def buy_oss_data(self): dR = {'code': '1', 'MSG': ''} oss_flag = self.GP('oss_flag', '') # try: if self.usr_id_p != self.usr_id: dR['MSG'] = '子帐号不需要购买存储包' return dR sql = "select usr_id from users where coalesce(qiniu_flag,0)=1 and usr_id=%s" lT, iN =, [self.usr_id]) if iN > 0: dR['MSG'] = '您是使用自己的自定义存储,不需要购买!' return dR if oss_flag == '4': sql = "select oss_one_size,oss_one_price,oss_one_day from toll_config" l, t = if t == 0: dR['MSG'] = '您所要购买的套餐不存在,请重新选择购买' return dR dR['code'] = '0' elif oss_flag == '5': sql = "select oss_two_size,oss_two_price,oss_two_day from toll_config" l, t = if t == 0: dR['MSG'] = '您所要购买的套餐不存在,请重新选择购买' return dR dR['code'] = '0' else: sql = "select oss_thr_size,oss_thr_price,oss_thr_day from toll_config " l, t = if t == 0: dR['MSG'] = '您所要购买的套餐不存在,请重新选择购买' return dR dR['code'] = '0' name, price, day = l[0] # 如果你是 Python 3的用户,使用默认的字符串即可 cname = 'OSS存储%sM' % name data = { 'ctype': oss_flag, 'cname': cname, 'price': price, 'days': day, } sql = "select id,out_trade_no from pingtai_paylog where coalesce(pay_status,0)=0 and usr_id=%s and ctype=%s" lT, iN =, [self.usr_id, oss_flag]) if iN == 0: timeStamp = time.time() timeArray = time.localtime(timeStamp) danhao = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", timeArray) romcode = str(time.time()).split('.')[-1] # [3:] out_trade_no = 'O' + danhao[2:] + romcode data['usr_id'] = self.usr_id data['out_trade_no'] = out_trade_no data['ctime'] = self.getToday(9) self.db.insert('pingtai_paylog', data) else: data['utime'] = self.getToday(9) id, out_trade_no = lT[0] self.db.update('pingtai_paylog', data, 'id=%s' % id) app_id = self.oTOLL['wx_appid'] wechat_pay_id = self.oTOLL['mchid'] wechat_pay_secret = self.oTOLL['mchkey'] base_url = self.oTOLL['callback_url'] notify_url = base_url + '/vipnotify' data = { 'appid': app_id, 'mch_id': wechat_pay_id, 'body': '简道商城平台-%s' % cname, # 商品描述 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, # 商户订单号 'total_fee': int(float(price) * 100), 'notify_url': notify_url, 'trade_type': 'NATIVE', 'timeStamp': str(int(time.time())), 'product_id': oss_flag } wxpay = WeixinPay(app_id, wechat_pay_id, wechat_pay_secret, notify_url) raw = wxpay.unified_order(**data) if raw.get('return_code') == 'SUCCESS': dR['code'] = '0' dR['code_url'] = raw['code_url'] return dR dR['MSG'] = raw return dR except Exception as e: dR = {'code': '1', 'MSG': '%s' % e} return dR
def buy_vip_data(self): dR = {'code': '1', 'MSG': ''} vip_flag = self.GP('vip_flag', '') # try: if vip_flag == '2': sql = "select combo_two_name,combo_two_price,combo_two_day from toll_config where coalesce(combo_two_status,0)=1" l, t = if t == 0: dR['MSG'] = '您所要购买的套餐不存在,请重新选择购买' return dR dR['code'] = '0' elif vip_flag == '3': sql = "select combo_thr_name,combo_thr_price,combo_thr_day from toll_config where coalesce(combo_thr_status,0)=1" l, t = if t == 0: dR['MSG'] = '您所要购买的套餐不存在,请重新选择购买' return dR dR['code'] = '0' else: sql = "select combo_one_name,combo_one_price,combo_one_day from toll_config " l, t = dR['code'] = '0' name, price, day = l[0] # 如果你是 Python 3的用户,使用默认的字符串即可 data = { 'ctype': vip_flag, 'cname': name, 'price': price, 'days': day, } sql = """select ctype from pingtai_paylog where coalesce(pay_status,0)=1 and usr_id=%s and ctype in (1,2,3) order by id desc limit 1;""" lT1, iN1 =, [self.usr_id]) if iN1 > 0: ctype = lT1[0][0] if str(vip_flag) != str(ctype): dR['MSG'] = '您上一次购买的套餐与现在有冲突,请联系管理员' return dR # sqlr = "select role_id from usr_role where usr_id=%s" # lr, tr =, [self.usr_id]) # if tr == 1: # role_id = lr[0][0] # role_id 2基础,3营销 # if str(vip_flag) == '1' and role_id != 2: # 基础 # self.db.query("update usr_role set role_id=2 where id=%s", [urid]) # elif str(vip_flag) == '2' and role_id != 3: # 营销 # self.db.query("update usr_role set role_id=3 where id=%s", [urid]) # elif str(vip_flag) == 3: # 未知 # pass sql = "select id,out_trade_no from pingtai_paylog where coalesce(pay_status,0)=0 and usr_id=%s and ctype=%s" lT, iN =, [self.usr_id, vip_flag]) if iN == 0: timeStamp = time.time() timeArray = time.localtime(timeStamp) danhao = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", timeArray) romcode = str(time.time()).split('.')[-1] # [3:] out_trade_no = 'V' + danhao[2:] + romcode data['usr_id'] = self.usr_id data['out_trade_no'] = out_trade_no data['ctime'] = self.getToday(9) self.db.insert('pingtai_paylog', data) else: data['utime'] = self.getToday(9) id, out_trade_no = lT[0] self.db.update('pingtai_paylog', data, 'id=%s' % id) app_id = self.oTOLL['wx_appid'] wechat_pay_id = self.oTOLL['mchid'] wechat_pay_secret = self.oTOLL['mchkey'] base_url = self.oTOLL['callback_url'] notify_url = base_url + '/vipnotify' data = { 'appid': app_id, 'mch_id': wechat_pay_id, 'body': '简道商城平台-%s' % name, # 商品描述 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, # 商户订单号 'total_fee': int(float(price) * 100), 'notify_url': notify_url, 'trade_type': 'NATIVE', 'timeStamp': str(int(time.time())), 'product_id': vip_flag } wxpay = WeixinPay(app_id, wechat_pay_id, wechat_pay_secret, notify_url) raw = wxpay.unified_order(**data) if raw.get('return_code') == 'SUCCESS': dR['code'] = '0' dR['code_url'] = raw['code_url'] return dR dR['MSG'] = raw return dR except Exception as e: dR = {'code': '1', 'MSG': '%s' % e} return dR
