コード例 #1
def splitFiles(type):
    # type = 'head'
    if type == 'head':
        sql = 'select id, npages from resolved_papers where downloaded = 1 and npages >= 5 and pdf2text = 1 and english = 1 and %s = 1 and id in (1702);' % (
        sql = 'select id, npages from resolved_papers where downloaded = 1 and npages >= 5 and pdf2text = 1 and english = 1 and head = 1 and %s = 1 and id in (1702);' % (
    papers = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)

    for index, row in papers.iterrows():
        #     row = [30092, 9,]
        if type == 'head':
            # print ('entra')
            res = _getHead(row['id'], row['npages'])
        elif type == 'tail':
            res = _getTail(row['id'], row['npages'])

        if res:
            sql = "update resolved_papers set %s = 1 where id = %s" % (type,
            print("Id: %s. %s: %s" % (row[0], type.title(), res))
コード例 #2
def _getIdPub(max):
    # sql = 'select id from resolved_papers2019_unique;'
    # sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where id >= %s;' % (max)
    sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where id >= %s and downloaded = 0;' % (max)

    return cur.fetchall()
コード例 #3
def _checkPDFDownloaded(id):
    # sql = 'select id from resolved_papers2019_unique where downloaded = 0 and id = %s;' % (id)
    sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where downloaded = 0 and id = %s;' % (id)
        return cur.fetchall()[0][0]
    except IndexError:
        return ""
コード例 #4
def _countOccurencies(papers):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(host="dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
                         user="******",  # your username
                         passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
                         db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        id, title = papers

        # title = 'CLEU‐A Cross‐Language English‐Urdu Corpus and Benchmark for Text Reuse Experiments'

        keywords = ["Cross-language".lower().strip(),
        nkeywords = len(keywords)
        text = _processText(title)
        words = _processNL(text)
        fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words)

        i = 0
        while i < nkeywords:

            if fdist[str(keywords[i]).lower()] > 0:
                sql = "insert into resolved_papers_title_occurrencies values (%s, '%s', %s);" % (
                    id, str(keywords[i]).lower(), fdist[str(keywords[i]).lower()])
                # print (sql)
            i += 1
        print('no saved')
コード例 #5
def _checkPDFinURL(id):
    # sql = 'select id from resolved_papers2019_unique where (lower(direct_link) like "%%pdf%%" or lower(main_link) like "%%pdf%%") and downloaded = 0 and id = %s;' % (
    #     id)
    sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where (lower(direct_link) like "%%pdf%%" or lower(main_link) like "%%pdf%%") and downloaded = 0 and id = %s;' % (
        return cur.fetchall()[0][0]
    except IndexError:
        return ""
コード例 #6
def classifyPub():
    sql = 'select id, npages from resolved_papers where downloaded = 1 and npages >= 5 and pdf2text = 1 and english = 1 and head = 1 and tail = 1 and type is NULL;'
    papers = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)

    for index, row in papers.iterrows():
        res = _classifyPub(row[0], row[1])

        if res:
            sql = "update resolved_papers set type = '%s' where id = %s" % (
                res, row[0])
            print("Id: %s. type: %s" % (row[0], res))
コード例 #7
def updateNumPages():
    sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where downloaded = 1 and npages is NULL;'
    papers = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)

    for index, row in papers.iterrows():
        # print (row['id'])
        pages = _getNPages(row['id'])
        # print ((row['id'], pages))
        if pages:

            sql = "update resolved_papers set npages = %s where id = %s" % (
                pages, row[0])
            print("Id: %s. Num Pages: %s" % (row[0], pages))
コード例 #8
def _titlesLang(ids):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        id, title = ids
        lang = _checkTitle(title)
        sql = "insert into resolved_papers_title values (%s, '%s');" % (id,
        print('no saved')
コード例 #9
import pymysql

from base import db, cur

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

files = [f for f in listdir('data/manual') if isfile(join('data/manual', f))]

