コード例 #1
from bank import Bank

# Important Note:
# Create a Bank object call myBank
myBank = Bank("myBank")

# Important Note:
# Ask customer to create a Bank account
print("Enter your name and create an account")
prenom = input("First name :")
nom = input("Name :")
idc = myBank.create(nom, prenom)
print("Your customer number is :", idc)

# Important Note:
# display of a menu to allow the customer to perform operations
c = True
while c:
        print("Welcome to your Bank :")
        print("\t 1.Consute my operations")
        print("\t 2.Withdraw from my account")
        print("\t 3.Deposit to my account")
        print("\t 4.Close")
        choix = input("Write your choice number : ")