def test_properly_escapes_colons(self): username, password = '******', 'pass:word:' encoded_str = encode(username, password) self.assertEqual((username, password), decode(encoded_str)) # This test ensures things work even if the client doesn't properly URL # encode the username / password fields. encoded_str = 'Basic %s' % b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password)) self.assertEqual((username, password), decode(encoded_str))
def api_library_delete(request): repo_id = None repo_id = request.matchdict['namespace'] + '/'+ request.matchdict['image'] endpoints = request.registry.settings['dockerregistry'] secret = request.registry.settings['secret_passphrase'] username = None password= None if request.authorization: (type, bearer) = request.authorization username, password = decode(bearer) if not valid_user(username, password, request) or not user_can_delete(username, repo_id, request): return HTTPForbidden() existing_repo = request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].find_one({'id': repo_id}) if existing_repo is None: return Response('') token = jwt.encode({'repo': repo_id, 'user': username, 'acl': 'delete', 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) }, secret) docker_token = "signature="+token+",repository=\""+repo_id+"\",access=write" headers = [("WWW-Authenticate", "Token "+docker_token.encode('utf8')), ("X-Docker-Endpoints", endpoints),("X-Docker-Token", docker_token.encode('utf8')) ] request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].remove({'id': repo_id}) request.response.headerlist.extend(headers) return Response('Accepted', status_code=202, headerlist=request.response.headerlist)
def api_repositories_push(request): ''' Library repo /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{image} ''' images = json.loads(request.body, encoding=request.charset) repo_id = None repo_id = request.matchdict['namespace'] + '/'+ request.matchdict['image'] endpoints = request.registry.settings['dockerregistry'] secret = request.registry.settings['secret_passphrase'] username = None password= None if request.authorization: (type, bearer) = request.authorization username, password = decode(bearer) if not valid_user(username, password, request) or not user_can_push(username, repo_id, request): return HTTPForbidden() existing_repo = request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].find_one({'id': repo_id}) request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].update({'id': repo_id}, {"$set":{'images': images}}) (type, bearer) = request.authorization token = jwt.encode({'repo': repo_id, 'user': username, 'acl': 'write', 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) }, secret) docker_token = "signature="+token+",repository=\""+repo_id+"\",access=write" headers = [("WWW-Authenticate", "Token "+docker_token.encode('utf8')), ("X-Docker-Endpoints", endpoints),("X-Docker-Token", docker_token.encode('utf8')) ] request.response.headerlist.extend(headers) return Response('Created', headerlist=request.response.headerlist)
def pre_GET(resource, request, lookup): # If we made it this far, then api_key will resolve. # Note: auth has already filtered requests against users # and messages if request.headers.get('Authorization'): api_key, password = decode(request.headers.get('Authorization')) user =['user'].objects( api_key=api_key ).first() if user: # No need to alter anything with admin-only access: if len(app.config['DOMAIN'][resource]['allowed_roles']) > 0: return # If querying pods, filter to owner only: elif resource in ['pod']: if user.role == 'admin': app.logger.debug("user is admin: do nothing") return else: lookup['owner'] = # app.auth.set_request_auth_value( # For data and notebooks, filter to public or owned: else: if user.role == 'admin': return else: lookup['$or'] = [{'public': True}, {'owner':}]
def api_library_images(request): ''' Library repo /v1/repositories/{image}/images ''' #images = json.loads(request.body, encoding=request.charset) repo_id = 'library/' + request.matchdict['image'] existing_repo = request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].find_one({'id': repo_id}) if existing_repo is None: return HTTPNotFound() endpoints = request.registry.settings['dockerregistry'] secret = request.registry.settings['secret_passphrase'] username = None password= None if request.authorization: (type, bearer) = request.authorization username, password = decode(bearer) if not valid_user(username, password, request): return HTTPForbidden() (type, bearer) = request.authorization token = jwt.encode({'repo': repo_id, 'user': username, 'acl': 'read', 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) }, secret) docker_token = "signature="+token+",repository=\""+repo_id+"\",access=read" headers = [("WWW-Authenticate", "Token "+docker_token.encode('utf8')), ("X-Docker-Endpoints", endpoints),("X-Docker-Token", docker_token.encode('utf8')) ] request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].update({'id': repo_id},{"$inc": { "pulls": 1}}) request.response.headerlist.extend(headers) return Response(json.dumps(existing_repo['images']), headerlist=request.response.headerlist)
