コード例 #1
ファイル: test_frame.py プロジェクト: hacors/Drug
def test_row1():
    # test row getter/setter
    data = create_test_data()
    f = FrameRef(Frame(data))

    # getter
    # test non-duplicate keys
    rowid = Index(F.tensor([0, 2]))
    rows = f[rowid]
    for k, v in rows.items():
        assert tuple(F.shape(v)) == (len(rowid), D)
        assert F.allclose(v, F.gather_row(data[k], F.tensor(rowid.tousertensor())))
    # test duplicate keys
    rowid = Index(F.tensor([8, 2, 2, 1]))
    rows = f[rowid]
    for k, v in rows.items():
        assert tuple(F.shape(v)) == (len(rowid), D)
        assert F.allclose(v, F.gather_row(data[k], F.tensor(rowid.tousertensor())))

    # setter
    rowid = Index(F.tensor([0, 2, 4]))
    vals = {'a1' : F.zeros((len(rowid), D)),
            'a2' : F.zeros((len(rowid), D)),
            'a3' : F.zeros((len(rowid), D)),
    f[rowid] = vals
    for k, v in f[rowid].items():
        assert F.allclose(v, F.zeros((len(rowid), D)))

    # setting rows with new column should raise error with error initializer
    f.set_initializer(lambda shape, dtype : assert_(False))
    def failed_update_rows():
        vals['a4'] = F.ones((len(rowid), D))
        f[rowid] = vals
    assert check_fail(failed_update_rows)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_frame.py プロジェクト: dmlc/dgl
def test_column_subcolumn():
    data = F.copy_to(
        F.tensor([[1., 1., 1., 1.], [0., 2., 9., 0.], [3., 2., 1., 0.],
                  [1., 1., 1., 1.], [0., 2., 4., 0.]]), F.ctx())
    original = Column(data)

    # subcolumn from cpu context
    i1 = F.tensor([0, 2, 1, 3], dtype=F.int64)
    l1 = original.subcolumn(i1)

    assert len(l1) == i1.shape[0]
    assert F.array_equal(l1.data, F.gather_row(data, i1))

    # next subcolumn from target context
    i2 = F.copy_to(F.tensor([0, 2], dtype=F.int64), F.ctx())
    l2 = l1.subcolumn(i2)

    assert len(l2) == i2.shape[0]
    i1i2 = F.copy_to(F.gather_row(i1, F.copy_to(i2, F.context(i1))), F.ctx())
    assert F.array_equal(l2.data, F.gather_row(data, i1i2))

    # next subcolumn also from target context
    i3 = F.copy_to(F.tensor([1], dtype=F.int64), F.ctx())
    l3 = l2.subcolumn(i3)

    assert len(l3) == i3.shape[0]
    i1i2i3 = F.copy_to(F.gather_row(i1i2, F.copy_to(i3, F.context(i1i2))),
    assert F.array_equal(l3.data, F.gather_row(data, i1i2i3))
コード例 #3
def test_partition_with_halo():
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(create_large_graph_index(1000), readonly=True)
    node_part = np.random.choice(4, g.number_of_nodes())
    subgs = dgl.transform.partition_graph_with_halo(g, node_part, 2)
    for part_id, subg in subgs.items():
        node_ids = np.nonzero(node_part == part_id)[0]
        lnode_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['inner_node']))[0]
        nf = get_nodeflow(g, node_ids, 2)
        lnf = get_nodeflow(subg, lnode_ids, 2)
        for i in range(nf.num_layers):
            layer_nids1 = F.asnumpy(nf.layer_parent_nid(i))
            layer_nids2 = lnf.layer_parent_nid(i)
            layer_nids2 = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(subg.parent_nid, layer_nids2))
            assert np.all(np.sort(layer_nids1) == np.sort(layer_nids2))

        for i in range(nf.num_blocks):
            block_eids1 = F.asnumpy(nf.block_parent_eid(i))
            block_eids2 = lnf.block_parent_eid(i)
            block_eids2 = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(subg.parent_eid, block_eids2))
            assert np.all(np.sort(block_eids1) == np.sort(block_eids2))

    subgs = dgl.transform.partition_graph_with_halo(g, node_part, 2, reshuffle=True)
    for part_id, subg in subgs.items():
        node_ids = np.nonzero(node_part == part_id)[0]
        lnode_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['inner_node']))[0]
        assert np.all(np.sort(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['orig_id'])[lnode_ids]) == node_ids)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_graph_index.py プロジェクト: ydwu4/dgl-hack
def sort_edges(edges):
    edges = [e.tousertensor() for e in edges]
    if np.prod(edges[2].shape) > 0:
        val, idx = F.sort_1d(edges[2])
        return (F.gather_row(edges[0], idx), F.gather_row(edges[1], idx), F.gather_row(edges[2], idx))
        return (edges[0], edges[1], edges[2])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_distributed_sampling.py プロジェクト: dmlc/dgl
def check_rpc_hetero_etype_sampling_shuffle(tmpdir, num_server):
    generate_ip_config("rpc_ip_config.txt", num_server, num_server)

    g = create_random_hetero(dense=True)
    num_parts = num_server
    num_hops = 1

    partition_graph(g, 'test_sampling', num_parts, tmpdir,
                    num_hops=num_hops, part_method='metis', reshuffle=True)

    pserver_list = []
    ctx = mp.get_context('spawn')
    for i in range(num_server):
        p = ctx.Process(target=start_server, args=(i, tmpdir, num_server > 1, 'test_sampling'))

    fanout = 3
    block, gpb = start_hetero_etype_sample_client(0, tmpdir, num_server > 1, fanout,
                                                  nodes={'n3': [0, 10, 99, 66, 124, 208]})
    print("Done sampling")
    for p in pserver_list:

    src, dst = block.edges(etype=('n1', 'r2', 'n3'))
    assert len(src) == 18
    src, dst = block.edges(etype=('n2', 'r3', 'n3'))
    assert len(src) == 18

