コード例 #1
 def get(self):
     Get data in left for Step 4 when click [新规登陆]
     Get the tree for left in step 4
     @return data: data for left in step 4
         if self.id is not '':
             policy_tree = Policy_tree(self.id)
             # get policy tree
             policy_tree_dict = policy_tree.get_policy_tree()
             data = {
                 'data': {
                     'data': policy_tree_dict,
                 'new_token': self.new_token,
                 constants.STATUS: {
                     constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                     constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS,
             return api_return(data=data)
     except Exception, e:
         if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
             print traceback.format_exc(e)
         return exception_handler(e)
コード例 #2
    def delete(self):
       delete the rule
       @return data rule tree and block rule tree
       @author Gin Chen
       @date 2017/12/25
            rule_id = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, key='rule_id', method_type='GET')
            policy_tree_id = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, key='coll_policy_id', method_type='GET')
            p = Policy_tree(policy_tree_id)
            rule_tree_tuple = p.get_rules_tree()
            data = {
                'data': {
                    "block_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[0],
                    "data_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[1]
                constants.STATUS: {
                    constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                    constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS

            return api_return(data=data)
        except Exception, e:
            if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
                print traceback.format_exc(e)
            return exception_handler(e)
コード例 #3
 def get(self):
     init policy tree edit page
     @return policy tree info,data rule rule,block rule
     @author Gin Chen
     @date 2017/12/18
         self.coll_policy_id = views_helper.get_request_get(self.request, 'coll_policy_id')
         cp = CollPolicy.objects.get(coll_policy_id=self.coll_policy_id)
         cli_command_result = cp.cli_command_result
         policy_name = cp.name
         policy_tree = Policy_tree(self.coll_policy_id)
         # get policy tree
         policy_tree_dict = policy_tree.get_policy_tree()
         # get rules of the policy tree
         rule_tree_tuple = policy_tree.get_rules_tree()
         if rule_tree_tuple == 'Error':
             data = {
                 'data': '',
                 'new_token': self.new_token,
                 constants.STATUS: {
                     constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                     constants.MESSAGE: constants.LOAD_RULE_TYPE_ERROR
             block_rule_tree_dict = rule_tree_tuple[0]
             data_rule_tree_dict = rule_tree_tuple[1]
             data = {
                 'data': {
                     "coll_policy_name": policy_name,
                     "cli_command_result": cli_command_result,
                     "policy_tree_json": policy_tree_dict,
                     "block_rule_tree_json": block_rule_tree_dict,
                     "data_rule_tree_json": data_rule_tree_dict,
                 'new_token': self.new_token,
                 constants.STATUS: {
                     constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                     constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS
         return api_return(data=data)
     except Exception, e:
         if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
             print traceback.format_exc(e)
         return exception_handler(e)
コード例 #4
    def post(self):
        save policy tree
        @return response
        @author Gin Chen
        @date 2017/12/18
        self.coll_policy_id = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, 'coll_policy_id', 'BODY')
        self.tree = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, 'tree', 'BODY')
        self.raw_data = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, 'raw_data', 'BODY')

            with transaction.atomic():
                tree_is_exits = CollPolicyRuleTree.objects.filter(coll_policy=self.coll_policy_id)
                if tree_is_exits:
                    # check the policy is exits in the item tables
                    items_list = Items.objects.filter(coll_policy=self.coll_policy_id)
                    if len(items_list) > 0:
                        data = {
                            'data': '',
                            'new_token': self.new_token,
                            constants.STATUS: {
                                constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                                constants.MESSAGE: constants.POLICY_IS_APPLIED
                        return api_return(data=data)
                        # del the old policy tree
                # check the leaf that is not block rule
                if not self.__check_the_node_is_leaf(self.tree):
                    data = {
                        'new_token': self.new_token,
                        constants.STATUS: {
                            constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                            constants.MESSAGE: constants.LEAF_IS_BLOCK_RULE
                    return api_return(data=data)

                # save the new policy
                # update cli_command_result into coll_policy table
                coll_policy = CollPolicy.objects.get(pk=self.coll_policy_id)
                if self.raw_data:
                    coll_policy.cli_command_result = self.raw_data
                    # select all nodes of the policy tree
                policy_tree = Policy_tree(self.coll_policy_id)
                obj = policy_tree.all_nodes
                data = self.__save_the_policy_tree(nodes_dict=obj)
                return api_return(data=data)

        except Exception as e:
            if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
                print traceback.format_exc(e)
            data = {
                'data': '',
                'new_token': self.new_token,
                constants.STATUS: {
                    constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                    constants.MESSAGE: constants.DB_EXCEPTION
            return api_return(data=data)
コード例 #5
    def post(self):
        save the rule information into db.
        two points need to check before save the rule information
        1 the rule name is not existing in the cp
        2 the identifier(識別子)name is not existing in the cp
        @return data rule tree and block rule tree and verify error message
        @author Gin Chen
        @date 2017/12/25
            insert_info = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, key='rule_info', method_type='BODY')
            coll_policy_id = str(insert_info['coll_policy'])
            name = insert_info['name']
            query_set = CollPolicyCliRule.objects.filter(name=name, coll_policy=coll_policy_id)
            error_msg_list = {}
            if len(query_set) > 0:
                error_msg_list.update({'rule_name': False})
                error_msg_list.update({'rule_name': True})

            identifier_is_existing = self.__judge_identifier_name_exist(insert_info['key_str'], coll_policy_id)
            if identifier_is_existing:
                error_msg_list.update({'key_str_name': False})
                error_msg_list.update({'key_str_name': True})

