def discosnp_install(): print(_os.listdir('.'))['bash','./']) # ensure VCF generation works if system default python is version 3 # VCF code is python 2 only fixed = open('').read().replace('python ','python2 ') open('','w').write(fixed)
def discosnp_install(): print(_os.listdir('.'))['bash', './']) # ensure VCF generation works if system default python is version 3 # VCF code is python 2 only fixed = open('').read().replace('python ', 'python2 ') open('', 'w').write(fixed)
def pysam_install():[_sys.executable, '', 'build']) for f in _os.listdir('build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pysam'): if f[-3:] == '.so': #print(f) _shutil.copy('build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pysam/{}'.format(f), 'pysam/{}'.format(f)) try: _shutil.rmtree('../pysam') except OSError: pass _os.rename('pysam', '../pysam')
def prep_simple_make(path=False, configure=False, alt_command=False): if path: _os.chdir(_os.path.sep.join(path)) if configure:['./configure']) if alt_command:[alt_command]) else:['make']) if path: _os.chdir(_os.path.sep.join([_os.path.pardir] * len(path)))
def prep_simple_make(path = False, configure = False, alt_command = False): if path: _os.chdir(_os.path.sep.join(path)) if configure:['./configure']) if alt_command:[alt_command]) else:['make']) if path: _os.chdir(_os.path.sep.join([_os.path.pardir]*len(path)))
def get_git(name, description, source, url, commit, checksum, destination, preparation, checker): ''' Get a dependency from git ''' if _os.path.realpath(_os.path.curdir) != destination: try: _os.chdir(destination) except OSError: _os.makedirs(destination) _os.chdir(destination) try: # clear any previous verions _shutil.rmtree(url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')) except OSError: pass git_server = url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').split('/')[0] print('Downloading {} via git from {} . . .'.format(name, git_server))['git', 'clone', url]) _os.chdir(url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', ''))['git', 'checkout', commit]) # if repo uses git submodules, those will be set to the correct revisions for this commit # else will do nothing['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init']) working_dir = _os.path.sep.join( [destination, url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')]) if preparation is not None: for do_this in preparation: if isinstance(do_this['arguments'], dict): do_this['function'](**do_this['arguments']) else: do_this['function'](*do_this['arguments']) # restore position in path if a prepare changed it if working_dir != _os.path.realpath(_os.path.curdir): _os.chdir(working_dir) _os.chdir(_os.path.pardir) _os.chdir(_os.path.pardir)
def get_git(name, description, source, url, commit, checksum, destination, preparation, checker): ''' Get a dependency from git ''' if _os.path.realpath(_os.path.curdir) != destination: try: _os.chdir(destination) except OSError: _os.makedirs(destination) _os.chdir(destination) try: # clear any previous verions _shutil.rmtree(url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git','')) except OSError: pass git_server = url.replace('https://','').replace('http://','').split('/')[0] print('Downloading {} via git from {} . . .'.format(name, git_server))['git', 'clone', url]) _os.chdir(url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git',''))['git', 'checkout', commit]) # if repo uses git submodules, those will be set to the correct revisions for this commit # else will do nothing['git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init']) working_dir = _os.path.sep.join([destination,url.split('/')[-1].replace('.git','')]) if preparation is not None: for do_this in preparation: if isinstance(do_this['arguments'], dict): do_this['function'](**do_this['arguments']) else: do_this['function'](*do_this['arguments']) # restore position in path if a prepare changed it if working_dir != _os.path.realpath(_os.path.curdir): _os.chdir(working_dir) _os.chdir(_os.path.pardir) _os.chdir(_os.path.pardir)
def prep_python_install(extras): print('Installing via . . .') # could try here?[_sys.executable, '', 'install'] + extras)
