コード例 #1
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(prog="sp_pipeline..py", \
                        version=" Chitrang Patel (May. 12, 2015)", \
                        usage="%prog INFILE(PsrFits FILE, SINGLEPULSE FILES)", \
                        description="Create single pulse plots to show the " \
                                    "frequency sweeps of a single pulse,  " \
                    "DM vs time, and SNR vs DM,"\
                                    "in psrFits data.")
    parser.add_option('--infile', dest='infile', type='string', \
                        help="Give a .inf file to read the appropriate header information.")
    parser.add_option('--groupsfile', dest='txtfile', type='string', \
                        help="Give the groups.txt file to read in the groups information.")
    parser.add_option('--mask', dest='maskfile', type='string', \
                        help="Mask file produced by rfifind. (Default: No Mask).", \
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if not hasattr(options, 'infile'):
        raise ValueError("A .inf file must be given on the command line! ")
    if not hasattr(options, 'txtfile'):
        raise ValueError(
            "The groups.txt file must be given on the command line! ")

    files = get_textfile(options.txtfile)
    print_debug("Begining waterfaller... " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    Detrendlen = 50
    if not args[0].endswith("fits"):
        raise ValueError("The first file must be a psrFits file! ")
    basename = args[0][:-5]
    filetype = "psrfits"
    inffile = options.infile
    topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(inffile)
    time_shift = bary - topo
    inf = infodata.infodata(inffile)
    RA = inf.RA
    dec = inf.DEC
    MJD = inf.epoch
    mjd = Popen(["mjd2cal", "%f" % MJD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    date, err = mjd.communicate()
    date = date.split()[2:5]
    telescope = inf.telescope
    N = inf.N
    Total_observed_time = inf.dt * N
    print_debug('getting file..')
    rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(args[0])
    print "rawdatafile", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
    bin_shift = np.round(time_shift / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
    for group in [6, 5, 4, 3, 2]:
        rank = group + 1
        if files[group] != "Number of rank %i groups: 0 " % rank:
            values = split_parameters(rank, options.txtfile)
            lis = np.where(files == '\tRank:             %i.000000' % rank)[0]
            for ii in range(len(values)):
                #### Array for Plotting DM vs SNR
                print "DM, S/N", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                print_debug("Making arrays for DM vs Signal to Noise...")
                temp_list = files[lis[ii] - 6].split()
                npulses = int(temp_list[2])
                temp_lines = files[(lis[ii] + 3):(lis[ii] + npulses + 1)]
                arr = np.split(temp_lines, len(temp_lines))
                dm_list = []
                time_list = []
                for i in range(len(arr)):
                    dm_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[0])
                    time_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[2])
                arr_2 = np.array([arr[i][0].split() for i in range(len(arr))],
                dm_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][0] for i in range(len(arr))],
                sigma_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][1] for i in range(len(arr))],
                print "After DM, S/N", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)

                #### Array for Plotting DM vs Time is in show_spplots.plot(...)

                #### Setting variables up for the waterfall arrays.
                j = ii + 1
                subdm = dm = sweep_dm = values[ii][0]
                integrate_dm = None
                sigma = values[ii][1]
                sweep_posn = 0.0
                topo_start_time = values[ii][2] - topo_timeshift(
                    values[ii][2], time_shift, topo)[0]
                sample_number = values[ii][3]
                width_bins = values[ii][4]
                binratio = 50
                scaleindep = False
                zerodm = None
                downsamp = np.round((values[ii][2] / sample_number /
                duration = binratio * width_bins * rawdatafile.tsamp * downsamp
                start = topo_start_time - (0.25 * duration)
                if (start < 0.0):
                    start = 0.0
                pulse_width = width_bins * downsamp * 6.54761904761905e-05
                if sigma <= 10:
                    nsub = 32
                elif sigma >= 10 and sigma < 15:
                    nsub = 64
                    nsub = 96
                nbins = np.round(duration / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
                                        1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)
                nbinsextra = np.round(
                    (duration + dmfac * dm) / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                if (start_bin + nbinsextra) > N - 1:
                    nbinsextra = N - 1 - start_bin
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
                print "After rawdata", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
                #make an array to store header information for the .npz files
                temp_filename = basename + "_DM%.1f_%.1fs_rank_%i" % (
                    subdm, topo_start_time, rank)
                # Array for Plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot - zerodm - OFF
                print_debug("Running waterfaller with Zero-DM OFF...")
                data, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = waterfall_array(
                    start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
                    integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins,
                    rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                print "waterfall", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                # Add additional information to the header information array
                text_array = np.array([
                    args[0], 'Arecibo', RA, dec, MJD, rank, nsub, nbins, subdm,
                    sigma, sample_number, duration, width_bins, pulse_width,
                    rawdatafile.tsamp, Total_observed_time, topo_start_time,
                    data.starttime, data.dt, data.numspectra,