for file in files:
    name = file.split('.')[0]
    sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (name)

        print("Id: %s. Updated!" % (name))
コード例 #10
def downloadPDF(ids):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        i, main_link, direct_link = ids

        p = False
        downloaded = "False"
        count = 0


        # url = _getUrl(i, "direct_link")
        url = direct_link

        while downloaded == "False" and count < 2:
            count += 1
            if url:
                # url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu/download/30761819/book.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DUsing_monolingual_clickthrough_data_to_b.pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A%2F20190908%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20190908T222002Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=eee90437409f359612d0a47e04739fb0733d3eb347c3d6e4145596986966b26a#page=32'
                # https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/30761819/book.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DUsing_monolingual_clickthrough_data_to_b.pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A%2F20190908%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20190908T222002Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=eee90437409f359612d0a47e04739fb0733d3eb347c3d6e4145596986966b26a#page=32
                url = "http://www.academia.edu/download/30761819/book.pdf#page=32"
                # http://www.academia.edu/download/30761819/book.pdf#page=32
                # url = 'http://google.com'
                i = 149
                destination = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/'
                path = destination + str(i) + '.pdf'


                    ua = UserAgent()
                    headers = {'User-Agent': str(ua.random)}

                    r = requests.head(

                    s = requests.session()

                    res = s.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
                    # print(finalurl)

                    p = urlretrieve(url, path)

                    if p[1].get_content_type() == 'application/pdf':
                        downloaded = "True"
                # url = _getUrl(i, "main_link")
                url = main_link

        if downloaded == "True":
            # sql = "update resolved_papers2019_unique set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (i)
            sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (

                print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s. Saved!" % (i, downloaded))
            print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s." % (i, downloaded))

    except UnicodeDecodeError:

コード例 #11
def _filterPub(papers):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()


        id, type = papers

        threshold = 5

        k_dflanguage_head = 0
        k_dflanguage_tail = 0
        k_copy_head = 0
        k_copy_tail = 0
        k_detection_head = 0
        k_detection_tail = 0

        diff_language = [

        copy = [

        detection = [
        # id = 30061
        sql = "select section, sstring, freq from resolved_papers_occurrenciesv4 where id = %s and type = 'paper'" % (
        # res = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)
        # print sql
        # try:
        res = cur.fetchall()

        # except:
        #     res = ""
        for row in res:
            i = 0
            while i < len(diff_language):
                if str(diff_language[i]).lower() == row[1]:
                    if row[0] == "head":
                        k_dflanguage_head += row[2]
                    if row[0] == "tail":
                        k_dflanguage_tail += row[2]
                i += 1
            i = 0
            while i < len(copy):
                if str(copy[i]).lower() == row[1]:
                    if row[0] == "head":
                        k_copy_head += row[2]
                    if row[0] == "tail":
                        k_copy_tail += row[2]
                i += 1
            i = 0
            while i < len(detection):
                if str(detection[i]).lower() == row[1]:
                    if row[0] == "head":
                        k_detection_head += row[2]
                    if row[0] == "tail":
                        k_detection_tail += row[2]
                i += 1

        # print("diff_language_head: %s. diff_language_tail: %s" % (k_dflanguage_head, k_dflanguage_tail))
        # print("copy_head: %s. copy_tail: %s" % (k_copy_head, k_copy_tail))
        # print("detection_head: %s. detection_tail: %s" % (k_detection_head, k_detection_tail))

