def cacheData(self): r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) i = 1 userlist = {} xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: #all users in seer r.hset( 'Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'name', item.find('first-name').text + " " + item.find('last-name').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'id', item.find('id').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'email', item.find('email-address').text) xml = bc.projects().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('project') for item in items: #all projects under seer projectname = item.find('name').text projectid = item.find('id').text print projectname print projectid r.hset('Projects:' + projectname, "name", projectname) r.hset('Projects:' + projectname, "id", projectid) r.zadd('Projects', 1, projectname) x = 1 while 1: #every time log in a project time_entries_data = bc.time_entries_per_project( project_id=int(projectid), page=x) if x > int(time_entries_data.headers['X-Pages']): break time_entries = time_entries_data.text items2 = ET.fromstring(time_entries).findall('time-entry') count = 0 for item2 in items2: timeentryid = item2.find('id').text todoitemid = item2.find('todo-item-id').text count = count + 1 r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'date', item2.find('date').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'description', item2.find('description').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'hours', item2.find('hours').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'id', item2.find('id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'person-id', item2.find('person-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'project-id', item2.find('project-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid, 'todo-item-id', item2.find('todo-item-id').text) r.zadd('Time_entry:' + projectid, int(item2.find('person-id').text), timeentryid) print i i = i + 1 print item2.find('description').text if count != 50: break x = x + 1 todosearch = bc.todo_lists_per_project(project_id=int(projectid), filter='all').text todo_lists = ET.fromstring(todosearch).findall('todo-list') for todo_list in todo_lists: #per todo list in a project listid = todo_list.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'id', listid) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'name', todo_list.find('name').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'project-id', todo_list.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'completed', todo_list.find('completed').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'completed-count', todo_list.find('completed-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'uncompleted-count', todo_list.find('uncompleted-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid, 'position', todo_list.find('position').text) r.zadd('Todo_list:' + projectid, 1, listid) todoitemsearch = bc.items(list_id=int(listid)).text todo_items = ET.fromstring(todoitemsearch).findall('todo-item') for todo_item in todo_items: #per todo item in a todo list itemid = todo_item.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid, 'id', itemid) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid, 'content', todo_item.find('content').text) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid, 'todo-list-id', todo_item.find('todo-list-id').text) r.zadd('Todo_item:' + listid, 1, itemid) messagesearch = bc.messages_per_project( project_id=int(projectid)).text messages = ET.fromstring(messagesearch).findall('post') for message in messages: #per message in a project postid = message.find('id').text r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'id', postid) body = message.find('body').text #parser = MessageParser() #parser.feed(body) #parsed_message = parser.output parsed_message = body r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'body', parsed_message) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'author-id', message.find('author-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'project-id', message.find('body').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'title', message.find('title').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'posted-on', message.find('posted-on').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'category-id', message.find('category-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'category-name', message.find('category-name').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid, 'attachments-count', message.find('attachments-count').text) if int(message.find('attachments-count').text) > 0: attachments = message.findall('attachment') attachment_count = 1 for attachment in attachments: r.hset( "Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count), 'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset( "Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count), 'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset( "Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count), 'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset( "Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count), 'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset( "Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count), 'name', attachment.find('name').text) attachment_count = attachment_count + 1 r.zadd('Message:' + projectid, 1, postid) filesearch = bc.attachments(project_id=int(projectid)).text attachments = ET.fromstring(filesearch).findall('attachment') for attachment in attachments: #per attachment in a project attachmentid = attachment.find('id').text r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid, 'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid, 'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid, 'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid, 'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid, 'name', attachment.find('name').text) for item in items: projectid = item.find('id').text projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(int( item.find('id').text)).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: r.zadd("peopleperproject:" + projectid, int(person.find('id').text), person.find('email-address').text)
