def test_copy_with_splitted_ttx(self): pipedata = { 'process_files': [''], 'builddir': 'build', 'project_root': '' } b = Bakery('/home/user', 'project', 'out', 'build') b = Copy(b) with patch.object(b, 'copy_to_builddir') as copy2builddir: with patch.object(b, 'lookup_splitted_ttx') as splitted_ttx: with patch.object(b, 'create_source_dir') as mock_create_src: mock_create_src.return_value = 'sources' with patch.object(b, 'copy_helper_files') as mock_copyhf: splitted_ttx.return_value = [ '' ] pipedata = b.execute(pipedata) copy2builddir.assert_called_once_with([ '', '' ], 'sources') self.assertEqual(pipedata['process_files'], ['sources/fontname-bold.ttx']) self.assert_(mock_create_src.called) self.assert_(mock_copyhf.called)
def run_bakery(sourcedir, config=None): try: if config: config = yaml.safe_load(open(config, 'r')) else: config = yaml.safe_load(open(BAKERY_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS)) if 'process_files' not in config: directory = UpstreamDirectory(sourcedir) config['process_files'] = directory.get_fonts() bakeryyaml = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sourcedir, '.bakery.yaml')) l = open(bakeryyaml, 'w') l.write(yaml.safe_dump(config)) l.close() b = Bakery('', sourcedir, 'builds', sourcedir) b.init_logging('%s.process.log' % sourcedir.replace('/', '-')) b.pipes = [ pipe.Copy, pipe.Build, pipe.Rename, pipe.Metadata, pipe.PyFtSubset, pipe.FontLint, pipe.Optimize, pipe.AutoFix, pipe.CopyLicense, pipe.CopyFontLog, pipe.CopyDescription, pipe.CopyMetadata, pipe.CopyTxtFiles, pipe.TTFAutoHint, pipe.PyFontaine ] config = os.path.join(sourcedir, '.bakery.yaml') b.load_config(config) except Exception, ex: print >> sys.stderr, 'FAILED: %s' % sourcedir print >> sys.stderr, ex
def test_convert(self): pipedata = {'process_files': ['sources/fontname-bold.ttx', 'sources/fontname-regular.ttx']} b = Bakery('/home/user', 'project', 'out', 'build') b = Build(b) with patch('bakery_cli.utils.UpstreamDirectory.get_ttx') as ttx: ttx.return_value = ['Font-Regular.ttx'] with patch.object(b, 'execute_ttx') as execttx: b.execute(pipedata) execttx.assert_called_once_with(['sources/Font-Regular.ttx'], {'process_files': ['sources/fontname-bold.ttx', 'sources/fontname-regular.ttx']})
def test_copy_process(self): pipedata = {'process_files': [''], 'builddir': 'build', 'project_root': ''} b = Bakery('/home/user', 'project', 'out', 'build') b = Copy(b) with patch.object(b, 'copy_to_builddir') as mock_copy2builddir: with patch.object(b, 'create_source_dir') as mock_create_src: mock_create_src.return_value = 'sources' with patch.object(b, 'copy_helper_files') as mock_copyhf: pipedata = b.execute(pipedata) mock_copy2builddir.assert_called_once_with([''], 'sources') self.assertEqual(pipedata['process_files'], ['sources/fontname-bold.ttx']) self.assert_(mock_copyhf.called) self.assert_(mock_create_src.called)
def run_bakery(path, verbose=False): # fontbakery-build supports passing arguments of directory or # concrete bakery.y[a]ml files. In case of passing directory # it looks at existing bakery.yml or bakery.yaml and runs on # first matched filepath # There can also be cases when directory does not contain any # bakery.y[a]ml or passed bakery.yml file does not exist. Then # fontbakery-build loads default configuration. bakery_yml_file = None sourcedir = path if os.path.isdir(path): for filename in ['bakery.yml', 'bakery.yaml']: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(path, filename) break else: bakery_yml_file = path sourcedir = os.path.dirname(path) try: if bakery_yml_file: config = yaml.safe_load(open(bakery_yml_file, 'r')) else: raise IOError except IOError: bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(sourcedir, 'bakery.yml') config = yaml.safe_load(open(BAKERY_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS)) try: builddir = 'build' if GITPYTHON_INSTALLED: try: repo = Repo(sourcedir) builddir = repo.git.rev_parse('HEAD', short=True) except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass builddir = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_COMMIT', builddir) if 'process_files' not in config: directory = UpstreamDirectory(sourcedir) # normalize process_files path config['process_files'] = directory.get_fonts() create_bakery_config(bakery_yml_file, config) Bakery.verbose = verbose or config.get('verbose') b = Bakery('', sourcedir, 'builds', builddir) b.addLoggingToFile() b.load_config(bakery_yml_file) except: if verbose or config.get('verbose'): raise sys.exit(1)
