コード例 #1
    def test_b85_padding(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual

        eq(base64.b85encode(b"x", pad=True), b'cmMzZ')
        eq(base64.b85encode(b"xx", pad=True), b'cz6H+')
        eq(base64.b85encode(b"xxx", pad=True), b'czAdK')
        eq(base64.b85encode(b"xxxx", pad=True), b'czAet')
        eq(base64.b85encode(b"xxxxx", pad=True), b'czAetcmMzZ')

        eq(base64.b85decode(b'cmMzZ'), b"x\x00\x00\x00")
        eq(base64.b85decode(b'cz6H+'), b"xx\x00\x00")
        eq(base64.b85decode(b'czAdK'), b"xxx\x00")
        eq(base64.b85decode(b'czAet'), b"xxxx")
        eq(base64.b85decode(b'czAetcmMzZ'), b"xxxxx\x00\x00\x00")
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: davvid/jsonpickle
def b85encode(data):
    Encode binary data to ascii text in base85. Data must be bytes.
    if PY2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Python 2 can't encode data in base85.")
    return base64.b85encode(data).decode('ascii')
コード例 #3
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: pyload/pyload
 def store(self, key, value):
     Saves a value persistently to the database.
     # NOTE: value must not be <bytes> otherwise BOOM! and moreover our sqlite db always return strings as <str>
     entry = b85encode(json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False).encode()).decode()
     self.plugin.pyload.db.set_storage(self.plugin.classname, key, entry)
コード例 #4
    def test_b85encode(self):
        eq = self.assertEqual

        tests = {
            b'': b'',
            b'www.python.org': b'cXxL#aCvlSZ*DGca%T',
            bytes(range(255)): b"""009C61O)~M2nh-c3=Iws5D^j+6crX17#SKH9337X"""
                b"""0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}""":
            b'no padding..': b'Zf_uPVPs@!Zf7no',
            b'zero compression\x00\x00\x00\x00': b'dS!BNAY*TBaB^jHb7^mG00000',
            b'zero compression\x00\x00\x00': b'dS!BNAY*TBaB^jHb7^mG0000',
            b"""Boundary:\x00\x00\x00\x00""": b"""LT`0$WMOi7IsgCw00""",
            b'Space compr:    ': b'Q*dEpWgug3ZE$irARr(h',
            b'\xff': b'{{',
            b'\xff'*2: b'|Nj',
            b'\xff'*3: b'|Ns9',
            b'\xff'*4: b'|NsC0',

        for data, res in tests.items():
            eq(base64.b85encode(data), res)

        self.check_other_types(base64.b85encode, b"www.python.org",
コード例 #5
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: wiki-ai/revscoring
def dump_observation(observation, f):
    if 'cache' in observation:
        observation['cache'] = \
            str(base64.b85encode(pickle.dumps(observation['cache'])), 'ascii')

    json.dump(observation, f)
コード例 #6
ファイル: sdns-proxy.py プロジェクト: bduddie/cs538-project
    def proxy_sdns_query(self):
        req_bin, client_sock = self.request
        sdns_req = {
            "request_id": 1,
            "query": base64.b85encode(req_bin).decode("ascii"),
            "username": "******",
            "auth_token": "testtoken"

        # TODO: using a new connection for each request; this is expensive...
        # TODO: real implementation would require certificate validation
        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
        ssl_context.check_hostname = False
        ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

        with ssl_context.wrap_socket(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)) as sdns_sock:
            sdns_sock.connect((SDNS_HOST, SDNS_PORT))
            # Append trailing newline to indicate the end of the request
            payload = bytes(json.dumps(sdns_req) + "\n", "ascii")
            print("Sending SDNS request: '{}'".format(payload))

            sdns_resp = str(sdns_sock.recv(4096), "ascii")
            print("Got SDNS response:")

            parsed = json.loads(sdns_resp)
            if 'status' not in parsed or parsed['status'] != 0 or 'response' not in parsed:
                print("SDNS request failed")
                client_sock.sendto(base64.b85decode(parsed['response']), self.client_address)
        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
            print("Error: JSON decode failed", e)
コード例 #7
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: fabiommendes/boxed
    def sendsafe(self, data):
        Encode an arbitrary string into a safe form to pass to print()."""

        import base64

        data = base64.b85encode(self.as_bytes(data))
        return self.sendraw(data)
コード例 #8
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: fabiommendes/boxed
    def serializer(x):
        # Serialize
            data = dumps(x)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise SerializationError(ex)

        # Transmit with b85 encode: safe characters and no newlines
        return (b'+' + base64.b85encode(data)).decode('ascii')
コード例 #9
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: ostrichops/get-pip
def installer(version=None, installer_path=_path(), template_path=os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "template.py")):

        "[generate.installer] Generating installer {} (using {})".format(
            os.path.relpath(installer_path, PROJECT_ROOT), "pip" + version if version is not None else "latest"

    # Load our wrapper template
    with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as fp:
        WRAPPER_TEMPLATE = fp.read()

    # Get all of the versions on PyPI
    resp = urllib.request.urlopen("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip/json")
    data = json.loads(resp.read().decode("utf8"))
    versions = sorted(data["releases"].keys(), key=packaging.version.parse)

    # Filter our list of versions based on the given specifier
    s = packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet("" if version is None else version)
    versions = list(s.filter(versions))

    # Select the latest version that matches our specifier is
    latest = versions[-1]

    # Select the wheel file (we assume there will be only one per release)
    file_urls = [(x["url"], x["md5_digest"]) for x in data["releases"][latest] if x["url"].endswith(".whl")]
    assert len(file_urls) == 1
    url, expected_hash = file_urls[0]

    # Fetch the  file itself.
    data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
    assert hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() == expected_hash

    # Write out the wrapper script that will take the place of the zip script
    # The reason we need to do this instead of just directly executing the
    # zip script is that while Python will happily execute a zip script if
    # passed it on the file system, it will not however allow this to work if
    # passed it via stdin. This means that this wrapper script is required to
    # make ``curl https://...../get-pip.py | python`` continue to work.
    print("[generate.installer] Write the wrapper script with the bundled zip " "file")

    zipdata = base64.b85encode(data).decode("utf8")
    chunked = []

    for i in range(0, len(zipdata), 79):
        chunked.append(zipdata[i : i + 79])

    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(installer_path), exist_ok=True)
    with open(installer_path, "w") as fp:
        fp.write(WRAPPER_TEMPLATE.format(version="" if version is None else version, zipfile="\n".join(chunked)))