    orig_nid_map = {ntype: F.zeros((g.number_of_nodes(ntype),), dtype=F.int64) for ntype in g.ntypes}
    orig_eid_map = {etype: F.zeros((g.number_of_edges(etype),), dtype=F.int64) for etype in g.etypes}
    for i in range(num_server):
        part, _, _, _, _, _, _ = load_partition(tmpdir / 'test_sampling.json', i)
        ntype_ids, type_nids = gpb.map_to_per_ntype(part.ndata[dgl.NID])
        for ntype_id, ntype in enumerate(g.ntypes):
            idx = ntype_ids == ntype_id
            F.scatter_row_inplace(orig_nid_map[ntype], F.boolean_mask(type_nids, idx),
                                  F.boolean_mask(part.ndata['orig_id'], idx))
        etype_ids, type_eids = gpb.map_to_per_etype(part.edata[dgl.EID])
        for etype_id, etype in enumerate(g.etypes):
            idx = etype_ids == etype_id
            F.scatter_row_inplace(orig_eid_map[etype], F.boolean_mask(type_eids, idx),
                                  F.boolean_mask(part.edata['orig_id'], idx))

    for src_type, etype, dst_type in block.canonical_etypes:
        src, dst = block.edges(etype=etype)
        # These are global Ids after shuffling.
        shuffled_src = F.gather_row(block.srcnodes[src_type].data[dgl.NID], src)
        shuffled_dst = F.gather_row(block.dstnodes[dst_type].data[dgl.NID], dst)
        shuffled_eid = block.edges[etype].data[dgl.EID]

        orig_src = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(orig_nid_map[src_type], shuffled_src))
        orig_dst = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(orig_nid_map[dst_type], shuffled_dst))
        orig_eid = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(orig_eid_map[etype], shuffled_eid))

        # Check the node Ids and edge Ids.
        orig_src1, orig_dst1 = g.find_edges(orig_eid, etype=etype)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(orig_src1) == orig_src)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(orig_dst1) == orig_dst)
コード例 #6
def check_hetero_partition(hg, part_method):
    hg.nodes['n1'].data['labels'] = F.arange(0, hg.number_of_nodes('n1'))
    hg.nodes['n1'].data['feats'] = F.tensor(
        np.random.randn(hg.number_of_nodes('n1'), 10), F.float32)
    hg.edges['r1'].data['feats'] = F.tensor(
        np.random.randn(hg.number_of_edges('r1'), 10), F.float32)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 1

    orig_nids, orig_eids = partition_graph(hg,
    assert len(orig_nids) == len(hg.ntypes)
    assert len(orig_eids) == len(hg.etypes)
    for ntype in hg.ntypes:
        assert len(orig_nids[ntype]) == hg.number_of_nodes(ntype)
    for etype in hg.etypes:
        assert len(orig_eids[etype]) == hg.number_of_edges(etype)
    parts = []
    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb, _, ntypes, etypes = load_partition(
            '/tmp/partition/test.json', i)
        # Verify the mapping between the reshuffled IDs and the original IDs.
        # These are partition-local IDs.
        part_src_ids, part_dst_ids = part_g.edges()
        # These are reshuffled global homogeneous IDs.
        part_src_ids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], part_src_ids)
        part_dst_ids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], part_dst_ids)
        part_eids = part_g.edata[dgl.EID]
        # These are reshuffled per-type IDs.
        src_ntype_ids, part_src_ids = gpb.map_to_per_ntype(part_src_ids)
        dst_ntype_ids, part_dst_ids = gpb.map_to_per_ntype(part_dst_ids)
        etype_ids, part_eids = gpb.map_to_per_etype(part_eids)
        # These are original per-type IDs.
        for etype_id, etype in enumerate(hg.etypes):
            part_src_ids1 = F.boolean_mask(part_src_ids, etype_ids == etype_id)
            src_ntype_ids1 = F.boolean_mask(src_ntype_ids,
                                            etype_ids == etype_id)
            part_dst_ids1 = F.boolean_mask(part_dst_ids, etype_ids == etype_id)
            dst_ntype_ids1 = F.boolean_mask(dst_ntype_ids,
                                            etype_ids == etype_id)
            part_eids1 = F.boolean_mask(part_eids, etype_ids == etype_id)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(src_ntype_ids1 == src_ntype_ids1[0]))
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(dst_ntype_ids1 == dst_ntype_ids1[0]))
            src_ntype = hg.ntypes[F.as_scalar(src_ntype_ids1[0])]
            dst_ntype = hg.ntypes[F.as_scalar(dst_ntype_ids1[0])]
            orig_src_ids1 = F.gather_row(orig_nids[src_ntype], part_src_ids1)
            orig_dst_ids1 = F.gather_row(orig_nids[dst_ntype], part_dst_ids1)
            orig_eids1 = F.gather_row(orig_eids[etype], part_eids1)
            orig_eids2 = hg.edge_ids(orig_src_ids1, orig_dst_ids1, etype=etype)
            assert len(orig_eids1) == len(orig_eids2)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(orig_eids1) == F.asnumpy(orig_eids2))
        verify_graph_feats(hg, part_g, node_feats)
    verify_hetero_graph(hg, parts)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_heterograph.py プロジェクト: zhcomeon/dgl
    def check_mapping(g, fg):
        if len(fg.ntypes) == 1:
            SRC = DST = fg.ntypes[0]
            SRC = fg.ntypes[0]
            DST = fg.ntypes[1]

        etypes = F.asnumpy(fg.edata[dgl.ETYPE]).tolist()
        eids = F.asnumpy(fg.edata[dgl.EID]).tolist()

        for i, (etype, eid) in enumerate(zip(etypes, eids)):
            src_g, dst_g = g.find_edges([eid], g.canonical_etypes[etype])
            src_fg, dst_fg = fg.find_edges([i])
            # TODO(gq): I feel this code is quite redundant; can we just add new members (like
            # "induced_srcid") to returned heterograph object and not store them as features?
            assert src_g == F.gather_row(fg.nodes[SRC].data[dgl.NID],
            tid = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(fg.nodes[SRC].data[dgl.NTYPE],
            assert g.canonical_etypes[etype][0] == g.ntypes[tid]
            assert dst_g == F.gather_row(fg.nodes[DST].data[dgl.NID],
            tid = F.asnumpy(F.gather_row(fg.nodes[DST].data[dgl.NTYPE],
            assert g.canonical_etypes[etype][2] == g.ntypes[tid]
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_dist_graph_store.py プロジェクト: chenyh19/dgl
def test_split_even():
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2
    partition_graph(g, 'dist_graph_test', num_parts, '/tmp/dist_graph', num_hops=num_hops, part_method='metis')

