コード例 #1
    def test_config_reader(self):
            config_ref = configparser.ConfigParser()

            # Test default values
            config = Config()
            self.assertEqual("Chrome", config.get_browser())
            self.assertEqual("True", config.get_record_scenarios())
            self.assertEqual("Full", config.get_capture_size())

            # Test fallback value
            # We also test that CaptureSize and RecordScenarios are deactivated when we are using the parallel execution
            new_config = configparser.ConfigParser()

            new_config.remove_option('Kissenium', 'Browser')
            new_config.set('Kissenium', 'RunParallel', 'True')
            with open('kissenium.ini', 'w') as f:

            config = Config()
            self.assertEqual("Chrome", config.get_browser())
            self.assertEqual("Browser", config.get_capture_size())
            self.assertEqual("False", config.get_record_scenarios())

            # Resetting ini file values
            with open('kissenium.ini', 'w') as f:
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self):
     """Init Kissenium Runner class
     self.start = datetime.datetime.now()
     self.config = Config()
     self.logger = Log4Kissenium().setup("Kissenium", "Kissenium")
     self.logger.info("Logger created.")
     self.loader = TestLoader()
     self.suites = []
コード例 #3
ファイル: screenshot.py プロジェクト: wobal/Kissenium
 def __init__(self, scenario, test):
     Initializing the Screenshot class
     :param scenario: Scenario name
     :param test: Test name
     self.scenario = scenario
     self.test = test
     self.cancelled = False
     self.config = Config()
     self.reports_folder = SmallTools.get_reports_folder(self.scenario)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, logger, screenshot):
        self.screenshot = screenshot
        self.logger = logger
        self.config = Config()
        self.browser = Platform.get_webdriver(self.config.get_browser(),
        if self.config.get_focus() == 'True':
            self.logger.debug('Focus on browser window.')
        self.js = JsTools(self.config.get_message_status(),
                          self.config.get_dim_status(), self.logger,

        if self.config.get_browser_size() == "Maximize":
            width, height = self.config.get_browser_size().split('*')
            self.resize_window(width, height)
コード例 #5
 def __init__(self, scenario, test):
     # Note: if we wan't to record distant execution of kissenium (not implemented for now), we could think of using
     # vnc server on the remote executor
     self.scenario = scenario
     self.reports_folder = SmallTools.get_reports_folder(self.scenario)
     self.test = test
     self.cancelled = False
     self.config = Config()
     self.logger = Log4Kissenium.get_logger("Kissenium")
コード例 #6
ファイル: screenshot.py プロジェクト: wobal/Kissenium
class Screenshot:
    Class used to take screenshot of the full screen or the browser only
    scenario = ""

    def __init__(self, scenario, test):
        Initializing the Screenshot class
        :param scenario: Scenario name
        :param test: Test name
        self.scenario = scenario
        self.test = test
        self.cancelled = False
        self.config = Config()
        self.reports_folder = SmallTools.get_reports_folder(self.scenario)

    def capture(self, browser, suffix=''):
        Capture the current test
        :param browser: Selenium instance
        :param suffix: Suffix to put to filename
        if suffix != '':
            suffix = '-' + suffix
        filename = SmallTools.sanitize_filename('%s%s.png' %
                                                (self.test, suffix))

        if self.config.get_capture_size() == 'Full':
            self.capture_browser(browser, filename)

    def capture_screen(self, filename):
        Capture the current screen (full capture)
        :param filename: Filename to use
        with mss.mss() as sct:
            sct.shot(output=self.reports_folder + filename)

    def capture_browser(self, browser, filename):
        Capture the test inside the brpwser
        :param browser: Selenium instance
        :param filename: Filename to use
        reports_folder = SmallTools.get_reports_folder(self.scenario)
        browser.get_screenshot_as_file(reports_folder + filename)
コード例 #7
class Log4Kissenium:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config()

    def setup(self, name, path):
        Every log file will be created in "reports/" folder.
        :param name: Filename of the log
        :param path: Relative path of the log
        :return: logger
        final_path = SmallTools.get_reports_folder(path)

        logger = logging.getLogger(name)
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            '%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(message)s')
        file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(final_path + name + '.log', 'a',
                                           1000000, 1)
        return logger

    def get_log_level(self):
        if self.config.get_log_level() == "DEBUG":
            return logging.DEBUG
        elif self.config.get_log_level() == "INFO":
            return logging.INFO
        elif self.config.get_log_level() == "WARNING":
            return logging.WARNING
        elif self.config.get_log_level() == "ERROR":
            return logging.ERROR
            return logging.DEBUG