def extract_basic(authorization): """ extract basic authorization from header :param authorization: Authorization header value :return: uid, password on success :raises TokenDoesNotExist: """ if not authorization: raise TokenDoesNotExist() return basicauth.decode(authorization)
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): try: username, password = decode(request.headers['AUTHORIZATION']) except (DecodeError, KeyError): abort(401) if (username != current_app.config.get('SAMURAI_USERNAME') or password != current_app.config.get('SAMURAI_PASSWORD')): abort(401) return f(*args, **kwargs)
def basic_auth(auth_request): username, password = decode(auth_request.token) if username == password: context = {"is_admin": True} return AuthResponse( routes=[AuthRoute("/*", ["GET", "POST"])], principal_id=username, context=context, ) else: return AuthResponse(routes=[], principal_id=None)
async def _get_user_and_ip( request: web.Request, ip_header: str = "X-Forwarded-For" ) -> Tuple[str, str]: user = "******" ip = str(request.remote) if "Authorization" in request.headers: user, _ = basicauth.decode(request.headers["Authorization"]) if ip_header in request.headers and request.headers[ip_header]: ip = request.headers[ip_header] return (user, ip)
def webhook(): """This method handles the http requests for the Dialogflow webhook This is meant to be used in conjunction with the weather Dialogflow agent """ # request.headers is actually an EnvironHeaders object that can be accessed like a dictionary # Extract the request headers #return environmentVariable['COMPUTERNAME'] res="Undefined" headers = dict(request.headers) # To decode an encoded basic auth string:''' try: encoded_str = headers['Authorization'] username, password = decode(encoded_str) hash = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(password) if username != env['config.username'] and pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, hash): res = "You are not allowed to call this API" return make_response(jsonify({'fulfillmentText': res})) except AttributeError: res = 'illegal operation' return make_response(jsonify({'fulfillmentText': res})) req = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True) try: action = req.get('queryResult').get('action') print('Current action: '+action) except AttributeError: res = 'json error' return make_response(jsonify({'fulfillmentText': res})) if action == 'register-truck': res = registerTruck(req) if action == 'add_user': res = add_user(req) if action == 'search_truck': res = search(req) if action == 'auth': res = auth(req) if action == 'email': res = covadMail(req) else: log.error('Unexpected action.') return make_response(jsonify({'fulfillmentText': res}))
def get(request): username, password = decode(request.headers['Authorization']) account = authenticate(username=username, password=password) prod_list = [] if (account is not None): items = UserCart.objects.all().filter(user=account) for element in items.iterator(): prod_list.append(element.fruit) products = FruitSerializer(prod_list, many=True) return Response({"products":}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) else: return Response(status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
def bind_user(authorization): try: username, password = decode(authorization) username = unicode(username, encoding='utf8') except DecodeError: raise BindForbidden("Wrong authorization header") ret = model.get_user(username) if not ret: raise UserNotFound("%s not found" % username) if pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, ret['hashed_password']): del ret['hashed_password'] return ret else: raise BindForbidden("Authentication failed")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): auth_code = request.headers['authorization'] email, password = decode(auth_code) user_dict = app.db.users.find_one({'email': email}) if user_dict is not None: encoded_pw = password.encode('utf-8') if bcrypt.hashpw( encoded_pw, user_dict['password']) == user_dict['password']: return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return ({'error': 'email or password incorect'}, 401, None) else: return ({'error': 'user does not exist'}, 400, None)
def Login(): headers = request.headers AuthHeader = headers['Authorization'] email, password = decode(AuthHeader) # Validate User user = CryptoUser.query.filter_by(email=email.lower(), password=password.lower()).first() if user is None: return jsonify({"msg": "Correo o Contraseña incorrecta"}), 401 # Create Token delta = relativedelta(minutes=30) access_token = create_access_token(, expires_delta=delta) return jsonify({"token": access_token, "user_id":}), 200