                #### Array for plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot zerodm - ON
                print_debug("Running Waterfaller with Zero-DM ON...")
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
                zerodm = True
                data, Data_dedisp_zerodm = waterfall_array(
                    start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
                    integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins,
                    rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                print "waterfall", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                ####Sweeped without zerodm
                print_debug("Running waterfaller for sweeped arrays.")
                start = start + (0.25 * duration)
                start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(
                    1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
                    1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2) * sweep_dm
                nbins = np.round(sweep_duration /
                if ((nbins + start_bin) > (N - 1)):
                    nbins = N - 1 - start_bin
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbins)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbins, options.maskfile)
                zerodm = None
                dm = None
                data, Data_nozerodm = waterfall_array(
                    start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
                    integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins,
                    rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                print "waterfall", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                text_array = np.append(text_array, sweep_duration)
                text_array = np.append(text_array, data.starttime)
                # Array to Construct the sweep
                if sweep_dm is not None:
                    ddm = sweep_dm - data.dm
                    delays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(ddm, data.freqs)
                    delays -= delays.min()
                    delays_nozerodm = delays
                    freqs_nozerodm = data.freqs
                # Sweeped with zerodm-on
                zerodm = True
                downsamp_temp = 1
                data, Data_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration,
                                                    nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm,
                                                    dm, integrate_dm,
                                                    downsamp_temp, scaleindep,
                                                    width_bins, rawdatafile,
                                                    binratio, data)
                print "waterfall", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                # Saving the arrays into the .spd file.
                with open(temp_filename + ".spd", 'wb') as f:
                        dm_arr=map(np.float16, dm_arr),
                        sigma_arr=map(np.float16, sigma_arr),
                        dm_list=map(np.float16, dm_list),
                        time_list=map(np.float16, time_list),
                print_debug("Now plotting...")
                print "Before plot..", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                show_spplots.plot(temp_filename + ".spd",
                print "After plot..", memory.resident() / (1024.0**3)
                print_debug("Finished plot %i " % j +
                            strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
        print_debug("Finished group %i... " % rank +
                    strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    print_debug("Finished running waterfaller... " +
                strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
コード例 #2
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(prog="sp_pipeline..py", \
                        version=" Chitrang Patel (May. 12, 2015)", \
                        usage="%prog INFILE(PsrFits FILE, SINGLEPULSE FILES)", \
                        description="Create single pulse plots to show the " \
                                    "frequency sweeps of a single pulse,  " \
                                    "DM vs time, and SNR vs DM,"\
                                    "in psrFits data.")
    parser.add_option('--infile', dest='infile', type='string', \
                        help="Give a .inf file to read the appropriate header information.")
    parser.add_option('--groupsfile', dest='txtfile', type='string', \
                        help="Give the groups.txt file to read in the groups information.") 
    parser.add_option('--mask', dest='maskfile', type='string', \
                        help="Mask file produced by rfifind. (Default: No Mask).", \
    parser.add_option('-n', dest='maxnumcands', type='int', \
                        help="Maximum number of candidates to plot. (Default: 100).", \
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if not hasattr(options, 'infile'):
        raise ValueError("A .inf file must be given on the command line! ") 
    if not hasattr(options, 'txtfile'):
        raise ValueError("The groups.txt file must be given on the command line! ") 
    files = sp_utils.spio.get_textfile(options.txtfile)
    print_debug("Begining waterfaller... "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    if not args[0].endswith("fits"):
        raise ValueError("The first file must be a psrFits file! ") 
    print_debug('Maximum number of candidates to plot: %i'%options.maxnumcands)
    basename = args[0][:-5]
    filetype = "psrfits"
    inffile = options.infile
    topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(inffile)
    time_shift = bary-topo
    inf = infodata.infodata(inffile)
    RA = inf.RA
    dec = inf.DEC
    MJD = inf.epoch
    mjd = Popen(["mjd2cal", "%f"%MJD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    date, err = mjd.communicate()
    date = date.split()[2:5]
    telescope = inf.telescope
    N = inf.N
    Total_observed_time = inf.dt *N
    print_debug('getting file..')
    rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(args[0])
    bin_shift = np.round(time_shift/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
    numcands = 0 # candidate counter. Use this to decide the maximum bumber of candidates to plot.
    loop_must_break = False # dont break the loop unless num of cands >100.
    for group in [6, 5, 4, 3, 2]:
        rank = group+1
        if files[group] != "Number of rank %i groups: 0 "%rank:
            values = sp_utils.spio.split_parameters(rank, options.txtfile)
            lis = np.where(files == '\tRank:             %i.000000'%rank)[0]
            for ii in range(len(values)):
                #### Array for Plotting DM vs SNR
                print_debug("Making arrays for DM vs Signal to Noise...")
                temp_list = files[lis[ii]-6].split()
                npulses = int(temp_list[2])
                temp_lines = files[(lis[ii]+3):(lis[ii]+npulses+1)]
                arr = np.split(temp_lines, len(temp_lines))
                dm_list = []
                time_list = []
                for i in range(len(arr)):
                    dm_val= float(arr[i][0].split()[0])
                    time_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[2])
                arr_2 = np.array([arr[i][0].split() for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)
                dm_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][0] for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)
                sigma_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][1] for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)