    def get_logger(name):
        return logging.getLogger(name)
コード例 #8
class Selenium:
        Selenium class to use Selenium webdriver or marionette
        This class is intented to surround every selenium call with a maximum of reporting in case of error
    def __init__(self, logger, screenshot):
        self.screenshot = screenshot
        self.logger = logger
        self.config = Config()
        self.browser = Platform.get_webdriver(self.config.get_browser(),
        if self.config.get_focus() == 'True':
            self.logger.debug('Focus on browser window.')
        self.js = JsTools(self.config.get_message_status(),
                          self.config.get_dim_status(), self.logger,

        if self.config.get_browser_size() == "Maximize":
            width, height = self.config.get_browser_size().split('*')
            self.resize_window(width, height)

    def __handle_exception(self, message):
        Handle Selennium exception
        :return: Nothing
        if self.config.get_capture_on_fail() == "True":
            self.screenshot.capture(self.browser, message)
        if self.config.get_fail_on_error() == "True":
            raise Exception(message)
        return False

    def maximize(self):
        Maximize browser window
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger.info("Browser window has been maximized.")

    def resize_window(self, width, height):
        Resize browser window to width and height
        :param width: Int
        :param height: Int
        :return: Nothing
        self.browser.set_window_size(width, height)
        self.logger.info("Browser window has been resized to : %s x %s." %
                         (width, height))

    def alert(self, message, duration, pause):
        Display a message into the browser (if activated in kissenium.ini file)
        :param message: Your message
        :param duration: Duration of the display
        :param pause: Time while nothing will be done
        self.js.message(self.browser, message, duration, pause)

    def dim(self, e_id, duration):
        Dimming the page to get one element lighter
        :param e_id: The id of the element
        :param duration: Duration of the dimming
        self.js.dim_by_id(self.browser, e_id, duration)

    def quit(self):
        Quitting the browser

    @exception("Error getting the url")
    def get(self, url):
        Get one url into the browser
        :param url:

    def page_wait(self, by_type, element):
        Wait for one element to be present in the web page, and block execution while not present
        :param by_type:
        :param element:
                                  (By.__dict__.get(by_type), element)))
            self.logger.info("[page_wait] Page loaded")
            return True
        except TimeoutException as e:
            self.logger.error("[page_wait] TimeoutException error : %s" % e)
            return False
        except Exception as e:
            self.__handle_exception("[page_wait] Error : %s" % e)

    def page_wait_for_id(self, element):
        Wait for id to be present in the page
        :param element:
        self.page_wait('ID', element)

    def page_wait_for_xpath(self, element):
        Wait for xpath to be present in the webpage
        :param element:
        self.page_wait('XPATH', element)

    def test_element(self, by_type, path):
        """Test if the element is present in the page
        This method will return True or False, but will not fail.
        This method is intended to be used with an assert method

        :param by_type: Type of path
        :param path: Path (id, xpath)
        :return: Boolean
            self.browser.find_element(By.__dict__.get(by_type), value=path)
            self.logger.info("[test_element] Success : %s -- %s " %
                             (type, path))
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.info("[test_element] Element not found : %s -- %s " %
                             (type, path))
            return False

    def test_element_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        """Wrapper for test_element()
        This method is intended to be used with an assert method

        :param xpath: Xpath for element
        :return: Boolean
        return self.test_element("XPATH", xpath)

    def test_element_by_id(self, id):
        """Wrapper for test_element()
        This method is intended to be used with an assert method

        :param id: Element id
        :return: Boolean
        return self.test_element("ID", id)

    def get_element(self, by_type, path):
        Get element in page
        :param by_type:
        :param path:
            el = self.browser.find_element(By.__dict__.get(by_type), path)
            self.logger.info("[get_element] Success : %s -- %s " %
                             (by_type, path))
            return el
        except Exception as e:
            self.__handle_exception("[get_element] By %s : Exception : %s" %
                                    (by_type, e))

    def get_elements(self, by_type, path):
        Get multiple elements by type
        :param by_type: Type of dom manipulation to use
        :param path: Path to use for the query
            el = self.browser.find_elements(By.__dict__.get(by_type), path)
            self.logger.info("[get_elements] Success : %s -- %s " %
                             (by_type, path))
            return el
        except Exception as e:
            self.__handle_exception("[get_elements] By %s : Exception : %s" %
                                    (by_type, e))

    @exception("Error getting the element by xpath")
    def get_element_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        Get element by xpath
        :param xpath:
        return self.get_element("XPATH", xpath)

