def radar_coord_int(demminmax, i12s, cohs, h2phs, ref=None, multilook=1, samples=1000, stepsize=None, study_area=None): """radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, dem_std=10, ref=None): demminmax=vector: minimum and maximum values for dem. i12s: [K,M,N] cohs: [K,M,N] h2phs: [K,M,N] dem_std: scalar or [M,N] ref: None or tuple (m,n) multilook: level of SAR multilooking samples=1000, number of samples for search domain stepsize= height sensitivity to use instead of samples to constract search space. study_area= [m0, mM, n0, nN] """ i12s=i12s*tile( conj(i12s[:,ref[0],ref[1]]), (i12s.shape[2], i12s.shape[1], 1) ).T #zero reference if study_area is not None: i12s = i12s[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] cohs = cohs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] h2phs=h2phs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] M=i12s.shape[1]; N=i12s.shape[2]; z=zeros([M,N]); #initialize output t=0; for m in xrange(M): for n in xrange(N): z[m,n]=point_solve_int(demminmax, i12s[:,m,n], cohs[:,m,n], h2phs[:,m,n], multilook, samples=samples, stepsize=stepsize); if basic.progresstime(t0=t,timeSpan=30): t=basic.time.time() basic.progress(p=m,t=M,f="%.3f ") return z
def data_from_image(im, classes, mask, limits=[0., 1.]): """ This function extracts the data from a image, based on the classes and a mask. Once the data is masked, a look-up-table is used to set values to the classes. """ import time N = int(basic.nonan(classes).max() + 1) # zero is a class... classes[mask] = np.nan classLimits = np.linspace(np.min(limits), np.max(limits), N) cmax = 2**np.round(np.log2(im.max())) imSingle = im[:, :, 0] * (cmax**0) + im[:, :, 1] * ( cmax**1) + im[:, :, 2] * (cmax**2.) data = np.zeros(imSingle.shape) t0 = 0 for k in xrange(N - 1): #for each class do a linear interpolation if np.any(classes == k): data[classes == k] = basic.rescale(imSingle[classes == k], classLimits[k:k + 2], quiet=True) if basic.progresstime(t0): basic.progress(k, N) t0 = time.time() data[mask] = np.nan return data
def radar_coord_int(demminmax, i12s, cohs, h2phs, ref=None, multilook=1, samples=1000, stepsize=None, study_area=None): """radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, dem_std=10, ref=None): demminmax=vector: minimum and maximum values for dem. i12s: [K,M,N] cohs: [K,M,N] h2phs: [K,M,N] dem_std: scalar or [M,N] ref: None or tuple (m,n) multilook: level of SAR multilooking samples=1000, number of samples for search domain stepsize= height sensitivity to use instead of samples to constract search space. study_area= [m0, mM, n0, nN] """ i12s = i12s * tile(conj(i12s[:, ref[0], ref[1]]), (i12s.shape[2], i12s.shape[1], 1)).T #zero reference if study_area is not None: i12s = i12s[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] cohs = cohs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] h2phs = h2phs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] M = i12s.shape[1] N = i12s.shape[2] z = zeros([M, N]) #initialize output t = 0 for m in xrange(M): for n in xrange(N): z[m, n] = point_solve_int(demminmax, i12s[:, m, n], cohs[:, m, n], h2phs[:, m, n], multilook, samples=samples, stepsize=stepsize) if basic.progresstime(t0=t, timeSpan=30): t = basic.time.time() basic.progress(p=m, t=M, f="%.3f ") return z
def radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, h2phs, dem_std=10, ref=None, multilook=1, samples=1000, stepsize=None, study_area=None): """radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, dem_std=10, ref=None): dem: [M,N] i12s: [K,M,N] cohs: [K,M,N] h2phs: [K,M,N] dem_std: scalar or [M,N] ref: None or tuple (m,n) multilook: level of SAR multilooking samples=1000, number of samples for search domain stepsize= height sensitivity to use instead of samples to constract search space. study_area= [m0, mM, n0, nN] """ z_ref=dem[ref[0],ref[1]]; dem=dem-z_ref; #zero reference i12s=i12s*tile( conj(i12s[:,ref[0],ref[1]]), (i12s.shape[2], i12s.shape[1], 1) ).T #zero reference if study_area is not None: dem = dem [study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] i12s = i12s[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] cohs = cohs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] h2phs=h2phs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] if size(dem_std) != 