def test_convert(self): pipedata = { 'process_files': ['sources/fontname-bold.ttx', 'sources/fontname-regular.ttx'] } b = Bakery('/home/user', 'project', 'out', 'build') b = Build(b) with patch('bakery_cli.utils.UpstreamDirectory.get_ttx') as ttx: ttx.return_value = ['Font-Regular.ttx'] with patch.object(b, 'execute_ttx') as execttx: b.execute(pipedata) execttx.assert_called_once_with( ['sources/Font-Regular.ttx'], { 'process_files': [ 'sources/fontname-bold.ttx', 'sources/fontname-regular.ttx' ] })
def run_bakery(bakery_yml_file, verbose=False): try: config = yaml.safe_load(open(op.join(bakery_yml_file), 'r')) except IOError: config = yaml.safe_load(open(BAKERY_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS)) sourcedir = op.dirname(bakery_yml_file) try: builddir = 'build' if GITPYTHON_INSTALLED: try: repo = Repo(sourcedir) builddir = repo.git.rev_parse('HEAD', short=True) except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass builddir = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_COMMIT', builddir) if 'process_files' not in config: directory = UpstreamDirectory(sourcedir) # normalize process_files path config['process_files'] = directory.get_fonts() create_bakery_config(bakery_yml_file, config) b = Bakery('', sourcedir, 'builds', builddir) b.load_config(bakery_yml_file) except: if verbose or config.get('verbose'): raise sys.exit(1)
def run_bakery(path, verbose=False): # fontbakery-build supports passing arguments of directory or # concrete bakery.y[a]ml files. In case of passing directory # it looks at existing bakery.yml or bakery.yaml and runs on # first matched filepath # There can also be cases when directory does not contain any # bakery.y[a]ml or passed bakery.yml file does not exist. Then # fontbakery-build loads default configuration. bakery_yml_file = None sourcedir = path if os.path.isdir(path): for filename in ["bakery.yml", "bakery.yaml"]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(path, filename) break else: bakery_yml_file = path sourcedir = os.path.dirname(path) try: if bakery_yml_file: config = yaml.safe_load(open(bakery_yml_file, "r")) else: raise IOError except IOError: bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(sourcedir, "bakery.yml") config = yaml.safe_load(open(BAKERY_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS)) try: builddir = "build" if GITPYTHON_INSTALLED: try: repo = Repo(sourcedir) builddir = repo.git.rev_parse("HEAD", short=True) except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass builddir = os.environ.get("TRAVIS_COMMIT", builddir) if "process_files" not in config: directory = UpstreamDirectory(sourcedir) # normalize process_files path config["process_files"] = directory.get_fonts() create_bakery_config(bakery_yml_file, config) b = Bakery("", sourcedir, "builds", builddir) b.addLoggingToFile() b.load_config(bakery_yml_file) if not ttfautohint_installed(): msg = ( "Command line tool `ttfautohint` is required. Install it with" " `apt-get install ttfautohint` or `brew install ttfautohint`" ) logger.error(msg) except: if verbose or config.get("verbose"): raise sys.exit(1)
def run_bakery(path, verbose=False): # fontbakery-build supports passing arguments of directory or # concrete bakery.y[a]ml files. In case of passing directory # it looks at existing bakery.yml or bakery.yaml and runs on # first matched filepath # There can also be cases when directory does not contain any # bakery.y[a]ml or passed bakery.yml file does not exist. Then # fontbakery-build loads default configuration. bakery_yml_file = None sourcedir = path if os.path.isdir(path): for filename in ['bakery.yml', 'bakery.yaml']: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(path, filename) break else: bakery_yml_file = path sourcedir = os.path.dirname(path) try: if bakery_yml_file: config = yaml.safe_load(open(bakery_yml_file, 'r')) else: raise IOError except IOError: bakery_yml_file = os.path.join(sourcedir, 'bakery.yml') config = yaml.safe_load(open(BAKERY_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS)) try: builddir = 'build' if GITPYTHON_INSTALLED: try: repo = Repo(sourcedir) builddir = repo.git.rev_parse('HEAD', short=True) except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: pass builddir = os.environ.get('TRAVIS_COMMIT', builddir) if 'process_files' not in config: directory = UpstreamDirectory(sourcedir) # normalize process_files path config['process_files'] = directory.get_fonts() create_bakery_config(bakery_yml_file, config) b = Bakery('', sourcedir, 'builds', builddir) b.addLoggingToFile() b.load_config(bakery_yml_file) if not ttfautohint_installed(): msg = ('Command line tool `ttfautohint` is required. Install it with' ' `apt-get install ttfautohint` or `brew install ttfautohint`') logger.error(msg) except: logger.error('BUILD FAILED') if verbose or config.get('verbose'): raise logger.error('Run with --verbose to get stacktrace info.') sys.exit(1)