コード例 #1
class SingleImageDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Read only lq images in the test phase.

    Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc).

    There are two modes:
    1. 'meta_info_file': Use meta information file to generate paths.
    2. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(SingleImageDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
        self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None
        self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_lq']
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq']
            self.paths = single_paths_from_lmdb([self.lq_folder], ['lq'])
        elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt and self.opt[
                'meta_info_file'] is not None:
            with open(self.opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
                self.paths = [
                             line.split(' ')[0]) for line in fin
            self.paths = [
                osp.join(self.lq_folder, v)
                for v in mmcv.scandir(self.lq_folder)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
        img_lq = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.

        # TODO: color space transform
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_lq = totensor(img_lq, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
        # normalize
        if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
            normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
        return {'lq': img_lq, 'lq_path': lq_path}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #2
class FFHQDataset(data.Dataset):
    """FFHQ dataset for StyleGAN.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            mean (list | tuple): Image mean.
            std (list | tuple): Image std.
            use_hflip (bool): Whether to horizontally flip.

    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(FFHQDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']

        self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']
        self.mean = opt['mean']
        self.std = opt['std']

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = self.gt_folder
            if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
                raise ValueError("'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', "
                                 f'but received {self.gt_folder}')
            with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
                self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
            # FFHQ has 70000 images in total
            self.paths = [
                osp.join(self.gt_folder, f'{v:08d}.png') for v in range(70000)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        # load gt image
        gt_path = self.paths[index]
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path)
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # random horizontal flip
        img_gt = augment(img_gt, hflip=self.opt['use_hflip'], rotation=False)
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt = img2tensor(img_gt, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
        # normalize
        normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
        return {'gt': img_gt, 'gt_path': gt_path}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #3
class REDSDataset(data.Dataset):
    """REDS dataset for training.

    The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.

    Each line contains:
    1. subfolder (clip) name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, seperated by
    a white space.
    000 100 (720,1280,3)
    001 100 (720,1280,3)

    Key examples: "000/00000000"
    GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
    LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.

        opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            dataroot_flow (str, optional): Data root path for flow.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            val_partition (str): Validation partition types. 'REDS4' or
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.

            num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            interval_list (list): Interval list for temporal augmentation.
            random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(REDSDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(
        self.flow_root = Path(
            opt['dataroot_flow']) if opt['dataroot_flow'] is not None else None
        assert opt['num_frame'] % 2 == 1, (
            f'num_frame should be odd number, but got {opt["num_frame"]}')
        self.num_frame = opt['num_frame']
        self.num_half_frames = opt['num_frame'] // 2

        self.keys = []
        with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
            for line in fin:
                folder, frame_num, _ = line.split(' ')
                    [f'{folder}/{i:08d}' for i in range(int(frame_num))])

        # remove the video clips used in validation
        if opt['val_partition'] == 'REDS4':
            val_partition = ['000', '011', '015', '020']
        elif opt['val_partition'] == 'official':
            val_partition = [f'{v:03d}' for v in range(240, 270)]
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong validation partition {opt["val_partition"]}.'
                f"Supported ones are ['official', 'REDS4'].")
        self.keys = [
            v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] not in val_partition

        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.is_lmdb = False
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.is_lmdb = True
            if self.flow_root is not None:
                self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [
                    self.lq_root, self.gt_root, self.flow_root
                self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt', 'flow']
                self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
                self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']

        # temporal augmentation configs
        self.interval_list = opt['interval_list']
        self.random_reverse = opt['random_reverse']
        interval_str = ','.join(str(x) for x in opt['interval_list'])
        logger = get_root_logger()
        logger.info(f'Temporal augmentation interval list: [{interval_str}]; '
                    f'random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
        key = self.keys[index]
        clip_name, frame_name = key.split('/')  # key example: 000/00000000
        center_frame_idx = int(frame_name)

        # determine the neighboring frames
        interval = random.choice(self.interval_list)

        # ensure not exceeding the borders
        start_frame_idx = center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval
        end_frame_idx = center_frame_idx + self.num_half_frames * interval
        # each clip has 100 frames starting from 0 to 99
        while (start_frame_idx < 0) or (end_frame_idx > 99):
            center_frame_idx = random.randint(0, 99)
            start_frame_idx = (center_frame_idx -
                               self.num_half_frames * interval)
            end_frame_idx = center_frame_idx + self.num_half_frames * interval
        frame_name = f'{center_frame_idx:08d}'
        neighbor_list = list(
            range(center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval,
                  center_frame_idx + self.num_half_frames * interval + 1,
        # random reverse
        if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        assert len(neighbor_list) == self.num_frame, (
            f'Wrong length of neighbor list: {len(neighbor_list)}')

        # get the GT frame (as the center frame)
        if self.is_lmdb:
            img_gt_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}'
            img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip_name / f'{frame_name}.png'
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # get the neighboring LQ frames
        img_lqs = []
        for neighbor in neighbor_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_lq_path = f'{clip_name}/{neighbor:08d}'
                img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip_name / f'{neighbor:08d}.png'
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
            img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # get flows
        if self.flow_root is not None:
            img_flows = []
            # read previous flows
            for i in range(self.num_half_frames, 0, -1):
                if self.is_lmdb:
                    flow_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}_p{i}'
                    flow_path = (self.flow_root / clip_name /
                img_bytes = self.file_client.get(flow_path, 'flow')
                cat_flow = imfrombytes(img_bytes,
                                       float32=False)  # uint8, [0, 255]
                dx, dy = np.split(cat_flow, 2, axis=0)
                flow = dequantize_flow(dx, dy, max_val=20,
                                       denorm=False)  # we use max_val 20 here.
            # read next flows
            for i in range(1, self.num_half_frames + 1):
                if self.is_lmdb:
                    flow_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame_name}_n{i}'
                    flow_path = (self.flow_root / clip_name /
                img_bytes = self.file_client.get(flow_path, 'flow')
                cat_flow = imfrombytes(img_bytes,
                                       float32=False)  # uint8, [0, 255]
                dx, dy = np.split(cat_flow, 2, axis=0)
                flow = dequantize_flow(dx, dy, max_val=20,
                                       denorm=False)  # we use max_val 20 here.