def run(self, input, sender): regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+(\S*)' % self.keyword method_checker = re.match(regex, input) response = 'default' if ( == 'update'): """ banana: basecamp update""" self.cacheData() response = 'Updated!' elif ( == 'log'): """ banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+(.*)\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.+[0-9])\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) if parser: projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = int(project['id']) hour = desc = date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) user_email ='|')[1][:-1] userid = '' bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: if item.find('email-address').text == user_email: userid = item.find('id').text break if userid == '': response = 'Email not recognized!' return response projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(projectid).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: if int(person.find('id').text) == userid: bc.create_time_entry(desc, float(hour), int(userid), date, int(projectid), None).text response = 'Logged successfully!' return response response = 'You do not belong to that project.' return response """ banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.+[0-9])\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) if parser: print "log 2" projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] hour = desc = date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) getparams = {'token': self.slack_token, 'pretty': '1'} req = requests.get('', params=getparams) userlist = json.loads(req.content) user_email = '' for user in userlist['members']: if user['id'] == sender: user_email = user['profile']['email'] userid = r.hget('Users:' + user_email, 'id') if userid == None or userid == '': response = 'Your email does not exist :<' return response checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker == None or checker == "" or checker == []: response = 'Your email is not recognized. Please try banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">' return response bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_time_entry(desc, float(hour), int(userid), date, int(projectid), None).text return response else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"description">' elif == "getProjects": """ banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getProjects\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) if parser: email = email = email.split('|')[1][:-1] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) user = r.hgetall('Users:' + email) if user == None or user == "" or user == {}: response = 'Email not found!' return response userid = user['id'] projects = r.zrange('Projects', 0, -1) for project in projects: projectid = r.hget("Projects:" + project, 'id') projectname = r.hget("Projects:" + project, 'name') checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker != None and checker != "" and checker != []: projectlist.append(projectname) print projectlist response = "Projects of %s: \n\n" % email for project in projectlist: response = response + project + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>' elif == "getLogs": """ banana:: basecamp getLogs <project name in quotation marks> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getLogs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+(.*)\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) if parser: projectid = '' userid = '' projectname = email ='|')[1][:-1] date1 = date1 = datetime(int(date1[0:4]), int(date1[5:7]), int(date1[8:10])) date2 = date2 = datetime(int(date2[0:4]), int(date2[5:7]), int(date2[8:10])) user_time_entry = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email, 'id') print userid if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response pname = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname, 'name') if pname == "" or pname == None: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname, 'id') userposts = r.zrangebyscore('Time_entry:' + projectid, userid, userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + str(userpost)) entrydate = timedetails['date'] entrydate = datetime(int(entrydate[0:4]), int(entrydate[5:7]), int(entrydate[8:10])) if entrydate >= date1 and entrydate <= date2: time_instance = [] time_instance.append(timedetails['date']) time_instance.append(timedetails['hours']) time_instance.append(timedetails['description']) user_time_entry.append(time_instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email for entry in user_time_entry: response = response + entry[0] + " " + entry[ 1] + " " + entry[2] + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getLogs <"project name"> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>' elif == "getDistribution": """ banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getDistribution\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) if parser: print 'getdist opening!!!' userid = '' email ='|')[1][:-1] """distribution = [{'name':'example','hours':'69', 'percent':100}]""" distribution = [] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email, 'id') print userid if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response projects = r.zrange('Projects', 0, -1) print projects for project in projects: projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + project, 'id') projectname = r.hget('Projects:' + project, 'name') userposts = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid, userid, userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: instance = { 'name': projectname, 'hours': 0, 'percent': 100 } for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + userpost) instance['hours'] = instance['hours'] + float( timedetails['hours']) distribution.append(instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email total_hours = 0 for entry in distribution: total_hours = total_hours + entry['hours'] for entry