def auth(event, context): user, pwd = decode(event['headers']['Authorization']) if user != config['username'] or pwd != config['password']: raise Exception('Unauthorized') principalId = user tmp = event['methodArn'].split(':') apiGatewayArnTmp = tmp[5].split('/') awsAccountId = tmp[4] policy = AuthPolicy(principalId, awsAccountId) policy.restApiId = apiGatewayArnTmp[0] policy.region = tmp[3] policy.stage = apiGatewayArnTmp[1] policy.allowAllMethods() authResponse = return authResponse
def check_auth_token(headers): token = headers.get('Shorturl-Access-Token') if token is not None: try: user, passwd = decode(token) user_in_db = au_model.User.query.filter_by(username=user).first() if user_in_db is not None: if user_in_db.check_password(passwd): if user_in_db.verified: return True, user return False, user return False, '' except DecodeError as e: logging.error(e) return False, '' else: return False, 'public'
def signin(request): """ Login Module """ body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8') body = json.loads(body_unicode) platform = body['platform'] print platform if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META: return JsonResponse({"details":"Authorization code missing"}, status=401) email, password = decode(request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) print email, password token = generate_hash() user_details = UserDetails.objects.filter(email=email) if len(user_details) == 0: return JsonResponse({'message':'Invalid Email'}, status=401) if user_details[0].password == password: if platform == "android": UserDetails.objects.filter( email=email ).update(android_token=token) if platform == "ios": UserDetails.objects.filter( email=email ).update(ios_token=token) if platform == "desktop": UserDetails.objects.filter( email=email ).update(desktop_token=token) # UserDetails.objects.filter(email=email).update(token=token) get_user_details = UserDetails.objects.filter(email=email) if platform == "android": token_platform = get_user_details[0].android_token if platform == "ios": token_platform = get_user_details[0].ios_token if platform == "desktop": token_platform = get_user_details[0].desktop_token data_to_return = { 'id':get_user_details[0].id, 'name':get_user_details[0].name, 'username':get_user_details[0].username, 'email':get_user_details[0].email, 'access_token':token_platform, } return JsonResponse({'message':'Login Success', 'user':data_to_return}, status=200) else: return JsonResponse({'message':'Incorrect Password'}, status=401)
def authenticate_client_id( self, client_id: str, request: oauthlib.common.Request, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bool: """ Ensure client_id belong to a non-confidential client. A non-confidential client is one that is not required to authenticate through other means, such as using HTTP Basic. Note, while not strictly necessary it can often be very convenient to set request.client to the client object associated with the given client_id. Method is used by: - Authorization Code Grant """ del args, kwargs LOG.debug("authenticate_client_id %s", client_id) from c2cgeoportal_commons.models import DBSession, static # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel params = dict(request.decoded_body) if "client_secret" in params: client_secret = params["client_secret"] elif "Authorization" in request.headers: username, password = basicauth.decode( request.headers["Authorization"]) assert client_id == username client_secret = password else: # Unable to get the client secret return False request.client = (DBSession.query(static.OAuth2Client).filter( static.OAuth2Client.client_id == client_id).filter( static.OAuth2Client.secret == client_secret).one_or_none()) LOG.debug("authenticate_client_id => %s", request.client is not None) return request.client is not None
def process_request(self, req, resp): if req.path in {'/api/ping', '/api/status'}: return True log.debug("authenticator.process_request") try: username, password = basicauth.decode(req.auth) u = self.mapper.user.User.get_by_username(username, application_flag=True) if u: log.debug("checking %s: %s", username, password) log.debug("against %s: %s", password, u.password) user_applications = {a.uid for a in u.applications} if all((self.application_id in user_applications, compare_passwords(password, u.password))): return True except Exception as e: log.debug("Caught an exception during authentication: {}".format(e)) raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized('401 Unauthorized', "Authentication required", ['Basic realm="eContext Authentication"'])
