def onReset(self): """ reset grid and LUT """ # get a fresh LUT self.graphicsScene.lut = LUT3D(None, size=self.graphicsScene.lut.size, alpha=True) # explode all node groups groupList = [item for item in self.grid.childItems() if type(item) is nodeGroup] for item in groupList: item.prepareGeometryChange() self.scene().destroyItemGroup(item) # reset grid self.grid.reset() self.selected = None self.grid.drawGrid() self.layer.applyToStack() self.layer.parentImage.onImageChanged()
This File is part of bLUe software. Copyright (C) 2017 Bernard Virot <*****@*****.**> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ ##################################### # Initializes LUT3D constants and objects ##################################### import numpy as np from bLUeCore.bLUeLUT3D import LUT3D LUTSIZE = LUT3D.defaultSize LUT3DIdentity = LUT3D(None, size=LUTSIZE) LUTSTEP = LUT3DIdentity.step LUT3D_ORI = LUT3DIdentity.LUT3DArray a,b,c,d = LUT3D_ORI.shape LUT3D_SHADOW = np.zeros((a,b,c,d+1)) LUT3D_SHADOW[:,:,:,:3] = LUT3D_ORI
def __init__(self, cModel, targetImage=None, axeSize=500, LUTSize=LUTSIZE, layer=None, parent=None, mainForm=None): """ @param cModel: color space used by colorPicker, slider2D and colorPicker @type cModel: cmConverter object @param axeSize: size of the color wheel @type axeSize: int @param targetImage: @type targetImage: imImage @param LUTSize: @type LUTSize: int @param layer: layer of targetImage linked to graphics form @type layer : QLayer @param parent: @type parent: """ super().__init__(parent=parent) self.mainForm = mainForm # used by saveLUT() # context help tag self.helpId = "LUT3DForm" self.cModel = cModel border = 20 self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.setMinimumSize(axeSize + 90, axeSize + 200) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(, Qt.SolidPattern)) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = 0, 0, self.defaultColorWheelBr self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = 0, 0, 0 self.size = axeSize # back links to image self.targetImage = weakProxy(targetImage) self.layer = weakProxy(layer) # currently selected grid node self.selected = None self.graphicsScene = QGraphicsScene() self.graphicsScene.options = None self.setScene(self.graphicsScene) # back to image layer self.graphicsScene.layer = weakProxy(layer) # init LUT freshLUT3D = LUT3D(None, size=LUTSize, alpha=True) self.graphicsScene.lut = freshLUT3D # init 2D slider QImg = hueSatPattern(axeSize, axeSize, cModel, bright=self.defaultColorWheelBr, border=border) self.graphicsScene.slider2D = colorChooser(cModel, QImg, target=self.targetImage, size=axeSize, border=border) self.graphicsScene.selectMarker = activeMarker.fromCross(parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.selectMarker.setPos(axeSize / 2, axeSize / 2) # color wheel event handler def f1(p, r, g, b): h, s, br = self.cModel.rgb2cm(r, g, b) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = h, s, br self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = r, g, b self.bSliderUpdate() self.displayStatus() self.graphicsScene.slider2D.onMouseRelease = f1 self.graphicsScene.addItem(self.graphicsScene.slider2D) # Brightness slider self.bSliderHeight = 20 self.bSliderWidth = self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.width() px = brightnessPattern(self.bSliderWidth, self.bSliderHeight, cModel, self.currentHue, self.currentSat).rPixmap self.graphicsScene.bSlider = QGraphicsPixmapItem(px, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.bSlider.setPos(QPointF(-border, self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.height() - border)) bSliderCursor = activeMarker.fromTriangle(parent=self.graphicsScene.bSlider) bSliderCursor.setMoveRange(QRectF(0.0, bSliderCursor.size, self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width(), 