    # Ensure the permissions on the newly created file
    oldmode = os.stat(installer_path).st_mode & 0o7777
    newmode = (oldmode | 0o555) & 0o7777
    os.chmod(installer_path, newmode)

    print("[generate.installer] Generated installer")
コード例 #10
ファイル: entropass.py プロジェクト: Abdi-Dev/entropass
def generate_password(passphrase, resetCount, privateKeyHash, domain,
                      allowSymbols, length):
    resetCountString = str(resetCount) if resetCount > 0 else ''
    secret = (passphrase + resetCountString + privateKeyHash).encode('utf-8')
    key = pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', secret, domain.encode('utf-8'), 100)
    if allowSymbols:
        return b85encode(key).decode('ascii')[:length]
        b64 = b64encode(key).decode('ascii')
        return re.sub(r'[\W_]+', '', b64).ljust(len(b64), '0')[:length]
コード例 #11
ファイル: utahraptorECC.py プロジェクト: P1K/UTAHRAPTOR_ECC
def genCurveTweet(curveHash):
	tw = "Entropy for curve "+curveHash+" : "
	tw += createCE() + " "
	tw = tw[0:140]
	randlen = 140 - len(tw)
	randomS = str(base64.b85encode(os.urandom(randlen)))
	randomS = randomS[2:len(randomS) - 1]
	randomS = randomS[0:randlen]
	tw += randomS
	return tw
コード例 #12
ファイル: dtl.py プロジェクト: nbdsp/dtlsm
    def tojson(self, obj):
        '''Hook for json.dump()'''
        onam = obj.__class__.__name__ 
        m = { 'clsname': onam }

        if onam in ("bytes", "bytearray"):
            import base64
            s = base64.b85encode( obj ).decode("ascii")
            o = Jsonator.JsonBytesWrapper( s, onam )
            return o

        return m
コード例 #13
ファイル: demo_b64.py プロジェクト: ct2034/robotino
def enc(s):
    labels = []

    # print(s)
    # print("l: ", s.__len__())

    # print("..")
    b = str.encode(s, 'ascii')
    # print(b)
    # print("l: ", b.__len__())

    # print("..")

    b64 = base64.standard_b64encode(b)
    # print(b64)
    # print("l: ", b64.__len__())

    # print("..")

    z = gzip.compress(b)
    # print(z)
    # print("l: ", z.__len__())

    # print("..")
    z64 = base64.standard_b64encode(z)
    # print(z64)
    # print("l: ", z64.__len__())

    # print("..")
    z85 = base64.b85encode(z)
    # print(z85)
    # print("l: ", z85.__len__())

    return (
コード例 #14
def base85_digest(hash_):
    Get base 85 encoded digest of hash
    hash_ : hash
        hashlib hash object. E.g. the return of hashlib.sha512()
        base 85 encoded digest
    return base64.b85encode(hash_.digest()).decode('ascii')
コード例 #15
ファイル: handler.py プロジェクト: mattmcd/aea-examples
    def send_invalid_message(self, envelope: Envelope) -> None:
        Handle an message that is invalid wrt a protocol.

        :param envelope: the envelope
        :return: None
        logger.warning("Invalid message wrt protocol: {}.".format(
        encoded_envelope = base64.b85encode(envelope.encode()).decode("utf-8")
        reply = DefaultMessage(
            error_msg="Invalid message.",
            error_data={"envelope": encoded_envelope})
コード例 #16
 def test_decode_base85(self):
     if sys.version_info.major != 3 or \
             sys.version_info.minor < 4:
             'Base85 support not available for the current Python version!')
     data_bytes = self._random_bytes()
     encoded_bytes = base64.b85encode(data_bytes)
     plugin = self._plugins.get_plugin_instance('base85')
     result = plugin.unprocess(encoded_bytes)
         plugin.error), 'An error occurred during Base85 decoding'
         result, bytes,
         'Base85 decoding result should be bytes or bytearray, '
         'got %s instead' % type(result))
     self.assertEqual(data_bytes, result)
     data_str = self._random_str()
                       functools.partial(plugin.unprocess, data_str),
                       'Unexpected exception raised')
コード例 #17
ファイル: LoginDialog.py プロジェクト: ygdmxy/PyQtClient
 def onLoginSuccessed(self, uid, name):
     self._isLogin = False
     # 用账号密码实例化github访问对象
     account = self.lineEditAccount.text().strip()
     password = self.lineEditPassword.text().strip()
     Constants._Account = account
     Constants._Password = password
     Constants._Username = name
     # 储存账号密码
     Setting.setValue('account', account)
     if account not in self._accounts:
         # 更新账号数组
         self._accounts[account] = [
             uid, base64.b85encode(password.encode()).decode()
         Setting.setValue('accounts', self._accounts)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_packet.py プロジェクト: AJMartel/tfc
    def test_long_file(self):
        # Setup
        packet             = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packet.long_active = True

        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000)+ b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(f'{DIR_RX_FILES}Alice/testfile.txt'), 10000)
コード例 #19
def eatCookie(cookie: str) -> Union[Any, None]:
    """Pass in a string generated from makeCookie to get the
    original data, with full error checking to ensure that the
    data wasn't tampered with in transit."""
    pkey = cookie[:55].encode("utf-8")
    key = b85decode(pkey)
    cdata = cookie[55:-160].encode("utf-8")
    sha = b85encode(sha512(cdata).hexdigest().encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
    digest = cookie[-160:]
    if sha != digest:
        warn("The data has been tampered with.")
        return None
        f = Fernet(key)
        pdata = f.decrypt(b85decode(cdata))
        data = loads(pdata)
        return data
    except Exception as ex:
        error(f"Error decoding the cookie: {ex}")
        return None
コード例 #20
    def test_unauthorized_long_file_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account                = '*****@*****.**'
        contact                = create_contact('Alice')
        contact.file_reception = False
        origin                 = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_                  = 'file'
        settings               = Settings()
        packet                 = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        file_data              = os.urandom(10000)
        compressed             = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key               = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted              = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted             += file_key
        encoded                = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data              = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets                = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Unauthorized long file from contact.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])
コード例 #21
    def test_short_file_from_user_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account    = '*****@*****.**'
        contact    = create_contact('Alice')
        origin     = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_      = 'file'
        settings   = Settings()
        packet     = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        file_data  = b'abcdefghijk'
        compressed = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key   = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets    = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        for p in packets:
            self.assertFR("Ignored short file from user.", packet.add_packet, p)
コード例 #22
ファイル: auther.py プロジェクト: xurvan/flask-auther
            def login():
                body = get_body()
                    user_id, roles = self._auther.login(
                        body['username'], body['password'])
                except (WrongPassword, UsernameNotFound):
                    raise IncorrectUserPass('Wrong username or password')

                token = b85encode(urandom(26))
                self._tokens[token] = f'{user_id},{"".join(roles)}'

                res = make_response()
                return res
コード例 #23
    def encode( instance : Any, compress : bool = False, encoding : str = 'utf_8' ) -> str :

        """ Encodes BSON or JSON.  Encoding may be specified if an alternative
            to UTF-8 is required.
            Arguments :
                instance : Any.
                compress : bool.
                encoding : str.
            Returns :
                state : str.

        if ( not encoding ) :
            raise ValueError( f'Encoding = {encoding}' )
        state = jsonpickle.encode( instance, separators = ( ',', ':' ) )
        if ( compress ) :
            state = str( base64.b85encode( gzip.compress( bytes( state, encoding ) ) ), encoding )
        return state
コード例 #24
def secret_hash(data):
    Create a secret hash from data.
    strings = []
    for key, value in sorted(data.items()):
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = sorted(value.items())
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = tuple(value)
            data = hash(value)
            if data != -1:
        except TypeError:
    data = "".join(strings)
    hash_value = md5(data.encode("utf8")).digest()
    return base64.b85encode(hash_value).decode("ascii")
コード例 #25
ファイル: demo_b64.py プロジェクト: MatBapst/IPA
def enc(s):
    labels = []