def basicAuth(username, password, hash): #GET USER, PASSWORD print( "################ Uebergabe von Benutzername und Passwort ###############" ) #username, password = "******", "MTB_Admin" encode_str = encode(username, password) print(encode_str) print( "################ Uebergabe von Benutzername und Passwort ###############" ) print( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ) print("################ Uebergabe von Hash ###############") #GET HASH username, password = decode(encode_str) print(username, password) print("################ Uebergabe von Hash ###############")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): auth = request.authorization # Gets the headers in the Authorization JSON auth_code = request.headers['authorization'] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() email, password = decode(auth_code) if email is not None and password is not None: user_collection = app.db.users found_user = user_collection.find_one({"email" : email}) if found_user is not None: encoded_password = password.encode("utf-8") if bcrypt.checkpw(encoded_password, found_user["password"]): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return ({'error' : 'email or password is not correct'}, 401, None) else: return ({'error' : 'email or password is not correct'}, 401, None) else: return ({'error' : 'could not find user in the database'})
def delete(self): # pdb.set_trace() auth_code = request.headers['authorization'] #email_json = auth.username('email') email_json, password = decode(auth_code) if self.is_user_exist(email_json) is True: user_dict = app.db.users.find_one({'email': email_json}) app.db.users.remove(user_dict) return ({ 'delete': 'the user ' + email_json + ' as been deleted' }, 200, None) else: return ({ 'error': 'User with email ' + email_json + " does not exist" }, 404, None)
def api_library_images_push(request): images = json.loads(request.body, encoding=request.charset) repo_id = None repo_id = 'library/'+ request.matchdict['image'] endpoints = request.registry.settings['dockerregistry'] secret = request.registry.settings['secret_passphrase'] username = None password= None if request.authorization: (type, bearer) = request.authorization username, password = decode(bearer) if not valid_user(username, password, request): return HTTPForbidden() if images: existing_repo = request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].find_one({'id': repo_id}) if existing_repo is None: return HTTPNotFound() return {"access": True} else: return Response('',status_code=204)
def post(request): username, password = decode(request.headers['Authorization']) account = authenticate(username=username, password=password) day, month, year = (["today"]).split(".") print(day, month, year) if (account is not None): fruits = Fruit.objects.all() for fruit in fruits.iterator(): exDay, exMonth, exYear = fruit.expire_date.split(".") today = datetime(day=int(day), month=int(month), year=int(year)) exPireDate = datetime(day=int(exDay), month=int(exMonth), year=int(exYear)) if (today >= exPireDate): fruit.isExpired = True print("cool") return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK) else: return Response(status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
def __init__(self, auth=None, basicauth=None, basicauthfile=None): # type: (Optional[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None s = requests.Session() if basicauthfile is not None: if basicauth is not None: raise DownloadError('Both basicauth and basicauthfile supplied!') elif auth is not None: raise DownloadError('Both auth and basicauthfile supplied!') else: basicauth = load_file_to_str(basicauthfile) if basicauth is not None: if auth is None: auth = decode(basicauth) else: raise DownloadError('Both auth and basicauth supplied!') s.auth = auth retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], raise_on_redirect=True, raise_on_status=True) s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100)) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100)) self.session = s self.response = None
def basic_auth(auth_header, api_key_service, user_service): # we expect a basic Authorization header: "Basic base64('api_key,secret_key')" # E.g. auth_header = encode('rdegges', 'omghax!!!') ## => auth_header = 'Basic cmRlZ2dlczpvbWdoYXglMjElMjElMjE=' # E.g. api_key, secret_key = decode(auth_header) ## ==> 'rdegges', 'omghax!!!' api_key_value, secret_key_value = decode(auth_header) api_key_record = api_key_service.get_api_key(api_key_value, False) if not api_key_record: raise DartAuthenticationException( 'DART is unable to authenticate your request, api_key missing or not found. api_key=%s' % api_key_value) user_record = user_service.get_user_by_email(api_key_record.user_id, False) if not user_record: raise DartAuthenticationException( 'DART is unable to authenticate your request, user not found. user_id=%s' % api_key_record.user_id) # Authenticated means: 1. We found the user in the user table, 2. The secret key is matching the one in the api_key table. user_record.is_authenticated = api_key_record.api_secret and (api_key_record.api_secret == secret_key_value) if not user_record.is_authenticated: raise DartAuthenticationException('DART is unable to authenticate your request') return user_record
