def nll(fix_coeffs_model): attempt = 1 while True: fit_coeffs =, args.signal_model, fix_coeffs_model) optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(fit_coeffs, signal_events, opt_name=args.opt_name, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, opt_params=opt_params, grad_clip=args.grad_clip, grad_max_cutoff=args.grad_max_cutoff) while True: optimizer.minimize() if args.log: log.coefficients('q_test_stat_{}'.format(iteration), optimizer, signal_coeffs) if optimizer.converged(): # Multiply the normalized_nll up into the full nll return fit_coeffs, optimizer.normalized_nll * args.signal_count if optimizer.step >= args.max_step: bmf.stderr( 'No convergence after {} steps. Restarting iteration' .format(args.max_step)) attempt = attempt + 1 break
def fit(fit_coeffs_, signal_events_, learning_rate_): optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(fit_coeffs_, signal_events_, learning_rate=learning_rate_) for step in range(max_iterations): optimizer.minimize() if optimizer.converged(): nll_ = optimizer.normalized_nll.numpy() # * signal_count print('{} {} {} {}'.format(bmf.coeffs.names[c_idx], step, fit_coeffs_[c_idx].numpy(), nll_)) return fit_coeffs_[c_idx].numpy(), nll_
args.iterations + 1, initial=iteration, total=args.iterations, unit='fit'): # Time each iteration for CSV writing script.timer_start('fit') signal_events = bmf.signal.generate(signal_coeffs, events_total=args.signal_count) fit_coeffs =, args.signal_model) optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(fit_coeffs, signal_events, opt_name=args.opt_name, learning_rate=args.learning_rate, opt_params=opt_params, grad_clip=args.grad_clip, grad_max_cutoff=args.grad_max_cutoff) fit_vars = [] for coeff in fit_coeffs: if type(coeff) == type(fit_coeffs[0]): fit_vars.append(coeff) pars_init = [] for coeff in fit_vars: pars_init.append(coeff.numpy()) # feed_dict_ = {} # for coeff in fit_coeffs: feed_dict_[coeff[0:-2]] = 0
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Benchmark time taken to run key functions. Used to check for performance regressions. """ import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf import timeit import b_meson_fit as bmf tf.enable_v2_behavior() times = [10, 100, 1000] functions = { "nll": lambda: bmf.signal.nll(fit_coeffs, signal_events), "minimize": lambda: optimizer.minimize() } with bmf.Script() as script: signal_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(bmf.coeffs.SM) signal_events = bmf.signal.generate(signal_coeffs) fit_coeffs = optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(fit_coeffs, signal_events) for n, f in functions.items(): for t in times: time_taken = timeit.timeit(f, number=t) bmf.stdout("{}() x {}: ".format(n, t), time_taken)
def tf_fit(self, Ncall=None, init='DEFAULT', fixed=None, coefini=None, verbose=False, opt_params=None): if init == None or init == 'DEFAULT': A =, current_signal_model=self.model, fix=fixed) elif init == 'SAME SIGN': A =, current_signal_model=self.model, fix=fixed) elif init == 'ANY SIGN': A =, current_signal_model=self.model, fix=fixed) if coefini is not None: A =, fix=fixed) events = tf.convert_to_tensor( if verbose: print('\n', "Coeffs used for MC:", self.coeffs) print("Initial coeffs for tensorflow fit:", [A[j].numpy() for j in range(len(A))]) self.coeff_init = [A[i].numpy() for i in range(len(A))] optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(A, events, opt_name='AMSGrad', learning_rate=0.20, opt_params=opt_params) converged = False j = 0 t0 = time.time() while converged == False: optimizer.minimize() if Ncall is not None and j > Ncall: tfCoeff = [ optimizer.fit_coeffs[i].numpy() for i in range(len(optimizer.fit_coeffs)) ] self.coeff_fit = tfCoeff self.NLL = self.nll_iminuit(self.coeff_fit) return optimizer, tfCoeff j += 1 if optimizer.converged() == True: converged = True t1 = time.time() tfCoeff = [ optimizer.fit_coeffs[i].numpy() for i in range(len(optimizer.fit_coeffs)) ] self.coeff_fit = tfCoeff self.NLL = self.nll_iminuit(tfCoeff) if verbose: print('\n', ' Fitted coefficients : ', self.coeff_fit) print('\n', "Time taken to fit :", t1 - t0) return optimizer, tfCoeff
# Set all default fit coefficients to the same value to make comparison possible fit_default = 1.0 with bmf.Script() as script: signal_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(bmf.coeffs.SM) signal_events = bmf.signal.generate(signal_coeffs) log = bmf.Log( # Draw a signal line on each coefficient plot so we can compare how well the optimizers do log.signal_line(, signal_coeffs, iterations) for combo in combos: test_name, name, learning_rate, params, clip = combo optimizer = bmf.Optimizer( fit_default), # Generate new fit coefficients for each run signal_events, opt_name=name, learning_rate=learning_rate, opt_params=params, grad_clip=clip, ) # Use tqdm's trange() to print a progress bar for each optimizer/learning rate combo with tqdm.trange(iterations, desc=test_name) as t: for i in t: optimizer.minimize() log.coefficients(test_name, optimizer, signal_coeffs)
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf import b_meson_fit as bmf tf.enable_v2_behavior() with bmf.Script() as script: if not bmf.user_is_root(): bmf.stderr( 'This script needs root permissions. You can run it from the project folder with:' ) bmf.stderr( 'sudo -E --preserve-env=PYTHONPATH ./bin/') exit(1) log = bmf.Log( signal_coeffs = bmf.coeffs.signal(bmf.coeffs.SM) optimizer = bmf.Optimizer(, bmf.signal.generate(signal_coeffs), ) for i in range(1000): tf.summary.trace_on(graph=True, profiler=True) optimizer.minimize() tf.summary.trace_export(name='trace_%d' % optimizer.step, step=optimizer.step, profiler_outdir=log.dir()) tf.summary.flush()