    # print(s)
    # print("l: ", s.__len__())

    # print("..")
    b = str.encode(s, 'ascii')
    # print(b)
    # print("l: ", b.__len__())

    # print("..")

    b64 = base64.standard_b64encode(b)
    # print(b64)
    # print("l: ", b64.__len__())

    # print("..")

    z = gzip.compress(b)
    # print(z)
    # print("l: ", z.__len__())

    # print("..")
    z64 = base64.standard_b64encode(z)
    # print(z64)
    # print("l: ", z64.__len__())

    # print("..")
    z85 = base64.b85encode(z)
    # print(z85)
    # print("l: ", z85.__len__())

    return ((s.__len__(), b.__len__(), b64.__len__(), z.__len__(),
             z64.__len__(), z85.__len__()), labels)
コード例 #26
    def handle(self):
        request = self.rfile.readline().strip().decode("ascii")
        print("Got request from {}: '{}'".format(self.client_address, request))

            parsed = json.loads(request)
            dns_query = DNSRecord.parse(base64.b85decode(parsed['query']))
        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
            print("Error: JSON decode failed", e)
            self.send_error_rsp("Invalid JSON")
        except DNSError as e:
            print("Error: DNS record decode failed", e)
            self.send_error_rsp("Invalid DNS query")

        # Only looking at first question part
        q = dns_query.get_q()
        if q.qtype != QTYPE.A:
            print("Error: Unexpected query type {} (only A/IPv4 lookup supported)".format(q.qtype))
            self.send_error_rsp("Invalid query type")

        # Note: this is a very simplistic implementation that only returns A records
        hostname = q.qname.idna()
        dns_response = dns_query.reply()
        if hostname in DNS_RECORDS:
            virt_addr = DNS_RECORDS[hostname]

            # TODO: would generate virtual IP here and communicate with OF controller to install mapping to private IP;
            # for the simulation, we are hard-coding this part and not implementing communication with the OF controller
            dns_response.add_answer(RR(rname=hostname, rtype=QTYPE.A, ttl=DNS_TTL, rdata=A(virt_addr )))
            # Domain not found

        json_resp = {
            "status": 0,
            "response": base64.b85encode(dns_response.pack()).decode("ascii")
コード例 #27
    def wallet_sign(wallet_privkey, message):
        static method used to sign with wallet privkey. used in conjunction with WalletService class
        :param wallet_privkey: private key of wallet, already imported key
        :param message: byte string,message to be signed, usually bytes of signature of client private key
        :return: bytes, digital signature

        if not isinstance(message, (bytes, str)):
            return None
        elif isinstance(message, str):
            message = message.encode()

        hash_of_message = SHA256.new(message)

        signer = DSS.new(wallet_privkey, mode="fips-186-3")

        digital_signature = signer.sign(hash_of_message)
        digital_signature = base64.b85encode(digital_signature).decode()

        return digital_signature
コード例 #28
def launch(args: List[str]) -> None:
    config_dir, kitten = args[:2]
    kitten = resolved_kitten(kitten)
    del args[:2]
    args = [kitten] + args
    os.environ['KITTY_CONFIG_DIRECTORY'] = config_dir
    m = import_kitten_main_module(config_dir, kitten)
        result = m['start'](args)
        sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__
    if result is not None:
        import json
        import base64
        data = base64.b85encode(json.dumps(result).encode('utf-8'))
コード例 #29
def Base85(mode, data):
    if mode == 0:
        print("[Info]Encryption is in progress......")
            data_result = base64.b85encode(data.encode()).decode()
            return "[Success]Your cipher_text is:" + data_result
                "[Fail]Encryption failed! Please check the information you gave!"
    elif mode == 1:
        print("[Info]Decryption is in progress......")
            data_result = base64.b85decode(data.encode()).decode()
            return "[Success]Your plain_text is:" + data_result
                "[Fail]Decryption failed! Please check the information you gave!"
        print("[ERROR]Invalid Mode!(encode->0/decode->1)")
コード例 #30
ファイル: handlers.py プロジェクト: 8ball030/agents-aea
    def send_unsupported_skill(self, envelope: Envelope) -> None:
        Handle the received envelope in case the skill is not supported.

        :param envelope: the envelope
        :return: None
            "Cannot handle envelope: no handler registered for the protocol '{}'."
        encoded_envelope = base64.b85encode(envelope.encode()).decode("utf-8")
        reply = DefaultMessage(
            error_msg="Unsupported skill.",
            error_data={"envelope": encoded_envelope})
コード例 #31
def log_write(log_file, log_buffer, secs=1.0):
    previous_data = {}
    while True:
        if not log_buffer.empty():
            data = log_buffer.get()
            diff_result = jsondiff.diff(previous_data, data)
            if diff_result != {}:
                if [str(key) for key in diff_result.keys()][0] == '$replace':
                    diff_result = copy.deepcopy(list(diff_result.values())[0])
                diff_result['time'] = time.time() - program_start_time
                # compress sequence
                diff_result = json.dumps(diff_result)
                diff_result = diff_result.encode('utf-8')
                diff_result = zlib.compress(diff_result, level=9)
                diff_result = base64.b85encode(diff_result)
                diff_result = diff_result.decode('ascii')
                # write sequence
            previous_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
コード例 #32
def _create_client_side_session(sio: ServerApp, user: Optional[User]):

    :param user: If the session's user was already retrieved, pass it along to avoid an extra query.
    session = sio.get_session()
    encrypted_session = sio.fernet_encrypt.encrypt(json.dumps(session).encode("utf-8"))
    if user is None:
        user = User.get_by_id(session["user-id"])
    elif user.id != session["user-id"]:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Provided user does not match the session's user")

    return {
        "user": user.as_json,
        "sessions": [
            for membership in GameSessionMembership.select().where(GameSessionMembership.user == user)
        "encoded_session_b85": base64.b85encode(encrypted_session),
コード例 #33
def pack(source: str, *, include_cfnresponse: Optional[bool] = None):
    if include_cfnresponse is None:
        # if CloudFormation detects an import of `cfnresponse`, it'll add that
        # module to your Lambda environment automatically.
        # this regex roughly matches CloudFormation's detection logic.
        include_cfnresponse = bool(
            re.search(r"^\s*import\s+cfnresponse", source, re.MULTILINE))
    attempts = [
        ("import cfnresponse\n" if include_cfnresponse else "") + source
    imports = (["cfnresponse"] if include_cfnresponse else []) + ["base64"]
    for compressor, decompressor in ALGORITHMS:
        compressed = compressor(source.encode("utf-8"))
        packed = PACK_TEMPLATE.format(
    return sorted(attempts, key=len)[0]
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_packet.py プロジェクト: AJMartel/tfc
    def test_noise_packet_interrupts_file(self):
        # Setup
        packet     = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000) + b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)
        packets    = packets[:20]
        packets.append(byte_padding(P_N_HEADER))  # Add cancel packet

