def get_model(args): if args.model_type == 'baseline': m = BaselineModel(num_layers=args.num_layers, num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel': m = ParallelDilationModel(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate': m = ParallelAggregationModel(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate_test': m = ParallelAggregationModelTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate_4_test': m = ParallelAggregationModel4ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate_3_test': m = ParallelAggregationModel3ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate_2_test': m = ParallelAggregationModel2ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_aggregate_1_test': m = ParallelAggregationModel1ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_noaggregate_test': m = ParallelNoAggregationModelTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_noaggregate_4_test': m = ParallelNoAggregationModel4ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_noaggregate_3_test': m = ParallelNoAggregationModel3ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_noaggregate_2_test': m = ParallelNoAggregationModel2ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) elif args.model_type == 'parallel_noaggregate_1_test': m = ParallelNoAggregationModel1ColTest(num_channels=args.num_channels) else: raise NameError('unknown model type: {}'.format(args.model_type)) return m
def get_network(network_type): ''' returns an instance of a model with randomly initialized weights ''' dataset_dict = data_loader_factory.get_dataset_dictionary(config.DATALOADER_TYPE) if network_type == ModelType.BASELINE: return BaselineModel(dataset_dict) elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_NETWORK: return RelNet(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY) elif network_type == ModelType.FILM: return FiLM(dataset_dict) elif network_type == ModelType.MOD_FILM: return mod_FiLM(dataset_dict) elif network_type == ModelType.BN_MOD_FILM: return bn_mod_FiLM(dataset_dict) elif network_type == ModelType.STACKED_CO_ATTENTION: pass elif network_type == ModelType.MEMORY_NETWORK: pass elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_STANDARD: return RelNetGroupAttentionStandard(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY) elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_ALTERNATE: return RelNetGroupAttentionAlternate(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY) elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_SELF: return RelNetGroupAttentionSelf(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_GROUP_ATTENTION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY) elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_NETWORK_BATCH_NORM: return RelNetBatchNorm(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY) elif network_type == ModelType.RELATION_NETWORK_CONV_ATTENTION: return RelNetConvAttention(dataset_dict, config.RELATION_NETWORK_DICTIONARY)
def baseline(percent): X, Y, X_train, Y_train, answers = split_data() reg = BaselineModel(X, X_train, Y_train) preds_val = reg.predict(X) ids = list(range(1, 190)) pairs = [] for i in ids: pairs.append((i, preds_val[i - 1])) roomsNotDone = [x for x in pairs if x[0] not in elizabeth_known] length = len(roomsNotDone) percentage = percent / 100.0 threshold = sorted(roomsNotDone, key=lambda x: x[1])[int( (length - 1) * percentage)][1] preds = [] for i in sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[0]): if i[1] >= threshold: preds.append(1) else: preds.append(0) roomsDone = [x for x in pairs if x[0] in elizabeth_known] known_preds = [] limited_answers = [] for i in sorted(roomsDone, key=lambda x: x[0]): limited_answers.append(Y[i[0] - 1]) known_preds.append(i[1]) rms = sqrt(mean_squared_error(limited_answers, known_preds)) print("rms: ", rms) mae = mean_absolute_error(limited_answers, known_preds) print("mae: ", mae) stats = check_answers(preds, answers)
window_size = args.window_size # in ms step_size = args.step_size n_input = int(1e-3 * window_size * 16000 / 2 + 1) n_output = n_input if args.model_type == 'residual': model = ResidualModel(n_input, args.num_blocks, args.num_hidden, args.num_layers_per_block).cuda() elif args.model_type == 'highway': model = HighwayModel(n_input, args.num_blocks, args.num_hidden, args.num_layers_per_block).cuda() elif args.model_type == 'masking': model = MaskingModel(n_input, args.num_blocks, args.num_hidden, args.num_layers_per_block).cuda() elif args.model_type == 'baseline': model = BaselineModel(n_input, args.num_hidden, args.num_layers_per_block).cuda() else: raise ValueError( 'model_type has to be either "residual", "highway", or "baseline"' ) print(model) criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate) if args.data_type == 'reverb': print('Loading reverb dataset') G_train, G_val = load_data(window_size, step_size, args.use_log) elif args.data_type == 'noisy': print('Loading noisy dataset')