def IndelRealignGATK(self, jar = ['external_programs', 'GenomeAnalysisTK', 'GenomeAnalysisTK.jar'], picard_jar = False, samtools_exe = False, use_java = 'java', force = False, mem_num_gigs = 2, max_cpus = -1): # GATK is manually downloaded by user and placed in folder of their choice jar = _os.path.sep.join(jar) if not picard_jar: picard_jar = _get_jar_path('picard') if not samtools_exe: samtools_exe = _get_exe_path('samtools') genome_fna = 'genome_sequences/{}.fna'.format(self.genome_id) e1 = 'Could not find "paths_to_BAMs_dd_si" attribute. Before starting GATK analysis, read alignments must have duplicates removed. Please run: .toBAMS(), .removeDuplicates(), .sortIndexBAMs() methods on this SAMs instance, or --deduplicate if using' assert hasattr(self, 'paths_to_BAMs_dd_si'), e1 e2 = 'Could not find %s. Please ensure file exists' for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: assert _os.path.exists(BAM), e2 % BAM if not _os.path.exists(genome_fna[:-4] + '.dict'): print('Creating sequence dictionary for %s' % genome_fna)[use_java, '-jar', picard_jar, 'CreateSequenceDictionary', 'R=', genome_fna, 'O=', genome_fna[:-4] + '.dict']) #have_index_files = [_os.path.exists(genome_fna + '.' + a) for a in ('ann','pac','amb','bwt','sa','fai')] have_index_files = [_os.path.exists(genome_fna + '.' + a) for a in ('fai',)] if not all(have_index_files): print('Writing index files for %s' % genome_fna)[samtools_exe, 'faidx', genome_fna]) processes = set() max_processes = _decide_max_processes( max_cpus ) for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: intervals = BAM[:-4] + '.intervals' if not _os.path.exists(intervals) or force: cmd = [use_java, '-Xmx%sg' % mem_num_gigs, '-jar', jar, '-T', 'RealignerTargetCreator', '-R', genome_fna, '-I', BAM, '-o', intervals] #, '--validation_strictness', 'LENIENT'] print(' '.join(map(str, cmd))) processes.add( _subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False) ) if len(processes) >= max_processes: (pid, exit_status) = _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) else: print('Found:') print(intervals) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') # Check if all the child processes were closed for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra = [] for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: intervals = BAM[:-4] + '.intervals' bam_out = BAM[:-4] + '_realn.bam' if not _os.path.exists(bam_out) or force: cmd = [use_java, '-Xmx4g', '-jar', jar, '-T', 'IndelRealigner', '-R', genome_fna, '-I', BAM, '-targetIntervals', intervals, '-o', bam_out, '--filter_bases_not_stored'] print(' '.join(map(str, cmd))) processes.add( _subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False) ) if len(processes) >= max_processes: _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) else: print('Found:') print(bam_out) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra += [bam_out] for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() # the last list of BAMs in ready_BAMs is input for CallgVCFsGATK # both IndelRealignGATK and recalibBaseScoresGATK put here self.ready_BAMs = [paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra]
def align(self, insert_size = False, path_to_exe = False, local_alns_path = ['alignments'], force = False, max_cpus = -1): if not path_to_exe: path_to_exe = _get_exe_path('bwa') # write genome sequence to a fasta file try: _os.makedirs('genome_sequences') except OSError: pass genome_fna = 'genome_sequences/%s.fna' % self.genome_id _SeqIO.write(_SeqRecord(_Seq(self.genome_sequence.tostring()), id = self.genome_id), genome_fna, 'fasta') # make folder for alignments (BAMs) local_alns_path = _os.path.sep.join(local_alns_path) if not _os.path.exists(local_alns_path): _os.makedirs(local_alns_path) # make a subdir for this genome local_alns_path_genome = _os.path.sep.join([ local_alns_path, self.genome_id]) if not _os.path.exists(local_alns_path_genome): _os.makedirs(local_alns_path_genome) max_processes = _decide_max_processes( max_cpus ) e1 = 'Could not find "read_files" attribute. Before aligning to genome, reads must be quality score trimmed. Please run trim() method on this Reads instance.' assert hasattr(self, 'read_files'), e1 e2 = 'Could not find %s. Either run trim() again or ensure file exists' for pairname, files in self.read_files.items(): assert _os.path.exists(files[1]), e2 % files[1] assert _os.path.exists(files[2]), e2 % files[2] have_index_files = [_os.path.exists(genome_fna + '.' + a) for a in ('ann','pac','amb','bwt','sa')] if not all(have_index_files): print('Writing BWA index files for %s' % genome_fna)[path_to_exe, 'index', genome_fna]) aligned_read_files = {} for pairname,files in self.read_files.items(): RGinfo = r"@RG\tID:%s\tSM:%s\tPL:ILLUMINA" % (pairname,pairname) if insert_size: cmd = [path_to_exe, 'mem', '-t', str(max_processes), '-M', '-a', '-I', insert_size, '-R', RGinfo, genome_fna, files[1], files[2]] else: # BWA can estimate on-the-fly cmd = [path_to_exe, 'mem', '-t', str(max_processes), '-M', '-a', '-R', RGinfo, genome_fna, files[1], files[2]] out_sam = _os.path.sep.join([local_alns_path_genome, '%s__%s.sam' % (pairname, self.genome_id)]) if not _os.path.exists(out_sam) or force: print('Called: "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)) with open(out_sam, "wb") as out:, stdout = out) else: print('Found:') print(out_sam) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') print(' '.join(cmd)) aligned_read_files[pairname] = out_sam self.aligned_read_files = aligned_read_files
def IndelRealignGATK(self, jar=[ 'external_programs', 'GenomeAnalysisTK', 'GenomeAnalysisTK.jar' ], picard_jar=False, samtools_exe=False, use_java='java', force=False, mem_num_gigs=2, max_cpus=-1): # GATK is manually downloaded by user and placed in folder of their choice jar = _os.path.sep.join(jar) if not picard_jar: picard_jar = _get_jar_path('picard') if not samtools_exe: samtools_exe = _get_exe_path('samtools') genome_fna = 'genome_sequences/{}.fna'.format(self.genome_id) e1 = 'Could not find "paths_to_BAMs_dd_si" attribute. Before starting GATK analysis, read alignments must have duplicates removed. Please run: .toBAMS(), .removeDuplicates(), .sortIndexBAMs() methods on this SAMs instance, or --deduplicate if using' assert hasattr(self, 'paths_to_BAMs_dd_si'), e1 e2 = 'Could not find %s. Please ensure file exists' for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: assert _os.path.exists(BAM), e2 % BAM # always (re)generate dict in case of upstream changes in data print('Creating sequence dictionary for %s' % genome_fna)[ use_java, '-jar', picard_jar, 'CreateSequenceDictionary', 'R=', genome_fna, 'O=', genome_fna[:-4] + '.dict' ]) # always (re)index in case of upstream changes in data print('Writing index files for %s' % genome_fna)[samtools_exe, 'faidx', genome_fna]) processes = set() max_processes = _decide_max_processes(max_cpus) for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: intervals = BAM[:-4] + '.intervals' if not _os.path.exists(intervals) or force: cmd = [ use_java, '-Xmx%sg' % mem_num_gigs, '-jar', jar, '-T', 'RealignerTargetCreator', '-R', genome_fna, '-I', BAM, '-o', intervals ] #, '--validation_strictness', 'LENIENT'] print(' '.join(map(str, cmd))) processes.add(_subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)) if len(processes) >= max_processes: (pid, exit_status) = _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) else: print('Found:') print(intervals) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') # Check if all the child processes were closed for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra = [] for BAM in self.paths_to_BAMs_dd_si: intervals = BAM[:-4] + '.intervals' bam_out = BAM[:-4] + '_realn.bam' if not _os.path.exists(bam_out) or force: cmd = [ use_java, '-Xmx4g', '-jar', jar, '-T', 'IndelRealigner', '-R', genome_fna, '-I', BAM, '-targetIntervals', intervals, '-o', bam_out, '--filter_bases_not_stored' ] print(' '.join(map(str, cmd))) processes.add(_subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)) if len(processes) >= max_processes: _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) else: print('Found:') print(bam_out) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra += [bam_out] for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() # the last list of BAMs in ready_BAMs is input for CallgVCFsGATK # both IndelRealignGATK and recalibBaseScoresGATK put here self.ready_BAMs = [paths_to_BAMs_dd_si_ra]