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(len(packet.assembly_pt_list), 0)  # Cancel packet empties packet list
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, len(packets))
コード例 #35
ファイル: DigitalSigner.py プロジェクト: snwokenk/Orses_Core
    def sign(self, message):
        signs message with private key of username
        :param message: bytes string or string
        :return: bytes; signature of message using private key

        # if not already a byte string turn it to making sure
        if not isinstance(message, (bytes, str)):
            return None
        elif isinstance(message, str):
            message = message.encode()

        hash_of_message = SHA256.new(message)

        signer = DSS.new(self.privkey, mode="fips-186-3")

        digital_signature = signer.sign(hash_of_message)
        digital_signature = base64.b85encode(digital_signature).decode()

        return digital_signature
コード例 #36
async def process_task(task_id: int, is_video: bool, file: bytes):
    cache = GlobalCache()

    if is_video:
        logger.debug(f"Video: {task_id}")
        file_key = "video"
        url = "http://ff_videocomp:3800/api/video"
        logger.debug(f"Photo: {task_id}")
        file_key = "face"
        url = "http://ff_corecomp:3800/api/core/recface"

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.post(url, json={file_key:
                                           b85encode(file).decode()}) as resp:
            if resp.status != 200:
                cache[task_id].status = TaskStatus.ERR
                cache[task_id].err = (await resp.json())["detail"]
                logger.warning(f"Error for {cache[task_id]}")
                cache[task_id].status = TaskStatus.DONE
                cache[task_id].output = await resp.json()
コード例 #37
    def send_decoding_error(self, envelope: Envelope) -> None:
        Handle a decoding error.

        :param envelope: the envelope
        :return: None
            "Decoding error for envelope: {}. Protocol_id='{}' and message='{!r}' are inconsistent."
            .format(envelope, envelope.protocol_id, envelope.message))
        encoded_envelope = base64.b85encode(envelope.encode())
        reply = DefaultMessage(
            dialogue_reference=("", ""),
            error_msg="Decoding error.",
            error_data={"envelope": encoded_envelope},
        reply.counterparty = envelope.sender
コード例 #38
def encode_pyspark_model(model):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath:
        dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, "model")
        # Save the model

        # Create the temporary zip-file.
        mem_zip = BytesIO()
        with zipfile.ZipFile(mem_zip,
                             compresslevel=9) as zf:
            # Zip the directory.
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirpath):
                for file in files:
                    rel_dir = os.path.relpath(root, dirpath)
                    zf.write(os.path.join(root, file),
                             os.path.join(rel_dir, file))

        zipped = mem_zip.getvalue()
        encoded = base64.b85encode(zipped)
        return str(encoded, "utf-8")
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_packet.py プロジェクト: AJMartel/tfc
    def setUp(self):
        self.msg = ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean condimentum consectetur purus quis"
                    " dapibus. Fusce venenatis lacus ut rhoncus faucibus. Cras sollicitudin commodo sapien, sed bibendu"
                    "m velit maximus in. Aliquam ac metus risus. Sed cursus ornare luctus. Integer aliquet lectus id ma"
                    "ssa blandit imperdiet. Ut sed massa eget quam facilisis rutrum. Mauris eget luctus nisl. Sed ut el"
                    "it iaculis, faucibus lacus eget, sodales magna. Nunc sed commodo arcu. In hac habitasse platea dic"
                    "tumst. Integer luctus aliquam justo, at vestibulum dolor iaculis ac. Etiam laoreet est eget odio r"
                    "utrum, vel malesuada lorem rhoncus. Cras finibus in neque eu euismod. Nulla facilisi. Nunc nec ali"
                    "quam quam, quis ullamcorper leo. Nunc egestas lectus eget est porttitor, in iaculis felis sceleris"
                    "que. In sem elit, fringilla id viverra commodo, sagittis varius purus. Pellentesque rutrum loborti"
                    "s neque a facilisis. Mauris id tortor placerat, aliquam dolor ac, venenatis arcu.")

        self.contact  = create_contact()
        self.settings = Settings(logfile_masking=True)

        compressed = zlib.compress(b'abcdefghijk', level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)

        self.short_f_data = (int_to_bytes(1) + int_to_bytes(2) + b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded)
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_packet.py プロジェクト: AJMartel/tfc
    def test_disabled_file_reception_raises_fr_with_end_packet(self):
        # Setup
        packet             = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packet.long_active = True

        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000)+ b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        for p in packets[:-1]:

        packet.contact.file_reception = False

        # Test
        for p in packets[-1:]:
            self.assertFR("Alert! File reception disabled mid-transfer.", packet.add_packet, p)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, len(packets))
コード例 #41
 def encode(string, key):
     plainTextOctets = [format(x, 'b').rjust(8).replace(' ', '0')# This makes keyOctets an array with len(key) elements,
                        for x in [ord(x) for x in string]]       # where each element is an 8-long string containing a 
                                                                 # binary representation of the unicode character of the key
     keyOctets = [format(x, 'b').rjust(8).replace(' ', '0') for x in # This makes keyOctets an array with len(key) elements,
                  [ord(x) for x in key]]                             # where each element is an 8-long string containing a 
                                                                     # binary representation of the unicode character of the key
     while len(keyOctets) < len(plainTextOctets): # This takes the key and repeats it until 
         for octet in keyOctets:                   #  the key is longer than the plaintext
             if len(keyOctets) > len(plainTextOctets):
             keyOctets = keyOctets + [octet]
     xorCompleteOctets = [''.join([('1' if Cipher.xor(ptDigit, # This cluster**** of code will
                          keyOctets[i][j]) else '0') for (j, # take an array of plaintext encoded
                          ptDigit) in enumerate(ptOctet)]) for (i, # into binary and xor it against an
                          ptOctet) in enumerate(plainTextOctets)] # array (keyOctets) that is longer than the
     xorCompleteInts = [int(x, base=2) for x in xorCompleteOctets] # plaintext with each element a string of
     #xorCompleteHex = [format(k, 'x') for k in xorCompleteInts] # length 8 with a binary encoded integer
     #xorCompleteHex = str(bytearray(xorCompleteInts))
     xorCompleteHex = "".join([chr(x) for x in xorCompleteInts])
     xorCompleteB64 = base64.b85encode(bytes(xorCompleteHex, 'utf-8')) # Converts the hex encoded encrypted input into base85 for compactness
     return xorCompleteB64.decode('utf-8')
コード例 #42
ファイル: lp_backend.py プロジェクト: izderadicka/asexor
 async def middleware_handler(request):
     if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
         return await handler(request)
     session_id = request.cookies.get(Config.LP.COOKIE_NAME)
     session = sessions.get(session_id) if session_id else None
     if session and time.time() - session.ts > Config.LP.MAX_SESSION_TIME:
         session = None
         logger.debug('Session %s reached max life time', session_id)
     if not session:
         while True:
             session_id = base64.b85encode(os.urandom(32)).decode('ascii')
             if not session_id in sessions:
         user, role = await authenticate(request)    
         session = Session(user, role, 
                           app.loop.call_later(Config.LP.MAX_SESSION_INACTIVITY, retire, session_id),
                           loop =  app.loop)
         sessions[session_id] = session
         request['new_session'] = True
         logger.debug('Starting new session %s', session_id)
         session.retire_task = app.loop.call_later(Config.LP.MAX_SESSION_INACTIVITY, retire, session_id)
         request['new_session'] = False
         logger.debug('Using existing session %s', session_id)
     request['initial_request'] = bool(request.headers.get('Authorization'))  
     request['session'] = session
         response = await handler(request)
         if not response.prepared:
             response.set_cookie(Config.LP.COOKIE_NAME, session_id, max_age = Config.LP.MAX_SESSION_TIME)
         return response
     except Exception:
コード例 #43
def base54_func():
    # 现代接口
    # base64.b64encode(s, altchars=None) // Base64编码
    bytes = base64.b64encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.b64decode(s, altchars=None, validate=False)  // Base64解码, validate:True(非字母字符抛binascii.Error), False(非字母字符丢弃)
    bytes = base64.b64decode(bytes)
    # base64.standard_b64encode(s) // 标准的Base64字母表编码(同b64encode)
    bytes = base64.standard_b64encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.standard_b64decode(s) // 标准的Base64字母表解码(同b64decode)
    bytes = base64.standard_b64decode(bytes)
    # base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s) // 使用URL和文件系统安全的字母表编码
    bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s) // 使用URL和文件系统安全的字母表解码
    bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(bytes)
    # base64.b32encode(s) // Base32编码
    bytes = base64.b32encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.b32decode(s, casefold=False, map01=None) // Base32解码
    bytes = base64.b32decode(bytes)
    # base64.b16encode(s) // 使用Base16编码
    bytes = base64.b16encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.b16decode(s, casefold=False) // Base16解码
    bytes = base64.b16decode(bytes)
    # base64.a85encode(b, *, foldspaces=False, wrapcol=0, pad=False, adobe=False) // Ascii85编码
    bytes = base64.a85encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.a85decode(b, *, foldspaces=False, adobe=False, ignorechars=b' \t\n\r\v') // Ascii85解码
    bytes = base64.a85encode(bytes)
    # base64.b85encode(b, pad=False) // base85编码
    bytes = base64.b85encode(b'luzhuo.me')
    # base64.b85decode(b) // base85解码
    bytes = base64.b85decode(bytes)

