コード例 #1
def check_logreg(tracker):
    import models

    print("Sanity checking logistic regression...")
    np_random = np.random.RandomState(0)
    pts = 0
    # Check that run returns a node, and that the score in the node is correct
    for dimensions in range(1, 11):
        p = models.LogisticRegressionModel(dimensions)
        p_weights = np.array(p.get_weights())
        if (len(p_weights) == dimensions):
            pts = pts + 0.1
            print('Weight List Initialized Does Not Have Correct Dimensions')
        point = np_random.uniform(-10, 10, (1, dimensions))
        score = p.DotProduct(p_weights.flatten(), point.flatten())
        expected_score = float(np.dot(point.flatten(), p_weights.flatten()))
        if np.isclose(score, expected_score):
            pts = pts + 0.1
                "The score computed by LogisticRegressionModel.run() ({:.4f}) does not match the expected score ({:.4f})"
                .format(score, expected_score))

    tracker.add_points(pts)  # Partial credit for passing sanity checks

    print("Sanity checking complete. Now training perceptron")
    model = models.LogisticRegressionModel(3)
    dataset = backend.LogisticRegressionDataset(model)


    assert dataset.epoch != 0, "LogisticRegressionModel code never iterated over the training data"

    accuracy = np.mean(
                   np.array(model.get_weights()).flatten()) >= 0.0, 1.0, -1.0)
        == dataset.y.T)
    if accuracy < 1.0:
            "The weights learned by your perceptron correctly classified {:.2%} of training examples"
            "To receive full points for this question, your perceptron must converge to 100% accuracy"

コード例 #2
ファイル: autograder.py プロジェクト: duanzhihua/Intro-to-AI
def check_perceptron(tracker):
    import perceptron, backend

    print("Sanity checking perceptron...")
    np_random = np.random.RandomState(0)
    with no_graphics():
        # Check that the perceptron weights are initialized to a zero vector of `dimensions` entries.
        for _ in range(10):
            dimensions = np_random.randint(1, 10)
            p = perceptron.Perceptron(dimensions)
            p_weights = p.get_weights()
            assert p_weights is not None,\
                "Perceptron.get_weights() should return weights, not None"
            p_shape = np.asarray(p_weights).shape
            assert p_shape == (dimensions,),\
                "Perceptron weights had shape {}, expected {}".format(p_shape, (dimensions,))
            assert np.count_nonzero(p.get_weights(
            )) == 0, "Perceptron weights should be initialized to zero."
        # Check that the untrained perceptron predicts 1 on any point
        for _ in range(10):
            dimensions = np_random.randint(1, 10)
            p = perceptron.Perceptron(dimensions)
            point = np_random.uniform(-10, 10, dimensions)
            pred = p.predict(point)
            assert pred == 1, "Untrained perceptron should predict 1 instead of {} for {}.".format(
                pred, pred)
        # Check that a correctly classified point does not update the perceptron.
        for _ in range(10):
            dimensions = np_random.randint(1, 10)
            p = perceptron.Perceptron(dimensions)
            point = np_random.uniform(-10, 10, dimensions)
            old_weights = p.get_weights().copy()
            # All points should be classified as 1 at this point
            updated = p.update(point, 1)
            assert updated is not None, "Perceptron.update should return True or False, not None"
            assert not updated, "Updating with a correctly classified point ({}) should return `False`.".format(
            new_weights = p.get_weights()
            assert np.allclose(new_weights, old_weights),\
                "Updating with a correctly classified point ({}) should not change weights from {} to {}".format(point, new_weights, old_weights)
        # Check that the perceptron weight updates are correct
        xs = np.array([[0., -1., 1., 1.8], [-1., 0., -2., 2.6]]).T
        ys = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=int)
        expected_weights = np.array([[0., 1., 1., -0.8], [1., 1., 1., -1.6]]).T
        expected_returns = [True, True, False, True]
        p = perceptron.Perceptron(2)
        for i in range(xs.shape[0]):
            old_weights = p.get_weights().copy()
            res = p.update(xs[i], ys[i])
            assert res == expected_returns[i],\
                """Perceptron.update returned {}. Expected: {}
    Old weights: {}
    x: {}
    y: {}""".format(res, expected_returns[i], old_weights, xs[i], ys[i])
            assert np.allclose(p.get_weights(), expected_weights[i]),\
                """Perceptron weights are {}. Expected: {}
    Old weights: {}
    x: {}
    y: {}""".format(p.get_weights(), expected_weights[i], old_weights, xs[i], ys[i])

    print("Sanity checking complete. Now training perceptron")
    p = perceptron.Perceptron(3)

    stats = backend.get_stats(p)
    if stats is None:
        print("Your perceptron never trained for a full epoch!")