    @exception("Error getting the element by id")
    def get_element_by_id(self, e_id):
        Get element by id
        :param e_id:
        return self.get_element("ID", e_id)

    @exception("Error getting the text element by xpath")
    def get_element_text_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        Get element by xpath
        :param xpath:
        return self.get_first_element_by_xpath(xpath).text

    @exception("Error getting the text element by xpath")
    def get_element_text_by_id(self, xpath):
        Get element by xpath£*
        :param xpath:
        return self.get_element_by_id(xpath).text

    @exception("Error getting the elements by xpath")
    def get_elements_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        Get all elements corresponding to xpath
        :param xpath:
        return self.get_elements("XPATH", xpath)

    @exception("Error getting the first element by xpath")
    def get_first_element_by_xpath(self, xpath):
        Get first element corresponding to xpath
        :param xpath:
        el = self.get_elements_by_xpath(xpath)
        for e in el:
        self.logger.info("[get_first_element_by_xpath] Success : %s " % xpath)
        return el[0]

    @exception("Error sending keys to element by id")
    def send_keys(self, element, keys):
        Send keys to element
        :param element: Element to send keys
        :param keys: Keys to send
        self.logger.info("[send_keys] Success : %s " % keys)

    @exception("Error sending keys to element by id")
    def send_keys_by_id(self, e_id, keys):
        Find element by id and send keys to it
        :param e_id: Element id
        :param keys: Keys to send
        e = self.get_element_by_id(e_id)
        self.send_keys(e, keys)
        self.logger.info("[send_keys_by_id] Success : %s " % e_id)

    @exception("Error sending keys to element by xpath")
    def send_keys_by_xpath(self, xpath, keys):
        Find element by xpath and send keys to it
        :param xpath: Xpath to find element
        :param keys: Keys to send
        e = self.get_element_by_xpath(xpath)
        self.send_keys(e, keys)
        self.logger.info("[send_keys_by_id] Success : %s " % xpath)

    @exception("Error clicking the first element by xpath")
    def click_first_xpath(self, xpath):
        Click first element finded by xpath
        :param xpath:
        el = self.get_first_element_by_xpath(xpath)
        self.browser.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el)
        self.logger.info("[click_first_xpath] Success : %s " % xpath)

    @exception("Error clicking the element by id")
    def click_id(self, e_id):
        Click element by id
        :param e_id:
        self.logger.info("[click_first_xpath] Success : %s " % e_id)

    @exception("Error closing the tab")
    def close_tab(self):
        Close the browser tab
        self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL +
        self.logger.info("[close_tab] Success")

    def scroll_to_xpath(self, xpath):
        Hover one element with xpath
        :param xpath: xpath element to find
        element_to_hover = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
        self.logger.info("[hover_by_xpath] Success")

    def scroll_to_id(self, e_id):
        Hover one element with xpath
        :param xpath: xpath element to find
        element_to_hover = self.browser.find_element_by_id(e_id)
        self.logger.info("[scroll_to_id] Success")

    def scroll_to_element(self, e):
        Hover one element
        :param xpath: xpath element to find
        self.browser.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", e)
        self.logger.info("[scroll_to_element] Success")

    def move_cursor_to(self, xpath):
        Hover one element with xpath
        :param xpath: xpath element to find
        element_to_hover = self.browser.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
        self.logger.info("[move_cursor_to] Success")
コード例 #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.config = Config()
コード例 #10
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: wobal/Kissenium
 def get_config(self):
     self.config = Config()
コード例 #11
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: wobal/Kissenium
class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
        In this base class we will redefine some asserts tests to be sure that we have sufficient logs in the test
        reports folders.
        We do not modify the asserts tests, we just had logs where we want to and a status report.
        Be sure to refer to this url if you want to had a new one : https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html
    def self_setup(self):
        self.has_error = False
        self.selenium = Selenium(self.logger, self.screenshot)
        self.browser = self.selenium.browser

    def self_teardown(self):
        self.logger.info("End of %s - %s Test" %
                         (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName))

    def get_config(self):
        self.config = Config()

    def get_logger(self):
        For internal class use only, get the logger
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger = Log4Kissenium().setup(self._testMethodName,
        self.logger.info("Starting %s-%s Test" %
                         (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName))

    def get_capture_handler(self):
        Get capture handler
        :return: Nothing
        self.screenshot = Screenshot(self.__class__.__name__,