def get_tile(path): s3key = 'tiles/' + path try: # we cheat with a usual basic-auth header to get the AWS public and secret key # the true authorization will be done via boto3 on AWS api # reminder: # Authorization: Basic $(echo -n aws_key:aws_secret.session_token | base64 --wrap=0) authHeader = request.headers['Authorization'] except AttributeError as e: raise NgmHttpError('Authorization required', status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) except KeyError as e: raise NgmHttpError('Authorization required', status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) try: access_key, tmp = decode(authHeader) aws_secret_key, session_token = tmp.split('.') except Exception as e: raise NgmHttpError("unknown error: {}".format(e), status_code=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return get_file_from_bucket('ngm-dev-authenticated-resources', s3key, access_key, aws_secret_key, session_token)
def verifyuser(): from basicauth import decode response.view = 'generic.json' #return response.toolbar() auth_header = request.env.HTTP_AUTHORIZATION if not auth_header: raise HTTP(400) #bad request body = request.post_vars if not request.env.CONTENT_TYPE == "application/json": raise HTTP(400) # bad request username = body['username'] if 'username' in body else False if not username: raise HTTP(400) #bad request user, apikey = decode(auth_header) #return dict(user = user, apikey=apikey) if user <> 'api': raise HTTP(401) # not authorized tenant = db(db.tenant.apikey == apikey).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() if not tenant: raise HTTP(401) # not authorized #this is a valid request dbuser = db( == username).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() if not dbuser: raise HTTP(404) #user does no exist #send email to user if not auth.email_reset_password(dbuser): raise HTTP(500) ## email not sent return dict(message="email enviado")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): auth = request.authorization print('***********') print(request.authorization) print('***********') auth_code = request.headers['authorization'] email, password = decode(auth_code) if email is not None and password is not None: user = user_collection.find_one({'email': email}) if user is not None: encoded_password = password.encode('utf-8') if bcrypt.checkpw(encoded_password, user['password']): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return ({ 'error': 'email or password is not correct' }, 401, None) else: return ({ 'error': 'could not find user in the database' }, 400, None) else: return ({'error': 'enter both email and password'}, 400, None)
def test_decodes_fully_encoded_strings(self): username, password = '******', 'password' encoded_str = encode(username, password) self.assertEqual((username, password), decode(encoded_str))
def decode_basic_auth_info(request): """Returns a tuple of the username, password from basic auth header. """ auth_string = request.headers['Authorization'] auth_username, auth_password = basicauth.decode(auth_string) return (auth_username, auth_password)
def test_decodes_hashes_only(self): username, password = '******', 'omgawesome!' encoded_str = encode(username, password) encoded_hash = encoded_str.split(' ')[1] self.assertEqual((username, password), decode(encoded_hash))
def get_session( user_agent: Optional[str] = None, user_agent_config_yaml: Optional[str] = None, user_agent_lookup: Optional[str] = None, use_env: bool = True, fail_on_missing_file: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> requests.Session: """Set up and return Session object that is set up with retrying. Requires either global user agent to be set or appropriate user agent parameter(s) to be completed. If the EXTRA_PARAMS or BASIC_AUTH environment variable is supplied, the extra_params* parameters will be ignored. Args: user_agent (Optional[str]): User agent string. HDXPythonUtilities/X.X.X- is prefixed. user_agent_config_yaml (Optional[str]): Path to YAML user agent configuration. Ignored if user_agent supplied. Defaults to ~/.useragent.yml. user_agent_lookup (Optional[str]): Lookup key for YAML. Ignored if user_agent supplied. use_env (bool): Whether to read environment variables. Defaults to True. fail_on_missing_file (bool): Raise an exception if any specified configuration files are missing. Defaults to True. **kwargs: See below auth (Tuple[str, str]): Authorisation