            # for random crop, here, img_flows and img_lqs have the same
            # spatial size

        # randomly crop
        img_gt, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lqs, gt_size, scale,
        if self.flow_root is not None:
            img_lqs, img_flows = img_lqs[:self.num_frame], img_lqs[self.

        # augmentation - flip, rotate
        if self.flow_root is not None:
            img_results, img_flows = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],
                                             self.opt['use_rot'], img_flows)
            img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],

        img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
        img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[0:-1], dim=0)
        img_gt = img_results[-1]

        if self.flow_root is not None:
            img_flows = img2tensor(img_flows)
            # add the zero center flow
            img_flows = torch.stack(img_flows, dim=0)

        # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
        # img_flows: (t, 2, h, w)
        # img_gt: (c, h, w)
        # key: str
        if self.flow_root is not None:
            return {'lq': img_lqs, 'flow': img_flows, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}
            return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)
コード例 #4
class REDSRecurrentDataset(data.Dataset):
    """REDS recurrent dataset for training.

    The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.

    Each line contains:
    1. subfolder (clip) name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, seperated by
    a white space.
    000 100 (720,1280,3)
    001 100 (720,1280,3)

    Key examples: "000/00000000"
    GT (gt): Ground-Truth, length is equal to LQ;
    LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.

        opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            val_partition (str): Validation partition types. 'REDS4' or
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.

            num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            interval_list (list): Interval list for temporal augmentation.
            random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.

    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(REDSRecurrentDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(
        self.is_train = opt.get('is_train', False)
        self.num_frame = opt['num_frame']
        self.num_half_frames = opt['num_frame'] // 2
        self.keys = []

        if self.is_train:
            with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
                for line in fin:
                    folder, frame_num, _ = line.split(' ')
                        [f'{folder}/{i:08d}' for i in range(int(frame_num))])
            with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
                for line in fin:
                    folder, frame_num, _ = line.split(' ')
                    frame_num = int(frame_num)
                    assert int(frame_num) % opt['num_frame'] == 0, (
                        f'frame_num of "{folder}" is not divided by '
                        f'{folder}/{i:08d}' for i in range(
                            self.num_half_frames, 100, self.num_frame)

        # remove the video clips used in validation
        if opt['val_partition'] == 'REDS4':
            val_partition = ['000', '011', '015', '020']
        elif opt['val_partition'] == 'official':
            val_partition = [f'{v:03d}' for v in range(240, 270)]
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong validation partition {opt["val_partition"]}.'
                f"Supported ones are ['official', 'REDS4'].")
        if self.is_train:
            self.keys = [
                v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] not in val_partition
            self.keys = [
                v for v in self.keys if v.split('/')[0] in val_partition

        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.is_lmdb = False
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.is_lmdb = True
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']

        # temporal augmentation configs
        self.interval_list = opt['interval_list']
        self.random_reverse = opt['random_reverse']
        interval_str = ','.join(str(x) for x in opt['interval_list'])
        logger = get_root_logger()
        logger.info(f'Temporal augmentation interval list: [{interval_str}]; '
                    f'random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(
                self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        gt_size = self.opt.get('gt_size', None)
        key = self.keys[index]
        clip_name, frame_name = key.split('/')  # key example: 000/00000000
        center_frame_idx = int(frame_name)

        # determine the frameing frames
        interval = random.choice(self.interval_list)

        # ensure not exceeding the borders
        start_frame_idx = center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval
        end_frame_idx = start_frame_idx + (self.num_frame - 1) * interval
        # each clip has 100 frames starting from 0 to 99
        while (start_frame_idx < 0) or (end_frame_idx > 99):
            center_frame_idx = random.randint(
                                    self.num_half_frames * interval, 
                                    99 - self.num_half_frames *interval)
            start_frame_idx = (center_frame_idx - self.num_half_frames * interval)
            end_frame_idx = start_frame_idx + (self.num_frame - 1) * interval
        frame_name = f'{center_frame_idx:08d}'
        frame_list = list(
            range(start_frame_idx, end_frame_idx + 1, interval))
        # random reverse
        if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        assert len(frame_list) == self.num_frame, (
            f'Wrong length of frame list: {len(frame_list)}')

        # get the GT frame (as the center frame)
        img_gts = []
        for frame in frame_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_gt_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame:08d}'
                img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip_name / f'{frame:08d}.png'
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
            img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # get the LQ frames
        img_lqs = []
        for frame in frame_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_lq_path = f'{clip_name}/{frame:08d}'
                img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip_name / f'{frame:08d}.png'
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
            img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # randomly crop
        if self.is_train:
            img_gts, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gts, img_lqs, gt_size,
                                                  scale, clip_name)

        # augmentation - flip, rotate
        if self.is_train:
            img_lqs = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],

        img_results = img2tensor(img_lqs)
        img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[:self.num_frame], dim=0)
        img_gts = torch.stack(img_results[self.num_frame:], dim=0)

        # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
        # img_gt: (t, c, h, w)
        # key: str
        return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gts, 'key': key, 'frame_list': frame_list}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)
コード例 #5
class PairedImageWTDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Paired image dataset for image restoration.

    Read WT (Wavelet Transformed (3 times in total from 256x256), and GT image pairs.