    node_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30
    edge_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_edges()) > 30
    selected_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    selected_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    all_nodes1 = []
    all_nodes2 = []
    all_edges1 = []
    all_edges2 = []
    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb = load_partition('/tmp/dist_graph/dist_graph_test.json', i)
        local_nids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        local_nids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], local_nids)
        nodes = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i, force_even=True)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(nodes), F.asnumpy(local_nids))
        print('part {} get {} nodes and {} are in the partition'.format(i, len(nodes), len(subset)))

        dgl.distributed.set_num_client(num_parts * 2)
        nodes1 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i * 2, force_even=True)
        nodes2 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i * 2 + 1, force_even=True)
        nodes3 = F.cat([nodes1, nodes2], 0)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(nodes), F.asnumpy(nodes3))
        print('intersection has', len(subset))

        local_eids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
        local_eids = F.gather_row(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], local_eids)
        edges = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i, force_even=True)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(edges), F.asnumpy(local_eids))
        print('part {} get {} edges and {} are in the partition'.format(i, len(edges), len(subset)))

        dgl.distributed.set_num_client(num_parts * 2)
        edges1 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i * 2, force_even=True)
        edges2 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i * 2 + 1, force_even=True)
        edges3 = F.cat([edges1, edges2], 0)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(edges), F.asnumpy(edges3))
        print('intersection has', len(subset))
    all_nodes1 = F.cat(all_nodes1, 0)
    all_edges1 = F.cat(all_edges1, 0)
    all_nodes2 = F.cat(all_nodes2, 0)
    all_edges2 = F.cat(all_edges2, 0)
    all_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    all_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    assert np.all(all_nodes == F.asnumpy(all_nodes1))
    assert np.all(all_edges == F.asnumpy(all_edges1))
    assert np.all(all_nodes == F.asnumpy(all_nodes2))
    assert np.all(all_edges == F.asnumpy(all_edges2))
コード例 #9
def test_spmm(idtype, g, shp, msg, reducer):
    g = g.astype(idtype).to(F.ctx())
    if dgl.backend.backend_name == 'tensorflow' and (reducer in ['min', 'max']):
        pytest.skip()  # tensorflow dlpack has problem writing into int32 arrays on GPU.

    hu = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_src_nodes(),) + shp[0])) + 1)
    he = F.tensor(np.random.rand(*((g.number_of_edges(),) + shp[1])) + 1)
    print('u shape: {}, e shape: {}'.format(F.shape(hu), F.shape(he)))

    g.srcdata['x'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu))
    g.edata['w'] = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he))
    print('SpMM(message func: {}, reduce func: {})'.format(msg, reducer))

    u = F.attach_grad(F.clone(hu))
    e = F.attach_grad(F.clone(he))
    with F.record_grad():
        v = gspmm(g, msg, reducer, u, e)
        non_degree_indices = F.tensor(
            np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(g.in_degrees()) != 0)[0])
        v = F.gather_row(v, non_degree_indices)
        if g.number_of_edges() > 0:
            if msg != 'copy_rhs':
                grad_u = F.grad(u)
            if msg != 'copy_lhs':
                grad_e = F.grad(e)

    with F.record_grad():
        g.update_all(udf_msg[msg], udf_reduce[reducer])
        if g.number_of_edges() > 0:
            v1 = F.gather_row(g.dstdata['v'], non_degree_indices)
            assert F.allclose(v, v1)
            print('forward passed')

            if msg != 'copy_rhs':
                if reducer in ['min', 'max']: # there might be some numerical errors
                    rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']) - grad_u)) /\
                    assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate
                    assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.srcdata['x']), grad_u)
            if msg != 'copy_lhs':
                if reducer in ['min', 'max']:
                    rate = F.reduce_sum(F.abs(F.grad(g.edata['w']) - grad_e)) /\
                    assert F.as_scalar(rate) < 1e-2, rate
                    assert F.allclose(F.grad(g.edata['w']), grad_e)
            print('backward passed')

    if 'v' in g.dstdata: g.dstdata.pop('v')
コード例 #10
def test_split():
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2
    partition_graph(g, 'dist_graph_test', num_parts, '/tmp/dist_graph', num_hops=num_hops, part_method='metis')

    node_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30
    edge_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_edges()) > 30
    selected_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    selected_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]

    # The code now collects the roles of all client processes and use the information
    # to determine how to split the workloads. Here is to simulate the multi-client
    # use case.
    def set_roles(num_clients):
        dgl.distributed.role.CUR_ROLE = 'default'
        dgl.distributed.role.GLOBAL_RANK = {i:i for i in range(num_clients)}
        dgl.distributed.role.PER_ROLE_RANK['default'] = {i:i for i in range(num_clients)}

    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb, _, _, _ = load_partition('/tmp/dist_graph/dist_graph_test.json', i)
        local_nids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        local_nids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], local_nids)
        nodes1 = np.intersect1d(selected_nodes, F.asnumpy(local_nids))
        nodes2 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i, force_even=False)
        assert np.all(np.sort(nodes1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(nodes2)))
        local_nids = F.asnumpy(local_nids)
        for n in nodes1:
            assert n in local_nids

        set_roles(num_parts * 2)
        nodes3 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2, force_even=False)
        nodes4 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2 + 1, force_even=False)
        nodes5 = F.cat([nodes3, nodes4], 0)
        assert np.all(np.sort(nodes1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(nodes5)))

        local_eids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
        local_eids = F.gather_row(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], local_eids)
        edges1 = np.intersect1d(selected_edges, F.asnumpy(local_eids))
        edges2 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i, force_even=False)
        assert np.all(np.sort(edges1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(edges2)))
        local_eids = F.asnumpy(local_eids)
        for e in edges1:
            assert e in local_eids

        set_roles(num_parts * 2)
        edges3 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2, force_even=False)
        edges4 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2 + 1, force_even=False)
        edges5 = F.cat([edges3, edges4], 0)
        assert np.all(np.sort(edges1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(edges5)))
コード例 #11
def test_split():
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2

    node_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30
    edge_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_edges()) > 30
    selected_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    selected_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb, _ = load_partition(
            '/tmp/dist_graph/dist_graph_test.json', i)
        local_nids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        local_nids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], local_nids)
        nodes1 = np.intersect1d(selected_nodes, F.asnumpy(local_nids))
        nodes2 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i, force_even=False)
        assert np.all(np.sort(nodes1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(nodes2)))
        local_nids = F.asnumpy(local_nids)
        for n in nodes1:
            assert n in local_nids