information in tuple form (user, pass) OR basic_auth (str): Authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) OR basic_auth_file (str): Path to file containing authorisation information in basic auth string form (Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) extra_params_dict (Dict): Extra parameters to put on end of url as a dictionary OR extra_params_json (str): Path to JSON file containing extra parameters to put on end of url OR extra_params_yaml (str): Path to YAML file containing extra parameters to put on end of url extra_params_lookup (str): Lookup key for parameters. If not given assumes parameters are at root of the dict. headers (Dict): Additional headers to add to request. status_forcelist (iterable): HTTP statuses for which to force retry. Defaults to [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]. allowed_methods (iterable): HTTP methods for which to force retry. Defaults t0 frozenset(['GET']). """ s = requests.Session() ua = kwargs.get("full_agent") if not ua: ua = UserAgent.get(user_agent, user_agent_config_yaml, user_agent_lookup, **kwargs) s.headers["User-Agent"] = ua auths_found = list() headers = kwargs.get("headers") if headers is not None: s.headers.update(headers) if "Authorization" in headers: auths_found.append("headers") extra_params_found = False extra_params_dict = None basic_auth = None if use_env: basic_auth_env = os.getenv("BASIC_AUTH") if basic_auth_env: basic_auth = basic_auth_env auths_found.append("basic_auth environment variable") extra_params = os.getenv("EXTRA_PARAMS") if extra_params: if "=" in extra_params: extra_params_dict = dict() "Loading extra parameters from environment variable") for extra_param in extra_params.split(","): key, value = extra_param.split("=") extra_params_dict[key] = value extra_params_found = True if not extra_params_found: # only do this if extra params env vars not supplied extra_params_dict = kwargs.get("extra_params_dict") if extra_params_dict: extra_params_found = True"Loading extra parameters from dictionary") extra_params_json = kwargs.get("extra_params_json", "") if extra_params_json: if extra_params_found: raise SessionError( "More than one set of extra parameters given!") extra_params_found = True"Loading extra parameters from: {extra_params_json}") try: extra_params_dict = load_json(extra_params_json) except OSError: if fail_on_missing_file: raise extra_params_yaml = kwargs.get("extra_params_yaml", "") if extra_params_yaml: if extra_params_found: raise SessionError( "More than one set of extra parameters given!")"Loading extra parameters from: {extra_params_yaml}") try: extra_params_dict = load_yaml(extra_params_yaml) except OSError: if fail_on_missing_file: raise extra_params_lookup = kwargs.get("extra_params_lookup") if extra_params_lookup and extra_params_dict: extra_params_dict = extra_params_dict.get(extra_params_lookup) if extra_params_dict is None: raise SessionError( f"{extra_params_lookup} does not exist in extra_params!") if extra_params_dict: basic_auth_param = extra_params_dict.get("basic_auth") if basic_auth_param: basic_auth = basic_auth_param auths_found.append("basic_auth parameter") del extra_params_dict["basic_auth"] s.params = extra_params_dict basic_auth_arg = kwargs.get("basic_auth") if basic_auth_arg: basic_auth = basic_auth_arg auths_found.append("basic_auth argument") auth = kwargs.get("auth") if auth: auths_found.append("auth argument") basic_auth_file = kwargs.get("basic_auth_file") if basic_auth_file:"Loading basic auth from: {basic_auth_file}") try: basic_auth = load_file_to_str(basic_auth_file, strip=True) auths_found.append(f"file {basic_auth_file}") except OSError: if fail_on_missing_file: raise if len(auths_found) > 1: auths_found_str = ", ".join(auths_found) raise SessionError( f"More than one authorisation given! ({auths_found_str})") if "headers" not in auths_found: if basic_auth: auth = decode(basic_auth) s.auth = auth status_forcelist = kwargs.get("status_forcelist", [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]) allowed_methods = kwargs.get( "allowed_methods", frozenset(["HEAD", "TRACE", "GET", "PUT", "OPTIONS", "DELETE"]), ) retries = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.4, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, allowed_methods=allowed_methods, raise_on_redirect=True, raise_on_status=True, ) s.mount("file://", FileAdapter()) s.mount( "http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100), ) s.mount( "https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100), ) return s
def _get_username_password(self, token: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Parse base64 string to username and password.""" try: return basicauth.decode(token) except basicauth.DecodeError: raise AuthenticationError(f'Invalid authentication header {token}.')