    if stats["accuracy"] < 1.0:
            "The weights learned by your perceptron correctly classified {:.2%} of training examples"
            "To receive points for this question, your perceptron must converge to 100% accuracy"
コード例 #3
def check_polyregression(tracker):
    import models
    model = models.PolyRegressionModel(2)
    dataset = backend.PolyRegressionDataset(model, 2)

    detected_parameters = None
    for batch_size in (1, 1, 1):
        inp_x = nn.Constant(dataset.x[:batch_size])
        inp_y = nn.Constant(dataset.y[:batch_size])
        output_node = model.run(inp_x)
        verify_node(output_node, 'node', (batch_size, 1),
        trace = trace_node(output_node)

        if detected_parameters is None:
            detected_parameters = [
                node for node in trace if isinstance(node, nn.Parameter)

        for node in trace:
            assert not isinstance(
                node, nn.Parameter
            ) or node in detected_parameters, (
                "Calling PolyRegressionModel.run() multiple times should always re-use the same parameters, but a new nn.Parameter object was detected"

    for batch_size in (1, 1, 1):
        inp_x = nn.Constant(dataset.x[:batch_size])
        inp_y = nn.Constant(dataset.y[:batch_size])
        loss_node = model.get_loss(inp_x, inp_y)
        verify_node(loss_node, 'loss', None, "PolyRegressionModel.get_loss()")
        trace = trace_node(loss_node)
        #assert inp_x in trace, "Node returned from RegressionModel.get_loss() does not depend on the provided input (x)"
        assert inp_y in trace, "Node returned fromPolyRegressionModel.get_loss() does not depend on the provided labels (y)"

        for node in trace:
            assert not isinstance(
                node, nn.Parameter
            ) or node in detected_parameters, (
                "PolyRegressionModel.get_loss() should not use additional parameters not used by RegressionModel.run()"

    tracker.add_points(2)  # Partial credit for passing sanity checks


    train_loss = model.get_loss(nn.Constant(dataset.x), nn.Constant(dataset.y))
    verify_node(train_loss, 'loss', None, "PolyRegressionModel.get_loss()")
    train_loss = nn.as_scalar(train_loss)

    # Re-compute the loss ourselves: otherwise get_loss() could be hard-coded
    # to always return zero
    train_predicted = model.run(nn.Constant(dataset.x))
    verify_node(train_predicted, 'node', (dataset.x.shape[0], 1),
    sanity_loss = 0.5 * np.mean((train_predicted.data - dataset.y)**2)

    assert np.isclose(train_loss, sanity_loss), (
        "PolyRegressionModel.get_loss() returned a loss of {:.4f}, "
        "but the autograder computed a loss of {:.4f} "
        "based on the output of PolyRegressionModel.run()".format(
            train_loss, sanity_loss))

    loss_threshold = 0.1
    if train_loss <= loss_threshold:
        print("Your final loss is: {:f}".format(train_loss))
            "Your final loss ({:f}) must be no more than {:.4f} to receive full points for this question"
            .format(train_loss, loss_threshold))
コード例 #4
def check_perceptron(tracker):
    import models

    print("Sanity checking perceptron...")
    np_random = np.random.RandomState(0)
    # Check that the perceptron weights are initialized to a vector with `dimensions` entries.
    for dimensions in range(1, 10):
        p = models.PerceptronModel(dimensions)
        p_weights = p.get_weights()
        verify_node(p_weights, 'parameter', (1, dimensions),

    # Check that run returns a node, and that the score in the node is correct
    for dimensions in range(1, 10):
        p = models.PerceptronModel(dimensions)
        p_weights = p.get_weights()
        verify_node(p_weights, 'parameter', (1, dimensions),
        point = np_random.uniform(-10, 10, (1, dimensions))
        score = p.run(nn.Constant(point))
        verify_node(score, 'node', (1, 1), "PerceptronModel.run()")
        calculated_score = nn.as_scalar(score)
        expected_score = float(
            np.dot(point.flatten(), p_weights.data.flatten()))
        assert np.isclose(calculated_score, expected_score), (
            "The score computed by PerceptronModel.run() ({:.4f}) does not match the expected score ({:.4f})"
            .format(calculated_score, expected_score))

    # Check that get_prediction returns the correct values, including the
    # case when a point lies exactly on the decision boundary
    for dimensions in range(1, 10):
        p = models.PerceptronModel(dimensions)
        random_point = np_random.uniform(-10, 10, (1, dimensions))
        for point in (random_point, np.zeros_like(random_point)):
            prediction = p.get_prediction(nn.Constant(point))
            assert prediction == 1 or prediction == -1, (
                "PerceptronModel.get_prediction() should return 1 or -1, not {}"

            expected_prediction = np.asscalar(
                                p.get_weights().data.T) >= 0, 1, -1))
            assert prediction == expected_prediction, (
                "PerceptronModel.get_prediction() returned {}; expected {}".
                format(prediction, expected_prediction))

    tracker.add_points(2)  # Partial credit for passing sanity checks

    print("Sanity checking perceptron weight updates...")