        # if (k_dflanguage_head >= threshold and k_dflanguage_tail >= threshold) and \
        #         (k_copy_head >= threshold and k_copy_tail >= threshold) and \
        #         (k_detection_head >= threshold and k_detection_tail >= threshold):
        if (k_dflanguage_head >= threshold and k_dflanguage_tail >= threshold) and \
                (k_copy_head >= threshold and k_copy_tail >= threshold):
            # sql = 'select title from resolved_query where id = %s;' % (id)
            # try:
            #     cur.execute(sql)
            #     # res = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
            #     res = db.fetchall()
            # except:
            #     res = ""
            # if res:
            # sql = "update resolved_papers set toread = 1 where id = %s" % (id)
            # print sql
            # try:
            # cur.execute(sql)
            # db.commit()
            # except:
            # db.rollback()
            # papers_toread.append(id)

            return id
        # else:
        #     return False
コード例 #12
def _downloadSpringer(ids):
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        id, main_link, direct_link = ids
        # direct_link = 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10579-014-9282-3'

        # SPRINGER #

        if 'article' in main_link:
            # https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10579-014-9282-3
            # https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10579-014-9282-3.pdf
            url_pdf = main_link.replace('article', 'content/pdf') + '.pdf'

        elif 'chapter' in main_link:
            # http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-09846-3_4/fulltext.html
            # https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-09846-3.pdf
            # direct_link = main_link.replace('/fulltext.html', '')
            url_pdf = main_link.replace('chapter', 'content/pdf') + '.pdf'

        # # IEEE
        # paper_id = (re.findall('\d+', main_link))[0]
        # url_pdf = 'http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stampPDF/getPDF.jsp?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=%s' % (paper_id)
        # print(url_pdf)

        ua = str(get_random_ua())

            response = requests.get(url_pdf, headers={'User-Agent': ua})
            print("Connection refused")

        if response.status_code == 200:

            content_type = response.headers.get('content-type')

            if 'application/pdf' in str(content_type):
                destination = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/'
                path = destination + str(id) + '.pdf'

                with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (

                    print("Id: %s. Downloaded: True. Saved!" % (id))

                print('Title with identifier %s not found' % (id))
            'Failed to fetch citeseerx page with identifier %s due to request exception.'
            % (id))

    time.sleep(randint(1, 6))
コード例 #13
def downloadPDFIEEE(ids):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(host="dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
                         user="******",  # your username
                         passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
                         db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        i, res_title, main_link, direct_link = ids

        p = False
        downloaded = "False"
        count = 0

        # to get the title language
        # sql = 'select title_language from resolved_papers_title where id = %s;' % (i)
        # cur.execute(sql)
        # res_title = cur.fetchall()[0][0]

        if res_title and res_title == "en":  # or not res_title:


            # url = _getUrl(i, "direct_link")
            # toParse = direct_link
            # paper_id = (re.findall('\d+', toParse))[0]
            url = direct_link

            while downloaded == "False" and count < 2:

                count += 1
                if count == 2:
                    file = requests.get(url)
                    open('/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/%s.pdf', 'wb').write(file.content) % (i)
                    p = True
                    if url:
                        s = DownloadPDF()
                        p = s.download(url,
                                       path=str(i) + '.pdf')
                if p == True:
                    downloaded = "True"
                    # url = _getUrl(i, "main_link")
                    toParse = main_link
                    paper_id = (re.findall('\d+', toParse))[0]
                    # url = 'http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stampPDF/getPDF.jsp?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=%s' % (paper_id)
                    url = 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=%s' % (paper_id)

            if downloaded == "True":
                # sql = "update resolved_papers2019_unique set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (i)
                sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (i)

                    print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s. Saved!" % (i, downloaded))
            else: print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s." % (i, downloaded))

    except UnicodeDecodeError:

コード例 #14
def downloadPDF(ids):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(host="dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
                         user="******",  # your username
                         passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
                         db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        i, res_title, main_link, direct_link = ids

        p = False
        downloaded = "False"
        count = 0

        # to get the title language
        # sql = 'select title_language from resolved_papers_title where id = %s;' % (i)
        # cur.execute(sql)
        # res_title = cur.fetchall()[0][0]

        if res_title and res_title == "en":  # or not res_title:


