コード例 #1
 def vote(self, voter: User, amount_staked: float, for_against: bool):
     if for_against:
         self._for_map[voter.get_address()] = amount_staked
         self._for_staked += amount_staked
         self._for_count += 1
         self._for_rep += voter.get_rep()
         self._against_map[voter.get_address()] = amount_staked
         self._against_staked += amount_staked
         self._against_count += 1
         self._against_rep += voter.get_rep()
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
                 creator: User,
                 data: Database,
                 stock_ticker: str = '',
                 sign: int = 0,
                 margin: float = 0.0,
                 amount_staked: float = 0.0,
                 seconds: int = 0):
        # initializing our own ADTs
        self._creator = creator
        self._key = data.make_bet_key()
        data.bets()[self._key] = self

        # initializing our arguments
        self._stock_ticker = stock_ticker
        self._sign = sign
        self._margin = margin
        self._amount_staked = amount_staked

        # initializing initial and target stock price with some data reader stuff, edit initial price
        self._initial_price = self.get_current_price()
        self._target_price = self._initial_price * (1 +
                                                    self._sign * self._margin)

        # creating necessary data structures
        self._for_map = {creator.get_address(): amount_staked}
        self._against_map = {}
        self._for_count = 1
        self._against_count = 0
        self._for_rep = creator.get_rep()
        self._against_rep = 0.0
        self._for_staked = amount_staked
        self._against_staked = 0.0

        # timing the bet, adjust back for longer time frames after testing
        # current_time = datetime.utcnow()
        # tz = timezone.utc
        # set_time = datetime(year, month, day, 20, 0, 1, 0, tz)
        # timedelta = set_time - current_time
        # self._total_seconds = timedelta.total_seconds()
        self._total_seconds = seconds

        # starting the timer for the voting duration once the bet is initialized
        voting_period = self.voting_period()
        timer = Timer(voting_period, self.timed_payout)