コード例 #1
def import_entries(blogger_service, blog_id):
    query = service.Query()
    query.feed = '/feeds/' + blog_id + '/posts/default'
    query.max_results = 999
    feed = blogger_service.Get(query.ToUri())

    for entry in feed.entry:
        site = Site.objects.get(id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
        entry_id = entry.id.text.split('.post-')[-1]
        title = entry.title.text
        slug = slugify(title)
        body = entry.content.text
        publish = parse(entry.published.text)

        query = service.Query()
        query.feed = '/feeds/' + blog_id + '/' + entry_id + '/comments/default'
        query.max_results = 999
        comment_feed = blogger_service.Get(query.ToUri())
            post = Post.objects.get(title = title, slug = slug)
        except Post.DoesNotExist:
            post = Post(
                title = title,
                slug = slug,
                body = body,
                publish = publish,
            print "Imported post: %s" % (post)

        for comment in comment_feed.entry:
            if comment.author:
                for author in comment.author:
                    user_name = author.name.text
                    user_email = author.email.text
                    if author.uri:
                        user_uri = author.uri.text
            if comment.updated:
                submit_date = parse(comment.updated.text)
                submit_date = parse(comment.published.text)
            comment = comment.content.text
            content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="blog", model="post")
                comment = Comment.objects.get(comment = comment, submit_date = submit_date)
            except Comment.DoesNotExist:
                comment = Comment(
                    site = site,
                    content_type = content_type,
                    object_pk = post.id,
                    user_name = user_name,
                    user_email = user_email,
                    user_url = user_uri,
                    comment = comment,
                    submit_date = submit_date,
                print "Imported comment: %s" % (comment)

        # Hack to get around some bug that was breaking get_next_by_foo() for Post objects
        p = Post.objects.all()
        for post in p:
コード例 #2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
            file = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise CommandError('No file was specified')

            tree = ET.parse(file)
        except IOError:
            raise CommandError("%s could not be found" % file)

        wp = 'http://wordpress.org/export/1.1/'

        for item in tree.findall('channel/item'):
            # Get the post's slug
            slug = item.find('{%s}post_name' % (wp)).text

            # Unpublished posts will not have anything in their name tag (which
            # is used to hold the slug), so we have to create the slug from the
            # title.
            if slug is None:
                slug = slugify(item.find('title').text)

            print 'Importing post "%s"...' % slug

            # If the post is already in the database, get it. Otherwise create
            # it.
                post = Post.objects.get(slug=slug)
                post = Post()
                post.title = item.find('title').text
                post.slug = slug
                post.body = item.find('{http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/}encoded').text
                post.created = item.find('{%s}post_date' % (wp)).text

                # If the post was published, set its status to public. Otherwise make
                # it a draft.
                if item.find('{%s}status' % (wp)).text == 'publish':
                    post.status = 2
                    post.status = 1
                    # Unpublished posts will not have a timestamp associated
                    # with them. We'll set the creation date to now.
                    post.created = datetime.now()

                # Set publish time to the creation time.
                post.publish = post.created

                # If the excerpt flag was set, do some auto excerpting magic.
                if options['excerpt']:
                    # Partition the string at the Wordpress more quicktag.
                    partition = post.body.partition('<!--more-->')

                    # If the `more` tag was not found, Python will have returned
                    # a tuple with the full post body in the first item followed by
                    # two empty items. To make sure that the excerpt is only set if
                    # the post does actually contain a `more` quicktag, we'll check
                    # to see if the third tuple item is an empty string.
                    if partition[2]:
                        post.tease = partition[0]
                # Post must be saved before we apply tags or comments.

            # Get all tags and categories. They look like this, respectively:
            #   <category domain="post_tag" nicename="a tag">a tag</category>
            #   <category domain="category" nicename="a category">a category</category>
            descriptors = item.findall('category')
            categories = []
            for descriptor in descriptors:
                if descriptor.attrib['domain'] == 'post_tag':
                    # Add the tag to the post
                if descriptor.attrib['domain'] == 'category':
                    category = descriptor.text
                    # If the category exists, add it to the model. Otherwise,
                    # create the category, then add it.
                        cat = Category.objects.get(slug=slugify(category))
                        cat = Category(title=category, slug=slugify(category))

            # Save the post again, this time with tags and categories.

            # Get and save the comments.
            comments = item.findall('{%s}comment' % (wp))
            for comment in comments:
                # When I was importing my posts, I stumbled upon a comment that
                # somehow had no author email associated with it. If that is
                # the case, don't bother importing the comment.
                email = comment.find('{%s}comment_author_email' % (wp)).text
                if email is None:

                c = Comment()
                c.user_name = comment.find('{%s}comment_author' % (wp)).text
                c.user_email = comment.find('{%s}comment_author_email' % (wp)).text
                c.comment = comment.find('{%s}comment_content' % (wp)).text
                c.submit_date = comment.find('{%s}comment_date' % (wp)).text
                c.content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='blog', model='post')
                c.object_pk = post.id
                c.site_id = Site.objects.get_current().id

                # Only attempt to assign a user URL to the new comment if the
                # old comment has one.
                user_url = comment.find('{%s}comment_author_url' % (wp)).text
                if user_url:
                    c.user_url = user_url