    # Test weight updates. This involves constructing a dataset that
    # requires 0 or 1 updates before convergence, and testing that weight
    # values change as expected. Note that (multiplier < -1 or multiplier > 1)
    # must be true for the testing code to be correct.
    dimensions = 2
    for multiplier in (-5, -2, 2, 5):
        p = models.PerceptronModel(dimensions)
        orig_weights = p.get_weights().data.reshape((1, dimensions)).copy()
        if np.abs(orig_weights).sum() == 0.0:
            # This autograder test doesn't work when weights are exactly zero
        point = multiplier * orig_weights
        sanity_dataset = backend.Dataset(x=np.tile(point, (500, 1)),
                                         y=np.ones((500, 1)) * -1.0)
        new_weights = p.get_weights().data.reshape((1, dimensions))

        if multiplier < 0:
            expected_weights = orig_weights
            expected_weights = orig_weights - point

        if not np.all(new_weights == expected_weights):
            print("Initial perceptron weights were: [{:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(
                orig_weights[0, 0], orig_weights[0, 1]))
            print("All data points in the dataset were identical and had:")
            print("    x = [{:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(point[0, 0], point[0, 1]))
            print("    y = -1")
            print("Your trained weights were: [{:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(
                new_weights[0, 0], new_weights[0, 1]))
            print("Expected weights after training: [{:.4f}, {:.4f}]".format(
                expected_weights[0, 0], expected_weights[0, 1]))
            assert False, "Weight update sanity check failed"

    print("Sanity checking complete. Now training perceptron")
    model = models.PerceptronModel(3)
    dataset = backend.PerceptronDataset(model)


    assert dataset.epoch != 0, "Perceptron code never iterated over the training data"

    accuracy = np.mean(
                   model.get_weights().data.T) >= 0.0, 1.0, -1.0) == dataset.y)
    if accuracy < 1.0:
            "The weights learned by your perceptron correctly classified {:.2%} of training examples"
            "To receive full points for this question, your perceptron must converge to 100% accuracy"

コード例 #5
def check_regression(tracker):
    import models

    model = models.RegressionModel()
    dataset = backend.RegressionDataset(model)

    detected_parameters = None
    for batch_size in (1, 2, 4):
        inp_x = nn.Constant(dataset.x[:batch_size])
        inp_y = nn.Constant(dataset.y[:batch_size])
        output_node = model.run(inp_x)
        verify_node(output_node, 'node', (batch_size, 1), "RegressionModel.run()")
        trace = trace_node(output_node)
        assert inp_x in trace, "Node returned from RegressionModel.run() does not depend on the provided input (x)"

        if detected_parameters is None:
            detected_parameters = [node for node in trace if isinstance(node, nn.Parameter)]

        for node in trace:
            assert not isinstance(node, nn.Parameter) or node in detected_parameters, (
                "Calling RegressionModel.run() multiple times should always re-use the same parameters, but a new nn.Parameter object was detected")

    for batch_size in (1, 2, 4):
        inp_x = nn.Constant(dataset.x[:batch_size])
        inp_y = nn.Constant(dataset.y[:batch_size])
        loss_node = model.get_loss(inp_x, inp_y)
        verify_node(loss_node, 'loss', None, "RegressionModel.get_loss()")
        trace = trace_node(loss_node)
        assert inp_x in trace, "Node returned from RegressionModel.get_loss() does not depend on the provided input (x)"
        assert inp_y in trace, "Node returned from RegressionModel.get_loss() does not depend on the provided labels (y)"

        for node in trace:
            assert not isinstance(node, nn.Parameter) or node in detected_parameters, (
                "RegressionModel.get_loss() should not use additional parameters not used by RegressionModel.run()")

    tracker.add_points(2) # Partial credit for passing sanity checks

    time_out = False
    if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "darwin":
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/492519/timeout-on-a-function-call
        # linux
        # OS X
        # print("Using MacOS")
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
        except Exception as exc:
            time_out = True
    elif platform == "win32":
        # Windows...
        print("Using Windows no automatic timeout included")

    if time_out == False: 

        train_loss = model.get_loss(nn.Constant(dataset.x), nn.Constant(dataset.y))
        verify_node(train_loss, 'loss', None, "RegressionModel.get_loss()")
        train_loss = nn.as_scalar(train_loss)

        # Re-compute the loss ourselves: otherwise get_loss() could be hard-coded
        # to always return zero
        train_predicted = model.run(nn.Constant(dataset.x))
        verify_node(train_predicted, 'node', (dataset.x.shape[0], 1), "RegressionModel.run()")
        sanity_loss = 0.5 * np.mean((train_predicted.data - dataset.y)**2)

        assert np.isclose(train_loss, sanity_loss), (
            "RegressionModel.get_loss() returned a loss of {:.4f}, "
            "but the autograder computed a loss of {:.4f} "
            "based on the output of RegressionModel.run()".format(
                train_loss, sanity_loss))

        loss_threshold = 0.02
        if train_loss <= loss_threshold:
            print("Your final loss is: {:f}".format(train_loss))
            print("Your final loss ({:f}) must be no more than {:.4f} to receive full points for this question".format(train_loss, loss_threshold))
        print("Your training timed out, therefore no final loss to report and test.")