in distribution: entry['percent'] = (float(entry['hours']) / float(total_hours)) * 100 for entry in distribution: response = response + entry['name'] + " " + str( entry['percent']) + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>' elif == "get-logs": """ banana: basecamp get-logs <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+get[-]logs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] people = r.zrange('peopleperproject:' + projectid, 0, -1) for user in people: userdata = r.hgetall('Users:' + user) response = response + userdata['name'] + '\n' time_entries = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid, userdata['id'], userdata['id']) csvcontent = '' for time_entry in time_entries: time_entry_data = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + time_entry) #response = response + ' ' + time_entry_data['description'] + '\n' csvcontent = csvcontent + time_entry_data[ 'description'] + ',' + time_entry_data[ 'hours'] + ',' + time_entry_data['date'] + ',' #TO ADD LATER: Put these into seperate csv files postparams = {"content": csvcontent} getparams = { "token": self.slack_token, "channels": "C02BW6E2L", "filetype": "csv", "title": userdata['name'] + ' logs' } req ='', params=getparams, data=postparams) response = 'Logs successfully saved in csv files!' elif == 'getTodoLists': """ banana: basecamp getTodoLists <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getTodoLists\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] todolists = r.zrange("Todo_list:" + projectid, 0, -1) for todolist in todolists: todolistdata = r.hgetall("Todo_list:" + todolist) response = response + todolistdata['name'] todolistid = todolistdata['id'] response = response + "\n" elif == 'getMessages': """ banana: basecamp getMessages <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getMessages\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] messages = r.zrange("Message:" + projectid, 0, -1) for message in messages: messagedata = r.hgetall("Message:" + message) response = response + messagedata['body'] + '\n' response = response + "\n" elif == 'addTodoList': """ banana: basecamp addTodoList <"Project Name"> <"Todo List Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+addTodoList\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) response = '' if parser: projectname = todolistname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_todo_list(project_id=int(projectid), name=todolistname) response = 'Todo List created successfully' elif == 'addMessages': """ banana: basecamp addMessages <"Project Name"> <"">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+addMessages\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex, input) response = '' #if parser: else: response = 'Module not found!' return response
def cacheData(self): r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) i = 1 userlist = {} xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: #all users in seer r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'name',item.find('first-name').text + " " + item.find('last-name').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'id',item.find('id').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'email',item.find('email-address').text) xml = bc.projects().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('project') for item in items: #all projects under seer projectname = item.find('name').text projectid = item.find('id').text print projectname print projectid r.hset('Projects:' + projectname,"name",projectname) r.hset('Projects:' + projectname,"id",projectid) r.zadd('Projects',1,projectname) x = 1 while 1: #every time log in a project time_entries_data = bc.time_entries_per_project(project_id = int(projectid), page = x) if x > int(time_entries_data.headers['X-Pages']): break time_entries = time_entries_data.text items2 = ET.fromstring(time_entries).findall('time-entry') count = 0 for item2 in items2: timeentryid = item2.find('id').text todoitemid = item2.find('todo-item-id').text count = count + 1 r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'date',item2.find('date').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'description', item2.find('description').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'hours',item2.find('hours').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'id',item2.find('id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'person-id',item2.find('person-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'project-id',item2.find('project-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'todo-item-id',item2.find('todo-item-id').text) r.zadd('Time_entry:' + projectid, int(item2.find('person-id').text),timeentryid) print i i = i + 1 print item2.find('description').text if count != 50: break x = x + 1 todosearch = bc.todo_lists_per_project(project_id = int(projectid), filter = 'all').text todo_lists = ET.fromstring(todosearch).findall('todo-list') for todo_list in todo_lists: #per todo list in a project listid = todo_list.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'id',listid) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'name',todo_list.find('name').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'project-id',todo_list.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'completed',todo_list.find('completed').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'completed-count',todo_list.find('completed-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'uncompleted-count',todo_list.find('uncompleted-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'position',todo_list.find('position').text) r.zadd('Todo_list:' + projectid, 1, listid) todoitemsearch = bc.items(list_id = int(listid)).text todo_items = ET.fromstring(todoitemsearch).findall('todo-item') for todo_item in todo_items: #per todo item in a todo list itemid = todo_item.