    def take_capture(self, suffix=''):
        Take a capture of the running test.
        Configuration come from kissenium.ini (CaptureSize : Full | Browser)
        :return: Nothing
        self.screenshot.capture(self.selenium.browser, suffix)

    def take_assert_capture(self, suffix=''):
        Take a capture of the failing assert moment.
        Configuration come from kissenium.ini (CaptureOnAssertFail : True | False)
        :return: Nothing
        if self.config.get_capture_on_assert_fail() == 'True':

    def l_assertEqual(self, a, b, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is equal to b, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param b: Second parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.assertEqual(a, b)
        self.logger.info("AssertEqual : %s is equal to %s" % (a, b))

    def l_assertNotEqual(self, a, b, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is True, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param b: Second parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
        self.logger.info("AssertNotEqual : %s is not equal to %s" % (a, b))

    def l_assertTrue(self, a, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is equal to b, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger.info("AssertTrue : %s is True" % a)

    def l_assertFalse(self, a, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is False, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger.info("AssertFalse : %s is False" % a)

    def l_assertIsNone(self, a, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is None, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger.info("AssertIsNone : %s is None" % a)

    def l_assertIsNotNone(self, a, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is not None, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.logger.info("AssertIsNotNone : %s is not None" % a)

    def l_assertIn(self, a, b, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is in b, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param b: Second parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.assertIn(a, b)

    def l_assertNotIn(self, a, b, stop_on_fail=None):
        Test if a is not in b, standard assert test but with log and status report
        stop_on_fail will override FailOnAssertError from kissenium.ini.
        :param a: First parameter
        :param b: Second parameter
        :param stop_on_fail: True | False
        :return: Nothing
        self.assertNotIn(a, b)
        self.logger.info("AssertNotIn : %s is not in %s" % (a, b))
コード例 #12
class Kissenium:
    """Kissenium is a free software to run selenium tests

    To define new scenarios, please check the examples given in ``./scenarios`` folder.

    First run:
        You will need to create a new class file and add it to ``__init__.py``. Then,
        you can declare your new scenario like the following::

            def __init__(self):
                self.test_classes_to_run = [scenarios.TestDemo, scenarios.ParallelDemo]

    Then you can run your tests:

        From your virtual environment::

            $(Kissenium) ./kissenium.py

        Don't forget to check the `kissenium.ini`` file. Here you will be able to activate
        or deactivate the main functionalities.

        Here are the commands that you will need:
            * Pylint::

                $(Kissenium) pylint kissenium.py base/

            * Documentation::

                $(Kissenium) make clean && make html
    def __init__(self):
        """Init Kissenium Runner class
        self.start = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.config = Config()
        self.logger = Log4Kissenium().setup("Kissenium", "Kissenium")
        self.logger.info("Logger created.")
        self.loader = TestLoader()
        self.suites = []

    def clean_reports_folder():
        """Clean reports folder on every run

        reports_list = glob.glob("reports/*")
        globs = [reports_list]
        for g in globs:

    def prepare_for_run(self):
        """Prepare the report folders for Kissenium execution


    def execution(self):
        """Execute Kissenium with a single test runner

        results = {}
        for test_class in scenarios.__actives__:
            suite = self.loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)

        suite = TestSuite(self.suites)
        test_runner = HTMLTestRunner(
            report_title='Test report')
        results['single_runner'] = test_runner.run(suite)
        return (results['single_runner'].wasSuccessful()), results

    def parallel_execution(self):
        """Execute kissenium with parallels tests runners

        You can disable (or enable) the parallels runners, and modify the max number of threads in

            RunParallel = True
            MaxParallel = 5

        Solution for parrallel execution finded here:

        suite = TestSuite()
        results = {}

        for test in scenarios.__actives__:

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(
                max_workers=int(self.config.get_max_parallel())) as executor:
            list_of_suites = list(suite)
            for test in list_of_suites:
                results[str(test)] = executor.submit(
                        report_title=str(test)).run, test)

        for key, future in results.items():
            result = future.result()
            self.logger.debug('[%s] Result is : %s', key,
            if not result.wasSuccessful():
                return False, results
        return True, results

    def run(self):
        """Run Kissenium tests

        self.logger.info('Launching tests ...')
        if self.config.get_run_parallel() == 'True':
            self.logger.info("Test are parallel")
            status, results = self.parallel_execution()
            self.logger.info("Test are not parallel")
            status, results = self.execution()

            "All tests have been executed. Kissenium will stop now.")
        HtmlRender(results, self.start).create_index()
        JunitResults(results, self.start).generate()
        sys.exit(not status)