            # url = _getUrl(i, "direct_link")
            url = direct_link

            while downloaded == "False" and count < 2:
                count += 1
                if url:
                    s = DownloadPDF()
                    p = s.download(url,
                                   path=str(i) + '.pdf')
                if p == True:
                    downloaded = "True"
                    # url = _getUrl(i, "main_link")
                    url = main_link

            if downloaded == "True":
                # sql = "update resolved_papers2019_unique set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (i)
                sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (i)

                    print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s. Saved!" % (i, downloaded))
            else: print("Id: %s. Downloaded: %s." % (i, downloaded))

    except UnicodeDecodeError:

コード例 #15
def _filterTitle(papers):
    # keep this connection in order to use multiprocessing
    db = pymysql.connect(host="dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
                         user="******",  # your username
                         passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
                         db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()


        id, title = papers

        threshold = 1

        # title = 'A New Approach for Cross-Language Plagiarism Analysis.'.lower()
        title = title.lower()

        k_dflanguage = 0
        k_copy = 0
        k_detection = 0

        diff_language = ["Cross-language",
                         "Machine-translation", ]

        copy = ["Copy",
                "Plagiarism", ]

        detection = ["Detection",
                     "Discovery", ]

        for row in diff_language:
            if row.lower() in title:
                k_dflanguage += 1

        for row in copy:
            if row.lower() in title:
                k_copy += 1

        for row in detection:
            if row.lower() in title:
                k_detection += 1

        print("diff_language: %s." % (k_dflanguage))
        print("copy: %s." % (k_copy))
        print("detection: %s." % (k_detection))

        if (k_dflanguage >= threshold or k_detection >= threshold or k_detection >= threshold):
            # papers_selected.append(id, title)

            sql = "insert into resolved_papers_selected_title values (%s)" % (id)
            # try:
            # except:

            return True
            return False
        print('no saved')
コード例 #16
def _download(ids):
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

        id, query = ids

        params = urlencode({'q': query.lower()}, "UTF-8")

        url = SCHOLARS_BASE_URL + "/search?" + params


        ua = str(get_random_ua())

            response = requests.get(url, headers={'User-Agent': ua})
            print("Connection refused")

        if response.status_code == 200:

            data = response.text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")

            item = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'result'})[0]

            if item:
                link = str(item.contents[1]).split('\n')
                title = ""
                title = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', link[2])

            if query.lower() == title.lower():

                # string = '/viewdoc/summary;jsessionid=4C1CD7E8F0D4A4E4BABAE601DE8D326F?doi='
                # suffix = re.sub(';.*\?', '?', string)
                # suffix = suffix.replace('summary', 'download').replace('&rank=1', '&rep=rep1&type=pdf')

                soup = BeautifulSoup(link[1])
                a = soup.find("a", class_="remove doc_details")
                string = a.attrs['href']

                suffix = re.sub(';.*\?', '?', string)
                suffix = suffix.replace('summary', 'download').replace(
                    '&rank=1', '&rep=rep1&type=pdf')

                url_pdf = SCHOLARS_BASE_URL + suffix

                res = requests.get(url_pdf)
                content_type = res.headers.get('content-type')

                if 'application/pdf' in str(content_type):
                    destination = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/'
                    path = destination + str(id) + '.pdf'

                    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

                sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (

                    print("Id: %s. Downloaded: True. Saved!" % (id))

                print('Title is not found with identifier %s' % (id))
            'Failed to fetch citeseerx page with identifier %s due to request exception.'
            % (id))

    time.sleep(randint(1, 6))
コード例 #17
def _getTitle(id):
    # sql = 'select title from resolved_papers2019_unique where id = %s;' % (id)
    sql = 'select title from resolved_papers where id = %s;' % (id)
    return cur.fetchall()[0][0]
コード例 #18
def _downloadIEEE():
    db = pymysql.connect(
        "dbinstancephd.cikbkbxucwjr.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com",  # your host, usually localhost
        user="******",  # your username
        passwd="iwJx0EAM",  # your password
        db="clpd")  # name of the data base

    cur = db.cursor()

    sql = "SELECT p.id, p.main_link, p.direct_link FROM `resolved_papers` p inner join `resolved_papers_title` pt on pt.Id = p.Id where p.source like '%ieee%' and p.downloaded = 0 and pt.`title_language` = 'en';"
    papers = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)

    for index, row in papers.iterrows():