    There are three modes:
    1. 'lmdb': Use lmdb files.
        If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
    2. 'meta_info_file': Use meta information file to generate paths.
        If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info_file'] is not None.
    3. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.
        The rest.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the
                template excludes the file extension. Default: '{}'.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
            phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(PairedImageWTDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']

        self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
        if 'filename_tmpl' in opt:
            self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl']
            self.filename_tmpl = '{}'

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
        elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt and self.opt[
                'meta_info_file'] is not None:
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],
                self.opt['meta_info_file'], self.filename_tmpl)
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        scale = self.opt['scale']

        # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
        # image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.
        img_gt_h = img_gt.shape[0]
        img_gt_w = img_gt.shape[1]

        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
        img_lq = np.copy(np.frombuffer(img_bytes, dtype='float32')).reshape(
            img_gt_h // scale, img_gt_w // scale, -1)

        # No augmentation for training
        # if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
        #     gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
        #     # random crop
        #     img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale,
        #                                         gt_path)
        #     # flip, rotation
        #     img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_flip'],
        #                              self.opt['use_rot'])

        # TODO: color space transform
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt, img_lq = totensor([img_gt, img_lq], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)

        return {
            'lq': img_lq,
            'gt': img_gt,
            'lq_path': lq_path,
            'gt_path': gt_path

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #6
class FFHQDataset(data.Dataset):
    """FFHQ dataset for StyleGAN.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            mean (list | tuple): Image mean.
            std (list | tuple): Image std.
            use_hflip (bool): Whether to horizontally flip.


    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(FFHQDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']

        self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']
        self.mean = opt['mean']
        self.std = opt['std']

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = self.gt_folder
            if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
                raise ValueError("'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}")
            with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
                self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
            # FFHQ has 70000 images in total
            self.paths = [osp.join(self.gt_folder, f'{v:08d}.png') for v in range(70000)]

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)

        # load gt image
        gt_path = self.paths[index]
        # avoid errors caused by high latency in reading files
        retry = 3
        while retry > 0:
                img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path)
            except Exception as e:
                logger = get_root_logger()
                logger.warning(f'File client error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
                # change another file to read
                index = random.randint(0, self.__len__())
                gt_path = self.paths[index]
                time.sleep(1)  # sleep 1s for occasional server congestion
                retry -= 1
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # random horizontal flip
        img_gt = augment(img_gt, hflip=self.opt['use_hflip'], rotation=False)
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt = img2tensor(img_gt, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
        # normalize
        normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
        return {'gt': img_gt, 'gt_path': gt_path}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #7
class Vimeo90KDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Vimeo90K dataset for training.

    The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.

    Each line contains:
    1. clip name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, seperated by a white space.
        00001/0001 7 (256,448,3)
        00001/0002 7 (256,448,3)

    Key examples: "00001/0001"
    GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
    LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.

    The neighboring frame list for different num_frame:
    num_frame | frame list
             1 | 4
             3 | 3,4,5
             5 | 2,3,4,5,6
             7 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

        opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.

            num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Vimeo90KDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(

        with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
            self.keys = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin]

        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.is_lmdb = False
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.is_lmdb = True
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']

        # indices of input images
        self.neighbor_list = [
            i + (9 - opt['num_frame']) // 2 for i in range(opt['num_frame'])

        # temporal augmentation configs
        self.random_reverse = False
        logger = get_root_logger()
        logger.info(f'Random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        # random reverse
        if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
        key = self.keys[index]
        clip, seq = key.split('/')  # key example: 00001/0001

        # get the GT frame (im4.png)
        if self.is_lmdb:
            img_gt_path = f'{key}/im4'
            img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip / seq / 'im4.png'
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.

        # get the neighboring LQ frames
        img_lqs = []
        for neighbor in self.neighbor_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_lq_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
                img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
            img_lq = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.

        # randomly crop
        img_gt, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lqs, gt_size, scale,

        # augmentation - flip, rotate
        img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],

        img_results = totensor(img_results)
        img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[0:-1], dim=0)
        img_gt = img_results[-1]

        # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
        # img_gt: (c, h, w)
        # key: str
            flow_path = f'{img_gt_path}'[:-7] + 'flow_160.npy'
            flow = np.load(flow_path, allow_pickle=True)
            flow_path = f'{img_gt_path}'[:-7] + 'flow.npy'
            flow = np.load(flow_path, allow_pickle=True)
        flow = flow / 2.0
        flow = np.transpose(flow, [0, 3, 1, 2])  #7 2 448 448
        # print('flow: ', flow.shape)

        # reverse 38.10
        # tmp = flow[:, 0, :, :]
        # flow[:, 0, :, :] = flow[:, 1, :, :]
        # flow[:, 1, :, :] = tmp
        ### get 18
        #         ztm = np.load(path_flow,allow_pickle=True)
        #         result_7 = []
        #         for test in ztm:
        #             test = np.transpose(test, [2,1,0])
        #             width = test.shape[1]
        #             height = test.shape[2]
        #             ndarray=np.pad(test,((0,0),(1,1),(1,1)),'constant', constant_values=0)
        #             result=[]
        #             for i in range(0,3):
        #                 for j in range(0,3):
        #                     result.append(ndarray[:,i:i+448,j:j+448])

        #             result = np.array(result).reshape(18,448,448)
        #             #result = np.repeat(result,8,axis=0)
        #             result_7.append(np.array(result))
        #         save_path = path_flow.replace('flow.npy','flow_7.npy')
        #         np.save(save_path,np.array(result_7))
        ### get18
        #return np.array(result_7)
        return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key, 'flow': flow}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)
コード例 #8
class RealESRGANDataset(data.Dataset):
    Dataset used for Real-ESRGAN model.

