コード例 #1
def get_scaled(scenarios, scenario_params, relations_scale,

    # Obtain a i2i Scales Graph
    graph = create_scales_graph(relations_scale)

    # Compute the scales for the different scenarios and time periods, and store the results in
    # another partial retrieval dictionary
    scale_beginning_interfaces = get_scale_beginning_interfaces(graph)

    scales_prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    for scenario_idx, scenario_name in enumerate(scenarios):

        for time_period, observations in observations_by_time.items():

            # Filter, and prepare dictionary for the update of the scaling
            beginning_values: Dict[Factor, Tuple[Any, FactorQuantitativeObservation]] = \
                {obs.factor: (value, obs) for value, obs in observations if obs.factor in scale_beginning_interfaces}

            # Evaluate expressions
            set_update_scales_graph(graph, scenario_params[scenario_name],

            # Write data to the PartialRetrieveDictionary
            for interface, data in graph.nodes(
                    data=True):  # type: Factor, Dict
                key = dict(__i=interface, __t=time_period, __s=scenario_idx)
                    key, (interface,
                          data["value"]))  # ERROR: Observation not hashable

    return scales_prd
コード例 #2
def prepare_partial_key_dictionary():
    prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    oer = Observer("tester")
    p0 = Processor("A1")
    p1 = Processor("A2")
    p2 = Processor("B")
    p3 = Processor("C")
    prd.put({"_type": "Processor", "_name": "A1"}, p0)
    prd.put({"_type": "Processor", "_name": "A2"}, p1)
    prd.put({"_type": "Processor", "_name": "B"}, p2)
    prd.put({"_type": "Processor", "_name": "C"}, p3)
    prd.put({"_type": "PartOf", "_parent": "A1", "_child": "B"}, ProcessorsRelationPartOfObservation(p0, p2, oer))
    prd.put({"_type": "PartOf", "_parent": "A2", "_child": "B"}, ProcessorsRelationPartOfObservation(p1, p2, oer))
    prd.put({"_type": "PartOf", "_parent": "B", "_child": "C"}, ProcessorsRelationPartOfObservation(p2, p3, oer))
    return prd
コード例 #3
def deserialize_state(st: str, state_version: int = MODEL_VERSION):
    Deserializes an object previously serialized using "serialize_state"

    It can receive also a "State" modified for the serialization to restore it

    :param state_version: version number of the internal models
    :param st:
    def deserialize_dataframe(t):
        df = pd.read_json(t, orient="split")  # pd.DataFrame(t[1])
        # df.index.names = t[0]
        return df

    print("  deserialize_state")
    if isinstance(st, str):
        # TODO: use state_version to convert a previous version to the latest one
        #  This means transforming the old json to the latest json
        if state_version == MODEL_VERSION:
            state = deserialize_to_object(st)
            raise Exception(
                f"The model version {state_version} is not supported. Current version is {MODEL_VERSION}."
        raise Exception(
            f"Serialized state must be a string: currently is of type {type(st)}"

    # Iterate all namespaces
    for ns in state.list_namespaces():
        glb_idx = state.get("_glb_idx", ns)
        if isinstance(glb_idx, dict):
            glb_idx = PartialRetrievalDictionary().from_pickable(glb_idx)
            state.set("_glb_idx", glb_idx)
        glb_idx, p_sets, hh, datasets, mappings = get_case_study_registry_objects(
            state, ns)
        if isinstance(glb_idx, dict):
            print("glb_idx is DICT, after deserialization!!!")
        # TODO Deserialize DataFrames
        # In datasets
        for ds_name in datasets:
            lst = datasets[ds_name]
            ds = deserialize(lst[:-1])[0]
            ds.data = deserialize_dataframe(lst[-1])
            datasets[ds_name] = ds

    return state
コード例 #4
def get_observations_OLD(prd: PartialRetrievalDictionary) \
        -> Tuple[PartialRetrievalDictionary, PartialRetrievalDictionary, Dict[str, int]]:
    Process All QQ observations (intensive or extensive):
    * Store in a compact way (then clear), by Time-period, by Interface, by Observer.
    * Convert to float or prepare AST
    * Store as value the result plus the QQ observation (in a tuple)