                #### Array for Plotting DM vs Time is in show_spplots.plot(...)

                #### Setting variables up for the waterfall arrays.
                j = ii+1
                subdm = dm = sweep_dm= values[ii][0]
                integrate_dm = None
                sigma = values[ii][1]
                sweep_posn = 0.0
                bary_start_time = values[ii][2]
                topo_start_time = bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(bary_start_time, time_shift, topo)[0]
                sample_number = values[ii][3]
                width_bins = values[ii][4]
                binratio = 50
                scaleindep = False
                zerodm = None
                downsamp = np.round((values[ii][2]/sample_number/rawdatafile.tsamp)).astype('int')
                duration = binratio * width_bins * rawdatafile.tsamp * downsamp
                start = topo_start_time - (0.25 * duration)
                if (start<0.0):
                    start = 0.0
                pulse_width = width_bins*downsamp*rawdatafile.tsamp
                if sigma < 10:
                    nsub = 32
                elif sigma >= 10 and sigma < 15:
                    nsub = 64
                    nsub = 96
                if nsub > inf.numchan:
                    nsub = inf.numchan

                nbins = np.round(duration/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                start_bin = np.round(start/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 - 1./rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)
                nbinsextra = np.round((duration + dmfac * dm)/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                if (start_bin+nbinsextra) > N-1:
                    nbinsextra = N-1-start_bin
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)

                #make an array to store header information for the .npz files
                temp_filename = basename+"_DM%.1f_%.1fs_rank_%i"%(subdm, topo_start_time, rank)
                # Array for Plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot - zerodm - OFF
                print_debug("Running waterfaller with Zero-DM OFF...")
                data, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                # Add additional information to the header information array
                text_array = np.array([args[0], 'Arecibo', RA, dec, MJD, rank, nsub, nbins, subdm, sigma, sample_number, duration, width_bins, pulse_width, rawdatafile.tsamp, Total_observed_time, topo_start_time, data.starttime, data.dt, data.numspectra, data.freqs.min(), data.freqs.max()])

                #### Array for plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot zerodm - ON
                print_debug("Running Waterfaller with Zero-DM ON...")
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
                zerodm = True
                data, Data_dedisp_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                ####Sweeped without zerodm
                start = start + (0.25*duration)
                start_bin = np.round(start/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
                sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2-1./rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)*sweep_dm
                nbins = np.round(sweep_duration/(rawdatafile.tsamp)).astype('int')
                if ((nbins+start_bin)> (N-1)):
                    nbins = N-1-start_bin
                data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbins)
                data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbins, options.maskfile)
                zerodm = None
                dm = None
                data, Data_nozerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                text_array = np.append(text_array, sweep_duration)
                text_array = np.append(text_array, data.starttime)
                text_array = np.append(text_array, bary_start_time)
                # Array to Construct the sweep
                if sweep_dm is not None:
                    ddm = sweep_dm-data.dm
                    delays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(ddm, data.freqs)
                    delays -= delays.min()
                    delays_nozerodm = delays
                    freqs_nozerodm = data.freqs
                # Sweeped with zerodm-on 
                zerodm = True
                downsamp_temp = 1
                data, Data_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp_temp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
                # Saving the arrays into the .spd file.
                with open(temp_filename+".spd", 'wb') as f:
                    np.savez_compressed(f, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = Data_dedisp_nozerodm.astype(np.float16), Data_dedisp_zerodm = Data_dedisp_zerodm.astype(np.float16), Data_nozerodm = Data_nozerodm.astype(np.float16), delays_nozerodm = delays_nozerodm, freqs_nozerodm = freqs_nozerodm, Data_zerodm = Data_zerodm.astype(np.float16), dm_arr= map(np.float16, dm_arr), sigma_arr = map(np.float16, sigma_arr), dm_list= map(np.float16, dm_list), time_list = map(np.float16, time_list), text_array = text_array)
                print_debug("Now plotting...")
                show_spplots.plot(temp_filename+".spd", args[1:], xwin=False, outfile = basename, tar = None)
                print_debug("Finished plot %i " %j+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                numcands+= 1
                print_debug('Finished sp_candidate : %i'%numcands)
                if numcands >= options.maxnumcands:    # Max number of candidates to plot 100.
                    loop_must_break = True
            if loop_must_break:
        print_debug("Finished group %i... "%rank+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    print_debug("Finished running waterfaller... "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
コード例 #3
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(prog="sp_pipeline..py", \
                        version=" Chitrang Patel (May. 12, 2015)", \
                        usage="%prog INFILE(PsrFits FILE, SINGLEPULSE FILES)", \
                        description="Create single pulse plots to show the " \
                                    "frequency sweeps of a single pulse,  " \
                    "DM vs time, and SNR vs DM,"\
                                    "in psrFits data.")
    parser.add_option('--infile', dest='infile', type='string', \
                        help="Give a .inf file to read the appropriate header information.")
    parser.add_option('--groupsfile', dest='txtfile', type='string', \
                        help="Give the groups.txt file to read in the groups information.") 
    parser.add_option('--mask', dest='maskfile', type='string', \
                        help="Mask file produced by rfifind. (Default: No Mask).", \
    parser.add_option('-n', dest='maxnumcands', type='int', \
                        help="Maximum number of candidates to plot. (Default: 100).", \
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if not hasattr(options, 'infile'):
        raise ValueError("A .inf file must be given on the command line! ") 
    if not hasattr(options, 'txtfile'):
        raise ValueError("The groups.txt file must be given on the command line! ") 
    files = get_textfile(options.txtfile)
    print_debug("Begining waterfaller... "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    if not args[0].endswith("fits"):
        raise ValueError("The first file must be a psrFits file! ") 
    print_debug('Maximum number of candidates to plot: %i'%options.maxnumcands)
    basename = args[0][:-5]
    filetype = "psrfits"
    inffile = options.infile
    topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(inffile)
    time_shift = bary-topo
    inf = infodata.infodata(inffile)
    RA = inf.RA
    dec = inf.DEC
    MJD = inf.epoch
    mjd = Popen(["mjd2cal", "%f"%MJD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    date, err = mjd.communicate()
    date = date.split()[2:5]
    telescope = inf.telescope
    N = inf.N
    Total_observed_time = inf.dt *N
    print_debug('getting file..')
    values = split_parameters(options.txtfile)
    if len(values)> options.maxnumcands:
	values=sorted(values, key=itemgetter(5,1)) #sorting candidates based on ranks and snr
	print "More than", options.maxnumcands, "candidates, making plots for", options.maxnumcands, "candidates" 
    values = sorted(values, key=itemgetter(0))
    for ii in range(len(values)):
        #### Array for Plotting DM vs SNR
        print_debug("Making arrays for DM vs Signal to Noise...")
        temp_list = files[values[ii][6]-6].split()
        npulses = int(temp_list[2])
        temp_lines = files[(values[ii][6]+3):(values[ii][6]+npulses+1)]
        arr = np.split(temp_lines, len(temp_lines))
        dm_list = []
        time_list = []
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            dm_val= float(arr[i][0].split()[0])
            time_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[2])
        arr_2 = np.array([arr[i][0].split() for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)
        dm_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][0] for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)
        sigma_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][1] for i in range(len(arr))], dtype = np.float32)
	#### Array for Plotting DM vs Time is in show_spplots.plot(...)