        # id, main_link, direct_link = ids
        # direct_link = 'http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10579-014-9282-3'
        id = row['id']
        main_link = row['main_link']

        # IEEE

        destination = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/'
        path = destination + str(id) + '.pdf'

        paper_id = (re.findall('\d+', main_link))[0]
            # path = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/4254.pdf'
            # paper_id = '7911954'

            url_pdf = 'wget "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stampPDF/getPDF.jsp?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=%s" -O %s' % (
                paper_id, path)

            # os.system('wget "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stampPDF/getPDF.jsp?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=%s" -O %s') % (str(paper_id), path)
            # url_pdf = 'http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stampPDF/getPDF.jsp?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=%s' % (paper_id)
            # print(url_pdf)

            # ua = str(get_random_ua())
            # try:
            #     response = requests.get(
            #         url_pdf,
            #         headers={
            #             'User-Agent': ua
            #         }
            #     )
            # except:
            #     print("Connection refused")
            #     time.sleep(5)
            # print(response.status_code)
            # if response.status_code == 200:
            #     content_type = response.headers.get('content-type')
            #     if 'application/pdf' in str(content_type):
            #         destination = '/Volumes/SeagateBackupPlusDrive/CLPD2019_FULL/pdf/tocheck/'
            #         path = destination + str(id) + '.pdf'
            #         with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            #             f.write(response.content)
            sql = "update resolved_papers set downloaded = 1 where id = %s" % (

                print("Id: %s. Downloaded: True. Saved!" % (id))

            # time.sleep(randint(1, 30))
        #     else:
        #         print('Title with identifier %s not found'
        #               % (id))
                'Failed to fetch citeseerx page with identifier %s due to request exception.'
                % (id))