    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(RealESRGANDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['gt']
            if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
                raise ValueError(f"'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}")
            with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
                self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
            with open(self.opt['meta_info']) as fin:
                paths = [line.strip() for line in fin]
                self.paths = [os.path.join(self.gt_folder, v) for v in paths]

        # blur settings for the first degradation
        self.blur_kernel_size = opt['blur_kernel_size']
        self.kernel_list = opt['kernel_list']
        self.kernel_prob = opt['kernel_prob']
        self.blur_sigma = opt['blur_sigma']
        self.betag_range = opt['betag_range']
        self.betap_range = opt['betap_range']
        self.sinc_prob = opt['sinc_prob']

        # blur settings for the second degradation
        self.blur_kernel_size2 = opt['blur_kernel_size2']
        self.kernel_list2 = opt['kernel_list2']
        self.kernel_prob2 = opt['kernel_prob2']
        self.blur_sigma2 = opt['blur_sigma2']
        self.betag_range2 = opt['betag_range2']
        self.betap_range2 = opt['betap_range2']
        self.sinc_prob2 = opt['sinc_prob2']

        # a final sinc filter
        self.final_sinc_prob = opt['final_sinc_prob']

        self.kernel_range = [2 * v + 1 for v in range(3, 11)]  # kernel size ranges from 7 to 21
        self.pulse_tensor = torch.zeros(21, 21).float()  # convolving with pulse tensor brings no blurry effect
        self.pulse_tensor[10, 10] = 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)

        # -------------------------------- Load gt images -------------------------------- #
        # Shape: (h, w, c); channel order: BGR; image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]
        # avoid errors caused by high latency in reading files
        retry = 3
        while retry > 0:
                img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
            except Exception as e:
                logger = get_root_logger()
                logger.warn(f'File client error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
                # change another file to read
                index = random.randint(0, self.__len__())
                gt_path = self.paths[index]
                time.sleep(1)  # sleep 1s for occasional server congestion
                retry -= 1
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # -------------------- augmentation for training: flip, rotation -------------------- #
        img_gt = augment(img_gt, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])

        # crop or pad to 400: 400 is hard-coded. You may change it accordingly
        h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
        crop_pad_size = 400
        # pad
        if h < crop_pad_size or w < crop_pad_size:
            pad_h = max(0, crop_pad_size - h)
            pad_w = max(0, crop_pad_size - w)
            img_gt = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img_gt, 0, pad_h, 0, pad_w, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101)
        # crop
        if img_gt.shape[0] > crop_pad_size or img_gt.shape[1] > crop_pad_size:
            h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
            # randomly choose top and left coordinates
            top = random.randint(0, h - crop_pad_size)
            left = random.randint(0, w - crop_pad_size)
            img_gt = img_gt[top:top + crop_pad_size, left:left + crop_pad_size, ...]

        # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the first degradation) ------------------------ #
        kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob']:
            # this sinc filter setting is for kernels ranging from [7, 21]
            if kernel_size < 13:
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
            kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
            kernel = random_mixed_kernels(
                self.blur_sigma, [-math.pi, math.pi],
        # pad kernel
        pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
        kernel = np.pad(kernel, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))

        # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the second degradation) ------------------------ #
        kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob2']:
            if kernel_size < 13:
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
            kernel2 = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
            kernel2 = random_mixed_kernels(
                self.blur_sigma2, [-math.pi, math.pi],

        # pad kernel
        pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
        kernel2 = np.pad(kernel2, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))

        # ------------------------------------- sinc kernel ------------------------------------- #
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['final_sinc_prob']:
            kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
            omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
            sinc_kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=21)
            sinc_kernel = torch.FloatTensor(sinc_kernel)
            sinc_kernel = self.pulse_tensor

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt = img2tensor([img_gt], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)[0]
        kernel = torch.FloatTensor(kernel)
        kernel2 = torch.FloatTensor(kernel2)

        return_d = {'gt': img_gt, 'kernel1': kernel, 'kernel2': kernel2, 'sinc_kernel': sinc_kernel, 'gt_path': gt_path}
        return return_d

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #9
class FFHQDegradationDataset(data.Dataset):
    """FFHQ dataset for GFPGAN.

    It reads high resolution images, and then generate low-quality (LQ) images on-the-fly.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            mean (list | tuple): Image mean.
            std (list | tuple): Image std.
            use_hflip (bool): Whether to horizontally flip.
            Please see more options in the codes.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(FFHQDegradationDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']

        self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']
        self.mean = opt['mean']
        self.std = opt['std']
        self.out_size = opt['out_size']

        self.crop_components = opt.get('crop_components',
                                       False)  # facial components
        self.eye_enlarge_ratio = opt.get('eye_enlarge_ratio',
                                         1)  # whether enlarge eye regions

        if self.crop_components:
            # load component list from a pre-process pth files
            self.components_list = torch.load(opt.get('component_path'))

        # file client (lmdb io backend)
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = self.gt_folder
            if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}"
            with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
                self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
            # disk backend: scan file list from a folder
            self.paths = paths_from_folder(self.gt_folder)

        # degradation configurations
        self.blur_kernel_size = opt['blur_kernel_size']
        self.kernel_list = opt['kernel_list']
        self.kernel_prob = opt['kernel_prob']
        self.blur_sigma = opt['blur_sigma']
        self.downsample_range = opt['downsample_range']
        self.noise_range = opt['noise_range']
        self.jpeg_range = opt['jpeg_range']

        # color jitter
        self.color_jitter_prob = opt.get('color_jitter_prob')
        self.color_jitter_pt_prob = opt.get('color_jitter_pt_prob')
        self.color_jitter_shift = opt.get('color_jitter_shift', 20)
        # to gray
        self.gray_prob = opt.get('gray_prob')

        logger = get_root_logger()
            f'Blur: blur_kernel_size {self.blur_kernel_size}, sigma: [{", ".join(map(str, self.blur_sigma))}]'
            f'Downsample: downsample_range [{", ".join(map(str, self.downsample_range))}]'
        logger.info(f'Noise: [{", ".join(map(str, self.noise_range))}]')
            f'JPEG compression: [{", ".join(map(str, self.jpeg_range))}]')

        if self.color_jitter_prob is not None:
                f'Use random color jitter. Prob: {self.color_jitter_prob}, shift: {self.color_jitter_shift}'
        if self.gray_prob is not None:
            logger.info(f'Use random gray. Prob: {self.gray_prob}')
        self.color_jitter_shift /= 255.