        #### Setting variables up for the waterfall arrays.
        j = ii+1
        subdm = dm = sweep_dm= values[ii][0]
	sample_number = values[ii][3]
	width_bins = values[ii][4]
	#print "dm", dm 	
        #print "width_bins", width_bins 
	downsamp = np.round((values[ii][2]/sample_number/inf.dt)).astype('int')
	#print "downsamp", downsamp 
	pulse_width = width_bins*downsamp*inf.dt
	#print "pulse_width", pulse_width 
	if ii == 0:
	    cmd="psrfits_subband -dm %.2f -nsub 128 -o %s_subband_%.2f -weights %s_weights.txt %s"%(dm,basename,dm,basename,args[0])
	    call(cmd, shell=True)
	    #subband args[0] at dm and then generate a file that will be set equal to rawdatafile
	    subband_file="%s_subband_%.2f_0001.fits" %(basename,dm)
	    subband_prev= subband_file
	    if (5*t_smear) > pulse_width:
		cmd="psrfits_subband -dm %.2f -nsub 128 -o %s_subband_%.2f -weights %s_weights.txt %s"%(dm,basename,dm,basename,args[0])
		call(cmd, shell=True)
		#subband args[0] at dm and then generate a file that will be set equal to rawdatafile
		subband_file="%s_subband_%.2f_0001.fits" %(basename,dm)

	rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(subband_file)
	bin_shift = np.round(time_shift/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
	integrate_dm = None
	sigma = values[ii][1]
        sweep_posn = 0.0
        bary_start_time = values[ii][2]
        topo_start_time = bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(bary_start_time, time_shift, topo)[0]
	binratio = 50
	scaleindep = False
        zerodm = None
        duration = binratio * width_bins * rawdatafile.tsamp * downsamp
	start = topo_start_time - (0.25 * duration)
	if (start<0.0):
            start = 0.0        
	if sigma <= 7:
	    nsub = 32
	elif sigma >= 7 and sigma < 10:
            nsub = 64
            nsub = 128
        nbins = np.round(duration/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
	start_bin = np.round(start/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 - 1./rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)
	nbinsextra = np.round((duration + dmfac * dm)/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
	if (start_bin+nbinsextra) > N-1:
            nbinsextra = N-1-start_bin
	data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
	#make an array to store header information for the .npz files
        temp_filename = basename+"_DM%.1f_%.1fs_rank_%i"%(subdm, topo_start_time, rank)
	# Array for Plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot - zerodm - OFF
        print_debug("Running waterfaller with Zero-DM OFF...")
        data, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #Add additional information to the header information array
        text_array = np.array([subband_file, 'GBT', RA, dec, MJD, rank, nsub, nbins, subdm, sigma, sample_number, duration, width_bins, pulse_width, rawdatafile.tsamp, Total_observed_time, topo_start_time, data.starttime, data.dt, data.numspectra, data.freqs.min(), data.freqs.max()])
        #### Array for plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot zerodm - ON
        print_debug("Running Waterfaller with Zero-DM ON...")
	#print "before get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
	#print "after get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
        zerodm = True
        data, Data_dedisp_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
	####Sweeped without zerodm
        start = start + (0.25*duration)
        start_bin = np.round(start/rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2-1./rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)*sweep_dm
        nbins = np.round(sweep_duration/(rawdatafile.tsamp)).astype('int')
        if ((nbins+start_bin)> (N-1)):
            nbins = N-1-start_bin
	#print "before get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbins)
	#print "after get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbins, options.maskfile)
        zerodm = None
        dm = None
        data, Data_nozerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
	text_array = np.append(text_array, sweep_duration)
        text_array = np.append(text_array, data.starttime)
        text_array = np.append(text_array, bary_start_time)
        # Array to Construct the sweep
        if sweep_dm is not None:
            ddm = sweep_dm-data.dm
            delays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(ddm, data.freqs)
            delays -= delays.min()
            delays_nozerodm = delays
            freqs_nozerodm = data.freqs
        # Sweeped with zerodm-on 
        zerodm = True
        downsamp_temp = 1
        data, Data_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm, integrate_dm, downsamp_temp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
	# Saving the arrays into the .spd file.
        with open(temp_filename+".spd", 'wb') as f:
            np.savez_compressed(f, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = Data_dedisp_nozerodm.astype(np.float16), Data_dedisp_zerodm = Data_dedisp_zerodm.astype(np.float16), Data_nozerodm = Data_nozerodm.astype(np.float16), delays_nozerodm = delays_nozerodm, freqs_nozerodm = freqs_nozerodm, Data_zerodm = Data_zerodm.astype(np.float16), dm_arr= map(np.float16, dm_arr), sigma_arr = map(np.float16, sigma_arr), dm_list= map(np.float16, dm_list), time_list = map(np.float16, time_list), text_array = text_array)
        print_debug("Now plotting...")
        #print "Before plot..",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
	show_spplots.plot(temp_filename+".spd", args[1:], xwin=False, outfile = basename, tar = None)
        print_debug("Finished plot %i " %j+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
	#print "After plot..",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        print_debug('Finished sp_candidate : %i'%numcands)
    print_debug("Finished running waterfaller... "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
コード例 #4
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(prog="sp_pipeline..py", \
                        version=" Chitrang Patel (May. 12, 2015)", \
                        usage="%prog INFILE(PsrFits FILE, SINGLEPULSE FILES)", \
                        description="Create single pulse plots to show the " \
                                    "frequency sweeps of a single pulse,  " \
                    "DM vs time, and SNR vs DM,"\
                                    "in psrFits data.")
    parser.add_option('--infile', dest='infile', type='string', \
                        help="Give a .inf file to read the appropriate header information.")
    parser.add_option('--groupsfile', dest='txtfile', type='string', \
                        help="Give the groups.txt file to read in the groups information.")
    parser.add_option('--mask', dest='maskfile', type='string', \
                        help="Mask file produced by rfifind. (Default: No Mask).", \
    parser.add_option('-n', dest='maxnumcands', type='int', \
                        help="Maximum number of candidates to plot. (Default: 100).", \
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if not hasattr(options, 'infile'):
        raise ValueError("A .inf file must be given on the command line! ")
    if not hasattr(options, 'txtfile'):
        raise ValueError(
            "The groups.txt file must be given on the command line! ")