    # 传统接口
    # base64.encode(input, output) // 编码, input从文件读取二进制数据, output写入文件 (每76个字节后 和 末尾 插入b'\n')
    base64.encode(open("file.txt", "rb"), open("base.txt", "wb"))
    # base64.decode(input, output) // 解码
    base64.decode(open("base.txt", "rb"), open("file.txt", "wb"))
    bytes = base64.encodebytes(b'luzhuo.me')  # 编码 (每76个字节后 和 末尾 插入b'\n')
    bytes = base64.decodebytes(bytes)  # 解码
コード例 #44
    def test_recinto1(self):
        """Cria chave para recinto, manda chave

        # login
        # manda recinto, senha
        # recebe chaveprivada, assina recinto
        os.environ['VERIFY_SIGN'] = "YES"
        with self.app.app.app_context():
            recinto = '00001'
            private_key_pem, assinado = UseCases.gera_chaves_recinto(
                self.db_session, recinto)
            private_key = assinador.load_private_key(private_key_pem)
            assinado = assinador.sign(recinto.encode('utf-8'),
            assinado = b85encode(assinado).decode('utf-8')
            # manda recinto encriptado com chave
            # recebe OK com chave correta
            payload = {'assinado': assinado, 'recinto': recinto}
            token = authentication.generate_token(payload)
            request = Request({'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token},
            assert authentication.valida_token_e_assinatura(request, self.db_session)[0] is True
            # manda recinto sem encriptar, recebe erro
            payload = {'assinado': recinto, 'recinto': recinto}
            token = authentication.generate_token(payload)
            request = Request({'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token},
            assert authentication.valida_token_e_assinatura(request, self.db_session)[0] is False
            # manda assinado com outra chave, recebe erro
            private_key2, _ = assinador.generate_keys()
            assinado2 = assinador.sign(recinto.encode('utf-8'),
            payload2 = {'assinado': assinado2, 'recinto': recinto}
            token2 = authentication.generate_token(payload2)
            request2 = Request({'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token2},
            assert authentication.valida_token_e_assinatura(request2, self.db_session)[0] is False
コード例 #45
ファイル: project.py プロジェクト: odahoda/noisicaa
 def default(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden
     if isinstance(obj, bytes):
         return {'__type__': 'bytes',
                 'value': base64.b85encode(obj).decode('ascii')}
     if isinstance(obj, Duration):
         return {'__type__': 'Duration',
                 'value': [obj.numerator, obj.denominator]}
     if isinstance(obj, Pitch):
         return {'__type__': 'Pitch',
                 'value': [obj.name]}
     if isinstance(obj, Clef):
         return {'__type__': 'Clef',
                 'value': [obj.value]}
     if isinstance(obj, KeySignature):
         return {'__type__': 'KeySignature',
                 'value': [obj.name]}
     if isinstance(obj, TimeSignature):
         return {'__type__': 'TimeSignature',
                 'value': [obj.upper, obj.lower]}
     if isinstance(obj, misc.Pos2F):
         return {'__type__': 'Pos2F',
                 'value': [obj.x, obj.y]}
     return super().default(obj)
コード例 #46
    def generate_password(self) -> None:
        self.text['state'] = 'normal'
        self.text.delete('1.0', 'end')
        raw_input = self.key_value.get() + self.salt_value.get()  # type: str
        hashers = (hashlib.md5, hashlib.sha1, hashlib.sha224, hashlib.sha256,
                   hashlib.sha384, hashlib.sha512)
        output_strings = []  # type: tg.List[str]
        for hasher_init in hashers:
            hasher = hasher_init()
            name = hasher.name  # type: str
            digest = hasher.digest()
            hexdigest = hasher.hexdigest()
            b64_output = base64.standard_b64encode(digest).decode()
            a85_output = base64.a85encode(digest).decode()
            b85_output = base64.b85encode(digest).decode()
                "hash: %s\nresult: %s\nbase64: %s\nascii85: %s\nbase85: %s\n" %
                (name, hexdigest, b64_output, a85_output, b85_output))

        for output_string in output_strings:
            self.text.insert('end', output_string + '\n')

        self.text['state'] = 'disabled'
コード例 #47
ファイル: populate-js-test-data.py プロジェクト: mosra/m.css
range_index = map.add("Math::Range", "classMath_1_1Range.html", flags=ResultFlag.CLASS)
trie.insert("math::range", range_index)
trie.insert("range", range_index)
index = map.add("Math::Range::min() const", "classMath_1_1Range.html#min", suffix_length=6, flags=ResultFlag.FUNC|ResultFlag.DELETED)
trie.insert("math::range::min()", index, lookahead_barriers=[4, 11])
trie.insert("range::min()", index, lookahead_barriers=[5])
trie.insert("min()", index)
trie.insert("subpage", map.add("Page » Subpage", "subpage.html", flags=ResultFlag.PAGE))

