbid'] = None players[str('slot'))] = d else: self.debug('Duplicate or incorrect slot number - ' 'client ignored %s last slot %s' % ('slot'), lastslot)) return players def getCvar(self, cvar_name): """ Return a CVAR from the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name. """ if self._reCvarName.match(cvar_name): val = self.write(cvar_name) self.debug('Get cvar %s = [%s]', cvar_name, val) m = None for f in self._reCvar: m = re.match(f, val) if m: break if m: if'cvar').lower() == cvar_name.lower(): try: default_value ='default') except IndexError: default_value = None return b3.cvar.Cvar('cvar'),'value'), default=default_value) else: return None def setCvar(self, cvar_name, value): """ Set a CVAR on the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name :param value: The CVAR value """ if re.match('^[a-z0-9_.]+$', cvar_name, re.IGNORECASE): self.debug('Set cvar %s = [%s]', cvar_name, value) self.write(self.getCommand('set', name=cvar_name, value=value)) else: self.error('%s is not a valid cvar name', cvar_name) def set(self, cvar_name, value): """ Set a CVAR on the server. :param cvar_name: The CVAR name :param value: The CVAR value """ self.warning('Use of deprecated method: set(): please use: setCvar()') self.setCvar(cvar_name, value) def getMap(self): """ Return the current map/level name. """ data = self.write('status') if not data: return None line = data.split('\n')[0] m = re.match(self._reMapNameFromStatus, line.strip()) if m: return str('map')) return None def getMaps(self): pass def getNextMap(self): pass def sync(self): """ For all connected players returned by self.get_player_list(), get the matching Client object from self.clients (with self.clients.get_by_cid(cid) or similar methods) and look for inconsistencies. If required call the client.disconnect() method to remove a client from self.clients. This is mainly useful for games where clients are identified by the slot number they occupy. On map change, a player A on slot 1 can leave making room for player B who connects on slot 1. """ plist = self.getPlayerList() mlist = {} for cid, c in plist.iteritems(): client = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if client: if client.guid and 'guid' in c.keys(): if client.guid == c['guid']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.guid, c['guid']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.guid, c['guid']) client.disconnect() elif client.ip and 'ip' in c.keys(): if client.ip == c['ip']: # player matches self.debug('in-sync %s == %s', client.ip, c['ip']) mlist[str(cid)] = client else: self.debug('no-sync %s <> %s', client.ip, c['ip']) client.disconnect() else: self.debug('no-sync: no guid or ip found') return mlist def authorizeClients(self): """ For all connected players, fill the client object with properties allowing to find the user in the database (usualy guid, or punkbuster id, ip) and call the Client.auth() method. """ players = self.getPlayerList(maxRetries=4) self.verbose('authorizeClients() = %s' % players) for cid, p in players.iteritems(): sp = self.clients.getByCID(cid) if sp: # Only set provided data, otherwise use the currently set data sp.ip = p.get('ip', sp.ip) sp.pbid = p.get('pbid', sp.pbid) sp.guid = p.get('guid', sp.guid) = p sp.auth() #################################################################################################################### # # # ALTER THE WAY ADMIN.PY WORKS FOR SOME Q3A BASED GAMES # # # #################################################################################################################### def patch_b3_admin_plugin(self): """ Monkey patches the admin plugin """ def new_cmd_kick(this, data, client=None, cmd=None): """ <name> [<reason>] - kick a player <fullexactname> [<reason>] - kick an incompletely authed player """ m = this.parseUserCmd(data) if not m: client.message('^7Invalid parameters') return False cid, keyword = m reason = this.getReason(keyword) if not reason and client.maxLevel < this._noreason_level: client.message('^1ERROR: ^7You must supply a reason') return False sclient = this.findClientPrompt(cid, client) if sclient: if sclient.cid == client.cid: this.console.say( self.getMessage('kick_self', client.exactName)) return True elif sclient.maxLevel >= client.maxLevel: if sclient.maskGroup: client.message( '^7%s ^7is a masked higher level player, can\'t kick' % sclient.exactName) else: message = this.getMessage('kick_denied', sclient.exactName, client.exactName, sclient.exactName) this.console.say(message) return True else: sclient.kick(reason, keyword, client) return True elif re.match('^[0-9]+$', cid): # failsafe, do a manual client id kick this.console.kick(cid, reason, client) else: this.console.kickbyfullname(cid, reason, client) admin_plugin = self.getPlugin('admin') command = admin_plugin._commands['kick'] command.func = new.instancemethod(new_cmd_kick, admin_plugin) = new_cmd_kick.__doc__.strip()