        dgl.distributed.set_num_client(num_parts * 2)
        nodes3 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i * 2, force_even=False)
        nodes4 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i * 2 + 1, force_even=False)
        nodes5 = F.cat([nodes3, nodes4], 0)
        assert np.all(np.sort(nodes1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(nodes5)))

        local_eids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
        local_eids = F.gather_row(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], local_eids)
        edges1 = np.intersect1d(selected_edges, F.asnumpy(local_eids))
        edges2 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i, force_even=False)
        assert np.all(np.sort(edges1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(edges2)))
        local_eids = F.asnumpy(local_eids)
        for e in edges1:
            assert e in local_eids

        dgl.distributed.set_num_client(num_parts * 2)
        edges3 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i * 2, force_even=False)
        edges4 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i * 2 + 1, force_even=False)
        edges5 = F.cat([edges3, edges4], 0)
        assert np.all(np.sort(edges1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(edges5)))
コード例 #12
def verify_graph_feats(g, part, node_feats):
    for ntype in g.ntypes:
        ntype_id = g.get_ntype_id(ntype)
        for name in g.nodes[ntype].data:
            if name in [dgl.NID, 'inner_node']:
            inner_node_mask = _get_inner_node_mask(part, ntype_id)
            inner_nids = F.boolean_mask(part.ndata[dgl.NID], inner_node_mask)
            min_nids = F.min(inner_nids, 0)
            orig_id = F.boolean_mask(part.ndata['orig_id'], inner_node_mask)
            true_feats = F.gather_row(g.nodes[ntype].data[name], orig_id)
            ndata = F.gather_row(node_feats[ntype + '/' + name],
                                 inner_nids - min_nids)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(ndata == true_feats))
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_udf.py プロジェクト: zcwang0702/dgl
def test_node_batch():
    g = dgl.DGLGraph(nx.path_graph(20))
    feat = F.randn((g.number_of_nodes(), 10))
    g.ndata['x'] = feat

    # test all
    v = ALL
    n_repr = g.get_n_repr(v)
    nbatch = NodeBatch(g, v, n_repr)
    assert F.allclose(nbatch.data['x'], feat)
    assert nbatch.mailbox is None
    assert F.allclose(nbatch.nodes(), g.nodes())
    assert nbatch.batch_size() == g.number_of_nodes()
    assert len(nbatch) == g.number_of_nodes()

    # test partial
    v = utils.toindex(F.tensor([0, 3, 5, 7, 9]))
    n_repr = g.get_n_repr(v)
    nbatch = NodeBatch(g, v, n_repr)
    assert F.allclose(nbatch.data['x'],
                      F.gather_row(feat, F.tensor([0, 3, 5, 7, 9])))
    assert nbatch.mailbox is None
    assert F.allclose(nbatch.nodes(), F.tensor([0, 3, 5, 7, 9]))
    assert nbatch.batch_size() == 5
    assert len(nbatch) == 5
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_kernel.py プロジェクト: jermainewang/dgl
def test_mean_zero_degree(g, idtype):
    g = g.astype(idtype).to(F.ctx())
    g.ndata['h'] = F.ones((g.number_of_nodes(), 3))
    g.update_all(fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), fn.mean('m', 'x'))
    deg = F.asnumpy(g.in_degrees())
    v = F.tensor(np.where(deg == 0)[0])
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(g.ndata['x'], v), F.zeros((len(v), 3)))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_transform.py プロジェクト: saoruy/dgl
def check_metis_partition(g, extra_hops):
    # partitions with 1-hop HALO nodes
    subgs = dgl.transform.metis_partition(g, 4, extra_cached_hops=extra_hops)
    num_inner_nodes = 0
    num_inner_edges = 0
    if subgs is not None:
        for part_id, subg in subgs.items():
            lnode_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['inner_node']))[0]
            ledge_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.edata['inner_edge']))[0]
            num_inner_nodes += len(lnode_ids)
            num_inner_edges += len(ledge_ids)
            assert np.sum(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['part_id']) == part_id) == len(lnode_ids)
        assert num_inner_nodes == g.number_of_nodes()
        print(g.number_of_edges() - num_inner_edges)

    if extra_hops == 0:

    # partitions with 1-hop HALO nodes and reshuffling nodes
    subgs = dgl.transform.metis_partition(g, 4, extra_cached_hops=extra_hops, reshuffle=True)
    num_inner_nodes = 0
    num_inner_edges = 0
    edge_cnts = np.zeros((g.number_of_edges(),))
    if subgs is not None:
        for part_id, subg in subgs.items():
            lnode_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['inner_node']))[0]
            ledge_ids = np.nonzero(F.asnumpy(subg.edata['inner_edge']))[0]
            num_inner_nodes += len(lnode_ids)
            num_inner_edges += len(ledge_ids)
            assert np.sum(F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['part_id']) == part_id) == len(lnode_ids)
            nids = F.asnumpy(subg.ndata[dgl.NID])

            # ensure the local node Ids are contiguous.
            parent_ids = F.asnumpy(subg.ndata[dgl.NID])
            parent_ids = parent_ids[:len(lnode_ids)]
            assert np.all(parent_ids == np.arange(parent_ids[0], parent_ids[-1] + 1))

            # count the local edges.
            parent_ids = F.asnumpy(subg.edata[dgl.EID])[ledge_ids]
            edge_cnts[parent_ids] += 1

            orig_ids = subg.ndata['orig_id']
            inner_node = F.asnumpy(subg.ndata['inner_node'])
            for nid in range(subg.number_of_nodes()):
                neighs = subg.predecessors(nid)
                old_neighs1 = F.gather_row(orig_ids, neighs)
                old_nid = F.asnumpy(orig_ids[nid])
                old_neighs2 = g.predecessors(old_nid)
                # If this is an inner node, it should have the full neighborhood.
                if inner_node[nid]:
                    assert np.all(np.sort(F.asnumpy(old_neighs1)) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(old_neighs2)))
        # Normally, local edges are only counted once.
        assert np.all(edge_cnts == 1)