    def color_jitter(img, shift):
        """jitter color: randomly jitter the RGB values, in numpy formats"""
        jitter_val = np.random.uniform(-shift, shift, 3).astype(np.float32)
        img = img + jitter_val
        img = np.clip(img, 0, 1)
        return img

    def color_jitter_pt(img, brightness, contrast, saturation, hue):
        """jitter color: randomly jitter the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue, in torch Tensor formats"""
        fn_idx = torch.randperm(4)
        for fn_id in fn_idx:
            if fn_id == 0 and brightness is not None:
                brightness_factor = torch.tensor(1.0).uniform_(
                    brightness[0], brightness[1]).item()
                img = adjust_brightness(img, brightness_factor)

            if fn_id == 1 and contrast is not None:
                contrast_factor = torch.tensor(1.0).uniform_(
                    contrast[0], contrast[1]).item()
                img = adjust_contrast(img, contrast_factor)

            if fn_id == 2 and saturation is not None:
                saturation_factor = torch.tensor(1.0).uniform_(
                    saturation[0], saturation[1]).item()
                img = adjust_saturation(img, saturation_factor)

            if fn_id == 3 and hue is not None:
                hue_factor = torch.tensor(1.0).uniform_(hue[0], hue[1]).item()
                img = adjust_hue(img, hue_factor)
        return img

    def get_component_coordinates(self, index, status):
        """Get facial component (left_eye, right_eye, mouth) coordinates from a pre-loaded pth file"""
        components_bbox = self.components_list[f'{index:08d}']
        if status[0]:  # hflip
            # exchange right and left eye
            tmp = components_bbox['left_eye']
            components_bbox['left_eye'] = components_bbox['right_eye']
            components_bbox['right_eye'] = tmp
            # modify the width coordinate
                0] = self.out_size - components_bbox['left_eye'][0]
                0] = self.out_size - components_bbox['right_eye'][0]
                0] = self.out_size - components_bbox['mouth'][0]

        # get coordinates
        locations = []
        for part in ['left_eye', 'right_eye', 'mouth']:
            mean = components_bbox[part][0:2]
            half_len = components_bbox[part][2]
            if 'eye' in part:
                half_len *= self.eye_enlarge_ratio
            loc = np.hstack((mean - half_len + 1, mean + half_len))
            loc = torch.from_numpy(loc).float()
        return locations

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        # load gt image
        # Shape: (h, w, c); channel order: BGR; image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path)
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # random horizontal flip
        img_gt, status = augment(img_gt,
        h, w, _ = img_gt.shape

        # get facial component coordinates
        if self.crop_components:
            locations = self.get_component_coordinates(index, status)
            loc_left_eye, loc_right_eye, loc_mouth = locations

        # ------------------------ generate lq image ------------------------ #
        # blur
        kernel = degradations.random_mixed_kernels(self.kernel_list,
                                                   [-math.pi, math.pi],
        img_lq = cv2.filter2D(img_gt, -1, kernel)
        # downsample
        scale = np.random.uniform(self.downsample_range[0],
        img_lq = cv2.resize(img_lq, (int(w // scale), int(h // scale)),
        # noise
        if self.noise_range is not None:
            img_lq = degradations.random_add_gaussian_noise(
                img_lq, self.noise_range)
        # jpeg compression
        if self.jpeg_range is not None:
            img_lq = degradations.random_add_jpg_compression(
                img_lq, self.jpeg_range)

        # resize to original size
        img_lq = cv2.resize(img_lq, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

        # random color jitter (only for lq)
        if self.color_jitter_prob is not None and (np.random.uniform() <
            img_lq = self.color_jitter(img_lq, self.color_jitter_shift)
        # random to gray (only for lq)
        if self.gray_prob and np.random.uniform() < self.gray_prob:
            img_lq = cv2.cvtColor(img_lq, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            img_lq = np.tile(img_lq[:, :, None], [1, 1, 3])
            if self.opt.get('gt_gray'):  # whether convert GT to gray images
                img_gt = cv2.cvtColor(img_gt, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                img_gt = np.tile(img_gt[:, :, None],
                                 [1, 1, 3])  # repeat the color channels

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq],

        # random color jitter (pytorch version) (only for lq)
        if self.color_jitter_pt_prob is not None and (
                np.random.uniform() < self.color_jitter_pt_prob):
            brightness = self.opt.get('brightness', (0.5, 1.5))
            contrast = self.opt.get('contrast', (0.5, 1.5))
            saturation = self.opt.get('saturation', (0, 1.5))
            hue = self.opt.get('hue', (-0.1, 0.1))
            img_lq = self.color_jitter_pt(img_lq, brightness, contrast,
                                          saturation, hue)

        # round and clip
        img_lq = torch.clamp((img_lq * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.

        # normalize
        normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
        normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)

        if self.crop_components:
            return_dict = {
                'lq': img_lq,
                'gt': img_gt,
                'gt_path': gt_path,
                'loc_left_eye': loc_left_eye,
                'loc_right_eye': loc_right_eye,
                'loc_mouth': loc_mouth
            return return_dict
            return {'lq': img_lq, 'gt': img_gt, 'gt_path': gt_path}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #10
class RealESRGANDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Dataset used for Real-ESRGAN model:
    Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data.

    It loads gt (Ground-Truth) images, and augments them.
    It also generates blur kernels and sinc kernels for generating low-quality images.
    Note that the low-quality images are processed in tensors on GPUS for faster processing.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            meta_info (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h and w for implementation).
            Please see more options in the codes.

    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(RealESRGANDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.gt_folder = opt['dataroot_gt']

        # file client (lmdb io backend)
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['gt']
            if not self.gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb'):
                raise ValueError(f"'dataroot_gt' should end with '.lmdb', but received {self.gt_folder}")
            with open(osp.join(self.gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin:
                self.paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin]
            # disk backend with meta_info
            # Each line in the meta_info describes the relative path to an image
            with open(self.opt['meta_info']) as fin:
                paths = [line.strip().split(' ')[0] for line in fin]
                self.paths = [os.path.join(self.gt_folder, v) for v in paths]

        # blur settings for the first degradation
        self.blur_kernel_size = opt['blur_kernel_size']
        self.kernel_list = opt['kernel_list']
        self.kernel_prob = opt['kernel_prob']  # a list for each kernel probability
        self.blur_sigma = opt['blur_sigma']
        self.betag_range = opt['betag_range']  # betag used in generalized Gaussian blur kernels
        self.betap_range = opt['betap_range']  # betap used in plateau blur kernels
        self.sinc_prob = opt['sinc_prob']  # the probability for sinc filters