def align(self, insert_size=False, path_to_exe=False, local_alns_path=['alignments'], force=False, max_cpus=-1): if not path_to_exe: path_to_exe = _get_exe_path('bwa') # write genome sequence to a fasta file try: _os.makedirs('genome_sequences') except OSError: pass genome_fna = 'genome_sequences/%s.fna' % self.genome_id _SeqIO.write( _SeqRecord(_Seq(self.genome_sequence.tostring()), id=self.genome_id), genome_fna, 'fasta') # make folder for alignments (BAMs) local_alns_path = _os.path.sep.join(local_alns_path) if not _os.path.exists(local_alns_path): _os.makedirs(local_alns_path) # make a subdir for this genome local_alns_path_genome = _os.path.sep.join( [local_alns_path, self.genome_id]) if not _os.path.exists(local_alns_path_genome): _os.makedirs(local_alns_path_genome) max_processes = _decide_max_processes(max_cpus) e1 = 'Could not find "read_files" attribute. Before aligning to genome, reads must be quality score trimmed. Please run trim() method on this Reads instance.' assert hasattr(self, 'read_files'), e1 e2 = 'Could not find %s. Either run trim() again or ensure file exists' for pairname, files in self.read_files.items(): assert _os.path.exists(files[1]), e2 % files[1] assert _os.path.exists(files[2]), e2 % files[2] # always (re)index in case of upstream changes in data print('Writing BWA index files for %s' % genome_fna)[path_to_exe, 'index', genome_fna]) aligned_read_files = {} for pairname, files in self.read_files.items(): RGinfo = r"@RG\tID:%s\tSM:%s\tPL:ILLUMINA" % (pairname, pairname) if insert_size: cmd = [ path_to_exe, 'mem', '-t', str(max_processes), '-M', '-a', '-I', insert_size, '-R', RGinfo, genome_fna, files[1], files[2] ] else: # BWA can estimate on-the-fly cmd = [ path_to_exe, 'mem', '-t', str(max_processes), '-M', '-a', '-R', RGinfo, genome_fna, files[1], files[2] ] out_sam = _os.path.sep.join([ local_alns_path_genome, '%s__%s.sam' % (pairname, self.genome_id) ]) if not _os.path.exists(out_sam) or force: print('Called: "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)) with open(out_sam, "wb") as out:, stdout=out) else: print('Found:') print(out_sam) print('use "force = True" to overwrite') print(' '.join(cmd)) aligned_read_files[pairname] = out_sam self.aligned_read_files = aligned_read_files
def generateReads(self, path_to_exe = False, paths_to_genomes = False, readcov = 60, readlen = 100, fraglen = 350, sterrfraglen = 20, model = 4, max_cpus = -1): ''' Call GemSIM to generate reads Need to have written genome sequences to generate from, possibly with generated SNPs, small indels and large deletions. ''' #max_cpus etc if paths_to_genomes: use_genomes = sorted(paths_to_genomes) elif hasattr(self, 'written_genomes'): use_genomes = sorted(self.written_genomes) else: raise ValueError('provide either paths_to_genomes or generate some then .writeSequences()') if not path_to_exe: path_to_exe = _get_exe_path('gemsim') comment2 = ''' to generate reads put GemSIM v1.6 into subfolder GemSIM_v1.6 and issue these commands: GemSIM_v1.6/ -r LESB58_for_GemSim_01.fasta -n 1980527 -l d -u 350 -s 20 -m GemSIM_v1.6/models/ill100v4_p.gzip -c -q 33 -p -o GemSimLESB58_01 ''' num_pairs = len(self.genome.sequence) * readcov / (readlen*2) if model == 4: path_to_model = _os.path.sep.join(path_to_exe.split(_os.path.sep)[:-1] + ['models','ill100v4_p.gzip']) elif model == 5: path_to_model = _os.path.sep.join(path_to_exe.split(_os.path.sep)[:-1] + ['models','ill100v5_p.gzip']) print('Using error model: {}'.format(path_to_model)) print('Generating {:,} {}bp read pairs for {}x coverage depth of a {}bp genome ({})'.format( num_pairs, readlen, readcov, len(self.genome.sequence), processes = set() max_processes = _decide_max_processes( max_cpus ) import time start = time.time() out_raw = [] for i,genome_in in enumerate(use_genomes): # could use per genome length . . less consistent than using reference # genome_len = len(,'fasta').seq) # num_pairs = genome_len * readcov / (readlen*2) outprefix = 'GemSim_{}_{:02d}'.format(, i+1) cmd = [path_to_exe, '-r', genome_in, '-n', num_pairs, '-l', 'd', '-u', fraglen, '-s', sterrfraglen, '-m', path_to_model, '-c', '-q', 33, '-p', '-o', outprefix] out_raw += [outprefix+'_fir.fastq', outprefix+'_sec.fastq'] # this would be better to rename and compress all in one # maybe as a shell script? Then resuming (--force) would be easier. if _os.path.exists(outprefix+'_fir.fastq') and \ _os.path.exists(outprefix+'_sec.fastq'): print('Found