def test(args): label_name = [ 'not related or not informative', 'other useful information', 'donations and volunteering', 'affected individuals', 'sympathy and support', 'infrastructure and utilities damage', 'caution and advice' ] device = torch.device("cuda:0" if args['--cuda'] else "cpu") print('load best model...') model = BaselineModel.load(args['--model-path'], device) model.eval() df_test = pd.read_csv(args['--test'], index_col=0) cn_loss = torch.load('loss_func') sents = [text.split(' ') for text in df_test.ProcessedText] with torch.no_grad(): pre_softmax = model(sents) loss = cn_loss( pre_softmax, torch.tensor(df_test.InformationType_label.values, dtype=torch.long, device=device)) softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1) prob = softmax(pre_softmax) prediction = [t.item() for t in list(torch.argmax(prob, dim=1))] pickle.dump([label_name[i] for i in prediction], open('test_prediction', 'wb')) accuracy = accuracy_score(df_test.InformationType_label.values, prediction) matthews = matthews_corrcoef(df_test.InformationType_label.values, prediction) precisions = {} recalls = {} f1s = {} aucrocs = {} for i in range(len(label_name)): prediction_ = [1 if pred == i else 0 for pred in prediction] true_ = [ 1 if label == i else 0 for label in df_test.InformationType_label.values ] f1s.update({label_name[i]: f1_score(true_, prediction_)}) precisions.update({label_name[i]: precision_score(true_, prediction_)}) recalls.update({label_name[i]: recall_score(true_, prediction_)}) aucrocs.update({ label_name[i]: roc_auc_score(true_, list(t.item() for t in prob[:, i])) }) metrics_dict = { 'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'matthews coef': matthews, 'precision': precisions, 'recall': recalls, 'f1': f1s, 'aucroc': aucrocs } pickle.dump(metrics_dict, open('evaluation_metrics', 'wb')) cm = plot_confusion_matrix(list(df_test.InformationType_label.values), prediction, label_name, normalize=False, path='test_confusion_matrix', title='confusion matrix for test dataset') plt.savefig('test_confusion_matrix', format='png') cm_norm = plot_confusion_matrix( list(df_test.InformationType_label.values), prediction, label_name, normalize=True, path='test normalized_confusion_matrix', title='normalized confusion matrix for test dataset') plt.savefig('test_normalized_confusion_matrix', format='png') if args['--verbose']: print('loss: %.2f' % loss) print('accuracy: %.2f' % accuracy) print('matthews coef: %.2f' % matthews) for i in range(len(label_name)): print('precision score for %s: %.2f' % (label_name[i], precisions[label_name[i]])) print('recall score for %s: %.2f' % (label_name[i], recalls[label_name[i]])) print('f1 score for %s: %.2f' % (label_name[i], f1s[label_name[i]])) print('auc roc score for %s: %.2f' % (label_name[i], aucrocs[label_name[i]]))
def train(args): label_name = ['0', '1'] device = torch.device("cuda:0" if args['--cuda'] else "cpu") start_time = time.time() print('Initializing Glove vocab and embeddings...', file=sys.stderr) glove_word2id = pickle.load(open(args['--vocab'], 'rb')) glove_word2id.update({'<unk>': len(glove_word2id)}) glove_word2id.update({'<pad>': len(glove_word2id)}) vocab = VocabEntry(glove_word2id) embedding_matrix = np.load(open(args['--embeddings'], 'rb')) embedding_matrix = np.vstack( (embedding_matrix, np.random.uniform(embedding_matrix.min(), embedding_matrix.max(), (2, embedding_matrix.shape[1])))) glove_embeddings = torch.tensor(embedding_matrix, dtype=torch.float, device=device) print('Done! time elapsed %.2f sec' % (time.time() - start_time), file=sys.stderr) print('-' * 80, file=sys.stderr) start_time = time.time() print('Importing data...', file=sys.stderr) df_train = pd.read_csv(args['--train'], index_col=0) df_val = pd.read_csv(args['--dev'], index_col=0) train_label = dict(df_train.InformationType_label.value_counts()) label_max = float(max(train_label.values())) train_label_weight = torch.tensor( [label_max / train_label[i] for i in range(len(train_label))], device=device) print('Done! time elapsed %.2f sec' % (time.time() - start_time), file=sys.stderr) print('-' * 80, file=sys.stderr) start_time = time.time() print('Set up model...', file=sys.stderr) model = BaselineModel(hidden_size=int(args['--hidden-size']), embedding=glove_embeddings, vocab=vocab, n_class=len(label_name), dropout_rate=float(args['--dropout'])) model = print('Use device: %s' % device, file=sys.stderr) print('Done! time elapsed %.2f sec' % (time.time() - start_time), file=sys.stderr) print('-' * 80, file=sys.stderr) model.