    files = get_textfile(options.txtfile)
    print_debug("Begining waterfaller... " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    if not args[0].endswith("fits"):
        raise ValueError("The first file must be a psrFits file! ")
    print_debug('Maximum number of candidates to plot: %i' %
    basename = args[0][:-5]
    filetype = "psrfits"
    inffile = options.infile
    topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(inffile)
    time_shift = bary - topo
    inf = infodata.infodata(inffile)
    RA = inf.RA
    dec = inf.DEC
    MJD = inf.epoch
    mjd = Popen(["mjd2cal", "%f" % MJD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    date, err = mjd.communicate()
    date = date.split()[2:5]
    telescope = inf.telescope
    N = inf.N
    numcands = 0
    Total_observed_time = inf.dt * N
    print_debug('getting file..')
    values = split_parameters(options.txtfile)
    if len(values) > options.maxnumcands:
        values = sorted(values, key=itemgetter(
            5, 1))  #sorting candidates based on ranks and snr
        values = values[-options.maxnumcands:]
        print "More than", options.maxnumcands, "candidates, making plots for", options.maxnumcands, "candidates"
    values = sorted(values, key=itemgetter(0))
    for ii in range(len(values)):
        #### Array for Plotting DM vs SNR
        print_debug("Making arrays for DM vs Signal to Noise...")
        temp_list = files[values[ii][6] - 6].split()
        npulses = int(temp_list[2])
        temp_lines = files[(values[ii][6] + 3):(values[ii][6] + npulses + 1)]
        arr = np.split(temp_lines, len(temp_lines))
        dm_list = []
        time_list = []
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            dm_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[0])
            time_val = float(arr[i][0].split()[2])
        arr_2 = np.array([arr[i][0].split() for i in range(len(arr))],
        dm_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][0] for i in range(len(arr))],
        sigma_arr = np.array([arr_2[i][1] for i in range(len(arr))],
        #### Array for Plotting DM vs Time is in show_spplots.plot(...)

        #### Setting variables up for the waterfall arrays.
        j = ii + 1
        subdm = dm = sweep_dm = values[ii][0]
        sample_number = values[ii][3]
        rank = values[ii][5]
        width_bins = values[ii][4]
        #print "dm", dm
        #print "width_bins", width_bins
        downsamp = np.round(
            (values[ii][2] / sample_number / inf.dt)).astype('int')
        #print "downsamp", downsamp
        pulse_width = width_bins * downsamp * inf.dt
        #print "pulse_width", pulse_width
        if ii == 0:
            mask_subband = rfifind.rfifind("%s_rfifind.mask" % (basename))
            mask_subband.set_zap_chans(power=1000, plot=False)
            mask_subband.write_weights(filename="%s_weights.txt" % (basename))
            cmd = "psrfits_subband -dm %.2f -nsub 128 -o %s_subband_%.2f -weights %s_weights.txt %s" % (
                dm, basename, dm, basename, args[0])
            call(cmd, shell=True)
            #subband args[0] at dm and then generate a file that will be set equal to rawdatafile
            subband_file = "%s_subband_%.2f_0001.fits" % (basename, dm)
            dm_prev = dm
            subband_prev = subband_file
            dm_diff = dm - dm_prev
            t_smear = 8.3e3 * dm_diff * (350**-3) * (
                np.abs(rawdatafile.frequencies[0] -
                       rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]) / 128.)
            if (5 * t_smear) > pulse_width:
                cmd = "psrfits_subband -dm %.2f -nsub 128 -o %s_subband_%.2f -weights %s_weights.txt %s" % (
                    dm, basename, dm, basename, args[0])
                call(cmd, shell=True)
                #subband args[0] at dm and then generate a file that will be set equal to rawdatafile
                subband_file = "%s_subband_%.2f_0001.fits" % (basename, dm)
                dm_prev = dm
                subband_prev = subband_file