output for {}_fir.fastq (and sec), not regenerating, '\ 'delete these to start from scratch'.format(outprefix)) else: cmd = map(str,cmd) print(' '.join(cmd)) processes.add( _subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False) ) if len(processes) >= max_processes: (pid, exit_status) = _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) # Check if all the child processes were closed for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() missing = [] for o in out_raw: if not _os.path.exists(o): missing += [o] assert len(missing) == 0, 'Could not find:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(missing)) print('all finished after {} minutes'.format(int(round((time.time() - start)/60.0)))) outdir = _os.path.sep.join(['simulated_reads',]) try: _os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError: pass for o in out_raw: new = _os.path.sep.join([outdir, o.replace('fir','R1').replace('sec','R2')]) print('{} ==> {}'.format(o, new)) _os.rename(o, new) cmd = ['gzip', new] print(' '.join(cmd))
def generateReads(self, path_to_exe=False, paths_to_genomes=False, readcov=60, readlen=100, fraglen=350, sterrfraglen=20, model=4, max_cpus=-1): ''' Call GemSIM to generate reads Need to have written genome sequences to generate from, possibly with generated SNPs, small indels and large deletions. ''' #max_cpus etc if paths_to_genomes: use_genomes = sorted(paths_to_genomes) elif hasattr(self, 'written_genomes'): use_genomes = sorted(self.written_genomes) else: raise ValueError( 'provide either paths_to_genomes or generate some then .writeSequences()' ) if not path_to_exe: path_to_exe = _get_exe_path('gemsim') comment2 = ''' to generate reads put GemSIM v1.6 into subfolder GemSIM_v1.6 and issue these commands: GemSIM_v1.6/ -r LESB58_for_GemSim_01.fasta -n 1980527 -l d -u 350 -s 20 -m GemSIM_v1.6/models/ill100v4_p.gzip -c -q 33 -p -o GemSimLESB58_01 ''' num_pairs = len(self.genome.sequence) * readcov / (readlen * 2) if model == 4: path_to_model = _os.path.sep.join( path_to_exe.split(_os.path.sep)[:-1] + ['models', 'ill100v4_p.gzip']) elif model == 5: path_to_model = _os.path.sep.join( path_to_exe.split(_os.path.sep)[:-1] + ['models', 'ill100v5_p.gzip']) print('Using error model: {}'.format(path_to_model)) print( 'Generating {:,} {}bp read pairs for {}x coverage depth of a {}bp genome ({})' .format(num_pairs, readlen, readcov, len(self.genome.sequence), processes = set() max_processes = _decide_max_processes(max_cpus) import time start = time.time() out_raw = [] for i, genome_in in enumerate(use_genomes): # could use per genome length . . less consistent than using reference # genome_len = len(,'fasta').seq) # num_pairs = genome_len * readcov / (readlen*2) outprefix = 'GemSim_{}_{:02d}'.format(, i + 1) cmd = [ path_to_exe, '-r', genome_in, '-n', num_pairs, '-l', 'd', '-u', fraglen, '-s', sterrfraglen, '-m', path_to_model, '-c', '-q', 33, '-p', '-o', outprefix ] out_raw += [outprefix + '_fir.fastq', outprefix + '_sec.fastq'] # this would be better to rename and compress all in one # maybe as a shell script? Then resuming (--force) would be easier. if _os.path.exists(outprefix+'_fir.fastq') and \ _os.path.exists(outprefix+'_sec.fastq'): print('Found output for {}_fir.fastq (and sec), not regenerating, '\ 'delete these to start from scratch'.format(outprefix)) else: cmd = map(str, cmd) print(' '.join(cmd)) processes.add(_subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False)) if len(processes) >= max_processes: (pid, exit_status) = _os.wait() processes.difference_update( [p for p in processes if p.poll() is not None]) # Check if all the child processes were closed for p in processes: if p.poll() is None: p.wait() missing = [] for o in out_raw: if not _os.path.exists(o): missing += [o] assert len(missing) == 0, 'Could not find:\n{}'.format( '\n'.join(missing)) print('all finished after {} minutes'.format( int(round((time.time() - start) / 60.0)))) outdir = _os.path.sep.join(['simulated_reads',]) try: _os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError: pass for o in out_raw: new = _os.path.sep.join( [outdir, o.replace('fir', 'R1').replace('sec', 'R2')]) print('{} ==> {}'.format(o, new)) _os.rename(o, new) cmd = ['gzip', new] print(' '.join(cmd))