trie.insert("rectangle", map.add("Rectangle", "", alias=range_index))
trie.insert("rect", map.add("Rectangle::Rect()", "", suffix_length=2, alias=range_index))

with open(basedir/'searchdata.bin', 'wb') as f:
    f.write(serialize_search_data(trie, map, 7))
with open(basedir/'searchdata.b85', 'wb') as f:
    f.write(base64.b85encode(serialize_search_data(trie, map, 7), True))

trie = Trie()
map = ResultMap()

trie.insert("hýždě", map.add("Hýždě", "#a", flags=ResultFlag.PAGE))
trie.insert("hárá", map.add("Hárá", "#b", flags=ResultFlag.PAGE))

with open(basedir/'unicode.bin', 'wb') as f:
    f.write(serialize_search_data(trie, map, 2))

trie = Trie()
map = ResultMap()
trie.insert("magnum", map.add("Magnum", "namespaceMagnum.html", flags=ResultFlag.NAMESPACE))
trie.insert("math", map.add("Magnum::Math", "namespaceMagnum_1_1Math.html", flags=ResultFlag.NAMESPACE))
trie.insert("geometry", map.add("Magnum::Math::Geometry", "namespaceMagnum_1_1Math_1_1Geometry.html", flags=ResultFlag.NAMESPACE))
コード例 #48
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: giskou/pip
def installer(installer_path=os.path.join(paths.CONTRIB, "get-pip.py")):
    print("[generate.installer] Generating installer")

    # Define our wrapper script
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Hi There!
# You may be wondering what this giant blob of binary data here is, you might
# even be worried that we're up to something nefarious (good for you for being
# paranoid!). This is a base85 encoding of a zip file, this zip file contains
# an entire copy of pip.
# Pip is a thing that installs packages, pip itself is a package that someone
# might want to install, especially if they're looking to run this get-pip.py
# script. Pip has a lot of code to deal with the security of installing
# packages, various edge cases on various platforms, and other such sort of
# "tribal knowledge" that has been encoded in its code base. Because of this
# we basically include an entire copy of pip inside this blob. We do this
# because the alternatives are attempt to implement a "minipip" that probably
# doesn't do things correctly and has weird edge cases, or compress pip itself
# down into a single file.
# If you're wondering how this is created, it is using an invoke task located
# in tasks/generate.py called "installer". It can be invoked by using
# ``invoke generate.installer``.

import os.path
import pkgutil
import shutil
import sys
import struct
import tempfile

# Useful for very coarse version differentiation.
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if PY3:
    iterbytes = iter
    def iterbytes(buf):
        return (ord(byte) for byte in buf)

    from base64 import b85decode
except ImportError:
    _b85alphabet = (b"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

    def b85decode(b):
        _b85dec = [None] * 256
        for i, c in enumerate(iterbytes(_b85alphabet)):
            _b85dec[c] = i

        padding = (-len(b)) % 5
        b = b + b'~' * padding
        out = []
        packI = struct.Struct('!I').pack
        for i in range(0, len(b), 5):
            chunk = b[i:i + 5]
            acc = 0
                for c in iterbytes(chunk):
                    acc = acc * 85 + _b85dec[c]
            except TypeError:
                for j, c in enumerate(iterbytes(chunk)):
                    if _b85dec[c] is None:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'bad base85 character at position %d' % (i + j)
            except struct.error:
                raise ValueError('base85 overflow in hunk starting at byte %d'
                                 % i)

        result = b''.join(out)
        if padding:
            result = result[:-padding]
        return result

def bootstrap(tmpdir=None):
    # Import pip so we can use it to install pip and maybe setuptools too
    import pip
    from pip.commands.install import InstallCommand
    from pip.req import InstallRequirement

    # Wrapper to provide default certificate with the lowest priority
    class CertInstallCommand(InstallCommand):
        def parse_args(self, args):
            # If cert isn't specified in config or environment, we provide our
            # own certificate through defaults.
            # This allows user to specify custom cert anywhere one likes:
            # config, environment variable or argv.
            if not self.parser.get_default_values().cert:
                self.parser.defaults["cert"] = cert_path  # calculated below
            return super(CertInstallCommand, self).parse_args(args)

    pip.commands_dict["install"] = CertInstallCommand

    implicit_pip = True
    implicit_setuptools = True
    implicit_wheel = True

    # Check if the user has requested us not to install setuptools
    if "--no-setuptools" in sys.argv or os.environ.get("PIP_NO_SETUPTOOLS"):
        args = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if x != "--no-setuptools"]
        implicit_setuptools = False
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    # Check if the user has requested us not to install wheel
    if "--no-wheel" in args or os.environ.get("PIP_NO_WHEEL"):
        args = [x for x in args if x != "--no-wheel"]
        implicit_wheel = False

    # We only want to implicitly install setuptools and wheel if they don't
    # already exist on the target platform.
    if implicit_setuptools:
            import setuptools  # noqa
            implicit_setuptools = False
        except ImportError:
    if implicit_wheel:
            import wheel  # noqa
            implicit_wheel = False
        except ImportError:

    # We want to support people passing things like 'pip<8' to get-pip.py which
    # will let them install a specific version. However because of the dreaded
    # DoubleRequirement error if any of the args look like they might be a
    # specific for one of our packages, then we'll turn off the implicit
    # install of them.
    for arg in args:
            req = InstallRequirement.from_line(arg)

        if implicit_pip and req.name == "pip":
            implicit_pip = False
        elif implicit_setuptools and req.name == "setuptools":
            implicit_setuptools = False
        elif implicit_wheel and req.name == "wheel":
            implicit_wheel = False

    # Add any implicit installations to the end of our args
    if implicit_pip:
        args += ["pip"]
    if implicit_setuptools:
        args += ["setuptools"]
    if implicit_wheel:
        args += ["wheel"]

    delete_tmpdir = False
        # Create a temporary directory to act as a working directory if we were
        # not given one.
        if tmpdir is None:
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            delete_tmpdir = True

        # We need to extract the SSL certificates from requests so that they
        # can be passed to --cert
        cert_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "cacert.pem")
        with open(cert_path, "wb") as cert:
            cert.write(pkgutil.get_data("pip._vendor.requests", "cacert.pem"))

        # Execute the included pip and use it to install the latest pip and
        # setuptools from PyPI
        sys.exit(pip.main(["install", "--upgrade"] + args))
        # Remove our temporary directory
        if delete_tmpdir and tmpdir:
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

def main():
    tmpdir = None
        # Create a temporary working directory
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # Unpack the zipfile into the temporary directory
        pip_zip = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pip.zip")
        with open(pip_zip, "wb") as fp:
            fp.write(b85decode(DATA.replace(b"\\n", b"")))

        # Add the zipfile to sys.path so that we can import it
        sys.path.insert(0, pip_zip)

        # Run the bootstrap
        # Clean up our temporary working directory
        if tmpdir:
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

DATA = b\"\"\"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Determine what the latest version of pip on PyPI is.
    resp = urllib.request.urlopen("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip/json")
    data = json.loads(resp.read().decode("utf8"))
    version = data["info"]["version"]
    file_urls = [
        (x["url"], x["md5_digest"])
        for x in data["releases"][version]
        if x["url"].endswith(".whl")
    assert len(file_urls) == 1
    url, expected_hash = file_urls[0]