1: dem_std=dem_std[study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] M,N=dem.shape z=zeros(dem.shape); #initialize output if size(dem_std) == 1: #scalar dem_std convert to array dem_std=ones(dem.shape)*dem_std elif size(dem_std) != size(dem): #dem and dem_std has to be the same size print 'DEM_STD has to be a scalar or the same size as DEM.' return -1 t=0; for m in xrange(M): for n in xrange(N): z[m,n]=point_solve_dem(dem[m,n], i12s[:,m,n], cohs[:,m,n], h2phs[:,m,n], dem_std[m,n], multilook, samples=samples, stepsize=stepsize); if basic.progresstime(t0=t,timeSpan=30): t=basic.time.time() basic.progress(p=m,t=M,f="%.3f ") z=z+z_ref return z
def distance_from_colorbar(im, """ This function calculates a distance value for all pixels of an image given a colorbar. It also returns the best fitting colorbar class for each pixel. e.g.: import cv2 im=cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('REsults_zonaSur_cut.tiff'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB); dist, classes=distance_from_colorbar(im); """ import time N = c.shape[0] cmax = 2**np.round(np.log2(im.max())) if c.max() != cmax: c256 = c * cmax / c.max() #colorbar in uint8 else: c256 = c dist = np.ones((im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) * np.inf distOld = dist.copy() classes = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) ccc = 0 #current class counter t0 = 0 #time.time(); #show 0.0 at the beginning of the loop. for k in c256: dist = np.dstack([ dist, np.sqrt((im[:, :, 0] - k[0])**2. + (im[:, :, 1] - k[1])**2. + (im[:, :, 2] - k[2])**2.) ]).min(2) classes[dist != distOld] = ccc ccc = ccc + 1 distOld = dist if basic.progresstime(t0): basic.progress(ccc, N) t0 = time.time() return dist, classes
def radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, h2phs, dem_std=10, ref=None, multilook=1, samples=1000, stepsize=None, study_area=None): """radar_coord_dem(dem, i12s, cohs, dem_std=10, ref=None): dem: [M,N] i12s: [K,M,N] cohs: [K,M,N] h2phs: [K,M,N] dem_std: scalar or [M,N] ref: None or tuple (m,n) multilook: level of SAR multilooking samples=1000, number of samples for search domain stepsize= height sensitivity to use instead of samples to constract search space. study_area= [m0, mM, n0, nN] """ z_ref = dem[ref[0], ref[1]] dem = dem - z_ref #zero reference i12s = i12s * tile(conj(i12s[:, ref[0], ref[1]]), (i12s.shape[2], i12s.shape[1], 1)).T #zero reference if study_area is not None: dem = dem[study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] i12s = i12s[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] cohs = cohs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] h2phs = h2phs[:, study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] if size(dem_std) != 1: dem_std = dem_std[study_area[0]:study_area[1], study_area[2]:study_area[3]] M, N = dem.shape z = zeros(dem.shape) #initialize output if size(dem_std) == 1: #scalar dem_std convert to array dem_std = ones(dem.shape) * dem_std elif size(dem_std) != size(dem): #dem and dem_std has to be the same size print 'DEM_STD has to be a scalar or the same size as DEM.' return -1 t = 0 for m in xrange(M): for n in xrange(N): z[m, n] = point_solve_dem(dem[m, n], i12s[:, m, n], cohs[:, m, n], h2phs[:, m, n], dem_std[m, n], multilook, samples=samples, stepsize=stepsize) if basic.progresstime(t0=t, timeSpan=30): t = basic.time.time() basic.progress(p=m, t=M, f="%.3f ") z = z + z_ref return z
allDates = master + slave #merge master and slave lists allDates = sort(list(set(allDates))) I = len(allDates) #Number of images (dates) N = len(ifiles) #Number of interferograms ## the individual ramps are solved in a network fashion such that: ## A x = b where ## Design matrix ## A= SBAS design matrix [1 0 0 0... 0 -1 0 ...] ## x= ramp estimated for each date ## b= ramp estimated for each inteferogram tk = 0 A = zeros([N + 1, I]) for k in xrange(N): A[k, :] = (allDates == master[k]) * -1 + (allDates == slave[k]) * 1 if basic.progresstime(tk): basic.progress( k, N, ) tk = basic.time.time() A[-1, 0] = 1 pinvA = linalg.pinv(A) x0 = dot(pinvA, list(ramps[0, :]) + [0]) #merge zero to the end of list x1 = dot(pinvA, list(ramps[1, :]) + [0]) #merge zero to the end of list #deramp print "Deramping interferograms..." ## Calculate Ax r0 = dot(A, x0) r1 = dot(A, x1)