            if len(query_set) > 0 or identifier_is_existing:
                data = {
                    'data': '',
                    'verify_error_msg': error_msg_list,
                    'new_token': self.new_token,
                    constants.STATUS: {
                        constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                        constants.MESSAGE: constants.RULE_NAME_IS_EXISTENCE

                cli_command = CollPolicy.objects.get(coll_policy_id=coll_policy_id).cli_command
                rule_data_dict = self.__set_input_rule_data(insert_info)
                rule_data_dict['command'] = cli_command
                serializer = CollPolicyCliRuleSerializer(data=rule_data_dict)
                if serializer.is_valid():
                    policy_tree = Policy_tree(coll_policy_id)
                    rule_tree_tuple = policy_tree.get_rules_tree()
                    data = {
                        'data': {
                            "block_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[0],
                            "data_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[1]
                        'verify_error_msg': None,
                        'new_token': self.new_token,
                        constants.STATUS: {
                            constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                            constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS
                    data = {
                        'data': serializer.errors,
                        'verify_error_msg': None,
                        'new_token': self.new_token,
                        constants.STATUS: {
                            constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                            constants.MESSAGE: constants.RULE_DATA_VALID_ERROR

            return api_return(data=data)
        except Exception, e:
            if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
                print traceback.format_exc(e)
            return exception_handler(e)
コード例 #6
    def put(self):
        update the rule information.
        two points need to check before update the rule information
         1 the rule name is not existing in the cp
         2 the identifier(識別子)name is not existing in the cp
        @return data rule tree and block rule tree and verify error message
        @author Gin Chen
        @date 2017/12/25
            rule_id = int(views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, 'rule_id', 'GET'))
            insert_info = views_helper.get_request_value(self.request, 'rule_info', 'BODY')
            policy_id = insert_info['coll_policy']
            name = insert_info['name']
            query_set_len = len(CollPolicyCliRule.objects.filter(Q(name=name) &
                                                                 Q(coll_policy=policy_id) &

            error_msg_list = {}
            if query_set_len > 0:
                error_msg_list.update({'rule_name': False})
                error_msg_list.update({'rule_name': True})
            identifier_is_existing = self.__judge_identifier_name_exist(insert_info['key_str'], policy_id,
            if identifier_is_existing:
                error_msg_list.update({'key_str_name': False})
                error_msg_list.update({'key_str_name': True})

            if query_set_len > 0 or identifier_is_existing:
                data = {
                    'data': '',
                    'new_token': self.new_token,
                    'verify_error_msg': error_msg_list,
                    constants.STATUS: {
                        constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                        constants.MESSAGE: constants.FAILED
                old_rule_obj = CollPolicyCliRule.objects.get(ruleid=rule_id)
                rule_data_dict = self.__set_input_rule_data(insert_info)
                serializer = CollPolicyCliRuleSerializer(instance=old_rule_obj, data=rule_data_dict)
                if serializer.is_valid(Exception):
                    new_name = serializer.data['name']
                    policy_tree = Policy_tree(policy_id)
                    rule_tree_tuple = policy_tree.get_rules_tree()
                    data = {
                        'data': {
                            "new_name": new_name,
                            "block_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[0],
                            "data_rule_tree_json": rule_tree_tuple[1]
                        'verify_error_msg': None,
                        constants.STATUS: {
                            constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                            constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS

                    data = {
                        'data': '',
                        'new_token': self.new_token,
                        'verify_error_msg': None,
                        constants.STATUS: {
                            constants.STATUS: constants.FALSE,
                            constants.MESSAGE: constants.RULE_DATA_VALID_ERROR

            return api_return(data=data)
        except Exception, e:
            if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
                print traceback.format_exc(e)
            return exception_handler(e)
コード例 #7
 def get(self):
     When click Column button in 新规页面, return all table or return history data and policy tree data according
     to the table id
     @post return all data or history data and policy tree data
     @return data: all data or history data and policy tree data
         if self.table_id is not '':
             tvs = TableViewsSet(request=self.request)
             data_history = tvs.get_info_by_table_id(
                 self.table_id, history_need_flag=False)
             # get tree information
             pt = Policy_tree(self.policy_id)
             pt_data = pt.get_policy_tree()
             data = {
                 'data': {
                 'new_token': self.new_token,
                 constants.STATUS: {
                     constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                     constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS
             return api_return(data=data)
         dt_query = DataTable.objects.all()
         dt = dt_query.values('table_id', 'name', 'coll_policy__name',
                              'descr', 'groups', 'tree', 'coll_policy')
         data_all = []
         for per_dt in dt:
             result = {
                 'name': per_dt['name'],
                 'table_id': per_dt['table_id'],
                 'group_id': per_dt['groups'],
                 'tree_id': per_dt['tree'],
                 'policy_name': per_dt['coll_policy__name'],
                 'policy_id': per_dt['coll_policy'],
                 'desc': per_dt['descr']
         paginator = Paginator(data_all, int(self.max_size_per_page))
         contacts = paginator.page(int(self.page_from))
         data = {
             'data': {
                 'data': contacts.object_list,
             'new_token': self.new_token,
             'num_page': paginator.num_pages,
             'page_range': list(paginator.page_range),
             'page_has_next': contacts.has_next(),
             'total_num': len(contacts.object_list),
             'current_page_num': contacts.number,
             constants.STATUS: {
                 constants.STATUS: constants.TRUE,
                 constants.MESSAGE: constants.SUCCESS
         return api_return(data=data)
     except Exception, e:
         if constants.DEBUG_FLAG:
             print traceback.format_exc(e)
         return exception_handler(e)