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'id',itemid) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'content',todo_item.find('content').text) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'todo-list-id',todo_item.find('todo-list-id').text) r.zadd('Todo_item:' + listid, 1, itemid) messagesearch = bc.messages_per_project(project_id = int(projectid)).text messages = ET.fromstring(messagesearch).findall('post') for message in messages: #per message in a project postid = message.find('id').text r.hset("Message:" + postid,'id',postid) body = message.find('body').text #parser = MessageParser() #parser.feed(body) #parsed_message = parser.output parsed_message = body r.hset("Message:" + postid,'body',parsed_message) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'author-id',message.find('author-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'project-id',message.find('body').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'title',message.find('title').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'posted-on',message.find('posted-on').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'category-id',message.find('category-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'category-name',message.find('category-name').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'attachments-count',message.find('attachments-count').text) if int(message.find('attachments-count').text) > 0: attachments = message.findall('attachment') attachment_count = 1 for attachment in attachments: r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'name', attachment.find('name').text) attachment_count = attachment_count + 1 r.zadd('Message:' + projectid, 1, postid) filesearch = bc.attachments(project_id = int(projectid)).text attachments = ET.fromstring(filesearch).findall('attachment') for attachment in attachments: #per attachment in a project attachmentid = attachment.find('id').text r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'name', attachment.find('name').text) for item in items: projectid = item.find('id').text projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(int(item.find('id').text)).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: r.zadd("peopleperproject:" + projectid, int(person.find('id').text),person.find('email-address').text)
def run(self,input,sender): regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+(\S*)' % self.keyword method_checker = re.match(regex,input) response = 'default' if( == 'update'): """ banana: basecamp update""" self.cacheData() response = 'Updated!' elif( == 'log'): """ banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+(.*)\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.+[0-9])\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = int(project['id']) hour = desc = date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) user_email ='|')[1][:-1] userid = '' bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: if item.find('email-address').text == user_email: userid = item.find('id').text break if userid == '': response = 'Email not recognized!' return response projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(projectid).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: if int(person.find('id').text) == userid: bc.create_time_entry(desc,float(hour),int(userid),date,int(projectid),None).text response = 'Logged successfully!' return response response = 'You do not belong to that project.' return response """ banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.+[0-9])\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: print "log 2" projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] hour = desc = date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) getparams = {'token': self.slack_token,'pretty':'1'} req = requests.get('', params=getparams) userlist = json.loads(req.content) user_email = '' for user in userlist['members']: if user['id'] == sender: user_email = user['profile']['email'] userid = r.hget('Users:' + user_email,'id') if userid == None or userid == '': response = 'Your email does not exist :<' return response checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker == None or checker == "" or checker == []: response = 'Your email is not recognized. Please try banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">' return response bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_time_entry(desc,float(hour),int(userid),date,int(projectid),None).text return response else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"description">' elif == "getProjects": """ banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getProjects\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: email = email = email.split('|')[1][:-1] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) user = r.hgetall('Users:' + email) if user == None or user == "" or user == {}: response = 'Email not found!' return response userid = user['id'] projects = r.zrange('Projects',0,-1) for project in projects: projectid = r.hget("Projects:" + project,'id') projectname = r.hget("Projects:" + project,'name') checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker != None and checker != "" and checker != []: projectlist.append(projectname) print projectlist response = "Projects of %s: \n\n" % email for project in projectlist: response = response + project + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>' elif == "getLogs": """ banana:: basecamp getLogs <project name in quotation marks> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getLogs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+(.