        assert num_inner_nodes == g.number_of_nodes()
        print(g.number_of_edges() - num_inner_edges)
コード例 #16
def test_apply_nodes():
    def _upd(nodes):
        return {'h' : nodes.data['h'] * 2}
    g = generate_graph()
    old = g.ndata['h']
    assert F.allclose(old * 2, g.ndata['h'])
    u = F.tensor([0, 3, 4, 6])
    g.apply_nodes(lambda nodes : {'h' : nodes.data['h'] * 0.}, u)
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(g.ndata['h'], u), F.zeros((4, D)))
コード例 #17
 def check_features(g, bg):
     for ntype in bg.srctypes:
         for key in g.nodes[ntype].data:
             assert F.array_equal(
     for ntype in bg.dsttypes:
         for key in g.nodes[ntype].data:
             assert F.array_equal(
     for etype in bg.canonical_etypes:
         for key in g.edges[etype].data:
             assert F.array_equal(
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_subgraph.py プロジェクト: hacors/Drug
def test_basics():
    g = generate_graph()
    h = g.ndata['h']
    l = g.edata['l']
    nid = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9]
    sg = g.subgraph(nid)
    eid = {2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16}
    assert set(F.zerocopy_to_numpy(sg.parent_eid)) == eid
    eid = F.tensor(sg.parent_eid)
    # the subgraph is empty initially
    assert len(sg.ndata) == 0
    assert len(sg.edata) == 0
    # the data is copied after explict copy from
    assert len(sg.ndata) == 1
    assert len(sg.edata) == 1
    sh = sg.ndata['h']
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(h, F.tensor(nid)), sh)
    s, d, eid
    0, 1, 0
    1, 9, 1
    0, 2, 2    1
    2, 9, 3    1
    0, 3, 4    1
    3, 9, 5    1
    0, 4, 6
    4, 9, 7
    0, 5, 8
    5, 9, 9       3
    0, 6, 10   1
    6, 9, 11   1  3
    0, 7, 12   1
    7, 9, 13   1  3
    0, 8, 14
    8, 9, 15      3
    9, 0, 16   1
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(l, eid), sg.edata['l'])
    # update the node/edge features on the subgraph should NOT
    # reflect to the parent graph.
    sg.ndata['h'] = F.zeros((6, D))
    assert F.allclose(h, g.ndata['h'])
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_dist_graph_store.py プロジェクト: simblah/dgl
def test_split():
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2

    node_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30
    edge_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_edges()) > 30
    selected_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    selected_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, meta = load_partition(
            '/tmp/test.json', i)
        num_nodes, num_edges, node_map, edge_map, num_partitions = meta
        gpb = GraphPartitionBook(part_id=i,
        local_nids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['local_node'])
        local_nids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], local_nids)
        nodes1 = np.intersect1d(selected_nodes, F.asnumpy(local_nids))
        nodes2 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, i)
        assert np.all(np.sort(nodes1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(nodes2)))
        local_nids = F.asnumpy(local_nids)
        for n in nodes1:
            assert n in local_nids

        local_eids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.edata['local_edge'])
        local_eids = F.gather_row(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], local_eids)
        edges1 = np.intersect1d(selected_edges, F.asnumpy(local_eids))
        edges2 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, i)
        assert np.all(np.sort(edges1) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(edges2)))
        local_eids = F.asnumpy(local_eids)
        for e in edges1:
            assert e in local_eids
コード例 #20
def test_nccl_sparse_pull_single_remainder():
    nccl_id = nccl.UniqueId()
    comm = nccl.Communicator(1, 0, nccl_id)

    req_index = F.randint([10000], F.int64, F.ctx(), 0, 100000)
    value = F.uniform([100000, 100], F.float32, F.ctx(), -1.0, 1.0)

    part = NDArrayPartition(100000, 1, 'remainder')

    rv = comm.sparse_all_to_all_pull(req_index, value, part)
    exp_rv = F.gather_row(value, req_index)
    assert F.array_equal(rv, exp_rv)
コード例 #21
def test_apply_edges():
    def _upd(edges):
        return {'w' : edges.data['w'] * 2}
    g = generate_graph()
    old = g.edata['w']
    assert F.allclose(old * 2, g.edata['w'])
    u = F.tensor([0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 6])
    v = F.tensor([1, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9])
    g.apply_edges(lambda edges : {'w' : edges.data['w'] * 0.}, (u, v))
    eid = F.tensor(g.edge_ids(u, v))
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(g.edata['w'], eid), F.zeros((6, D)))
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_subgraph.py プロジェクト: yuk12/dgl
def test_subgraph():
    g = generate_graph()
    h = g.ndata['h']
    l = g.edata['l']
    nid = [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9]
    sg = g.subgraph(nid)
    eid = {2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16}
    assert set(F.asnumpy(sg.edata[dgl.EID])) == eid
    eid = sg.edata[dgl.EID]
    # the subgraph is empty initially except for NID/EID field
    assert len(sg.ndata) == 2
    assert len(sg.edata) == 2
    sh = sg.ndata['h']
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(h, F.tensor(nid)), sh)
    s, d, eid
    0, 1, 0
    1, 9, 1
    0, 2, 2    1
    2, 9, 3    1
    0, 3, 4    1
    3, 9, 5    1
    0, 4, 6
    4, 9, 7
    0, 5, 8
    5, 9, 9       3
    0, 6, 10   1
    6, 9, 11   1  3
    0, 7, 12   1
    7, 9, 13   1  3
    0, 8, 14
    8, 9, 15      3
    9, 0, 16   1
    assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(l, eid), sg.edata['l'])
    # update the node/edge features on the subgraph should NOT
    # reflect to the parent graph.
    sg.ndata['h'] = F.zeros((6, D))
    assert F.allclose(h, g.ndata['h'])
コード例 #23
    def check(g, bg, ntype, etype, dst_nodes):
        if dst_nodes is not None:
            assert F.array_equal(bg.dstnodes[ntype].data[dgl.NID], dst_nodes)
        n_dst_nodes = bg.number_of_nodes('DST/' + ntype)
        assert F.array_equal(bg.srcnodes[ntype].data[dgl.NID][:n_dst_nodes],

        g = g[etype]
        bg = bg[etype]
        induced_src = bg.srcdata[dgl.NID]
        induced_dst = bg.dstdata[dgl.NID]
        induced_eid = bg.edata[dgl.EID]
        bg_src, bg_dst = bg.all_edges(order='eid')
        src_ans, dst_ans = g.all_edges(order='eid')