        time.sleep(randint(1, 6))
コード例 #19
def _getUrl(id, linkName):
    # sql = 'select %s from resolved_papers2019_unique where id = %s;' % (linkName, id)
    sql = 'select %s from resolved_papers where id = %s;' % (linkName, id)
    return cur.fetchall()[0][0]
コード例 #20
def languageDetection():
    # sql = 'select id from resolved_papers where downloaded = 1 and npages >= 5 and pdf2text = 1 and english = 0 and id in 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,	22001,	22031,	22033,	22082,	22113,	22175,	22228,	22247,	22271,	22272,	22371,	22374,	22462,	22463,	22613,	22694,	22695,	22696,	22697,	22700,	22880,	22881,	22882,	22883,	22884,	22901,	22977,	22978,	22979,	22981,	23030,	23032,	23191,	23230,	23236,	23238,	23291,	23340,	23453,	23552,	23553,	23744,	23761,	23774,	24016,	24025,	24037,	24085,	24090,	24096,	24125,	24126,	24128,	24129,	24130,	24132,	24133,	24140,	24141,	24142,	24145,	24150,	24151,	24152,	24153,	24155,	24168,	24169,	24170,	24171,	24172,	24173,	24174,	24181,	24186,	24187,	24189,	24190,	24192,	24193,	24206,	24207,	24208,	24209,	24210,	24211,	24212,	24213,	24214,	24239,	24243,	24244,	24246,	24247,	24249,	24250,	24251,	24252,	24253,	24254,	24255,	24256,	24257,	24258,	24261,	24290,	24297,	24298,	24299,	24300,	24301,	24302,	24303,	24304,	24305,	24307,	24308,	24315,	24326,	24330,	24334,	24335,	24336,	24350,	24364,	24365,	24366,	24367,	24368,	24371,	24372,	24390,	24391,	24393,	24405,	24406,	24408,	24411,	24412,	24413,	24415,	24438,	24439,	24440,	24473,	24474,	24476,	24477,	24478,	24479,	24480,	24481,	24483,	24484,	24485,	24486,	24487,	24520,	24522,	24523,	24524,	24525,	24526,	24527,	24528,	24529,	24530,	24531,	24532,	24533,	24535,	24536,	24537,	24540,	24541,	24542,	24543,	24544,	24545,	24546,	24547,	24549,	24550,	24576,	24586,	24621,	24622,	24623,	24624,	24625,	24626,	24627,	24628,	24629,	24630,	24631,	24632,	24633,	24634,	24635,	24636,	24637,	24638,	24639,	24640,	24641,	24642,	24644,	24645,	24646,	24647,	24648,	24651,	24652,	24653,	24654,	24655,	24656,	24657,	24712,	24713,	24714,	24715,	24716,	24717,	24719,	24720,	24721,	24722,	24723,	24724,	24731,	24775,	24795,	24812,	24831,	24833,	24835,	24836,	24845,	24846,	24851,	24869,	24877,	24888,	24889,	24907,	24926,	24952,	25091,	25169,	25177,	25178,	25195,	25206,	25247,	25248,	25251,	25267,	25340,	25345,	25455,	25456,	25460,	25464,	25754,	25822,	25845,	25865,	25890,	25891,	25893,	25914,	25975,	25976,	25978,	25980,	25982,	25986,	25996,	26003,	26074,	26112,	26143,	26172,	26182,	26183,	26186,	26194,	26202,	26283,	26284,	26287,	26289,	26293,	26303,	26316,	26320,	26322,	26463,	26465,	26467,	26469,	26476,	26481,	26486,	26489,	26497,	26596,	26663,	26678,	26717,	27136,	27183,	27307,	27340,	27341,	27342,	27344,	27348,	27355,	27607,	27608,	27609,	27610,	27623,	27635,	27641,	27922,	27937,	28165,	28263,	28277,	28422,	28433,	28437,	28508,	28738,	28739,	28740,	28743,	28748,	28820,	28990,	28993,	28997,	29008,	29009,	29010,	29011,	29079,	29084,	29090,	29093,	29101,	29102,	29104,	29105,	29106,	29112,	29113,	29114,	29119,	29120,	29122,	29123,	29124,	29125,	29129,	29130,	29133,	29134,	29135,	29137,	29139,	29146,	29147,	29172,	29174,	29176,	29184,	29191,	29192,	29194,	29200,	29201,	29203,	29221,	29224,	29225,	29226,	29232,	29234,	29258,	29265,	29268,	29273,	29274,	29275,	29276,	29277,	29278,	29280,	29281,	29282,	29300,	29301,	29302,	29310,	29313,	29314,	29315,	29316,	29320,	29382,	29435,	29436,	29454,	29457,	29458,	29468,	29469,	29470,	29473,	29475,	29476,	29477,	29481,	29482,	29483,	29485,	29500,	29501,	29503,	29504,	29505,	29508,	29513,	29515,	29524,	29532,	29533,	29534,	29535,	29537,	29549,	29553,	29556,	29561,	29574,	29618,	29634,	29635,	29637,	29639,	29665,	29666,	29668,	29669,	29672,	29682,	29693,	29709,	29710,	29711,	29717,	29741,	29742,	29746,	29747,	29752,	29753,	29755,	29756,	29759,	29804,	29805,	29832,	29998,	30003,	30005,	30006,	30007,	30009,	