*)\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: projectid = '' userid = '' projectname = email ='|')[1][:-1] date1 = date1 = datetime(int(date1[0:4]), int(date1[5:7]), int(date1[8:10])) date2 = date2 = datetime(int(date2[0:4]), int(date2[5:7]), int(date2[8:10])) user_time_entry = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email,'id') print userid if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response pname = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname,'name') if pname == "" or pname == None: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname,'id') userposts = r.zrangebyscore('Time_entry:' + projectid,userid,userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + str(userpost)) entrydate = timedetails['date'] entrydate = datetime(int(entrydate[0:4]), int(entrydate[5:7]), int(entrydate[8:10])) if entrydate >= date1 and entrydate <= date2: time_instance = [] time_instance.append(timedetails['date']) time_instance.append(timedetails['hours']) time_instance.append(timedetails['description']) user_time_entry.append(time_instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email for entry in user_time_entry: response = response + entry[0] + " " + entry[1] + " " + entry[2] + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getLogs <"project name"> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>' elif == "getDistribution": """ banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getDistribution\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: print 'getdist opening!!!' userid = '' email ='|')[1][:-1] """distribution = [{'name':'example','hours':'69', 'percent':100}]""" distribution = [] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email,'id') print userid if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response projects = r.zrange('Projects',0,-1) print projects for project in projects: projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'id') projectname = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'name') userposts = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid,userid,userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: instance = {'name':projectname,'hours':0,'percent':100} for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + userpost) instance['hours'] = instance['hours'] + float(timedetails['hours']) distribution.append(instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email total_hours = 0 for entry in distribution: total_hours = total_hours + entry['hours'] for entry in distribution: entry['percent'] = (float(entry['hours'])/float(total_hours)) * 100 for entry in distribution: response = response + entry['name'] + " " + str(entry['percent']) + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>' elif == "get-logs": """ banana: basecamp get-logs <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+get[-]logs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] people = r.zrange('peopleperproject:' + projectid, 0, -1) for user in people: userdata = r.hgetall('Users:' + user) response = response + userdata['name'] + '\n' time_entries = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid, userdata['id'], userdata['id']) csvcontent = '' for time_entry in time_entries: time_entry_data = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + time_entry) #response = response + ' ' + time_entry_data['description'] + '\n' csvcontent = csvcontent + time_entry_data['description'] + ',' + time_entry_data['hours'] + ',' + time_entry_data['date'] + ',' #TO ADD LATER: Put these into seperate csv files postparams = {"content":csvcontent} getparams = {"token":self.slack_token,"channels":"C02BW6E2L", "filetype":"csv", "title":userdata['name'] + ' logs'} req ='',params=getparams,data=postparams) response = 'Logs successfully saved in csv files!' elif == 'getTodoLists': """ banana: basecamp getTodoLists <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getTodoLists\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] todolists = r.zrange("Todo_list:" + projectid,0,-1) for todolist in todolists: todolistdata = r.hgetall("Todo_list:" + todolist) response = response + todolistdata['name'] todolistid = todolistdata['id'] response = response + "\n" elif == 'getMessages': """ banana: basecamp getMessages <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getMessages\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] messages = r.zrange("Message:" + projectid,0,-1) for message in messages: messagedata = r.hgetall("Message:" + message) response = response + messagedata['body'] + '\n' response = response + "\n" elif == 'addTodoList': """ banana: basecamp addTodoList <"Project Name"> <"Todo List Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+addTodoList\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = todolistname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_todo_list(project_id=int(projectid),name=todolistname) response = 'Todo List created successfully' elif == 'addMessages': """ banana: basecamp addMessages <"Project Name"> <"">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+addMessages\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' #if parser: else: response = 'Module not found!' return response
def cacheData(self): getparams = {"token": "xoxp-2315794369-2421792110-2468567197-93f2c6","channel": "G02BLVCKM", "username": "******", "text": "```Starting to update Basecamp archives```" } req ='',params=getparams, verify=False) r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) i = 1 userlist = {} xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: #all users in seer r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'name',item.find('first-name').text + " " + item.find('last-name').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'id',item.find('id').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('email-address').text, 'email',item.find('email-address').text) r.zadd('Users', 1,item.find('id').text) r.hset('Users:' + item.find('id').text, 'latestLog', "1970-01-01") r.hset('Users:' + item.find('id').text, 'email',item.find('email-address').text) xml = bc.projects().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('project') for item in items: #all projects under seer projectname = item.find('name').text projectid = item.find('id').text r.hset('Projects:' + projectname,"name",projectname) r.hset('Projects:' + projectname,"id",projectid) r.zadd('Projects',1,projectname) x = 1 while 1: #every time log in a project time_entries_data = bc.time_entries_per_project(project_id = int(projectid), page = x) if x > int(time_entries_data.headers['X-Pages']): break time_entries = time_entries_data.text items2 = ET.fromstring(time_entries).findall('time-entry') count = 0 for item2 in items2: timeentryid = item2.find('id').text todoitemid = item2.find('todo-item-id').text count = count + 1 r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'date',item2.find('date').