    # Fetch the  file itself.
    data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
    assert hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() == expected_hash

    # Write out the wrapper script that will take the place of the zip script
    # The reason we need to do this instead of just directly executing the
    # zip script is that while Python will happily execute a zip script if
    # passed it on the file system, it will not however allow this to work if
    # passed it via stdin. This means that this wrapper script is required to
    # make ``curl https://...../get-pip.py | python`` continue to work.
        "[generate.installer] Write the wrapper script with the bundled zip "

    zipdata = base64.b85encode(data).decode("utf8")
    chunked = []

    for i in range(0, len(zipdata), 79):
        chunked.append(zipdata[i:i + 79])

    with open(installer_path, "w") as fp:

    # Ensure the permissions on the newly created file
    oldmode = os.stat(installer_path).st_mode & 0o7777
    newmode = (oldmode | 0o555) & 0o7777
    os.chmod(installer_path, newmode)

    print("[generate.installer] Generated installer")
コード例 #49
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2008 Doug Hellmann All rights reserved.
"""Demonstrates base85 and ascii85 encodings.


import base64

original_data = b'This is the data, in the clear.'
print('Original    : {} bytes {!r}'.format(
    len(original_data), original_data))

b64_data = base64.b64encode(original_data)
print('b64 Encoded : {} bytes {!r}'.format(
    len(b64_data), b64_data))

b85_data = base64.b85encode(original_data)
print('b85 Encoded : {} bytes {!r}'.format(
    len(b85_data), b85_data))

a85_data = base64.a85encode(original_data)
print('a85 Encoded : {} bytes {!r}'.format(
    len(a85_data), a85_data))
コード例 #50
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: adoc/pyapothecary
 def encode(cls, value):
     if not isinstance(value, bytes):
         value = value.encode()
     return base64.b85encode(value)
コード例 #51
ファイル: settings.py プロジェクト: MWisBest/PyBot
def inputSettings():
	__main__.database['api']['ircsettings']['network']  = input( "Please enter the address of the IRC network you want to connect to.\n" )
	__main__.database['api']['ircsettings']['port']     = int( input( "Please enter the port while you're at it!\n" ) )
	__main__.database['api']['ircsettings']['nick']     = input( "Please enter a valid (NO STUPID SYMBOLS) IRC nick for your bot.\n" ).replace( " ", "_" ).replace( ".", "_" ).replace( ",", "_" )
	__main__.database['api']['ircsettings']['password'] = base64.b85encode( ( input( "Please enter your bot's NickServ password if required, otherwise leave this blank.\n" ) ).encode( "utf-8" ), pad=True )
	__main__.database['api']['ircsettings']['channels'] = [ input( "Please enter the initial channel that your bot will be joining.\n" ) ]
コード例 #52
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: mmitti/unreliable_backup
 def add_file(self, name, fhash):
     self.file_data[name] = base64.b85encode(fhash.to_bytes(16, byteorder='big')).decode('utf-8')
コード例 #53
ファイル: PyBot.py プロジェクト: MWisBest/PyBot
	if database['version'] == 1: # Upgrade to version 2
		# Version 2 changes:
		# - ['botInfo']['channel'] is replaced with ['botInfo']['channels']
		#     We now support the bot being in multiple channels at the same time!
		database['botInfo']['channels'] = []
		database['botInfo']['channels'].append( database['botInfo']['channel'] )
		del database['botInfo']['channel']
		database['version'] = 2
	if database['version'] == 2: # Upgrade to version 3
		# Version 3 changes:
		# - ['botInfo']['password'] is now stored in base85 format rather than plaintext.
		#     This doesn't provide any real security, but it prevents some noob from
		#     just opening the database in a text editor and seeing the password.
		database['botInfo']['password'] = base64.b85encode( database['botInfo']['password'].encode( "utf-8" ), pad=True )
		database['version'] = 3
	if database['version'] == 3: # Upgrade to version 4
		# Version 4 changes:
		# - Modular API system
		database['api'] = {}
		database['api']['system'] = "irc" # default to IRC
		database['api']['ircsettings'] = {}
		database['api']['ircsettings']['channels'] = database['botInfo']['chanels']
		database['api']['ircsettings']['nick']     = database['botInfo']['nick']
		database['api']['ircsettings']['pw']       = database['botInfo']['password']
		database['api']['ircsettings']['network']  = database['botInfo']['network']
		database['api']['ircsettings']['port']     = database['botInfo']['port']
		del database['botInfo']['channels']
		del database['botInfo']['nick']
コード例 #54
ファイル: hash.py プロジェクト: muyan9/py_code_library
def base85encode(str, coding = 'utf8'):
    if type(str)==type('ss'):
        a = str.encode(coding)
    return base64.b85encode(a).decode(coding)
コード例 #55
ファイル: PyBot.py プロジェクト: EliteTK/PyBot
	if database['version'] == 1: # Upgrade to version 2
		# Version 2 changes:
		# - ['botInfo']['channel'] is replaced with ['botInfo']['channels']
		#     We now support the bot being in multiple channels at the same time!
		database['botInfo']['channels'] = []
		database['botInfo']['channels'].append( database['botInfo']['channel'] )
		del database['botInfo']['channel']
		database['version'] = 2
	if database['version'] == 2:
		# Version 3 changes:
		# - ['botInfo']['password'] is now stored in base85 format rather than plaintext.
		#     This doesn't provide any real security, but it prevents some noob from
		#     just opening the database in a text editor and seeing the password.
		database['botInfo']['password'] = base64.b85encode( database['botInfo']['password'].encode( "utf-8" ), pad=True )
		database['version'] = 3
except IOError: # Create pybot.pickle on first start
	database = { "accessList" : {}, "botInfo" : { "nick" : "", "password" : base64.b85encode( "".encode( "utf-8" ), pad=True ), "network" : "", "port" : 0, "channels" : [] }, "globals" : { "cc" : "!", "reverse" : False, "debug" : False }, "version" : 3 }
	print( colorama.Fore.CYAN )
	database['botInfo']['network'] = input( "Please enter the address of the IRC network you want to connect to.\n" )
	database['botInfo']['port'] = int( input( "Please enter the port while you're at it!\n" ) )
	database['botInfo']['nick'] = input( "Please enter a valid (NO STUPID SYMBOLS) IRC nick for your bot.\n" ).replace( " ", "_" ).replace( ".", "_" ).replace( ",", "_" )
	database['botInfo']['password'] = base64.b85encode( ( input( "Please enter your bot's NickServ password if required, otherwise leave this blank.\n" ) ).encode( "utf-8" ), pad=True )
	database['botInfo']['channels'] = [ input( "Please enter the initial channel that your bot will be joining.\n" ) ]
	devel = input( "Please enter your Nick so the bot will listen to you.\n" )
	database['accessList'][devel] = 4
	print( colorama.Fore.WHITE )
## Load up the database ASAP ##
コード例 #56
import subprocess,zlib,base64


print('import zlib,base64;print(zlib.decompress(base64.b85decode("'+base64.b85encode(x).decode()+'")).decode())',end='')
#print('import zlib,base64;print zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode("'+base64.b64encode(x).decode()+'"))',end='')
コード例 #57
ファイル: updateBootstraper.py プロジェクト: goavki/bootstrap
import re
import sys

files = [

if __name__ == '__main__':
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    init_script_path = os.path.join(script_path, os.pardir, 'apertium-init.py')