        induced_src_bg = F.gather_row(induced_src, bg_src)
        induced_dst_bg = F.gather_row(induced_dst, bg_dst)
        induced_src_ans = F.gather_row(src_ans, induced_eid)
        induced_dst_ans = F.gather_row(dst_ans, induced_eid)

        assert F.array_equal(induced_src_bg, induced_src_ans)
        assert F.array_equal(induced_dst_bg, induced_dst_ans)
コード例 #24
def verify_graph_feats(g, gpb, part, node_feats, edge_feats):
    for ntype in g.ntypes:
        ntype_id = g.get_ntype_id(ntype)
        inner_node_mask = _get_inner_node_mask(part, ntype_id)
        inner_nids = F.boolean_mask(part.ndata[dgl.NID], inner_node_mask)
        ntype_ids, inner_type_nids = gpb.map_to_per_ntype(inner_nids)
        partid = gpb.nid2partid(inner_type_nids, ntype)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(ntype_ids) == ntype_id)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(partid) == gpb.partid)

        orig_id = F.boolean_mask(part.ndata['orig_id'], inner_node_mask)
        local_nids = gpb.nid2localnid(inner_type_nids, gpb.partid, ntype)

        for name in g.nodes[ntype].data:
            if name in [dgl.NID, 'inner_node']:
            true_feats = F.gather_row(g.nodes[ntype].data[name], orig_id)
            ndata = F.gather_row(node_feats[ntype + '/' + name], local_nids)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(ndata == true_feats))

    for etype in g.etypes:
        etype_id = g.get_etype_id(etype)
        inner_edge_mask = _get_inner_edge_mask(part, etype_id)
        inner_eids = F.boolean_mask(part.edata[dgl.EID], inner_edge_mask)
        etype_ids, inner_type_eids = gpb.map_to_per_etype(inner_eids)
        partid = gpb.eid2partid(inner_type_eids, etype)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(etype_ids) == etype_id)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(partid) == gpb.partid)

        orig_id = F.boolean_mask(part.edata['orig_id'], inner_edge_mask)
        local_eids = gpb.eid2localeid(inner_type_eids, gpb.partid, etype)

        for name in g.edges[etype].data:
            if name in [dgl.EID, 'inner_edge']:
            true_feats = F.gather_row(g.edges[etype].data[name], orig_id)
            edata = F.gather_row(edge_feats[etype + '/' + name], local_eids)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(edata == true_feats))
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_sort.py プロジェクト: jermainewang/dgl
def test_sort_with_tag(idtype):
    num_nodes, num_adj, num_tags = 200, [20, 50], 5
    g = create_test_heterograph(num_nodes, num_adj, idtype=idtype)
    tag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(num_tags, g.number_of_nodes()))
    src, dst = g.edges()
    edge_tag_dst = F.gather_row(tag, F.tensor(dst))
    edge_tag_src = F.gather_row(tag, F.tensor(src))

    for tag_type in ['node', 'edge']:
        new_g = dgl.sort_csr_by_tag(
            g, tag if tag_type == 'node' else edge_tag_dst, tag_type=tag_type)
        old_csr = g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
        new_csr = new_g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
        assert(check_sort(new_csr, tag, new_g.dstdata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
        assert(not check_sort(old_csr, tag))  # Check the original csr is not modified.

    for tag_type in ['node', 'edge']:
        new_g = dgl.sort_csc_by_tag(
            g, tag if tag_type == 'node' else edge_tag_src, tag_type=tag_type)
        old_csc = g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
        new_csc = new_g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
        assert(check_sort(new_csc, tag, new_g.srcdata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
        assert(not check_sort(old_csc, tag))
コード例 #26
def test_nccl_sparse_pull_single_range():
    nccl_id = nccl.UniqueId()
    comm = nccl.Communicator(1, 0, nccl_id)

    req_index = F.randint([10000], F.int64, F.ctx(), 0, 100000)
    value = F.uniform([100000, 100], F.float32, F.ctx(), -1.0, 1.0)

    part_ranges = F.copy_to(F.tensor([0, value.shape[0]], dtype=F.int64),
    part = NDArrayPartition(100000, 1, 'range', part_ranges=part_ranges)

    rv = comm.sparse_all_to_all_pull(req_index, value, part)
    exp_rv = F.gather_row(value, req_index)
    assert F.array_equal(rv, exp_rv)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_subgraph.py プロジェクト: yuk12/dgl
def test_out_subgraph(idtype):
    hg = dgl.heterograph(
            ('user', 'follow', 'user'):
            ([1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2]),
            ('user', 'play', 'game'): ([0, 0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2, 2]),
            ('game', 'liked-by', 'user'):
            ([2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0]),
            ('user', 'flips', 'coin'): ([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0])
    subg = dgl.out_subgraph(hg, {'user': [0, 1], 'game': 0})
    assert subg.idtype == idtype
    assert len(subg.ntypes) == 3
    assert len(subg.etypes) == 4
    u, v = subg['follow'].edges()
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
    assert edge_set == {(1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['follow'].edge_ids(u, v),
    u, v = subg['play'].edges()
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
    assert edge_set == {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['play'].edge_ids(u, v),
    u, v = subg['liked-by'].edges()
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
    assert edge_set == {(0, 0)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['liked-by'].edge_ids(u, v),
    u, v = subg['flips'].edges()
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
    assert edge_set == {(0, 0), (1, 0)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['flips'].edge_ids(u, v),
    for ntype in subg.ntypes:
        assert dgl.NID not in subg.nodes[ntype].data

    # Test store_ids
    subg = dgl.out_subgraph(hg, {'user': [0, 1], 'game': 0}, store_ids=False)
    for etype in subg.canonical_etypes:
        assert dgl.EID not in subg.edges[etype].data
    for ntype in subg.ntypes:
        assert dgl.NID not in subg.nodes[ntype].data