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=float(args['--lr'])) cn_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=train_label_weight.float(), reduction='mean'), 'loss_func') # for later testing train_batch_size = int(args['--batch-size']) clip_grad = float(args['--clip-grad']) valid_niter = int(args['--valid-niter']) log_every = int(args['--log-every']) model_save_path = args['--save-to'] num_trial = 0 train_iter = patience = cum_loss = report_loss = 0 cum_examples = report_examples = epoch = 0 hist_valid_scores = [] train_time = begin_time = time.time() print('Begin Maximum Likelihood training...') while True: epoch += 1 for sents, targets in batch_iter(df_train, batch_size=train_batch_size, shuffle=True): # for each epoch train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() batch_size = len(sents) pre_softmax = model(sents) print(type(targets[0])) loss = cn_loss( pre_softmax, torch.tensor(targets, dtype=torch.long, device=device)) loss.backward() # clip gradient grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip_grad) optimizer.step() batch_losses_val = loss.item() * batch_size report_loss += batch_losses_val cum_loss += batch_losses_val report_examples += batch_size cum_examples += batch_size if train_iter % log_every == 0: print('epoch %d, iter %d, avg. loss %.2f, ' 'cum. examples %d, speed %.2f examples/sec, ' 'time elapsed %.2f sec' % (epoch, train_iter, report_loss / report_examples, cum_examples, report_examples / (time.time() - train_time), time.time() - begin_time), file=sys.stderr) train_time = time.time() report_loss = report_examples = 0. # perform validation if train_iter % valid_niter == 0: print( 'epoch %d, iter %d, cum. loss %.2f, cum. examples %d' % (epoch, train_iter, cum_loss / cum_examples, cum_examples), file=sys.stderr) cum_loss = cum_examples = 0. print('begin validation ...', file=sys.stderr) validation_loss = validation( model, df_val, cn_loss, device) # dev batch size can be a bit larger print('validation: iter %d, loss %f' % (train_iter, validation_loss), file=sys.stderr) is_better = len( hist_valid_scores ) == 0 or validation_loss < min(hist_valid_scores) hist_valid_scores.append(validation_loss) if is_better: patience = 0 print('save currently the best model to [%s]' % model_save_path, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, model_save_path + '.optim') elif patience < int(args['--patience']): patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if patience == int(args['--patience']): num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == int(args['--max-num-trial']): print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * float( args['--lr-decay']) print( 'load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load( model_save_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) model = print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(model_save_path + '.optim')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0 if epoch == int(args['--max-epoch']): print('reached maximum number of epochs!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0)
def mainFunc(argv): def printUsage(): print(' -n <num_cores> -x <experiment>') print( 'num_cores = Number of cores requested from the cluster. Set to -1 to leave unset' ) print( 'experiment = experiment setup that should be executed. e.g \'baseline\' or \'attention\'' ) print( 'tag = optional tag or name to distinguish the runs, e.g. \'bidirect3layers\' ' ) num_cores = -1 experiment = "" tag = None # Command line argument handling try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "n:x:t:", ["num_cores=", "experiment=", "tag="]) except getopt.GetoptError: printUsage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': printUsage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-n", "--num_cores"): num_cores = int(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--experiment"): if arg in ("baseline", "attention"): experiment = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-t", "--tag"): tag = arg print("Executing experiment {} with {} CPU cores".format( experiment, num_cores)) if num_cores != -1: # We set the op_parallelism_threads in the ConfigProto and pass it to the TensorFlow session configProto = tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores) else: configProto = tf.ConfigProto() print("Initializing model") model = None if experiment == "baseline": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=False, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=True) elif experiment == "attention": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=True, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=True) assert model != None print("=== GETTING DATA BY TYPE = TRAIN ===") enc_inputs, dec_inputs, word_2_index, index_2_word = get_data_by_type( 'train') print("***********") print("Encoder inputs length {}".format(len(enc_inputs))) print("Decoder inputs length {}".format(len(dec_inputs))) print("***********") # Materialize validation data print("=== GETTING DATA BY TYPE = EVAL ===") validation_enc_inputs, validation_dec_inputs, _, _ = get_data_by_type( 'eval') validation_data = list( bucket_by_sequence_length(validation_enc_inputs, validation_dec_inputs, conf.batch_size, filter_long_sent=False)) print("Starting TensorFlow session") with tf.Session(config=configProto) as sess: global_step = 1 saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=4) # Init Tensorboard summaries. This will save Tensorboard information into a different folder at each run. timestamp = '{0:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'.format( tag_string = "" if tag is not None: tag_string = "-" + tag train_logfolderPath = os.path.join( conf.log_directory, "{}{}-training-{}".format(experiment, tag_string, timestamp)) train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(train_logfolderPath, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( "{}{}{}-validation-{}".format(conf.log_directory, experiment, tag_string, timestamp), graph=tf.get_default_graph()) copy_config(train_logfolderPath ) # Copies the current to the log directory if conf.use_word2vec: print("Using word2vec embeddings") if not os.path.isfile(conf.word2vec_path): train_sentences = TRAINING_FILEPATH train_embeddings(save_to_path=conf.word2vec_path, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, minimal_frequency=conf.word2vec_min_word_freq, train_tuples_path=train_sentences, validation_path=None, num_workers=conf.word2vec_workers_count) print("Loading word2vec embeddings") load_embedding(sess, get_or_create_vocabulary(), model.embedding_matrix, conf.word2vec_path, conf.word_embedding_size, conf.vocabulary_size) sess.graph.finalize() print("Starting training") for i in range(conf.num_epochs): print("Training epoch {}".format(i)) for data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, label_inputs_batch, label_targets_batch, label_sentence_lengths in tqdm( bucket_by_sequence_length(enc_inputs, dec_inputs, conf.batch_size), total=ceil(len(enc_inputs) / conf.batch_size)): feed_dict = model.make_train_inputs(data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, label_inputs_batch, label_targets_batch, label_sentence_lengths) run_options = None run_metadata = None if global_step % conf.trace_frequency == 0: run_options = tf.RunOptions( trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() _, train_summary =[model.train_op, model.summary_op], feed_dict, options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) if global_step % conf.trace_frequency == 0: train_writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, "step{}".format(global_step)) train_writer.add_summary(train_summary, global_step) if global_step % conf.validation_summary_frequency == 0: # # Randomly choose a batch from the validation dataset and use it for loss calculation vali_data_batch, vali_data_sentence_lengths, vali_label_inputs_batch, vali_label_targets_batch, vali_label_sentence_lengths = choice( validation_data) validation_feed_dict = model.make_train_inputs( vali_data_batch, vali_data_sentence_lengths, vali_label_inputs_batch, vali_label_targets_batch, vali_label_sentence_lengths, keep_prob=1.0) validation_summary =, validation_feed_dict) validation_writer.add_summary(validation_summary, global_step) if global_step % conf.checkpoint_frequency == 0:, os.path.join( train_logfolderPath, "{}{}-{}-ep{}.ckpt".format( experiment, tag_string, timestamp, i)), global_step=global_step) global_step += 1 sess, os.path.join( train_logfolderPath, "{}{}-{}-ep{}-final.ckpt".format(experiment, tag_string, timestamp, conf.num_epochs))) print("Done with training for {} epochs".format(conf.num_epochs))
if args.load: model = torch.load(args.load, map_location=device) vocab = model.vocab test_source, _test_target = read_data(args.test) test_source = index_data(test_source, vocab) for i, source in enumerate(batchify_data(test_source)): output = model.decode(source) for words in output: print(' '.join(words)) exit(0) if args.model == 'baseline': model = BaselineModel(vocab).to(device) elif args.model == 'transformer': model = TransformerModel(vocab).to(device) else: print('error: invalid model or model not specified (--model)', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit() for p in model.parameters(): if p.dim() > 1: torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(p) criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=pad_id) lr = 5 # learning rate optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, 1.0, gamma=0.95)