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'description', item2.find('description').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'hours',item2.find('hours').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'id',item2.find('id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'person-id',item2.find('person-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'project-id',item2.find('project-id').text) r.hset('Time_entry:' + timeentryid,'todo-item-id',item2.find('todo-item-id').text) r.zadd('Time_entry:' + projectid, int(item2.find('person-id').text),timeentryid) logDate = datetime(int(item2.find('date').text[0:4]), int(item2.find('date').text[5:7]), int(item2.find('date').text[8:10])) dateToday = if dateToday.month==logDate.month and dateToday.year==logDate.year and totalLogs = float(r.hget('Users:' + item2.find('person-id').text, 'totalLogsForTheWeek')) totalLogs = totalLogs + float(item2.find('hours').text) r.hset('Users:' + item2.find('person-id').text, 'totalLogsForTheWeek', totalLogs) r.hset('Users:' + item2.find('person-id').text, 'latestLog', item2.find('date').text) i = i + 1 if count != 50: break x = x + 1 todosearch = bc.todo_lists_per_project(project_id = int(projectid), filter = 'all').text todo_lists = ET.fromstring(todosearch).findall('todo-list') for todo_list in todo_lists: #per todo list in a project listid = todo_list.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'id',listid) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'name',todo_list.find('name').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'project-id',todo_list.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'completed',todo_list.find('completed').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'completed-count',todo_list.find('completed-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'uncompleted-count',todo_list.find('uncompleted-count').text) r.hset("Todo_list:" + listid,'position',todo_list.find('position').text) r.zadd('Todo_list:' + projectid, 1, listid) todoitemsearch = bc.items(list_id = int(listid)).text todo_items = ET.fromstring(todoitemsearch).findall('todo-item') for todo_item in todo_items: #per todo item in a todo list itemid = todo_item.find('id').text r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'id',itemid) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'content',todo_item.find('content').text) r.hset("Todo_item:" + itemid,'todo-list-id',todo_item.find('todo-list-id').text) r.zadd('Todo_item:' + listid, 1, itemid) messagesearch = bc.messages_per_project(project_id = int(projectid)).text messages = ET.fromstring(messagesearch).findall('post') for message in messages: #per message in a project postid = message.find('id').text r.hset("Message:" + postid,'id',postid) body = message.find('body').text #parser = MessageParser() #parser.feed(body) #parsed_message = parser.output parsed_message = body r.hset("Message:" + postid,'body',parsed_message) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'author-id',message.find('author-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'project-id',message.find('body').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'title',message.find('title').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'posted-on',message.find('posted-on').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'category-id',message.find('category-id').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'category-name',message.find('category-name').text) r.hset("Message:" + postid,'attachments-count',message.find('attachments-count').text) if int(message.find('attachments-count').text) > 0: attachments = message.findall('attachment') attachment_count = 1 for attachment in attachments: r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + postid + ":" + str(attachment_count),'name', attachment.find('name').text) attachment_count = attachment_count + 1 r.zadd('Message:' + projectid, 1, postid) filesearch = bc.attachments(project_id = int(projectid)).text attachments = ET.fromstring(filesearch).findall('attachment') for attachment in attachments: #per attachment in a project attachmentid = attachment.find('id').text r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'id', attachment.find('id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'download-url', attachment.find('download-url').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'project-id', attachment.find('project-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'person-id', attachment.find('person-id').text) r.hset("Attachment:" + attachmentid,'name', attachment.find('name').text) for item in items: projectid = item.find('id').text projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(int(item.find('id').text)).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: r.zadd("peopleperproject:" + projectid, int(person.find('id').text),person.find('email-address').text) getparams = {'token': self.slack_token,'pretty':'1'} req = requests.get('', params=getparams, verify=False) userlist = json.loads(req.content) for user in userlist['members']: r.hset('Slack:Users:' + user['profile']['email'], 'id', user['id']) getparams = {"token": "xoxp-2315794369-2421792110-2468567197-93f2c6","channel": "G02BLVCKM", "username": "******", "text": "```Basecamp updated!```" } req ='',params=getparams, verify=False)
