コード例 #1
def parse_fastx_sam_parallel(fastx_infile, sam_infile):
    """ Parse fastx and resulting sam file in parallel - generator yielding (name, seq, alignment_list) tuples.

    The sam file may contain multiple alignments per read.  Program checks that the readnames match.
    fastx_generator = basic_seq_utilities.name_seq_generator_from_fasta_fastq(fastx_infile)
    sam_generator = iter(HTSeq.bundle_multiple_alignments(HTSeq.SAM_Reader(sam_infile)))
    if_finished_fastx, if_finished_sam = False, False
    while True:
        try:                    name, seq = fastx_generator.next()
        except StopIteration:   if_finished_fastx = True
        try:                    alns = sam_generator.next()
        except StopIteration:   if_finished_sam = True
        # if both finished, good, we're doine
        if if_finished_fastx and if_finished_sam:
            raise StopIteration
        # if one file was finished but the other wasn't, error!
        elif if_finished_fastx or if_finished_sam:
            raise DeepseqError("Parsing seq/aln files in parallel - inconsistent finished states! "
                              +"(If finished: %s %s, %s %s)"%(fastx_infile, if_finished_fastx, sam_infile, if_finished_sam))
        # if all the files still contained data, yield it
            name = name.split()[0]
            name2 = alns[0].read.name.split()[0]
            if not name2 == name:
                raise DeepseqError("Non-matching readnames between files! %s in %s, %s in %s"%(fastx_infile, name, 
                                                                                               sam_infile, name2))
            yield (name, seq, alns)
コード例 #2
def trim_prefix(prefix_bases, infile, trimmed_outfile, wrong_prefix_outfile=os.devnull, 
               INFOFILE=None, verbosity=1):
    """ Trim prefix_bases from seqs in infile and print to trimmed_outfile; print other seqs to wrong_prefix_outfile.

    Reads fasta or fastq files; outputs fasta files only.
    For each seq in infile, if seq starts with prefix_bases, trim them and print result to trimmed_outfile; 
     otherwise print full seq to wrong_prefix_outfile (if not None). 
    INFOFILE should be an open file handle to print summary info to, or None; 
     verbosity governs how much is printed to stdout
    text = "### Trimming %s from start of each sequence in %s (output to %s, untrimmed to %s)\n"%(prefix_bases, infile, 
                                                                                trimmed_outfile, wrong_prefix_outfile)
    # MAYBE-TODO modify so it can output fastq too?
    if INFOFILE is not None:    INFOFILE.write(text+'\n')
    if verbosity>0:             print text
    N_trimmed, N_untrimmed = 0, 0
    with open(trimmed_outfile, 'w') as TRIMMED_OUTFILE:
        with open(wrong_prefix_outfile, 'w') as WRONG_PREFIX_OUTFILE:
            # MAYBE-TODO right now if wrong_prefix_outfile==None, /dev/null is used - it would be faster with a custom file-like object that doesn't touch the OS, but I'm not sure how to write one so it can be opened!  See general_utilities.FAKE_OUTFILE for an already open one.
            name_seq_generator = name_seq_generator_from_fasta_fastq(infile, verbosity>2)
            for name,seq in name_seq_generator:
                if_trimmed = _trim_prefix_single(name, seq, prefix_bases, TRIMMED_OUTFILE, WRONG_PREFIX_OUTFILE)
                if if_trimmed:  N_trimmed += 1
                else:           N_untrimmed += 1

    N_total = N_trimmed + N_untrimmed
    text = "Trimmed sequences: %s\nUntrimmed sequences: %s\n"%(value_and_percentages(N_trimmed, [N_total]), 
                                                               value_and_percentages(N_untrimmed, [N_total]))
    if INFOFILE is not None:    INFOFILE.write(text+'\n')
    if verbosity>1:             print text
    return N_trimmed, N_untrimmed
コード例 #3
def trim_prefix(prefix_bases,
    """ Trim prefix_bases from seqs in infile and print to trimmed_outfile; print other seqs to wrong_prefix_outfile.

    Reads fasta or fastq files; outputs fasta files only.
    For each seq in infile, if seq starts with prefix_bases, trim them and print result to trimmed_outfile; 
     otherwise print full seq to wrong_prefix_outfile (if not None). 
    INFOFILE should be an open file handle to print summary info to, or None; 
     verbosity governs how much is printed to stdout
    text = "### Trimming %s from start of each sequence in %s (output to %s, untrimmed to %s)\n" % (
        prefix_bases, infile, trimmed_outfile, wrong_prefix_outfile)
    # MAYBE-TODO modify so it can output fastq too?
    if INFOFILE is not None: INFOFILE.write(text + '\n')
    if verbosity > 0: print text
    N_trimmed, N_untrimmed = 0, 0
    with open(trimmed_outfile, 'w') as TRIMMED_OUTFILE:
        with open(wrong_prefix_outfile, 'w') as WRONG_PREFIX_OUTFILE:
            # MAYBE-TODO right now if wrong_prefix_outfile==None, /dev/null is used - it would be faster with a custom file-like object that doesn't touch the OS, but I'm not sure how to write one so it can be opened!  See general_utilities.FAKE_OUTFILE for an already open one.
            name_seq_generator = name_seq_generator_from_fasta_fastq(
                infile, verbosity > 2)
            for name, seq in name_seq_generator:
                if_trimmed = _trim_prefix_single(name, seq, prefix_bases,
                if if_trimmed: N_trimmed += 1
                else: N_untrimmed += 1

    N_total = N_trimmed + N_untrimmed
    text = "Trimmed sequences: %s\nUntrimmed sequences: %s\n" % (
        value_and_percentages(N_trimmed, [N_total]),
        value_and_percentages(N_untrimmed, [N_total]))
    if INFOFILE is not None: INFOFILE.write(text + '\n')
    if verbosity > 1: print text
    return N_trimmed, N_untrimmed