30019,	30025,	30040,	30074,	30075,	30077,	30078,	30080,	30082,	30083,	30084,	30290,	30291,	30293,	30349,	30350,	30351,	30352,	30353,	30354,	30358,	30376,	30392,	30424,	30426,	30589,	30590,	30591,	30613,	30614,	30615,	30616,	30617,	30619,	30627,	30628,	30647,	30954,	30958,	30985,	30986,	31316,	31317,	31331,	31334,	31336,	31357,	31358,	31359,	31360,	31497,	31501,	31502,	31503,	31504,	31526,	31527,	31528,	31882,	31883,	31884,	31890,	31891,	31892,	31893,	31894,	31929,	31966,	31970,	32153,	32498,	32520,	32583,	32618,	32683,	32769,	32780,	32788,	32847,	32848,	32857,	32872,	33058,	33148,	33153,	33255,	33275,	33279,	33300,	33513,	33519,	33520,	33521,	33522,	33524,	33525,	33527,	33528,	33534,	33578,	33579,	33580,	33581,	33582,	33584,	33585,	33586,	33587,	33589,	33591,	33593,	33594,	33599,	33600,	33602,	33619,	33634,	33655,	33753,	33845,	33846,	33866,	33868,	33869,	33871,	33873,	33883,	33888,	33890,	33891,	33907,	33926,	33931,	33933,	33934,	33936,	33972,	33973,	33978,	33987,	33988,	33989,	33990,	33991,	33992,	33993,	33997,	33998,	34000,	34001,	34007,	34015,	34050,	34058,	34081,	34082,	34085,	34086,	34089,	34091,	34092,	34095,	34260,	34265,	34293,	34294,	34295,	34296,	34297,	34309,	34315,	34316,	34320,	34346,	34399,	34419,	34461,	34462,	34463,	34464,	34465,	34469,	34503,	34527,	34590,	34816,	34827,	34845,	34846,	34849,	34852,	34853,	34863,	34941,	34971,	35015,	35020,	35134,	35136,	35144,	35156,	35206,	35221,	35264,	35285,	35292,	35294,	35295,	35296,	35299,	35300,	35301,	35309,	35311,	35315,	35321,	35323,	35324,	35328,	35329,	35330,	35331,	35332,	35342,	35343,	35347,	35351,	35356,	35357,	35386,	35415,	35428,	35440,	35459,	35467,	35471,	35474,	35529,	35562,	35575,	35634,	35637,	35646,	35655,	35663,	35691,	35704,	35732,	35733,	35744,	35835,	35853,	35881,	35884,	35887,	35889,	35893,	35894,	35896,	35897,	35898,	35899,	35900,	35901,	35902,	35907,	35909,	35910,	35917,	35918,	35920,	35921,	35923,	35926,	35928,	35929,	35930,	35939,	35941,	35943,	35944,	35948,	35949,	35950,	35951,	35953,	35954,	35957,	35979,	35997,	35998,	36000,	36018,	36021,	36023,	36089,	36093,	36098,	36099,	36102,	36105,	36111,	36136,	36154,	36172,	36173,	36175,	36193,	36200,	36210,	36223,	36225,	36226,	36229,	36230,	36233,	36239,	36240,	36241,	36242,	36244,	36246,	36247,	36248,	36249,	36258,	36264,	36267,	36269,	36370,	36433,	36437,	36469,	36479,	36480,	36481,	36504,	36515,	36520,	36521,	36529,	36530,	36550,	36584,	36599,	36600,	36608,	36614,	36666,	36674,	36685,	36707,	36717,	36736,	36743,	36756,	36760,	36775,	36784,	36785,	36787,	36804,	36830,	36843,	36844,	36850,	36854,	36860,	36870,	36874,	36875,	36876,	36877,	36879,	36952,	36958,	36979,	36980,	36991,	36996,	37050,	37051,	37058,	37092,	37093,	37111,	37117,	37120,	37123,	37137,	37142,	37147,	37148,	37149,	37150,	37151,	37152,	37170,	37176,	37187,	37190,	37192,	37193,	37198,	37201,	37205,	37209,	37217,	37221,	37226,	37227,	37231,	37242,	37244,	37255,	37266,	37319,	37324,	37352,	37365,	37375,	37415,	37429,	37448,	37450,	37452,	37495,	37518,	37519,	37569,	37570,	37572,	37573,	37576,	37597,	37608,	37627,	37676,	37677,	37735,	37743,	37748,	37749,	37750,	37751,	37756,	37758,	37766,	37767,	37792,	37801,	37805,	37807,	37808,	37812,	37828,	37834,	37835,	37838,	37840,	37841,	37842,	37843,	37844,	37845,	37846,	37849,	37850,	37852,	37854,	37863,	37866,	37873,	37877,	37880,	37881,	37883,	37897,	37900,	37908,	37927,	37996,	38008,	38081,	38085,	38091,	38092,	38161,	38183,	38187,	38195,	38200,	38282,	38292,	38300,	38302,	38303,	38309,	38314,	38316,	38317,	38321,	38360,	38368,	38374,	38382,	38398,	38399,	38402,	38403,	38410,	38411,	38420,	38429,	38431,	38439,	38452,	38464,	38467,	38483,	38499,	38500,	38514,	38515,	38530,	38533,	38547,	38548,	38556,	38558,	38559,	38560,	38561,	38563,	38564,	38565,	38566,	38567,	38568,	38569,	38571,	38574,	38575,	38578,	38619,	38635);'
    papers = pd.read_sql(sql, con=db)