0.0)) bSliderCursor.setPos(self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width() * self.defaultColorWheelBr, bSliderCursor.size) # cursor event handlers def f2(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) QToolTip.showText(e.screenPos(), (str(int(self.currentPb * 100.0))), self) bSliderCursor.onMouseMove = f2 def f3(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.setPb(self.currentPb) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.setPixmap(self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.rPixmap) self.displayStatus() bSliderCursor.onMouseRelease = f3 # status bar offset = 60 self.graphicsScene.statusBar = QGraphicsTextItem() self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setPos(-20, axeSize + offset) self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setDefaultTextColor(QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.graphicsScene.statusBar.setPlainText('') self.graphicsScene.addItem(self.graphicsScene.statusBar) self.displayStatus() # self.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) # grid self.grid = activeGrid(self.graphicsScene.lut.size, self.cModel, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.grid = self.grid # buttons pushButton1 = QbLUePushButton("Reset Grid") pushButton1.clicked.connect(self.onReset) pushButton2 = QbLUePushButton("Save LUT") pushButton2.clicked.connect(self.saveLUT) pushButton3 = QbLUePushButton("Smooth Grid") pushButton3.clicked.connect(self.onSmoothGrid) pushButton4 = QbLUePushButton('Set Mask') pushButton4.clicked.connect(self.setMask) # pushButton4 needs enabling/disabling self.pushButton4 = pushButton4 # options options1, optionNames1 = ['use image', 'use selection'], ['Use Image', 'Use Selection'] self.listWidget1 = optionsWidget(options=options1, optionNames=optionNames1, exclusive=True) """ def onSelect1(item): self.graphicsScene.options['use selection'] = item is self.listWidget1.items['use selection'] self.listWidget1.onSelect = onSelect1 """ self.listWidget1.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) # set initial selection to 'use image' self.listWidget1.checkOption(self.listWidget1.intNames[0]) options2, optionNames2 = ['add node', 'remove node'], ['Add Node', 'Remove Node'] self.listWidget2 = optionsWidget(options=options2, optionNames=optionNames2, exclusive=True) """ def onSelect2(item): self.graphicsScene.options['add node'] = item is self.listWidget2.items['add node'] self.listWidget2.onSelect = onSelect2 """ # set initial selection to add node' self.listWidget2.checkOption(self.listWidget2.intNames[0]) options3 = ['select neighbors', 'reset removed nodes', 'show histogram', 'keep alpha'] optionNames3 = ['Select Neighbors', 'Reset Removed', 'Show Histogram', 'Keep Alpha'] self.listWidget3 = optionsWidget(options=options3, optionNames=optionNames3, exclusive=False) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[0]) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[1]) def onSelect3(item): option = item.internalName if option == 'show histogram': self.graphicsScene.slider2D.showTargetHist = self.graphicsScene.options[option] # .isChecked() self.graphicsScene.slider2D.updatePixmap() return if option == 'keep alpha': self.enableButtons() self.layer.applyToStack() self.listWidget3.onSelect = onSelect3 # set initial selection to 'select naighbors' item = self.listWidget3.items[options3[0]] item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.graphicsScene.options = UDict((self.listWidget1.options, self.listWidget2.options, self.listWidget3.options)) # layouts hlButtons = QHBoxLayout() hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton1) hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton3) hlButtons.addWidget(pushButton2) hl = QHBoxLayout() vl1 = QVBoxLayout() vl1.addWidget(self.listWidget1) vl1.addWidget(pushButton4) hl.addLayout(vl1) hl.addWidget(self.listWidget2) hl.addWidget(self.listWidget3) vl = QVBoxLayout() for l in [hlButtons, hl]: vl.addLayout(l) # Init QWidget container for adding buttons and options to graphicsScene container = QWidget() container.setObjectName("container") container.setLayout(vl) ss = """QWidget#container{background: black}\ QListWidget{background-color: black; selection-background-color: black; border: none; font-size: 7pt}\ QListWidget::item{color: white;}\ QListWidget::item::selected{background: black; border: none}""" container.setStyleSheet(ss) for wdg in [self.listWidget1, self.listWidget2, self.listWidget3]: wdg.setMinimumWidth(wdg.sizeHintForColumn(0)) wdg.setMinimumHeight(wdg.sizeHintForRow(0)*len(wdg.items)) container.setGeometry(-offset//2, axeSize + offset - 20, axeSize + offset, 20) self.graphicsScene.addWidget(container) #container.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {color: white;}\ # QPushButton:pressed, QPushButton:hover {background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #0d5ca6, stop: 1 #2198c0);}") self.setWhatsThis( """ <b>2.5D LUT Editor</b><br> HSpB layers are slower than HSV, but usually they give better results.<br> <b>Select nodes</b> with mouse clicks on the image. Selected nodes are shown as small black circles on the color wheel.<br> <b>Modify the color</b> of a node by dragging it on the wheel. Several nodes can be moved simultaneously by grouping them.<br> <b>Group nodes</b> :<br> 1 - select them with the mouse : while pressing the mouse left button, drag a rubber band around the nodes to select;<br> 2 - next, right click any one of the selected nodes and choose group from the context menu<br> <b>unselect nodes</b> :<br> 1 - check the option Remove Node;<br> 2 - ungroup;<br> 3 - on the image, click the pixels to unselect.<br> <b>Caution</b> : Selecting nodes with the mouse is enabled only when the Color Chooser is closed.<br> Click the <b> Smooth Grid</b> button to smooth color transitions between neighbor nodes.<br> Check the <br>Keep Alpha</b> option to forward the alpha channel without modifications.<br> This option must be unchecked to build a mask from the 3D LUT.<br> """ ) # end of setWhatsThis
def __init__(self, cModel, targetImage=None, axeSize=500, LUTSize=LUTSIZE, layer=None, parent=None, mainForm=None): """ @param cModel: color space used by colorPicker, slider2D and colorPicker @type cModel: cmConverter object @param axeSize: size of the color wheel @type axeSize: int @param targetImage: @type targetImage: imImage @param LUTSize: @type LUTSize: int @param layer: layer of targetImage linked to graphics form @type layer : QLayer @param parent: @type parent: """ super().__init__(targetImage=targetImage, layer=layer, parent=parent) self.mainForm = mainForm # used by saveLUT() # context help tag self.helpId = "LUT3DForm" self.cModel = cModel border = 20 self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.setMinimumSize(axeSize + 90, axeSize + 250) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(, Qt.SolidPattern)) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = 0, 0, self.defaultColorWheelBr self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = 0, 0, 0 self.size = axeSize # currently selected grid node self.selected = None # init LUT freshLUT3D = LUT3D(None, size=LUTSize, alpha=True) self.graphicsScene.lut = freshLUT3D # init 2D slider (color wheel) swatchImg = hueSatPattern(axeSize, axeSize, cModel, bright=self.defaultColorWheelBr, border=border) slider2D = colorChooser(cModel, swatchImg, target=self.targetImage, size=axeSize, border=border) ######################################################################### # CAUTION : sliedr2D has a non null offset # slider2D (and QImg) topleft corner is at scene pos -slider2D.offset() ######################################################################### self.graphicsScene.addItem(slider2D) self.graphicsScene.slider2D = slider2D ############################## # neutral and working markers ############################## offset = slider2D.offset() neutralMarker = activeMarker.fromCross(parent=slider2D) neutralMarker.setPos(swatchImg.width() / 2 + offset.x(), swatchImg.height() / 2 + offset.y()) self.workingMarker = activeMarker.fromCross(parent=slider2D) # default pos: average skin tone pt = QPointF(*swatchImg.GetPoint(*rgb2hsB(*cmyk2rgb(6, 25, 30, 0))[:2])) + offset self.workingMarker.setPos(pt.x(), pt.y()) self.workingMarker.onMouseMove = lambda e, x, y: self.displayStatus() # swatch event handler def f1(p, r, g, b): h, s, br = self.cModel.rgb2cm(r, g, b) self.currentHue, self.currentSat, self.currentPb = h, s, br self.currentR, self.currentG, self.currentB = r, g, b self.bSliderUpdate() self.displayStatus() self.graphicsScene.slider2D.onMouseRelease = f1 # Brightness slider self.bSliderHeight = 20 self.bSliderWidth = self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.width() px = brightnessPattern(self.bSliderWidth, self.bSliderHeight, cModel, self.currentHue, self.currentSat).rPixmap self.graphicsScene.bSlider = QGraphicsPixmapItem(px, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.bSlider.setPos(QPointF(-border, self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.height() - border)) bSliderCursor = activeMarker.fromTriangle(parent=self.graphicsScene.bSlider) bSliderCursor.setMoveRange(QRectF(0.0, bSliderCursor.size, self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width(), 0.0)) bSliderCursor.setPos(self.graphicsScene.bSlider.pixmap().width() * self.defaultColorWheelBr, bSliderCursor.size) # bSlider event handlers def f2(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.setPb(self.currentPb) self.graphicsScene.slider2D.setPixmap(self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.rPixmap) QToolTip.showText(e.screenPos(), (str(int(self.currentPb * 100.0))), self) bSliderCursor.onMouseMove = f2 def f3(e, p, q): self.currentPb = p / float(self.bSliderWidth) # self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.setPb(self.currentPb) # self.graphicsScene.slider2D.setPixmap(self.graphicsScene.slider2D.QImg.rPixmap) self.displayStatus() bSliderCursor.onMouseRelease = f3 # grid self.grid = activeGrid(self.graphicsScene.lut.size, self.cModel, parent=self.graphicsScene.slider2D) self.graphicsScene.grid = self.grid # buttons pushButton1 = QbLUePushButton("Reset Grid") pushButton1.clicked.connect(self.onReset) pushButton2 = QbLUePushButton("Save LUT") pushButton2.clicked.connect(self.saveLUT) pushButton3 = QbLUePushButton("Smooth Grid") pushButton3.clicked.connect(self.onSmoothGrid) pushButton4 = QbLUePushButton('Set Mask') pushButton4.clicked.connect(self.setMask) # pushButton4 needs enabling/disabling self.pushButton4 = pushButton4 # options options1, optionNames1 = ['use image', 'use selection'], ['Use Image', 'Use Selection'] self.listWidget1 = optionsWidget(options=options1, optionNames=optionNames1, exclusive=True) self.listWidget1.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) # set initial selection to 'use image' self.listWidget1.checkOption(self.listWidget1.intNames[0]) options2, optionNames2 = ['add node', 'remove node'], ['Add Node', 'Remove Node'] self.listWidget2 = optionsWidget(options=options2, optionNames=optionNames2, exclusive=True) # set initial selection to 'add node' self.listWidget2.checkOption(self.listWidget2.intNames[0]) options3 = ['select neighbors', 'reset removed nodes', 'show histogram', 'keep alpha'] optionNames3 = ['Select Neighbors', 'Reset Removed', 'Show Histogram', 'Keep Alpha'] self.listWidget3 = optionsWidget(options=options3, optionNames=optionNames3, exclusive=False) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[0]) self.listWidget3.checkOption(self.listWidget3.intNames[1]) def onSelect3(item): option = item.internalName if option == 'show histogram': self.graphicsScene.slider2D.showTargetHist = self.graphicsScene.options[option] self.graphicsScene.slider2D.updatePixmap() return if option == 'keep alpha': self.enableButtons() self.layer.applyToStack() self.listWidget3.onSelect = onSelect3 # set initial selection to 'select naighbors' item = self.listWidget3.items[options3[0]] item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.graphicsScene.options = UDict((self.listWidget1.options, self.listWidget2.options, self.listWidget3.options)) for wdg in [self.listWidget1, self.listWidget2, self.listWidget3]: wdg.setMinimumWidth(wdg.sizeHintForColumn(0)) wdg.setMinimumHeight(wdg.sizeHintForRow(0)*len(wdg.items)) # color format combo infoCombo = QComboBox() oDict = OrderedDict([('RGB', 0), ('CMYK', 1), ('HSV', 2)]) for key in oDict: infoCombo.addItem(key, oDict[key]) labelFormat = QLabel() def colorInfoFormatChanged(value): self.colorInfoFormat = infoCombo.itemData(value) if self.colorInfoFormat == 0: labelFormat.setText('RGB') elif self.colorInfoFormat == 1: labelFormat.setText('CMYK') elif self.colorInfoFormat == 2: labelFormat.setText('HSV') self.displayStatus() infoCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect(colorInfoFormatChanged) # working marker position editor = QLineEdit(), 40) # returnPressed slot def infoDone(): try: token =' ') if self.colorInfoFormat == 0: # RGB r, g, b = [int(x) for x in token if x.isdigit()] pt = QPointF(*swatchImg.GetPoint(*rgb2hsB(r, g, b)[:2])) + offset elif self.colorInfoFormat == 1: # CMYK c, m, y, k = [int(x) for x in token if x.isdigit()] pt = QPointF(*swatchImg.GetPoint(*rgb2hsB(*cmyk2rgb(c, m, y, k))[:2])) + offset elif self.colorInfoFormat == 2: # HSV h, s, _ = [int(x) for x in token if x.isdigit()] if not 0 <= s <= 100: raise ValueError pt = QPointF(*swatchImg.GetPoint(h, s / 100.0)) + offset else: raise ValueError self.workingMarker.setPos(pt.x(), pt.y()) except ValueError: dlgWarn("Invalid color") # layout gl = QGridLayout() for i, button in enumerate([pushButton1, pushButton3, pushButton2]): gl.addWidget(button, 0, i) gl.addWidget(pushButton4, 1, 0) gl.addWidget(infoCombo, 1, 1) for i, widget in enumerate([self.listWidget1, self.listWidget2, self.listWidget3]): gl.addWidget(widget, 2 if i < 2 else 1, i, 1 if i < 2 else 2, 1, 0) hl = QHBoxLayout() hl.addWidget(labelFormat) hl.addWidget( gl.addLayout(hl, 3, 0, -1, -1) self.addCommandLayout(gl) # set defaults self.colorInfoFormat = 0 # RGB colorInfoFormatChanged(self.colorInfoFormat) # whatsthis self.setWhatsThis( """ <b>2.5D LUT Editor</b><br> <b>Select nodes</b> with mouse clicks on the image. Selected nodes are shown as small black circles on the color wheel.<br> <b>Modify the color</b> of a node by dragging it on the wheel. Several nodes can be moved simultaneously by grouping them.<br> <b>Group nodes</b> :<br> 1 - group nodes with the mouse : while pressing the mouse left button, drag a rubber band around the nodes to group;<br> 2 - next, right click any one of the selected nodes and choose group from the context menu<br> <b>Unselect nodes</b> :<br> 1 - check the option Remove Node;<br> 2 - ungroup;<br> 3 - on the image, click the pixels to unselect.<br> <b>Warning</b> : Selecting/unselecting nodes with the mouse is enabled only when the Color Chooser is closed.<br> Press the <b> Smooth Grid</b> button to smooth color transitions between neighbor nodes.<br> <b>Crosshair</b> markers indicate neutral gray tones and average skin tones. They can be moved with the mouse. The position of the second marker is reflected in the editable bottom right box. Due to inherent properties of the CMYK color model, CMYK input values may be modified silently.<br> <b>The grid can be zoomed</b> with the mouse wheel.<br> Check the <b>Keep Alpha</b> option to forward the alpha channel without modifications.<br> This option must be unchecked to build a mask from the 3D LUT.<br> HSpB layer is slower than HSV, but usually gives better results.<br> """ ) # end of setWhatsThis