        # blur settings for the second degradation
        self.blur_kernel_size2 = opt['blur_kernel_size2']
        self.kernel_list2 = opt['kernel_list2']
        self.kernel_prob2 = opt['kernel_prob2']
        self.blur_sigma2 = opt['blur_sigma2']
        self.betag_range2 = opt['betag_range2']
        self.betap_range2 = opt['betap_range2']
        self.sinc_prob2 = opt['sinc_prob2']

        # a final sinc filter
        self.final_sinc_prob = opt['final_sinc_prob']

        self.kernel_range = [2 * v + 1 for v in range(3, 11)]  # kernel size ranges from 7 to 21
        # TODO: kernel range is now hard-coded, should be in the configure file
        self.pulse_tensor = torch.zeros(21, 21).float()  # convolving with pulse tensor brings no blurry effect
        self.pulse_tensor[10, 10] = 1

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)

        # -------------------------------- Load gt images -------------------------------- #
        # Shape: (h, w, c); channel order: BGR; image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]
        # avoid errors caused by high latency in reading files
        retry = 3
        while retry > 0:
                img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                logger = get_root_logger()
                logger.warn(f'File client error: {e}, remaining retry times: {retry - 1}')
                # change another file to read
                index = random.randint(0, self.__len__())
                gt_path = self.paths[index]
                time.sleep(1)  # sleep 1s for occasional server congestion
                retry -= 1
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # -------------------- Do augmentation for training: flip, rotation -------------------- #
        img_gt = augment(img_gt, self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])

        # crop or pad to 400
        # TODO: 400 is hard-coded. You may change it accordingly
        h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
        crop_pad_size = 400
        # pad
        if h < crop_pad_size or w < crop_pad_size:
            pad_h = max(0, crop_pad_size - h)
            pad_w = max(0, crop_pad_size - w)
            img_gt = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img_gt, 0, pad_h, 0, pad_w, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101)
        # crop
        if img_gt.shape[0] > crop_pad_size or img_gt.shape[1] > crop_pad_size:
            h, w = img_gt.shape[0:2]
            # randomly choose top and left coordinates
            top = random.randint(0, h - crop_pad_size)
            left = random.randint(0, w - crop_pad_size)
            img_gt = img_gt[top:top + crop_pad_size, left:left + crop_pad_size, ...]

        # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the first degradation) ------------------------ #
        kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob']:
            # this sinc filter setting is for kernels ranging from [7, 21]
            if kernel_size < 13:
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
            kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
            kernel = random_mixed_kernels(
                self.blur_sigma, [-math.pi, math.pi],
        # pad kernel
        pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
        kernel = np.pad(kernel, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))

        # ------------------------ Generate kernels (used in the second degradation) ------------------------ #
        kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['sinc_prob2']:
            if kernel_size < 13:
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
                omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 5, np.pi)
            kernel2 = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=False)
            kernel2 = random_mixed_kernels(
                self.blur_sigma2, [-math.pi, math.pi],

        # pad kernel
        pad_size = (21 - kernel_size) // 2
        kernel2 = np.pad(kernel2, ((pad_size, pad_size), (pad_size, pad_size)))

        # ------------------------------------- the final sinc kernel ------------------------------------- #
        if np.random.uniform() < self.opt['final_sinc_prob']:
            kernel_size = random.choice(self.kernel_range)
            omega_c = np.random.uniform(np.pi / 3, np.pi)
            sinc_kernel = circular_lowpass_kernel(omega_c, kernel_size, pad_to=21)
            sinc_kernel = torch.FloatTensor(sinc_kernel)
            sinc_kernel = self.pulse_tensor

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt = img2tensor([img_gt], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)[0]
        kernel = torch.FloatTensor(kernel)
        kernel2 = torch.FloatTensor(kernel2)

        return_d = {'gt': img_gt, 'kernel1': kernel, 'kernel2': kernel2, 'sinc_kernel': sinc_kernel, 'gt_path': gt_path}
        return return_d

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #11
class Vimeo90KRecurrentDataset(Vimeo90KDataset):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Vimeo90KRecurrentDataset, self).__init__(opt)

        self.flip_sequence = opt['flip_sequence']
        self.neighbor_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        # random reverse
        if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
        key = self.keys[index]
        clip, seq = key.split('/')  # key example: 00001/0001

        # get the neighboring LQ and  GT frames
        img_lqs = []
        img_gts = []
        for neighbor in self.neighbor_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_lq_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
                img_gt_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
                img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
                img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
            # LQ
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
            img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
            # GT
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
            img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)


        # randomly crop
        img_gts, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gts, img_lqs, gt_size, scale,

        # augmentation - flip, rotate
        img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],

        img_results = img2tensor(img_results)
        img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[:7], dim=0)
        img_gts = torch.stack(img_results[7:], dim=0)

        if self.flip_sequence:  # flip the sequence: 7 frames to 14 frames
            img_lqs = torch.cat([img_lqs, img_lqs.flip(0)], dim=0)
            img_gts = torch.cat([img_gts, img_gts.flip(0)], dim=0)

        # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
        # img_gt: (c, h, w)
        # key: str
        return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gts, 'key': key}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)
コード例 #12
class PairedImgPSFNpyDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Paired image dataset with its corresponding PSF.

    Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc)
    and GT image pairs.