        rawdatafile = psrfits.PsrfitsFile(subband_file)
        bin_shift = np.round(time_shift / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        integrate_dm = None
        sigma = values[ii][1]
        sweep_posn = 0.0
        bary_start_time = values[ii][2]
        topo_start_time = bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(
            bary_start_time, time_shift, topo)[0]
        binratio = 50
        scaleindep = False
        zerodm = None
        duration = binratio * width_bins * rawdatafile.tsamp * downsamp
        start = topo_start_time - (0.25 * duration)
        if (start < 0.0):
            start = 0.0
        if sigma <= 7:
            nsub = 32
        elif sigma >= 7 and sigma < 10:
            nsub = 64
            nsub = 128
        nbins = np.round(duration / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
                                1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2)
        nbinsextra = np.round(
            (duration + dmfac * dm) / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        if (start_bin + nbinsextra) > N - 1:
            nbinsextra = N - 1 - start_bin
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
        #make an array to store header information for the .npz files
        temp_filename = basename + "_DM%.1f_%.1fs_rank_%i" % (
            subdm, topo_start_time, rank)
        # Array for Plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot - zerodm - OFF
        print_debug("Running waterfaller with Zero-DM OFF...")
        data, Data_dedisp_nozerodm = waterfall_array(
            start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
            integrate_dm, downsamp, scaleindep, width_bins, rawdatafile,
            binratio, data)
        #Add additional information to the header information array
        text_array = np.array([
            subband_file, 'GBT', RA, dec, MJD, rank, nsub, nbins, subdm, sigma,
            sample_number, duration, width_bins, pulse_width,
            rawdatafile.tsamp, Total_observed_time, topo_start_time,
            data.starttime, data.dt, data.numspectra,
        #### Array for plotting Dedispersed waterfall plot zerodm - ON
        print_debug("Running Waterfaller with Zero-DM ON...")
        #print "before get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbinsextra)
        #print "after get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbinsextra, options.maskfile)
        zerodm = True
        data, Data_dedisp_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration,
                                                   nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm,
                                                   dm, integrate_dm, downsamp,
                                                   scaleindep, width_bins,
                                                   rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        ####Sweeped without zerodm
        start = start + (0.25 * duration)
        start_bin = np.round(start / rawdatafile.tsamp).astype('int')
        sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(
            1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[0]**2 -
            1. / rawdatafile.frequencies[-1]**2) * sweep_dm
        nbins = np.round(sweep_duration / (rawdatafile.tsamp)).astype('int')
        if ((nbins + start_bin) > (N - 1)):
            nbins = N - 1 - start_bin

