コード例 #1
 def publish_date(self):
     datestamp = self.frontmatter.get('publish_date')
     if not datestamp:
         match = re.match(DATE_RE, self.is_dir and self.dir_name
                          or self.file_name)
         datestamp = match and match.group('date') or None
     if datestamp:
         datestamp = parse_datetime(datestamp)
     return datestamp and datestamp.astimezone(pytz.UTC) or utcnow()
コード例 #2
 def maybe_convert_values(self, model_class, data):
     ret = data.copy()
     for col_name, value in data.items():
         col = getattr(model_class, col_name)
         if isinstance(col, AssociationProxy) or col.impl.uses_objects:
             ret[col_name] = self.convert_identifiers(value)
         elif not hasattr(col, 'type'):
         elif isinstance(col.type, Date):
             if value in ('today', 'now', 'utcnow'):
                 ret[col_name] = utcnow().date
                 ret[col_name] = parse_datetime(value).date
         elif isinstance(col.type, DateTime):
             if value in ('now', 'utcnow'):
                 ret[col_name] = utcnow()
             elif not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                 ret[col_name] = parse_datetime(value)
     return ret
コード例 #3
ファイル: db.py プロジェクト: DevStudio-sys/flask-react
def fixtures(file, reset):
    """Load database fixtures from JSON."""
    import json
    from backend.extensions import db

    if reset:

    # sqlalchemy and postgres sequences don't play so nice together when ids are
    # explicitly set. so we need to modify the sequence start-point ourselves
    is_postgres = current_app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI',
    sequences = []
    if is_postgres:
        sequences = [
            row[0] for row in db.session.execute("""
            SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S'

    click.echo('Loading fixtures.')
    for fixture in json.load(file):
        model = current_app.models[fixture['model']]
        for model_kwargs in fixture['items']:
            d = {}
            for k, v in model_kwargs.items():
                # FIXME is this too heavy-handed of an approach? (will it ever
                # create a date when it wasn't supposed to?) maybe better to
                # somehow declare explicit date fields in the fixtures file
                    d[k] = parse_datetime(v)
                    d[k] = v

        count = len(fixture['items'])
        suffix = 's' if count > 1 else ''
        click.echo(f"Adding {count} {fixture['model']} record{suffix}.")

        if is_postgres:
            seq_name = f'{model.__tablename__}_id_seq'
            if seq_name in sequences:
                    f'ALTER SEQUENCE {seq_name} RESTART WITH :count',
                    {'count': count + 1})