    # Test relabel nodes
    subg = dgl.out_subgraph(hg, {'user': [1], 'game': 0}, relabel_nodes=True)
    assert subg.idtype == idtype
    assert len(subg.ntypes) == 3
    assert len(subg.etypes) == 4

    u, v = subg['follow'].edges()
    old_u = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['user'].data[dgl.NID], u)
    old_v = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['user'].data[dgl.NID], v)
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(old_u)), list(F.asnumpy(old_v))))
    assert edge_set == {(1, 0)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['follow'].edge_ids(old_u, old_v),

    u, v = subg['play'].edges()
    old_u = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['user'].data[dgl.NID], u)
    old_v = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['game'].data[dgl.NID], v)
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(old_u)), list(F.asnumpy(old_v))))
    assert edge_set == {(1, 2)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['play'].edge_ids(old_u, old_v),

    u, v = subg['liked-by'].edges()
    old_u = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['game'].data[dgl.NID], u)
    old_v = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['user'].data[dgl.NID], v)
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(old_u)), list(F.asnumpy(old_v))))
    assert edge_set == {(0, 0)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['liked-by'].edge_ids(old_u, old_v),

    u, v = subg['flips'].edges()
    old_u = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['user'].data[dgl.NID], u)
    old_v = F.gather_row(subg.nodes['coin'].data[dgl.NID], v)
    edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(old_u)), list(F.asnumpy(old_v))))
    assert edge_set == {(1, 0)}
    assert F.array_equal(hg['flips'].edge_ids(old_u, old_v),
    assert subg.num_nodes('user') == 2
    assert subg.num_nodes('game') == 2
    assert subg.num_nodes('coin') == 1
コード例 #28
def test_split_even():
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2

    node_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_nodes()) > 30
    edge_mask = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=g.number_of_edges()) > 30
    selected_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    selected_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    all_nodes1 = []
    all_nodes2 = []
    all_edges1 = []
    all_edges2 = []

    # The code now collects the roles of all client processes and use the information
    # to determine how to split the workloads. Here is to simulate the multi-client
    # use case.
    def set_roles(num_clients):
        dgl.distributed.role.CUR_ROLE = 'default'
        dgl.distributed.role.GLOBAL_RANK = {i: i for i in range(num_clients)}
        dgl.distributed.role.PER_ROLE_RANK['default'] = {
            i: i
            for i in range(num_clients)

    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb, _, _, _ = load_partition(
            '/tmp/dist_graph/dist_graph_test.json', i)
        local_nids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        local_nids = F.gather_row(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], local_nids)
        nodes = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i, force_even=True)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(nodes), F.asnumpy(local_nids))
        print('part {} get {} nodes and {} are in the partition'.format(
            i, len(nodes), len(subset)))

        set_roles(num_parts * 2)
        nodes1 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2, force_even=True)
        nodes2 = node_split(node_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2 + 1, force_even=True)
        nodes3, _ = F.sort_1d(F.cat([nodes1, nodes2], 0))
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(nodes), F.asnumpy(nodes3))
        print('intersection has', len(subset))

        local_eids = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
        local_eids = F.gather_row(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], local_eids)
        edges = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i, force_even=True)
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(edges), F.asnumpy(local_eids))
        print('part {} get {} edges and {} are in the partition'.format(
            i, len(edges), len(subset)))

        set_roles(num_parts * 2)
        edges1 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2, force_even=True)
        edges2 = edge_split(edge_mask, gpb, rank=i * 2 + 1, force_even=True)
        edges3, _ = F.sort_1d(F.cat([edges1, edges2], 0))
        subset = np.intersect1d(F.asnumpy(edges), F.asnumpy(edges3))
        print('intersection has', len(subset))
    all_nodes1 = F.cat(all_nodes1, 0)
    all_edges1 = F.cat(all_edges1, 0)
    all_nodes2 = F.cat(all_nodes2, 0)
    all_edges2 = F.cat(all_edges2, 0)
    all_nodes = np.nonzero(node_mask)[0]
    all_edges = np.nonzero(edge_mask)[0]
    assert np.all(all_nodes == F.asnumpy(all_nodes1))
    assert np.all(all_edges == F.asnumpy(all_edges1))
    assert np.all(all_nodes == F.asnumpy(all_nodes2))
    assert np.all(all_edges == F.asnumpy(all_edges2))
コード例 #29
def check_partition(part_method, reshuffle):
    g = create_random_graph(10000)
    g.ndata['labels'] = F.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes())
    g.ndata['feats'] = F.tensor(np.random.randn(g.number_of_nodes(), 10))
    g.edata['feats'] = F.tensor(np.random.randn(g.number_of_edges(), 10))
    g.update_all(fn.copy_src('feats', 'msg'), fn.sum('msg', 'h'))
    g.update_all(fn.copy_edge('feats', 'msg'), fn.sum('msg', 'eh'))
    num_parts = 4
    num_hops = 2

    partition_graph(g, 'test', num_parts, '/tmp/partition', num_hops=num_hops,
                    part_method=part_method, reshuffle=reshuffle)
    part_sizes = []
    for i in range(num_parts):
        part_g, node_feats, edge_feats, gpb, _ = load_partition('/tmp/partition/test.json', i)

        # Check the metadata
        assert gpb._num_nodes() == g.number_of_nodes()
        assert gpb._num_edges() == g.number_of_edges()

        assert gpb.num_partitions() == num_parts
        gpb_meta = gpb.metadata()
        assert len(gpb_meta) == num_parts
        assert len(gpb.partid2nids(i)) == gpb_meta[i]['num_nodes']
        assert len(gpb.partid2eids(i)) == gpb_meta[i]['num_edges']
        part_sizes.append((gpb_meta[i]['num_nodes'], gpb_meta[i]['num_edges']))

        local_nid = gpb.nid2localnid(F.boolean_mask(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], part_g.ndata['inner_node']), i)
        assert F.dtype(local_nid) in (F.int64, F.int32)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(local_nid) == np.arange(0, len(local_nid)))
        local_eid = gpb.eid2localeid(F.boolean_mask(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], part_g.edata['inner_edge']), i)
        assert F.dtype(local_eid) in (F.int64, F.int32)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(local_eid) == np.arange(0, len(local_eid)))

        # Check the node map.
        local_nodes = F.boolean_mask(part_g.ndata[dgl.NID], part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        llocal_nodes = F.nonzero_1d(part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
        local_nodes1 = gpb.partid2nids(i)
        assert F.dtype(local_nodes1) in (F.int32, F.int64)
        assert np.all(np.sort(F.asnumpy(local_nodes)) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(local_nodes1)))

