コード例 #1
    def test_pattern_count_extra_dataset(self):
        Test the pattern_count method using the PatternCount.txt fixture

        The course prompt called this the "Extra Dataset"
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(FIXTURE2_FPATH)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = int(file_util_obj.outputs[0])
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.pattern_count(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #2
    def test_most_frequent_kmer_extra_dataset(self):
        Test the most_frequent_kmer method using the FrequentKmers.txt fixture

        The course prompt called this the "Extra Dataset"
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(FIXTURE4_FPATH)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = file_util_obj.outputs
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.most_frequent_kmers(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #3
    def test_most_frequent_kmer_sample(self):
        Test the most_frequent_kmer method using SampleFrequentKmers.txt

        From prompt: The sample dataset is not actually run on your code.
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(FIXTURE3_FPATH)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = file_util_obj.outputs
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.most_frequent_kmers(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #4
    def test_most_frequent_kmer_test_two(self):
        Test the most_frequent_kmer method using the TEST DATASET 2 fixture

        Saved in FreqKmersTest2.txt
        This dataset just checks if you’re counting the first kmer in Text
        (TGG in this example). If you do not count the first kmer (TGG),
        you will get the following “most frequent” kmers in addition to TGG:
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = file_util_obj.outputs
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.most_frequent_kmers(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #5
    def test_most_frequent_kmer_test_three(self):
        Test the most_frequent_kmer method using the TEST DATASET 3 fixture

        Saved in FreqKmersTest3.txt
        This dataset checks if your code correctly handles cases where there
        are overlapping occurrences of Pattern throughout Text. For example,
        AACAACAA contains two occurrences of AACAA (AACAACAA and AACAACAA),
        so if your code counts AACAACAA as one occurrence of AACAA,
        your code will fail on this test case.
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = file_util_obj.outputs
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.most_frequent_kmers(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #6
    def test_pattern_count_test_four(self):
        Test the pattern_count method using the TEST DATASET 3 fixture

        Saved in PatternCountTest3.txt
        This test dataset checks if your code is also counting occurrences of
        the Reverse Complement of Pattern (which would have an output of 4),
        which is out of the scope of this problem (that will come up later in
        the chapter). Your code should only be looking for perfect matches of
        Pattern in Text at this point.
        fname = PATTERN_COUNT_TEST_FNAMES[3]
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = int(file_util_obj.outputs[0])
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.pattern_count(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #7
    def test_pattern_count_test_two(self):
        Test the pattern_count method using the TEST DATASET 2 fixture

        Saved in PatternCountTest2.txt
        This dataset checks if your code correctly handles cases where there
        is an occurrence of Pattern at the very beginning of Text.
        Note that there are no overlapping occurrences of Pattern (i.e. AAAA),
        and there is no occurrence of Pattern at the very end of Text,
        so assuming your code passed Test Dataset 1, this test would only check
        for off-by-one errors at the beginning of Text.
        fname = PATTERN_COUNT_TEST_FNAMES[1]
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = int(file_util_obj.outputs[0])
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.pattern_count(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #8
    def test_pattern_count_test_one(self):
        Test the pattern_count method using the TEST DATASET 1 fixture

        Saved in PatternCountTest1.txt
        This dataset just checks if you’re correctly counting.
        It is the “easiest” test. Notice that all occurrences of CG in Text
        (ACGTACGTACGT) are away from the very edges (so your code won’t fail
        on off-by-one errors at the beginning or at the end of Text) and that
        none of the occurrences of Pattern overlap (so your code won’t fail if
        you fail to account for overlaps).
        fname = PATTERN_COUNT_TEST_FNAMES[0]
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = int(file_util_obj.outputs[0])
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.pattern_count(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #9
    def test_pattern_count_sample(self):
        Test the pattern_count method using the SamplePatternCount.txt inputs

        From prompt: The sample dataset is not actually run on your code.
        Notice that “GCG” occurs twice in Text: once at the beginning (GCGCG)
        and once at the end (GCGCG). A common mistake for this problem is
        incorrectly handling overlaps and not counting the second of these two
        occurrences (because it begins at the end of the previous occurrence).
        The sample dataset checks for the following things:
        * Off-by-one at the beginning of Text (result would be 1)
        * Off-by-one at the end of Text (result would be 1)
        * Not counting overlaps (result would be 1)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(FIXTURE1_FPATH)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs
        expected = int(file_util_obj.outputs[0])
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])
        actual = sequence_obj.pattern_count(inputs[1])
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
コード例 #10
    def test_most_frequent_kmer_test_four(self):
        Test the most_frequent_kmer method using the TEST DATASET 4 fixture

        Saved in FreqKmersTest4.txt
        This test dataset checks if your code correctly handles ties
        (i.e. your code actually outputs ALL “most frequent” kmers, and not
        just a single “most frequent” kmer). For example, in the string
        “ATATA”, there are two “most frequent” kmers: “AT” and “TA”. “AT”
        occurs twice (ATATA), and “TA” occurs twice (ATATA), so both of these
        should be outputted (separated by a space character).
        fpath = os.path.join(FIXTURE_PATH, fname)
        file_util_obj = FileUtil(fpath)
        inputs = file_util_obj.inputs

        # using set instead of lists because don't care about element order
        expected = set(file_util_obj.outputs)
        sequence_obj = DnaFreqCalc(inputs[0])

        # using set instead of lists because don't care about element order
        actual = set(sequence_obj.most_frequent_kmers(inputs[1]))
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)