def run(self,input,sender,channel): regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+(\S*)' % self.keyword method_checker = re.match(regex,input) response = 'default' if( == 'update'): """ banana: basecamp update""" self.cacheData() response = 'Updated!' elif( == 'Cron'): """ banana: basecamp Cron""" sched = Scheduler() sched.add_cron_job(self.cacheData,hour=2,minute=0) sched.start() response = 'Started cron' elif( == 'log'): response = 'Logging turned off' return response """ banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+(.*)\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.?[0-9]+)\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']((\s+)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]))?' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = int(project['id']) hour = desc = date = '' inputdate = if inputdate == "" or inputdate is None: date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) else: date = int(inputdate[1:5] + inputdate[6:8] + inputdate[9:11]) user_email = userid = '' bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) xml = bc.people().text items = ET.fromstring(xml).findall('person') for item in items: if item.find('email-address').text == user_email: userid = item.find('id').text break if userid == '': response = 'Email not recognized!' return response projectpeople = bc.people_per_project(projectid).text peoplesearch = ET.fromstring(projectpeople).findall('person') for person in peoplesearch: if person.find('id').text == userid: bc.create_time_entry(desc,float(hour),int(userid),date,int(projectid),None).text response = 'Logged successfully!' totalLogs = float(r.hget('Users:' + userid, 'BananaLogsForTheWeek')) totalLogs = totalLogs + float(hour) r.hset('Users:' + userid, 'BananaLogsForTheWeek', totalLogs) bananaUsage = r.hget('Users:' + userid, 'BananaUsageForTheWeek') dateToday = if dateToday == len(bananaUsage): bananaUsage = bananaUsage + 'B' r.hset('Users:' + userid, 'BananaUsageForTheWeek',bananaUsage) return response response = 'You do not belong to that project.' return response """ banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+log\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+([0-9]*[0-9]?\.?[0-9]+)\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']((\s+)([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]))?' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: projectid = '' projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] hour = desc = date = '' inputdate = if inputdate == "" or inputdate is None: date = int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d")) else: date = int(inputdate[1:5] + inputdate[6:8] + inputdate[9:11]) getparams = {'token': self.slack_token,'pretty':'1'} req = requests.get('', params=getparams, verify=False) userlist = json.loads(req.content) user_email = '' for user in userlist['members']: if user['id'] == sender: user_email = user['profile']['email'] userid = r.hget('Users:' + user_email,'id') if userid == None or userid == '': response = 'Your email does not exist :<' return response checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker == None or checker == "" or checker == []: response = 'Your email is not recognized. Please try banana:: basecamp log <email> <"project name"> <hours> <"desc">' return response bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_time_entry(desc,float(hour),int(userid),date,int(projectid),None).text totalLogs = float(r.hget('Users:' + userid, 'BananaLogsForTheWeek')) totalLogs = totalLogs + float(hour) r.hset('Users:' + userid, 'BananaLogsForTheWeek', totalLogs) bananaUsage = r.hget('Users:' + userid, 'BananaUsageForTheWeek') dateToday = if dateToday == len(bananaUsage): bananaUsage = bananaUsage + 'B' r.hset('Users:' + userid, 'BananaUsageForTheWeek',bananaUsage) response = 'successfully logged!' return response else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp log <"project name"> <hours> <"description">' elif == "getProjects": """ banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getProjects\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: email = projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) user = r.hgetall('Users:' + email) if user == None or user == "" or user == {}: response = 'Email not found!' return response userid = user['id'] projects = r.zrange('Projects',0,-1) for project in projects: projectid = r.hget("Projects:" + project,'id') projectname = r.hget("Projects:" + project,'name') checker = r.zrangebyscore("peopleperproject:" + projectid, userid, userid) if checker != None and checker != "" and checker != []: projectlist.append(projectname) response = "Projects of %s: \n\n" % email for project in projectlist: response = response + project + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>' elif == "getLogs": """ banana:: basecamp getLogs <project name in quotation marks> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getLogs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+(.*)\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])\s+([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9])' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: projectid = '' userid = '' projectname = email = date1 = date1 = datetime(int(date1[0:4]), int(date1[5:7]), int(date1[8:10])) date2 = date2 = datetime(int(date2[0:4]), int(date2[5:7]), int(date2[8:10])) user_time_entry = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email,'id') if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response pname = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname,'name') if pname == "" or pname == None: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + projectname,'id') userposts = r.zrangebyscore('Time_entry:' + projectid,userid,userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + str(userpost)) entrydate = timedetails['date'] entrydate = datetime(int(entrydate[0:4]), int(entrydate[5:7]), int(entrydate[8:10])) if entrydate >= date1 and entrydate <= date2: time_instance = [] time_instance.append(timedetails['date']) time_instance.append(timedetails['hours']) time_instance.append(timedetails['description']) user_time_entry.append(time_instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email for entry in user_time_entry: response = response + entry[0] + " " + entry[1] + " " + entry[2] + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getLogs <"project name"> <email> <yyyy-mm-dd> <yyyy-mm-dd>' elif == "getDistribution": """ banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getDistribution\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: userid = '' email = """distribution = [{'name':'example','hours':'69', 'percent':100}]""" distribution = [] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email,'id') if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response