def mainFunc(argv): def printUsage(): print(' -n <num_cores> -x <experiment> -i <input file> -c <checkpoint>') print('num_cores = Number of cores requested from the cluster. Set to -1 to leave unset') print('experiment = experiment setup that should be executed. e.g \'baseline\'') print('input = what dialogs to predict from. e.g \'./Dialog_Triples.txt\'') print('checkpoint = Path to the checkpoint to load parameters from. e.g. \'./logs/baseline-ep4-500\'') def maptoword(sentence): return " ".join(map(lambda x: index_2_word[x], sentence)) + '\n' num_cores = -1 experiment = "" checkpoint_filepath = "" input_filepath = "" # Command line argument handling try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "n:x:c:i:", ["num_cores=", "experiment=", "checkpoint=", "input="]) except getopt.GetoptError: printUsage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': printUsage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-n", "--num_cores"): num_cores = int(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--experiment"): if arg in ("baseline", "attention"): experiment = arg elif arg in ("attention"): experiment = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-i", "--input"): if arg != "": input_filepath = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-c", "--checkpoint"): if arg != "": checkpoint_filepath = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) if num_cores != -1: # We set the op_parallelism_threads in the ConfigProto and pass it to the TensorFlow session configProto = tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores) else: configProto = tf.ConfigProto() model = None if experiment == "baseline": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=False, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=False) elif experiment == "attention": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=True, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=False) assert model != None with tf.Session(config=configProto) as sess: global_step = 1 saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_filepath) triples_to_tuples(input_filepath, testing_path) w2i, _ = get_w2i_i2w_dicts() vocabulary = get_vocabulary() enc_inputs, dec_inputs = apply_w2i_to_corpus_tuples(load_testing_tuples(), vocabulary, w2i) validation_input_lengths = set(map(lambda x: len(x), enc_inputs)) lm_logits_dict = construct_lm_logits(sess, model, validation_input_lengths) is_first_tuple = True pplf = open("perplexities_attention_antilm.out", 'w') for data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, label_inputs_batch, label_targets_batch, label_sentence_lengths in bucket_by_sequence_length(enc_inputs, dec_inputs, conf.batch_size, sort_data=False, shuffle_batches=False, filter_long_sent=False): lm_logits_batch = construct_lm_logits_batch(lm_logits_dict, data_sentence_lengths) feed_dict = model.make_inference_inputs(data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, lm_logits_batch) softmax_predictions =, feed_dict) # Perplexity calculation for sentID in range(len(label_sentence_lengths)): # Loop word_probs = [] # As long as we havent reached either end of the target or predicted sentences word_index = 0 while word_index < label_sentence_lengths[sentID] and word_index < softmax_predictions.shape[1]: ground_truth_word_index = label_targets_batch[sentID, word_index] prob = softmax_predictions[sentID, word_index,ground_truth_word_index] word_probs.append(prob) word_index += 1 log_probs = np.log(word_probs) perplexity = 2**(-1.0*log_probs.mean()) if is_first_tuple: print(perplexity, end=' ') print(perplexity, end=' ', file=pplf) is_first_tuple = False else: print(perplexity) print(perplexity, file=pplf) is_first_tuple = True global_step += 1