#print "before get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = rawdatafile.get_spectra(start_bin, nbins)
        #print "after get_spectra",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        data = maskdata(data, start_bin, nbins, options.maskfile)
        zerodm = None
        dm = None
        data, Data_nozerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration,
                                              nbins, zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
                                              integrate_dm, downsamp,
                                              scaleindep, width_bins,
                                              rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        text_array = np.append(text_array, sweep_duration)
        text_array = np.append(text_array, data.starttime)
        text_array = np.append(text_array, bary_start_time)
        # Array to Construct the sweep
        if sweep_dm is not None:
            ddm = sweep_dm - data.dm
            delays = psr_utils.delay_from_DM(ddm, data.freqs)
            delays -= delays.min()
            delays_nozerodm = delays
            freqs_nozerodm = data.freqs
        # Sweeped with zerodm-on
        zerodm = True
        downsamp_temp = 1
        data, Data_zerodm = waterfall_array(start_bin, dmfac, duration, nbins,
                                            zerodm, nsub, subdm, dm,
                                            integrate_dm, downsamp_temp,
                                            scaleindep, width_bins,
                                            rawdatafile, binratio, data)
        #print "waterfall",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        # Saving the arrays into the .spd file.
        with open(temp_filename + ".spd", 'wb') as f:
                dm_arr=map(np.float16, dm_arr),
                sigma_arr=map(np.float16, sigma_arr),
                dm_list=map(np.float16, dm_list),
                time_list=map(np.float16, time_list),
        print_debug("Now plotting...")
        #print "Before plot..",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        show_spplots.plot(temp_filename + ".spd",
        print_debug("Finished plot %i " % j + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
        #print "After plot..",memory.resident()/(1024.0**3)
        numcands += 1
        print_debug('Finished sp_candidate : %i' % numcands)
    print_debug("Finished running waterfaller... " +
                strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
コード例 #5
ファイル: spcand.py プロジェクト: zpleunis/presto
 def read_from_file(self, params, tsamp, N, lofreq, hifreq, rawdatafile, loc_pulse = 0.5, dedisp = False, \
                    scaleindep = None, zerodm = None, mask = None, barytime = True, \
                    nsub = None, bandpass_corr = False): 
        Set up parameters based on input from the groups.txt file.
        Input: params: list of parameters (DM, S/N, Time, Sample number, downfactor)
               tsamp: sampling time (downsampled: 65.5 us for PALFA)
               N    : The total number of time samples in the observation
               lofreq: lowest observation frequency
               hifreq: highest observation frequency
               rawdatafile: supply a PSRFITS file instance
        optional arguments:
               dedisp: Do you want to dedisperse?(Type: Boolean).
               scaleindep:Do you want to scale each subband independently?(Type: Boolean)
               zerodm:Do you want to use zero-DM filtering?(Type: Boolean)
               mask: Do you want to use a rfifind mask? (Type: Boolean)
               barytime: Is the given time(s) barycentric?
               bandpass_corr:Would you like to remove the bandpass? (Type: Boolean)
     self.subdm = params[0]
     self.sigma = params[1]
     topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(rawdatafile.filename, rawdatafile=rawdatafile)
     time_shift = bary-topo
     if barytime:
         #### if the times in the groups.txt file are barycentric then get the corresponding
         #### topocentric times.
         self.bary_start_time = params[2]
         self.topo_start_time = self.bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                      time_shift, topo)[0]
         #### Vice versa.
         self.topo_start_time = params[2]
         self.bary_start_time = self.topo_start_time + topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                      time_shift, topo)[0]
     self.sample_number = params[3]
     self.width_bins = params[4]
     sweep_posn = 0.0
     self.scaleindep = scaleindep
     self.downsamp = np.round((params[2]/self.sample_number/tsamp)).astype('int')
     self.duration = self.binratio * self.width_bins * tsamp * self.downsamp
     self.start = self.topo_start_time - (loc_pulse * self.duration)
     if (self.start<0.0):
         self.start = 0.0
     self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
     self.pulse_width = self.width_bins*self.downsamp*tsamp
     if nsub is not None:
         self.nsub = nsub
         self.nsub = numsub(rawdatafile.nchan, self.sigma)
     self.zerodm = zerodm
     if dedisp:
         self.dm = self.subdm
         self.sweep_dm = None
         self.sweep_duration = 0.0
         self.dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2 - 1./hifreq**2)
         self.nbins = np.round(self.duration/tsamp).astype('int')
         self.nbinsextra = np.round((self.duration + self.dmfac * self.dm)/tsamp).astype('int')
         if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
                 self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
         self.bandpass_corr = bandpass_corr
         self.dm = None
         self.sweep_dm = self.subdm
         self.sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2-1./hifreq**2)*self.sweep_dm
         self.start = self.start + (loc_pulse*self.duration)
         self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
         self.nbins = np.round(self.sweep_duration/tsamp).astype('int')
         self.nbinsextra = self.nbins
         if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
             self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
         self.bandpass_corr = False
コード例 #6
ファイル: spcand.py プロジェクト: zpleunis/presto
    def manual_params(self, subdm, dm, sweep_dm, sigma, start_time, width_bins, downsamp, \
                      duration, nbins, nsub, tsamp, N, lofreq, hifreq, rawdatafile, loc_pulse=0.5, dedisp = False, \
                      scaleindep = None, zerodm = None, mask = False, barytime = True, \
                      bandpass_corr = False): 
           Set up parameters based on input from the groups.txt file.
                  subdm: DM to use when subbanding.
                  dm: DM to use when dedispersing data for plot. 
                  sweep_dm: Show the frequency sweep using this DM.
                  sigma: signal-to-noise of the pulse
                  start_time: start time of the data to be read in for waterfalling.
                  width_bins: Smooth each channel/subband with a boxcar width_bins wide.
                  downsamp: Factor to downsample in time by. Default: Don't downsample.
                  duration: duration of data to be waterfalled.
                  nbins: Number of time bins to plot. This option overrides
                          the duration argument. 
                  nsub: Number of subbands to use. Must be a factor of number of channels.
                  tsamp: sampling time (downsampled: 65.5 us for PALFA)
                  N: total number of samples in an observations
                  lofreq: lowest observation frequency
                  hifreq: highest observation frequency
                  rawdatafile: supply a psrfits file instance
           optional arguments:
                  dedisp: Do you want to dedisperse?(Type: Boolean).
                  scaleindep:Do you want to scale each subband independently?(Type: Boolean)
                  zerodm:Do you want to use zero-DM filtering?(Type: Boolean)
                  mask: Do you want to use a rfifind mask? (Type: Boolean)
                  barytime: Is the given time(s) barycentric?
                  bandpass_corr:Would you like to remove the bandpass? (Type: Boolean)
        self.subdm = subdm
        self.mask = mask
        self.sigma = sigma
        topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(rawdatafile.filename, rawdatafile=rawdatafile)
        time_shift = bary-topo
        if barytime:
            #### if the time is barycentric then get the corresponding topocentric time.
            self.bary_start_time = start_time
            self.topo_start_time = self.bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                         time_shift, topo)[0]
            #### Vice versa.
            self.topo_start_time = start_time
            self.bary_start_time = self.topo_start_time + topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                         time_shift, topo)[0]

