コード例 #1
def linear_interpolation_for_synthetic_maturity_future(days, trade_date, expiration_dates, prices):
    """Linearly interpolate.

       Will break if it can't find a future on each side of the requested maturity.

       Moving the garbage to another function so the real function can be properly implemented at a later date.

       TODO: For now, this will just linearly interpolate between the nearest 2
             surrounding futures. Should rewrite.  This will serve initial purpose
             though for only a 90 day interpolated price for hist vol studies.
    dte = [i.days for i in (expiration_dates - trade_date)]
    if not all(np.diff(dte) >= 0):
        print "DATES NOT ORDERED WELL"
        print expiration_dates
        print prices
        synth_fut = np.interp(days, dte, prices)
        # print "-" *20
        # print "synth fut, days: %s, %s" % (synth_fut, days)
        # print "dte: %s" % dte
        # print "pxs: %s" % prices
        # ipshell()
        print "-" *20
        print "dte: %s" % dte
        print "pxs: %s" % prices
    return synth_fut
コード例 #2
line, = pyplot.plot(0, 0, "bo")
dot, = pyplot.plot(0, 0, "ro")

interval = 0.0
ylim_window = 12
synth_maturities = [100, 200, 300]
synth_fut_dict = dict((synth_maturity, []) for synth_maturity in synth_maturities)
DEBUG = False

for trade_date in trade_dates:
    if DEBUG:
        if trade_date in freeze_dates:
            print expiration_dates
            print settles
            print closes

    df = execute_query_DF(conn, SQL_get_futures_for_trade_date % trade_date)
    closes = df("px_close")
    settles = df("px_settle")
    prices = settles
    expiration_dates = df("exp_date")

    #     if abs( (trade_date - datetime.date(1991, 4, 11)).days ) <= 1:
    #         pass
    #         # weird day.
    #         ipshell()

    bad_prints = (prices > 8000) + (prices < 10)
    if any(bad_prints):