def test_decodes_empty_username(self): self.assertEqual('', decode(encode('', 'password'))[0])
def test_doesnt_decode_invalid_auth_types(): encoded_str = b'error woot' with raises(DecodeError): decode(encoded_str)
def test_decodes_empty_password(self): self.assertEqual('', decode(encode('username', ''))[1])
def test_properly_escapes_colons(self): username, password = '******', 'pass:word:' encoded_str = encode(username, password) self.assertEqual((username, password), decode(encoded_str))
def api2_token(request): account = None try: account = request.params['account'] except Exception: pass service = request.params['service'] scope = None try: scope = request.params['scope'] except Exception: pass if request.authorization or request.authorization is None: # Login request if request.authorization is None: account = 'anonymous' if account != 'anonymous' and not is_logged(request): (type, bearer) = request.authorization username, password = decode(bearer) if username == 'anonymous': username = account elif not valid_user(username, password, request): logging.error("User authentication failure") return HTTPForbidden() else: username = account secret = None private_key = None passphrase = None if request.registry.settings['private_key_passphrase']: passphrase = request.registry.settings['private_key_passphrase'] with open(request.registry.settings['private_key'], 'r') as content_file: private_key = load_pem_private_key('utf-8'), password=passphrase, backend=default_backend()) pub_key = None pem = None exponent = None modulus = None with open(request.registry.settings['public_key'], 'r') as content_file: pub_key ='utf-8') pub_key = load_pem_x509_certificate(pub_key, backend=default_backend()) pub_key = pub_key.public_key() pem = pub_key.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo) pub_numbers = pub_key.public_numbers() exponent = pub_numbers._e modulus= pub_numbers._n modulus = ('%%0%dx' % (256 << 1) % modulus).decode('hex')[-256:] exponent = ('%%0%dx' % (3 << 1) % exponent).decode('hex')[-3:] der = None with open(request.registry.settings['cacert_der'], 'rb') as content_file: der = access = [] if scope is not None: scope = scope.split(':') type = scope[0] repository = scope[1] actions = scope[2].split(',') allowed_actions = [] for action in actions: if action == 'push' and user_can_push(username, repository, request): allowed_actions.append(action) if action == 'pull' and user_can_pull(username, repository, request): allowed_actions.append(action) request.registry.db_mongo['repository'].update({'id': repository},{"$inc": { "pulls": 1}}) if action == 'manifest' and user_can_pull(username, repository, request): allowed_actions.append('pull') access = [ { "type": type, "name": repository, "actions": allowed_actions } ] claims = {'iss': request.registry.settings['issuer'], 'sub': username, 'aud': service, 'access': access, #'nbf': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'iat': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow()+datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600*24), } token = jwt.encode(claims, private_key, algorithm='RS256', headers={'jwk': {'kty': 'RSA', 'alg': 'RS256', 'n': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(modulus), 'e': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(exponent), 'x5c': [base64.b64encode(der)] }} ) return {'token': token} return HTTPForbidden()
def create_token(data,status): username, password = decode(data) password = + secret).hexdigest() ses = try: res = jwt.decode(session.get(ses),secret,algorithms=['HS256']) data = {"token":session.get(ses)} return response(data=data,code=200,message="Token Not Expired") except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: del session[ses] if(status=='user'): sql = "SELECT id,username FROM users WHERE username='******' AND password='******'" % (username,password) cur = db.query(sql) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() result = { "id":res[0], "username":res[1], "status":"user", "exp": token_expired } elif(status=='admin'): sql = "SELECT id,username FROM admins WHERE username='******' AND password='******'" % (username,password) cur = db.query(sql) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() result = { "id":res[0], "username":res[1], "status":"admin", "exp": token_expired } print 'processing create token' token = jwt.encode(result, secret, algorithm='HS256') session[ses] = token print "token refreshed" data = {"token":token} print "cursor closed token login refresh" time.sleep(0.1) return response(data=data,code=200,message="Token Refreshed") except: try: if(status=='user'): sql = "SELECT id,username FROM users WHERE username='******' AND password='******'" % (username,password) cur = db.query(sql) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() result = { "id":res[0], "username":res[1], "status":"user", "exp": token_expired } elif(status=='admin'): sql = "SELECT id,username FROM admins WHERE username='******' AND password='******'" % (username,password) cur = db.query(sql) res = cur.fetchone() cur.close() result = { "id":res[0], "username":res[1], "status":"admin", "exp": token_expired } print 'processing create token' token = jwt.encode(result, secret, algorithm='HS256') session[ses] = token print "token created" #db.commit() data = {"token":token} # cur.close() print "cursor closed token login login" time.sleep(0.1) return response(data=data,code=200,message="Login Success") #cur.close() #db.close() except: #cur.close() #print "cursor closed token login failed" return response(code=403,message="Login Failed")