        self.sample_number = np.round(self.bary_start_time/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.width_bins = width_bins
        sweep_posn = 0.0
        if scaleindep:
            self.scaleindep = True
        self.downsamp = downsamp
        if nbins:
            self.nbins = nbins
            self.duration = self.nbins*tsamp
        if duration:
            self.duration = duration
            self.nbins = np.round(self.duration/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.start = self.topo_start_time - (loc_pulse * self.duration)
        if (self.start<0.0):
            self.start = 0.0
        self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.pulse_width = self.width_bins*self.downsamp*tsamp
        self.nsub = nsub
        self.zerodm = zerodm
        if dedisp:
            if dm:
                self.dm = dm
                self.dm = self.subdm
            self.sweep_dm = None
            self.sweep_duration = 0.0
            self.dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2 - 1./hifreq**2)
            self.nbinsextra = self.nbins + np.round((self.dmfac * self.dm)/tsamp).astype('int')
            if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
                    self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
            self.bandpass_corr = bandpass_corr
            self.dm = None
            if not sweep_dm:
                self.sweep_dm = self.subdm
                self.sweep_dm = sweep_dm
            self.sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2-1./hifreq**2)*self.sweep_dm
            self.start = self.start + (loc_pulse*self.duration)
            self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
            self.nbinsextra = self.nbins

            if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
                self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
            self.bandpass_corr = False
コード例 #7
ファイル: spcand.py プロジェクト: demorest/presto
    def manual_params(self, subdm, dm, sweep_dm, sigma, start_time, width_bins, downsamp, \
                      duration, nbins, nsub, tsamp, N, lofreq, hifreq, rawdatafile, loc_pulse=0.5, dedisp = False, \
                      scaleindep = None, zerodm = None, mask = False, barytime = True, \
                      bandpass_corr = False): 
           Set up parameters based on input from the groups.txt file.
                  subdm: DM to use when subbanding.
                  dm: DM to use when dedispersing data for plot. 
                  sweep_dm: Show the frequency sweep using this DM.
                  sigma: signal-to-noise of the pulse
                  start_time: start time of the data to be read in for waterfalling.
                  width_bins: Smooth each channel/subband with a boxcar width_bins wide.
                  downsamp: Factor to downsample in time by. Default: Don't downsample.
                  duration: duration of data to be waterfalled.
                  nbins: Number of time bins to plot. This option overrides
                          the duration argument. 
                  nsub: Number of subbands to use. Must be a factor of number of channels.
                  tsamp: sampling time (downsampled: 65.5 us for PALFA)
                  N: total number of samples in an observations
                  lofreq: lowest observation frequency
                  hifreq: highest observation frequency
                  rawdatafile: supply a psrfits file instance
           optional arguments:
                  dedisp: Do you want to dedisperse?(Type: Boolean).
                  scaleindep:Do you want to scale each subband independently?(Type: Boolean)
                  zerodm:Do you want to use zero-DM filtering?(Type: Boolean)
                  mask: Do you want to use a rfifind mask? (Type: Boolean)
                  barytime: Is the given time(s) barycentric?
                  bandpass_corr:Would you like to remove the bandpass? (Type: Boolean)
        self.subdm = subdm
        self.mask = mask
        self.sigma = sigma
        topo, bary = bary_and_topo.bary_to_topo(rawdatafile.filename, rawdatafile=rawdatafile)
        time_shift = bary-topo
        if barytime:
            #### if the time is barycentric then get the corresponding topocentric time.
            self.bary_start_time = start_time
            self.topo_start_time = self.bary_start_time - topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                         time_shift, topo)[0]
            #### Vice versa.
            self.topo_start_time = start_time
            self.bary_start_time = self.topo_start_time + topo_timeshift(self.bary_start_time, \
                                                                         time_shift, topo)[0]

        self.sample_number = np.round(self.bary_start_time/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.width_bins = width_bins
        sweep_posn = 0.0
        if scaleindep:
            self.scaleindep = True
        self.downsamp = downsamp
        if nbins:
            self.nbins = nbins
            self.duration = self.nbins*tsamp
        if duration:
            self.duration = duration
            self.nbins = np.round(self.duration/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.start = self.topo_start_time - (loc_pulse * self.duration)
        if (self.start<0.0):
            self.start = 0.0
        self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
        self.pulse_width = self.width_bins*self.downsamp*tsamp
        self.nsub = nsub
        self.zerodm = zerodm
        if dedisp:
            if dm:
                self.dm = dm
                self.dm = self.subdm
            self.sweep_dm = None
            self.sweep_duration = 0.0
            self.dmfac = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2 - 1./hifreq**2)
            self.nbinsextra = self.nbins + np.round((self.dmfac * self.dm)/tsamp).astype('int')
            if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
                    self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
            self.bandpass_corr = bandpass_corr
            self.dm = None
            if not sweep_dm:
                self.sweep_dm = self.subdm
                self.sweep_dm = sweep_dm
            self.sweep_duration = 4.15e3 * np.abs(1./lofreq**2-1./hifreq**2)*self.sweep_dm
            self.start = self.start + (loc_pulse*self.duration)
            self.start_bin = np.round(self.start/tsamp).astype('int')
            self.nbinsextra = self.nbins

            if (self.start_bin+self.nbinsextra) > N-1:
                self.nbinsextra = N-1-self.start_bin
            self.bandpass_corr = False