    There are three modes:
    1. 'lmdb': Use lmdb files.
        If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
    2. 'meta_info_file': Use meta information file to generate paths.
        If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info_file'] is not None.
    3. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.
        The rest.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the
                template excludes the file extension. Default: '{}'.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal and vertical flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use transposing h and w for

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
            phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        if 'filename_tmpl' in opt:
            self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl']
            self.filename_tmpl = '{}'

        self.paths = []
        for folder_name, folder_opt in opt['folders'].items():
            assert folder_opt['meta_info_file'] is not None, (
                'Only support loading image\
                        and PSF by meta info file.')
            gt_folder, lq_folder = folder_opt['dataroot_gt'], folder_opt[

            self.paths += paired_paths_PSF_from_meta_info_file(
                [lq_folder, gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],
                folder_opt['meta_info_file'], self.filename_tmpl)

    def _tonemap(self, x, type='simple'):
        if type == 'mu_law':
            norm_x = x / x.max()
            mapped_x = np.log(1 + 10000 * norm_x) / np.log(1 + 10000)
        elif type == 'simple':
            mapped_x = x / (x + 0.25)
        elif type == 'same':
            mapped_x = x
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'tone mapping type [{:s}] is not recognized.'.format(type))
        return mapped_x

    def _expand_dim(self, x):
        # expand dimemsion if images are gray.
        if x.ndim == 2:
            return x[:, :, None]
            return x

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        lq_map_type = self.opt['lq_map_type']
        gt_map_type = self.opt['gt_map_type']

        crop_scale = self.opt.get('crop_scale', None)

        # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: RGGB;
        # HDR image range: [0, +inf], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        psf_path = self.paths[index]['psf_path']
        img_gt = self.file_client.get(gt_path)
        img_lq = self.file_client.get(lq_path)
        psf_code = self.file_client.get(psf_path)

        # tone mapping
        img_lq = self._tonemap(img_lq, type=lq_map_type)
        img_gt = self._tonemap(img_gt, type=gt_map_type)

        # expand dimension
        img_gt = self._expand_dim(img_gt)
        img_lq = self._expand_dim(img_lq)

        # Rescale for random crop
        if crop_scale != None:
            h, w, _ = img_lq.shape
            img_lq = cv2.resize(img_lq,
                                (int(w * crop_scale), int(h * crop_scale)),
            img_gt = cv2.resize(img_gt,
                                (int(w * crop_scale), int(h * crop_scale)),

        # augmentation
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
            # random crop
            img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale,
            # flip, rotation
            img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_flip'],

        # TODO: color space transform
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt, img_lq = totensor([img_gt, img_lq],
        psf_code = torch.from_numpy(psf_code)[..., None, None]

        return {
            'lq': img_lq,
            'gt': img_gt,
            'psf_code': psf_code,
            'lq_path': lq_path,
            'gt_path': gt_path,
            'psf_path': psf_path,

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #13
class RealESRGANPairedDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Paired image dataset for image restoration.

    Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc) and GT image pairs.

    There are three modes:
    1. 'lmdb': Use lmdb files.
        If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
    2. 'meta_info': Use meta information file to generate paths.
        If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info'] is not None.
    3. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.
        The rest.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension.
                Default: '{}'.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
            phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.

    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(RealESRGANPairedDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        # mean and std for normalizing the input images
        self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
        self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None

        self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
        self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl'] if 'filename_tmpl' in opt else '{}'

        # file client (lmdb io backend)
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
        elif 'meta_info' in self.opt and self.opt['meta_info'] is not None:
            # disk backend with meta_info
            # Each line in the meta_info describes the relative path to an image
            with open(self.opt['meta_info']) as fin:
                paths = [line.strip() for line in fin]
            self.paths = []
            for path in paths:
                gt_path, lq_path = path.split(', ')
                gt_path = os.path.join(self.gt_folder, gt_path)
                lq_path = os.path.join(self.lq_folder, lq_path)
                self.paths.append(dict([('gt_path', gt_path), ('lq_path', lq_path)]))
            # disk backend
            # it will scan the whole folder to get meta info
            # it will be time-consuming for folders with too many files. It is recommended using an extra meta txt file
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder([self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'], self.filename_tmpl)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'), **self.io_backend_opt)

        scale = self.opt['scale']

        # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
        # image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
        img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # augmentation for training
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
            # random crop
            img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale, gt_path)
            # flip, rotation
            img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_hflip'], self.opt['use_rot'])

        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq], bgr2rgb=True, float32=True)
        # normalize
        if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
            normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
            normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)

        return {'lq': img_lq, 'gt': img_gt, 'lq_path': lq_path, 'gt_path': gt_path}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #14
ファイル: parse_landmark.py プロジェクト: TencentARC/GFPGAN
save_dict = {}

for item_idx, item in enumerate(json_data.values()):
    print(f'\r{item_idx} / {len(json_data)}, {item["image"]["file_path"]} ',

    # parse landmarks
    lm = np.array(item['image']['face_landmarks'])
    lm = lm * scale

    item_dict = {}
    # get image
    if save_img:
        img_bytes = file_client.get(paths[item_idx])
        img = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

    # get landmarks for each component
    map_left_eye = list(range(36, 42))
    map_right_eye = list(range(42, 48))
    map_mouth = list(range(48, 68))

    # eye_left
    mean_left_eye = np.mean(lm[map_left_eye], 0)  # (x, y)
    half_len_left_eye = np.max(
        (np.max(np.max(lm[map_left_eye], 0) - np.min(lm[map_left_eye], 0)) / 2,
    item_dict['left_eye'] = [
        mean_left_eye[0], mean_left_eye[1], half_len_left_eye
コード例 #15
class Vimeo90KDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Vimeo90K dataset for training.
    The keys are generated from a meta info txt file.
    Each line contains:
    1. clip name; 2. frame number; 3. image shape, seperated by a white space.
        00001/0001 7 (256,448,3)
        00001/0002 7 (256,448,3)
    Key examples: "00001/0001"
    GT (gt): Ground-Truth;
    LQ (lq): Low-Quality, e.g., low-resolution/blurry/noisy/compressed frames.
    The neighboring frame list for different num_frame:
    num_frame | frame list
             1 | 4
             3 | 3,4,5
             5 | 2,3,4,5,6
             7 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
        opt (dict): Config for train dataset. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            num_frame (int): Window size for input frames.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            random_reverse (bool): Random reverse input frames.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).
            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(Vimeo90KDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.gt_root, self.lq_root = Path(opt['dataroot_gt']), Path(

        with open(opt['meta_info_file'], 'r') as fin:
            self.keys = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin]

        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.is_lmdb = False
        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.is_lmdb = True
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_root, self.gt_root]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']

        # indices of input images
        self.neighbor_list = [
            i + (9 - opt['num_frame']) // 2 for i in range(opt['num_frame'])

        # temporal augmentation configs
        self.random_reverse = opt['random_reverse']
        logger = get_root_logger()
        logger.info(f'Random reverse is {self.random_reverse}.')