def Search_data(self): dR={'code':'','MSG':'查询成功'} uid=self.GP('uid','') if uid=='': dR['MSG']='查询数据用误' return dR sql="select out_trade_no,usr_id,days,ctype from pingtai_paylog where id=%s" l,,[uid]) if t==0: dR['MSG'] = '查询数据不存在' return dR out_trade_no, usr_id,days,ctype=l[0] import datetime from import WeixinPay app_id = self.oTOLL['wx_appid'] wechat_pay_id = self.oTOLL['mchid'] wechat_pay_secret = self.oTOLL['mchkey'] base_url = self.oTOLL['callback_url'] notify_url = base_url + '/vipnotify' wxpay = WeixinPay(app_id, wechat_pay_id, wechat_pay_secret, notify_url) data = { 'out_trade_no': out_trade_no, # 商户订单号 } raw = wxpay.order_query(**data) if raw.get('trade_state') == 'SUCCESS': transaction_id = raw['transaction_id'] openid = raw['openid'] sql = "update pingtai_paylog set openid=%s,transaction_id=%s,pay_status=1,pay_time=now() where id=%s" self.db.query(sql, [openid, transaction_id, uid]) if ctype in (1, 2, 3): sqlu = """select to_char(expire_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), case when to_char(expire_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')>to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') then 1 else 0 end,coalesce(inviteid,1) from users where usr_id=%s""" lT, iN =, [usr_id]) if iN > 0: time_1, time_2, flag,inviteid = lT[0] if flag == 1: expire_time = time_1 else: expire_time = time_2 now = datetime.datetime.strptime(expire_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days) n_days = now + delta e_time = n_days.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "update users set expire_time=%s,vip_flag=%s,expire_flag=0 where usr_id=%s" self.db.query(sql, [e_time, ctype, usr_id]) sql = "update pingtai_paylog set etime=%s where out_trade_no=%s" self.db.query(sql, [e_time, out_trade_no]) pay_days = self.oTOLL.get('pay_days') if inviteid != 1 and pay_days != 0: sqlu = """select to_char(expire_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), case when to_char(expire_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')>to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') then 1 else 0 end from users where usr_id=%s""" lT, iN =, [inviteid]) if iN > 0: time1, time2, flag_ = lT[0] if flag_ == 1: expiretime = time1 else: expiretime = time2 now = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiretime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") delta = datetime.timedelta(days=pay_days) n_days = now + delta etime = n_days.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "update users set expire_time=%s,expire_flag=0 where usr_id=%s" self.db.query(sql, [etime, inviteid]) isql = """insert into invite_log(ctype,return_id,usr_id,openid,return_days,return_time,ctime) values(2,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,now())""" iparm = [inviteid, usr_id, openid, pay_days, etime] self.db.query(isql, iparm) sqlr = "select id,role_id from usr_role where usr_id=%s" lr, tr =, [usr_id]) if tr == 1: urid, role_id = lr[0] # role_id 2基础,3营销 if ctype == 1 and role_id != 2: # 基础 self.db.query("update usr_role set role_id=2 where id=%s", [urid]) elif ctype == 2 and role_id != 3: # 营销 self.db.query("update usr_role set role_id=3 where id=%s", [urid]) elif ctype == 3: # 未知 pass dR['code'] = '0' dR['MSG'] = '查询到已支付,已对数据进行更新。' return dR if ctype == 4: sqlu = "select oss_one_size from toll_config" elif ctype == 5: sqlu = "select oss_two_size from toll_config" else: sqlu = "select oss_thr_size from toll_config" lT, iN = if iN > 0: size = lT[0][0] now = delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days) n_days = now + delta e_time = n_days.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "update users set oss_time=%s,oss_flag=%s,oss_all=coalesce(oss_all,0)+%s where usr_id=%s" self.db.query(sql, [e_time, ctype, size, usr_id]) sql = "update pingtai_paylog set etime=%s,utime=now() where out_trade_no=%s" self.db.query(sql, [e_time, out_trade_no]) dR['code'] = '0' dR['MSG'] = '查询到已支付,已对数据进行更新。' return dR dR['MSG'] ='trade_state_desc' return dR