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update the bootstraper script for any Apertium module')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--vanillaDirectory', help='location of directory with vanilla files', default=script_path)
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--bootstraperScript', help='location of bootstraper script', default=init_script_path)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    encoded_files = {}

    for filename in files:
        with open(os.path.join(args.vanillaDirectory, filename), 'rb') as f:
            encoded_files[filename] = base64.b85encode(f.read())

    for line in fileinput.input((args.bootstraperScript, ), inplace=True):
        sys.stdout.write(re.sub(r'^any_module_files = {.*?}  # noqa: E501$', 'any_module_files = %s  # noqa: E501' % repr(encoded_files), line))
コード例 #58
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: smn/pip
def installer(installer_path=os.path.join(paths.CONTRIB, "get-pip.py")):
    print("[generate.installer] Generating installer")

    # Define our wrapper script
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Hi There!
# You may be wondering what this giant blob of binary data here is, you might
# even be worried that we're up to something nefarious (good for you for being
# paranoid!). This is a base64 encoding of a zip file, this zip file contains
# an entire copy of pip.
# Pip is a thing that installs packages, pip itself is a package that someone
# might want to install, especially if they're looking to run this get-pip.py
# script. Pip has a lot of code to deal with the security of installing
# packages, various edge cases on various platforms, and other such sort of
# "tribal knowledge" that has been encoded in its code base. Because of this
# we basically include an entire copy of pip inside this blob. We do this
# because the alternatives are attempt to implement a "minipip" that probably
# doesn't do things correctly and has weird edge cases, or compress pip itself
# down into a single file.
# If you're wondering how this is created, it is using an invoke task located
# in tasks/generate.py called "installer". It can be invoked by using
# ``invoke generate.installer``.

import os.path
import pkgutil
import shutil
import sys
import struct
import tempfile

# Useful for very coarse version differentiation.
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3

if PY3:
    iterbytes = iter
    def iterbytes(buf):
        return (ord(byte) for byte in buf)

    from base64 import b85decode
except ImportError:
    _b85alphabet = (b"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

    def b85decode(b):
        _b85dec = [None] * 256
        for i, c in enumerate(iterbytes(_b85alphabet)):
            _b85dec[c] = i

        padding = (-len(b)) % 5
        b = b + b'~' * padding
        out = []
        packI = struct.Struct('!I').pack
        for i in range(0, len(b), 5):
            chunk = b[i:i + 5]
            acc = 0
                for c in iterbytes(chunk):
                    acc = acc * 85 + _b85dec[c]
            except TypeError:
                for j, c in enumerate(iterbytes(chunk)):
                    if _b85dec[c] is None:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'bad base85 character at position %d' % (i + j)
            except struct.error:
                raise ValueError('base85 overflow in hunk starting at byte %d'
                                 % i)

        result = b''.join(out)
        if padding:
            result = result[:-padding]
        return result

def bootstrap(tmpdir=None):
    # Import pip so we can use it to install pip and maybe setuptools too
    import pip
    from pip.commands.install import InstallCommand

    # Wrapper to provide default certificate with the lowest priority
    class CertInstallCommand(InstallCommand):
        def parse_args(self, args):
            # If cert isn't specified in config or environment, we provide our
            # own certificate through defaults.
            # This allows user to specify custom cert anywhere one likes:
            # config, environment variable or argv.
            if not self.parser.get_default_values().cert:
                self.parser.defaults["cert"] = cert_path  # calculated below
            return super(CertInstallCommand, self).parse_args(args)

    pip.commands_dict["install"] = CertInstallCommand

    # We always want to install pip
    packages = ["pip"]

    # Check if the user has requested us not to install setuptools
    if "--no-setuptools" in sys.argv or os.environ.get("PIP_NO_SETUPTOOLS"):
        args = [x for x in sys.argv[1:] if x != "--no-setuptools"]
        args = sys.argv[1:]

        # We want to see if setuptools is available before attempting to
        # install it
            import setuptools  # noqa
        except ImportError:
            packages += ["setuptools"]

    delete_tmpdir = False
        # Create a temporary directory to act as a working directory if we were
        # not given one.
        if tmpdir is None:
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            delete_tmpdir = True

        # We need to extract the SSL certificates from requests so that they
        # can be passed to --cert
        cert_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "cacert.pem")
        with open(cert_path, "wb") as cert:
            cert.write(pkgutil.get_data("pip._vendor.requests", "cacert.pem"))

        # Execute the included pip and use it to install the latest pip and
        # setuptools from PyPI
        sys.exit(pip.main(["install", "--upgrade"] + packages + args))
        # Remove our temporary directory
        if delete_tmpdir and tmpdir:
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

def main():
    tmpdir = None
        # Create a temporary working directory
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # Unpack the zipfile into the temporary directory
        pip_zip = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pip.zip")
        with open(pip_zip, "wb") as fp:
            fp.write(b85decode(DATA.replace(b"\\n", b"")))

        # Add the zipfile to sys.path so that we can import it
        sys.path.insert(0, pip_zip)

        # Run the bootstrap
        # Clean up our temporary working directory
        if tmpdir:
            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

DATA = b\"\"\"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Get all of the files we want to add to the zip file
    print("[generate.installer] Collect all the files that should be zipped")
    all_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(paths.PROJECT_ROOT, "pip")):
        for pyfile in files:
            if os.path.splitext(pyfile)[1] in {".py", ".pem", ".cfg", ".exe"}:
                path = os.path.join(root, pyfile)

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Get a temporary path to use as staging for the pip zip
        zpth = os.path.join(tmpdir, "pip.zip")

        # Write the pip files to the zip archive
        print("[generate.installer] Generate the bundled zip of pip")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(zpth, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z:
            for filename in all_files:
                z.write(os.path.join(paths.PROJECT_ROOT, filename), filename)

        # Get the binary data that compromises our zip file
        with open(zpth, "rb") as fp:
            data = fp.read()
        shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

    # Write out the wrapper script that will take the place of the zip script
    # The reason we need to do this instead of just directly executing the
    # zip script is that while Python will happily execute a zip script if
    # passed it on the file system, it will not however allow this to work if
    # passed it via stdin. This means that this wrapper script is required to
    # make ``curl https://...../get-pip.py | python`` continue to work.
        "[generate.installer] Write the wrapper script with the bundled zip "

    zipdata = base64.b85encode(data).decode("utf8")
    chunked = []

    for i in range(0, len(zipdata), 79):
        chunked.append(zipdata[i:i + 79])

    with open(installer_path, "w") as fp:

    # Ensure the permissions on the newly created file
    oldmode = os.stat(installer_path).st_mode & 0o7777
    newmode = (oldmode | 0o555) & 0o7777
    os.chmod(installer_path, newmode)

    print("[generate.installer] Generated installer")