def create_design_request_post(req: Request): if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") is_logged_in = verify_user_token(req) user = DBSession.query( m.DoctorUser).filter_by(username=req.session.get('uname')).first() if not is_logged_in or not user: return HTTPUnauthorized("You must be logged in to view this page") data = req.POST title = data['title'] body = data['body'] files_list = data.getall('files') # file_path_list = [] # if files_list: # file_path_list = store_file_view(files_list) if data and title and body: new_design_request = m.DesignPost(title, body, [], user, DBSession.add(new_design_request) transaction.manager.commit() return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")
def create_print_request_post(req: Request): if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") is_logged_in = verify_user_token(req) user = DBSession.query( m.DoctorUser).filter_by(username=req.session.get('uname')).first() if not is_logged_in or not user: return HTTPUnauthorized("You must be logged in to view this page") data = req.POST title = data.get('title') # body = data.get('print-notes') num_parts = data.get('num-items') date_needed = datetime.datetime.strptime(data.get('completion-date'), '%Y-%m-%d') files_list = data.getall('files') file_path_list = [] if files_list: file_path_list = store_file_view(files_list) if title and num_parts and date_needed: new_print_request = m.PrintPost(title, "", file_path_list, user, date_needed, num_parts) DBSession.add(new_print_request) transaction.manager.commit() return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")
def submit_design_response_post(req: Request): if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") post = DBSession.query( m.DesignPost).filter_by(post_id=req.matchdict['post_id']).first() data = req.POST body = data.get('print-notes') files_list = data.getall('files') file_path_list = [] if files_list: file_path_list = store_file_view(files_list) if body and file_path_list: new_design_submission = m.DesignResponse(body, file_path_list, req.session.get('uname'), post) DBSession.add(new_design_submission) transaction.manager.commit() return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")
def register_fab_post(req: Request): if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") data = req.POST uname = data.get('uname') passwd = data.get('password') email = data.get('email') fname = data.get('fname') lname = data.get('lname') country = data.get('country') state = data.get('state') city = data.get('city') printer_model = data.get('printer model') print_quality = data.get('print quality') if uname and passwd and email and fname and lname and country and state and city and printer_model and print_quality: new_fab = m.FabUser(uname, passwd, email, fname, lname, country, state, city, printer_model, print_quality) dbs = DBSession() dbs.add(new_fab) new_token = new_fab.refresh_session() transaction.manager.commit() req.session['uname'] = uname req.session['session_token'] = new_token return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")
def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) != 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) with transaction.manager: user = FabUser("testuser", "test", "*****@*****.**", "Bob", "Bobson", "I am a human doing human things", "USA", "California", "Los Angeles", "ender3", "excellent", "/static/human.png") DBSession.add(user) transaction.manager.commit() doc = DoctorUser("doccroc", "test", "*****@*****.**", "Doc", "Croc", "I really like reptiles", "USA", "Florida", "Orlando", "Orlando Reptile Hospital", "University of Tampa", "Tail Repairs", "/static/imgs/doctor.jpg") DBSession.add(doc) transaction.manager.commit() print_post = PrintPost("hello make me a tail", "pls make tail thx", ["tail.stl"], doc,, 100) DBSession.add(print_post) transaction.manager.commit() print_commitment = PrintCommitment("hello yes i have made tail", 75, 10, ["tail_print.png"], user, print_post) DBSession.add(print_commitment) transaction.manager.commit()
def submit_print(req: Request): if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") post = DBSession.query( m.PrintPost).filter_by(post_id=req.matchdict['post_id']).first() data = req.POST num_parts = data.get('num_items') date_completed = datetime.datetime.strptime(data.get('completion-date'), '%Y-%m-%d') if num_parts and date_completed: new_print_submission = m.PrintCommitment("", num_parts, date_completed, req.session['uname'], post) dbs = DBSession() dbs.add(new_print_submission) transaction.manager.commit() return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")
def register_doctor_post(req: Request): dbs = DBSession() if req.method != 'POST': return HTTPMethodNotAllowed("This route only valid for POST request") print("are we in boys?") data = req.POST uname = data.get('uname') passwd = data.get('passwd') email = data.get('email') fname = data.get('fname') lname = data.get('lname') country = data.get('country') state = data.get('state') city = data.get('city') hospital = data.get('hospital') alma_mater = data.get('alma_mater') spec = data.get('specialization') bio = data.get('bio') print("we in boys") if uname and passwd and email and fname and lname and country and state and city and hospital and alma_mater \ and spec and bio: new_doctor = m.DoctorUser(uname, passwd, email, fname, lname, bio, country, state, city, hospital, alma_mater, spec, '/static/profile_default.png') dbs.add(new_doctor) new_token = new_doctor.refresh_session() transaction.manager.commit() req.session['uname'] = uname req.session['session_token'] = new_token return HTTPFound(req.params.get('return', '/')) else: print("gosh darn it") return HTTPBadRequest("Malformed request")