def best_cell_and_baseline_hyperparameters(train_dataloader, validate_dataloader, test_dataloader, embedding): configs = [] RNN_config = {} RNN_config["model"] = "LSTM" RNN_config["hidden_size"] = 30 RNN_config["num_layers"] = 3 RNN_config["dropout"] = 0.9 RNN_config["bidirectional"] = True RNN_config["fc1_width"] = "//" RNN_config["fc2_width"] = "//" RNN_config["vocab_size"] = -1 RNN_config["lr"] = 0.0001 RNN_config["optimizer"] = torch.optim.Adam baseline_config = {} baseline_config["model"] = "Baseline" baseline_config["hidden_size"] = "//" baseline_config["num_layers"] = "//" baseline_config["dropout"] = "//" baseline_config["bidirectional"] = "//" baseline_config["fc1_width"] = 150 baseline_config["fc2_width"] = 150 baseline_config["vocab_size"] = -1 baseline_config["lr"] = 0.0001 baseline_config["optimizer"] = torch.optim.Adam hyperparameters = {} hyperparameters["vocab_size"] = [50, 1000, 10000] hyperparameters["lr"] = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1] hyperparameters["dropout"] = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1] hyperparameters["num_layers"] = [1, 3, 6] hyperparameters["hidden_size"] = [30, 100, 150, 200] hyperparameters["optimizer"] = [torch.optim.Adam, torch.optim.SGD, torch.optim.RMSprop] supports = {} supports["vocab_size"] = [BaselineModel, RNN.RecurrentModel] supports["lr"] = [BaselineModel, RNN.RecurrentModel] supports["dropout"] = [RNN.RecurrentModel] supports["num_layers"] = [RNN.RecurrentModel] supports["hidden_size"] = [RNN.RecurrentModel] supports["optimizer"] = [BaselineModel, RNN.RecurrentModel] initial_config = {} initial_config["clip"] = args.clip initial_config["epochs"] = args.epochs initial_config["input_width"] = 300 initial_config["output_width"] = 1 models = [BaselineModel, RNN.RecurrentModel] criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() for model_type in models: for (key, values) in hyperparameters.items(): # Skip this hyperparameter testing if the model does not support it if model_type not in supports[key]: continue for value in values: start = time.time() config = {} if model_type == RNN.RecurrentModel: config.update(RNN_config) train = RNN.train evaluate = RNN.evaluate model = RNN.RecurrentModel(config["model"], initial_config["input_width"], config["hidden_size"], initial_config["output_width"], config["num_layers"], config["bidirectional"], config["dropout"]) else: config.update(baseline_config) train = baseline.train evaluate = baseline.evaluate model = BaselineModel(initial_config["input_width"], config["fc1_width"], config["fc2_width"], initial_config["output_width"]) config.update(initial_config) config[key] = value print(config) optimizer = config["optimizer"](model.parameters(), lr=config["lr"]) for epoch in range(args.epochs): print(f'\nEpoch: {epoch}') train(model, train_dataloader, optimizer, criterion, embedding, args.clip) evaluate(model, validate_dataloader, criterion, embedding) accuracy, f1, confusion_matrix = evaluate(model, test_dataloader, criterion, embedding) config["accuracy"] = accuracy.item() config["f1"] = f1.item() config["TP"] = confusion_matrix[0, 0].item() config["FP"] = confusion_matrix[0, 1].item() config["FN"] = confusion_matrix[1, 0].item() config["TN"] = confusion_matrix[1, 1].item() end = time.time() config["time"] = end - start config["optimizer"] = method_to_string(config["optimizer"]) configs.append(config) print_to_file("5_final.xls", "RNN baseline hyperparameters", configs)
def best_cell_and_baseline_with_and_without_pretrained(train_dataset, train_dataloader, validate_dataloader, test_dataloader, clip): configs = [] RNN_config = {} RNN_config["model"] = "LSTM" RNN_config["hidden_size"] = 30 RNN_config["num_layers"] = 3 RNN_config["dropout"] = 0.9 RNN_config["bidirectional"] = True RNN_config["fc1_width"] = "//" RNN_config["fc2_width"] = "//" baseline_config = {} baseline_config["model"] = "Baseline" baseline_config["hidden_size"] = "//" baseline_config["num_layers"] = "//" baseline_config["dropout"] = "//" baseline_config["bidirectional"] = "//" baseline_config["fc1_width"] = 150 baseline_config["fc2_width"] = 150 initial_config = {} initial_config["clip"] = args.clip initial_config["epochs"] = args.epochs initial_config["input_width"] = 300 initial_config["output_width"] = 1 lstm = RNN.RecurrentModel(RNN_config["model"], initial_config["input_width"], RNN_config["hidden_size"], initial_config["output_width"], RNN_config["num_layers"], RNN_config["bidirectional"], RNN_config["dropout"]) base = BaselineModel(initial_config["input_width"], baseline_config["fc1_width"], baseline_config["fc2_width"], initial_config["output_width"]) models = [base, lstm] criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() use_embeddings = [False, True] for use_embedding in use_embeddings: if use_embedding: file_path = util.config["glove_file_path"] else: file_path = None embedding_matrix = util.embedding(train_dataset.text_vocab, file_path) use_freeze = util.config["glove_file_path"] is not None embedding = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(embedding_matrix, padding_idx=0, freeze=use_freeze) for model in models: start = time.time() config = {} if type(model) == RNN.RecurrentModel: config.update(RNN_config) train = RNN.train evaluate = RNN.evaluate else: config.update(baseline_config) train = baseline.train evaluate = baseline.evaluate