    :param prd:
    :param relative: True->a QQ observation relative to the value of another interface
    :return: another PartialRetrievalDictionary, the Observers and the Time Periods (indexed)
    observations_prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    relative_observations_prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
    time_periods: Dict[str, int] = create_dictionary(
    )  # Dictionary of time periods and the associated IDX
    state = State()

    next_time_period_idx = 0
    for observation in find_quantitative_observations(
            prd, processor_instances_only=True):

        # Obtain time period index
        time = observation.attributes["time"]
        if time not in time_periods:
            time_periods[time] = next_time_period_idx
            next_time_period_idx += 1

        # Elaborate Key: Interface, Time, Observer
        key = dict(__i=observation.factor,

        value, ast, _, issues = evaluate_numeric_expression_with_parameters(
            observation.value, state)
        if not value:
            value = ast

        # Store Key: (Value, FactorQuantitativeObservation)
        if observation.is_relative:
            relative_observations_prd.put(key, (value, observation))
            observations_prd.put(key, (value, observation))

    return observations_prd, relative_observations_prd, time_periods
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rdglpz/nis-backend
def get_processor_names_to_processors_dictionary(
        state: PartialRetrievalDictionary):
    Obtain a dictionary with all processor names (a processor may have multiple names) and
    the corresponding Processor object

    :param state:
    ps = state.get(Processor.partial_key())
    ps = set(ps)  # Avoid repeating Processor objects
    d = create_dictionary()
    for p in ps:
        for n in p.full_hierarchy_names(state):
            d[n] = p
    return d
コード例 #6
 def test_002_serialization_deserialization(self):
     prd = prepare_partial_key_dictionary()
     prd2 = prd.to_pickable()
     s = serialize_from_object(prd2)
     prd2 = deserialize_to_object(s)
     prd = PartialRetrievalDictionary().from_pickable(prd2)
     # Tests
     res = prd.get({"_type": "PartOf"})
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 3)
     res = prd.get({"_type": "PartOf", "_child": "B"})
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 2)
     res = prd.get({"_type": "PartOf", "_parent": "A1"})
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
     res = prd.get({"_type": "PartOf", "_parent": "C"})
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
     res = prd.get({"_typer": "PartOf", "_parent": "C"})
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: rdglpz/nis-backend
def get_case_study_registry_objects(state, namespace=None):
    Obtain the main entries of the state

    :param state: Input state (modified also)
    :param namespace: State supports several namespaces. This one serves to specify which one. Default=None
    :return: Tuple: (global index, processor sets, hierarchies, datasets, mappings)
    # Index of ALL objects
    glb_idx = state.get("_glb_idx", namespace)
    if not glb_idx:
        glb_idx = PartialRetrievalDictionary()
        state.set("_glb_idx", glb_idx, namespace)

    # ProcessorSet dict (dict of sets)
    p_sets = state.get("_processor_sets", namespace)
    if not p_sets:
        p_sets = create_dictionary()
        state.set("_processor_sets", p_sets, namespace)

    # Hierarchies Dict
    hh = state.get("_hierarchies", namespace)
    if not hh:
        hh = create_dictionary()
        state.set("_hierarchies", hh, namespace)
    # Datasets Dict
    datasets = state.get("_datasets", namespace)
    if not datasets:
        datasets = create_dictionary()
        state.set("_datasets", datasets, namespace)
    # Mappings Dict
    mappings = state.get("_mappings", namespace)
    if not mappings:
        mappings = create_dictionary()
        state.set("_mappings", mappings, namespace)

    return glb_idx, p_sets, hh, datasets, mappings