    for index, row in papers.iterrows():

        lang = None
        id = row[0]
        english = 0
        other = 0
        text = ""
        res = ""
        if id:

            # with open(os.path.join('data/txt', str(id) + '.txt')) as infile:
            with open(
                        str(id) + '.txt')) as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    if not re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
                        line = re.sub(r"-\n", "", line)
                        line = re.sub(r"\n", " ", line)
                        text += line
            lenText = len(text)

            nrequest = round(float(lenText) / 5000)
            count = 1
            while count <= nrequest:
                res = ''
                content = ""

                posIni = (count * 5000) - 5000
                posFin = (count * 5000) - 1

                content += text[posIni:posFin]
                    translator = Translator(random.choice(key_choices))
                    res = translator.detect_lang([content])

                if res:
                    if res == 'en':
                        english += 1
                        other += 1
                count += 1
            if english > other:
                lang = "English"
                sql = "update resolved_papers set english = 1 where id = %s" % (
                lang = "Other"
        print("Id: %s. Language: %s" % (id, lang))
コード例 #21
def _countOccurencies(id, type):
    keywords = [
        "Cross-language", "Crosslanguage", "Cross-lingual", "Crosslingual",
        "Cross-linguistic", "Crosslinguistic", "Multi-language",
        "Multilanguage", "Multi-lingual", "Multilingual", "Multi-linguistic",
        "Multilinguistic", "Machine-translation", "Copy", "Duplicate",
        "Plagiarism", "Detection", "Discovery"
    nkeywords = len(keywords)
    text = ""
    # with open(os.path.join('data/txt', str(id) + '_head.txt')) as infile:
    with open(
                         str(id) + '_head.txt')) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = _processText(line)
            text += line

    words = _processNL(text)
    fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words)

    i = 0
    head = False
    while i < nkeywords:

        if fdist[str(keywords[i]).lower()] > 0:
            sql = "insert into resolved_papers_occurrenciesv4 values (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s);" % (
                id, type, "head", str(keywords[i]).lower(), fdist[str(
            # print (sql)
            head = True
        i += 1
    #### tail
    text = ""
    # with open(os.path.join('data/txt', str(id) + '_tail_noreferences.txt')) as infile:
    with open(
                         str(id) + '_tail_noreferences.txt')) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = _processText(line)
            text += line
    words = _processNL(text)
    fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words)

    i = 0
    tail = False
    while i < nkeywords:

        if fdist[str(keywords[i]).lower()] > 0:
            sql = "insert into resolved_papers_occurrenciesv4 values (%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s);" % (
                id, type, "tail", str(keywords[i]).lower(), fdist[str(
            # print (sql)
            tail = True
        i += 1

    return ('Done', head, tail)