        # Check the edge map.
        local_edges = F.boolean_mask(part_g.edata[dgl.EID], part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
        local_edges1 = gpb.partid2eids(i)
        assert F.dtype(local_edges1) in (F.int32, F.int64)
        assert np.all(np.sort(F.asnumpy(local_edges)) == np.sort(F.asnumpy(local_edges1)))

        if reshuffle:
            part_g.ndata['feats'] = F.gather_row(g.ndata['feats'], part_g.ndata['orig_id'])
            part_g.edata['feats'] = F.gather_row(g.edata['feats'], part_g.edata['orig_id'])
            # when we read node data from the original global graph, we should use orig_id.
            local_nodes = F.boolean_mask(part_g.ndata['orig_id'], part_g.ndata['inner_node'])
            local_edges = F.boolean_mask(part_g.edata['orig_id'], part_g.edata['inner_edge'])
            part_g.ndata['feats'] = F.gather_row(g.ndata['feats'], part_g.ndata[dgl.NID])
            part_g.edata['feats'] = F.gather_row(g.edata['feats'], part_g.edata[dgl.NID])
        part_g.update_all(fn.copy_src('feats', 'msg'), fn.sum('msg', 'h'))
        part_g.update_all(fn.copy_edge('feats', 'msg'), fn.sum('msg', 'eh'))
        assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(g.ndata['h'], local_nodes),
                          F.gather_row(part_g.ndata['h'], llocal_nodes))
        assert F.allclose(F.gather_row(g.ndata['eh'], local_nodes),
                          F.gather_row(part_g.ndata['eh'], llocal_nodes))

        for name in ['labels', 'feats']:
            assert name in node_feats
            assert node_feats[name].shape[0] == len(local_nodes)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(g.ndata[name])[F.asnumpy(local_nodes)] == F.asnumpy(node_feats[name]))
        for name in ['feats']:
            assert name in edge_feats
            assert edge_feats[name].shape[0] == len(local_edges)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(g.edata[name])[F.asnumpy(local_edges)] == F.asnumpy(edge_feats[name]))

    if reshuffle:
        node_map = []
        edge_map = []
        for i, (num_nodes, num_edges) in enumerate(part_sizes):
            node_map.append(np.ones(num_nodes) * i)
            edge_map.append(np.ones(num_edges) * i)
        node_map = np.concatenate(node_map)
        edge_map = np.concatenate(edge_map)
        nid2pid = gpb.nid2partid(F.arange(0, len(node_map)))
        assert F.dtype(nid2pid) in (F.int32, F.int64)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(nid2pid) == node_map)
        eid2pid = gpb.eid2partid(F.arange(0, len(edge_map)))
        assert F.dtype(eid2pid) in (F.int32, F.int64)
        assert np.all(F.asnumpy(eid2pid) == edge_map)
コード例 #30
def verify_hetero_graph(g, parts):
    num_nodes = {ntype: 0 for ntype in g.ntypes}
    num_edges = {etype: 0 for etype in g.etypes}
    for part in parts:
        assert len(g.ntypes) == len(F.unique(part.ndata[dgl.NTYPE]))
        assert len(g.etypes) == len(F.unique(part.edata[dgl.ETYPE]))
        for ntype in g.ntypes:
            ntype_id = g.get_ntype_id(ntype)
            inner_node_mask = _get_inner_node_mask(part, ntype_id)
            num_inner_nodes = F.sum(F.astype(inner_node_mask, F.int64), 0)
            num_nodes[ntype] += num_inner_nodes
        for etype in g.etypes:
            etype_id = g.get_etype_id(etype)
            inner_edge_mask = _get_inner_edge_mask(part, etype_id)
            num_inner_edges = F.sum(F.astype(inner_edge_mask, F.int64), 0)
            num_edges[etype] += num_inner_edges
    # Verify the number of nodes are correct.
    for ntype in g.ntypes:
        print('node {}: {}, {}'.format(ntype, g.number_of_nodes(ntype),
        assert g.number_of_nodes(ntype) == num_nodes[ntype]
    # Verify the number of edges are correct.
    for etype in g.etypes:
        print('edge {}: {}, {}'.format(etype, g.number_of_edges(etype),
        assert g.number_of_edges(etype) == num_edges[etype]

    nids = {ntype: [] for ntype in g.ntypes}
    eids = {etype: [] for etype in g.etypes}
    for part in parts:
        src, dst, eid = part.edges(form='all')
        orig_src = F.gather_row(part.ndata['orig_id'], src)
        orig_dst = F.gather_row(part.ndata['orig_id'], dst)
        orig_eid = F.gather_row(part.edata['orig_id'], eid)
        etype_arr = F.gather_row(part.edata[dgl.ETYPE], eid)
        eid_type = F.gather_row(part.edata[dgl.EID], eid)
        for etype in g.etypes:
            etype_id = g.get_etype_id(etype)
            src1 = F.boolean_mask(orig_src, etype_arr == etype_id)
            dst1 = F.boolean_mask(orig_dst, etype_arr == etype_id)
            eid1 = F.boolean_mask(orig_eid, etype_arr == etype_id)
            exist = g.has_edges_between(src1, dst1, etype=etype)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(exist))
            eid2 = g.edge_ids(src1, dst1, etype=etype)
            assert np.all(F.asnumpy(eid1 == eid2))
            eids[etype].append(F.boolean_mask(eid_type, etype_arr == etype_id))
            # Make sure edge Ids fall into a range.
            inner_edge_mask = _get_inner_edge_mask(part, etype_id)
            inner_eids = np.sort(
            assert np.all(
                inner_eids == np.arange(inner_eids[0], inner_eids[-1] + 1))

        for ntype in g.ntypes:
            ntype_id = g.get_ntype_id(ntype)
            # Make sure inner nodes have Ids fall into a range.
            inner_node_mask = _get_inner_node_mask(part, ntype_id)
            inner_nids = F.boolean_mask(part.ndata[dgl.NID], inner_node_mask)
            assert np.all(
                    inner_nids == F.arange(F.as_scalar(inner_nids[0]),
                                           F.as_scalar(inner_nids[-1]) + 1)))

    for ntype in nids:
        nids_type = F.cat(nids[ntype], 0)
        uniq_ids = F.unique(nids_type)
        # We should get all nodes.
        assert len(uniq_ids) == g.number_of_nodes(ntype)
    for etype in eids:
        eids_type = F.cat(eids[etype], 0)
        uniq_ids = F.unique(eids_type)
        assert len(uniq_ids) == g.number_of_edges(etype)