projects = r.zrange('Projects',0,-1) for project in projects: projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'id') projectname = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'name') userposts = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid,userid,userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: instance = {'name':projectname,'hours':0,'percent':100} for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + userpost) instance['hours'] = instance['hours'] + float(timedetails['hours']) distribution.append(instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email total_hours = 0 for entry in distribution: total_hours = total_hours + entry['hours'] for entry in distribution: entry['percent'] = round((float(entry['hours'])/float(total_hours)) * 100,2) for entry in distribution: response = response + entry['name'] + " " + str(entry['percent']) + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getDistribution <email>' elif == "get-logs": """ banana: basecamp get-logs <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+get[-]logs\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] people = r.zrange('peopleperproject:' + projectid, 0, -1) for user in people: userdata = r.hgetall('Users:' + user) response = response + userdata['name'] + '\n' time_entries = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid, userdata['id'], userdata['id']) csvcontent = '' for time_entry in time_entries: time_entry_data = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + time_entry) #response = response + ' ' + time_entry_data['description'] + '\n' csvcontent = csvcontent + time_entry_data['description'] + ',' + time_entry_data['hours'] + ',' + time_entry_data['date'] + ',' #TO ADD LATER: Put these into seperate csv files postparams = {"content":csvcontent} getparams = {"token":self.slack_token,"channels":"C02BW6E2L", "filetype":"csv", "title":userdata['name'] + ' logs'} req ='',params=getparams,data=postparams) response = 'Logs successfully saved in csv files!' elif == 'getTodoLists': """ banana: basecamp getTodoLists <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getTodoLists\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] todolists = r.zrange("Todo_list:" + projectid,0,-1) for todolist in todolists: todolistdata = r.hgetall("Todo_list:" + todolist) response = response + todolistdata['name'] todolistid = todolistdata['id'] response = response + "\n" elif == 'getMessages': """ banana: basecamp getMessages <"Project Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getMessages\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] messages = r.zrange("Message:" + projectid,0,-1) for message in messages: messagedata = r.hgetall("Message:" + message) parser = MessageParser() parser.feed(messagedata['body']) response = response + parser.output + '\n' response = response + "\n" parser.close() elif == 'addTodoList': """ banana: basecamp addTodoList <"Project Name"> <"Todo List Name">""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+addTodoList\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']\s+["|\'](.*)["|\']' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) response = '' if parser: projectname = todolistname = r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) project = r.hgetall("Projects:" + projectname) if project == None or project == [] or project == {}: response = 'Project not found' return response projectid = project['id'] bc = Basecamp('', self.api_token) bc.create_todo_list(project_id=int(projectid),name=todolistname) response = 'Todo List created successfully' elif == "getDistributionLastMonth": """ banana:: basecamp getDistributionLastMonth <email>""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getDistributionLastMonth\s+(.*)' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: userid = '' email = """distribution = [{'name':'example','hours':'69', 'percent':100}]""" distribution = [] projectlist = [] r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) userid = r.hget('Users:' + email,'id') if userid == None or userid == "": response = 'Email not found!' return response projects = r.zrange('Projects',0,-1) for project in projects: projectid = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'id') projectname = r.hget('Projects:' + project,'name') userposts = r.zrangebyscore("Time_entry:" + projectid,userid,userid) if userposts != None and userposts != "" and userposts != []: instance = {'name':projectname,'hours':0,'percent':100} for userpost in userposts: timedetails = r.hgetall("Time_entry:" + userpost) entrydate = timedetails['date'] entrydate = datetime(int(entrydate[0:4]), int(entrydate[5:7]), int(entrydate[8:10])) datetoday = if (entrydate.month+1 == datetoday.month and entrydate.year == datetoday.year) or (entrydate.month == 12 and datetoday.month == 1 and entrydate.year+1 == datetoday.year): instance['hours'] = instance['hours'] + float(timedetails['hours']) distribution.append(instance) response = "Logs of %s: \n\n" % email total_hours = 0 for entry in distribution: total_hours = total_hours + entry['hours'] for entry in distribution: entry['percent'] = round((float(entry['hours'])/float(total_hours)) * 100,2) for entry in distribution: response = response + entry['name'] + " " + str(entry['percent']) + "\n" else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getDistributionLastMonth <email>' elif == "getStarbucks": """ banana:: basecamp getStarbucks""" regex = '(.*)\s%s\s+getStarbucks' % self.keyword parser = re.match(regex,input) if parser: response = 'People who logged at least 32 hours using banana last week: \n' r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost',port=6379,db=0) users = r.zrange('Users',0,-1) for user in users: totalLogs = r.hget('Users:' + user, 'totalLogsLastWeek') bananalogs = r.hget('Users:' + user, 'totalLogsLastWeek') bananaUsage = r.hget('Users:' + user, 'totalLogsLastWeek') else: response = 'Wrong set of parameters. Must be banana:: basecamp getProjects <email>' else: response = 'Module not found!' return response