config.update(initial_config) config["pretrained"] = use_embedding print(config) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) for epoch in range(args.epochs): print(f'----------------------------\nEpoch: {epoch}') train(model, train_dataloader, optimizer, criterion, embedding, clip.clip) evaluate(model, validate_dataloader, criterion, embedding) accuracy, f1, confusion_matrix = evaluate(model, test_dataloader, criterion, embedding) config["accuracy"] = accuracy.item() config["f1"] = f1.item() config["TP"] = confusion_matrix[0, 0].item() config["FP"] = confusion_matrix[0, 1].item() config["FN"] = confusion_matrix[1, 0].item() config["TN"] = confusion_matrix[1, 1].item() end = time.time() config["time"] = end - start configs.append(config) print_to_file("4a_pretrained.xls", "Best RNN and baseline", configs)
def mainFunc(argv): def printUsage(): print(' -n <num_cores> -x <experiment> -o <output file> -c <checkpoint>') print('num_cores = Number of cores requested from the cluster. Set to -1 to leave unset') print('experiment = experiment setup that should be executed. e.g \'baseline\'') print('checkpoint = Path to the checkpoint to load parameters from. e.g. \'./logs/baseline-ep4-500\'') print('output = where to write the prediction outputs to. e.g \'./predictions.out\'') def maptoword(sentence): return " ".join(map(lambda x: index_2_word[x], sentence)) num_cores = -1 experiment = "" checkpoint_filepath = "" output_filepath = "" # Command line argument handling try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "n:x:c:o:", ["num_cores=", "experiment=", "checkpoint=", "output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: printUsage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': printUsage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-n", "--num_cores"): num_cores = int(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--experiment"): if arg in ("baseline", "attention"): experiment = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): if arg != "": output_filepath = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-c", "--checkpoint"): if arg != "": checkpoint_filepath = arg else: printUsage() sys.exit(2) print("Executing experiment {} with {} CPU cores".format(experiment, num_cores)) print("Loading checkpoint from {}".format(checkpoint_filepath)) if num_cores != -1: # We set the op_parallelism_threads in the ConfigProto and pass it to the TensorFlow session configProto = tf.ConfigProto(inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores) else: configProto = tf.ConfigProto() print("Initializing model") model = None if experiment == "baseline": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=False, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=False) elif experiment == "attention": model = BaselineModel(vocab_size=conf.vocabulary_size, embedding_size=conf.word_embedding_size, bidirectional=conf.bidirectional_encoder, attention=True, dropout=conf.use_dropout, num_layers=conf.num_layers, is_training=False) assert model != None # Materialize validation data validation_enc_inputs, validation_dec_inputs, word_2_index, index_2_word = get_data_by_type('eval') validation_input_lengths = set(map(lambda x: len(x), validation_enc_inputs)) with tf.Session(config=configProto) as sess: global_step = 1 sent_count = 1 saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_filepath) print("Constructing language model") lm_logits_dict = construct_lm_logits(sess, model, validation_input_lengths) print("Using network to predict sentences..") with open(output_filepath, 'w') as out: for data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, _, label_targets_batch, label_sentence_lengths in tqdm( bucket_by_sequence_length(validation_enc_inputs, validation_dec_inputs, conf.batch_size, sort_data=False, shuffle_batches=False, filter_long_sent=False), total=ceil(len(validation_enc_inputs) / conf.batch_size)): lm_logits_batch = construct_lm_logits_batch(lm_logits_dict, data_sentence_lengths) feed_dict = model.make_inference_inputs(data_batch, data_sentence_lengths, lm_logits_batch) predictions =, feed_dict) reversed_truncated_data = truncate_after_eos(data_batch) truncated_data = undo_input_reversal(reversed_truncated_data) truncated_labels = truncate_after_eos(label_targets_batch) truncated_predictions = truncate_after_eos(predictions) for enc, target, pred in zip(map(maptoword, truncated_data), map(maptoword, truncated_labels), map(maptoword, truncated_predictions)): print("{}. Input: {}".format(sent_count, enc), file=out) print("{}. Ground Truth: {}".format(sent_count, target), file=out) print("{}. Prediction: {}".format(sent_count, pred), file=out) sent_count += 1 global_step += 1