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        # random reverse
        if self.random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        scale = self.opt['scale']
        gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
        key = self.keys[index]
        clip, seq = key.split('/')  # key example: 00001/0001

        # get the GT frame (im4.png)
        if self.is_lmdb:
            img_gt_path = f'{key}/im4'
            img_gt_path = self.gt_root / clip / seq / 'im4.png'
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.

        # get the neighboring LQ frames
        img_lqs = []
        for neighbor in self.neighbor_list:
            if self.is_lmdb:
                img_lq_path = f'{clip}/{seq}/im{neighbor}'
                img_lq_path = self.lq_root / clip / seq / f'im{neighbor}.png'
            img_bytes = self.file_client.get(img_lq_path, 'lq')
            img_lq = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes).astype(np.float32) / 255.

        # randomly crop
        img_gt, img_lqs = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lqs, gt_size, scale,

        # augmentation - flip, rotate
        img_results = augment(img_lqs, self.opt['use_flip'],

        img_results = totensor(img_results)
        img_lqs = torch.stack(img_results[0:-1], dim=0)
        img_gt = img_results[-1]

        # img_lqs: (t, c, h, w)
        # img_gt: (c, h, w)
        # key: str
        return {'lq': img_lqs, 'gt': img_gt, 'key': key}

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)
コード例 #16
class PairedImageDataset(data.Dataset):
    """Paired image dataset for image restoration.

    Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc) and
    GT image pairs.

    There are three modes:
    1. 'lmdb': Use lmdb files.
        If opt['io_backend'] == lmdb.
    2. 'meta_info_file': Use meta information file to generate paths.
        If opt['io_backend'] != lmdb and opt['meta_info_file'] is not None.
    3. 'folder': Scan folders to generate paths.
        The rest.

        opt (dict): Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys:
            dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt.
            dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq.
            meta_info_file (str): Path for meta information file.
            io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg.
            filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the
                template excludes the file extension. Default: '{}'.
            gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches.
            use_flip (bool): Use horizontal flips.
            use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h
                and w for implementation).

            scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically.
            phase (str): 'train' or 'val'.
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(PairedImageDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
        self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None

        self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
        if 'filename_tmpl' in opt:
            self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl']
            self.filename_tmpl = '{}'

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
        elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt and self.opt[
                'meta_info_file'] is not None:
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],
                self.opt['meta_info_file'], self.filename_tmpl)
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        scale = self.opt['scale']

        # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
        # image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
        img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # augmentation for training
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
            # random crop
            img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale,
            # flip, rotation
            img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_flip'],

        # TODO: color space transform
        # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
        img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq],
        # normalize
        if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:
            normalize(img_lq, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)
            normalize(img_gt, self.mean, self.std, inplace=True)

        return {
            'lq': img_lq,
            'gt': img_gt,
            'lq_path': lq_path,
            'gt_path': gt_path

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)
コード例 #17
class PairedImagePyramidDataset(data.Dataset):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(PairedImagePyramidDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        # file client (io backend)
        self.file_client = None
        self.io_backend_opt = opt['io_backend']
        self.mean = opt['mean'] if 'mean' in opt else None
        self.std = opt['std'] if 'std' in opt else None

        self.gt_folder, self.lq_folder = opt['dataroot_gt'], opt['dataroot_lq']
        if 'filename_tmpl' in opt:
            self.filename_tmpl = opt['filename_tmpl']
            self.filename_tmpl = '{}'

        if self.io_backend_opt['type'] == 'lmdb':
            self.io_backend_opt['db_paths'] = [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder]
            self.io_backend_opt['client_keys'] = ['lq', 'gt']
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_lmdb(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'])
        elif 'meta_info_file' in self.opt and self.opt[
                'meta_info_file'] is not None:
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],
                self.opt['meta_info_file'], self.filename_tmpl)
            self.paths = paired_paths_from_folder(
                [self.lq_folder, self.gt_folder], ['lq', 'gt'],

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if self.file_client is None:
            self.file_client = FileClient(self.io_backend_opt.pop('type'),

        scale = self.opt['scale']

        # Load gt and lq images. Dimension order: HWC; channel order: BGR;
        # image range: [0, 1], float32.
        gt_path = self.paths[index]['gt_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(gt_path, 'gt')
        img_gt = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)
        lq_path = self.paths[index]['lq_path']
        img_bytes = self.file_client.get(lq_path, 'lq')
        img_lq = imfrombytes(img_bytes, float32=True)

        # augmentation for training
        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            gt_size = self.opt['gt_size']
            # random crop
            img_gt, img_lq = paired_random_crop(img_gt, img_lq, gt_size, scale,
            # flip, rotation
            img_gt, img_lq = augment([img_gt, img_lq], self.opt['use_flip'],

            # to create pyramid for img_gt
            img_re1 = cv2.resize(cv2.resize(img_gt,
                                            (gt_size // 2, gt_size // 2),
                                 (gt_size, gt_size),
            img_re2 = cv2.resize(cv2.resize(img_gt,
                                            (gt_size // 4, gt_size // 4),
                                 (gt_size, gt_size),
            img_re3 = cv2.resize(cv2.resize(img_gt,
                                            (gt_size // 8, gt_size // 8),
                                 (gt_size, gt_size),
            img_re4 = cv2.resize(cv2.resize(img_gt,
                                            (gt_size // 16, gt_size // 16),
                                 (gt_size, gt_size),

            # TODO: color space transform
            # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
            img_gt, img_lq, img_re1, img_re2, img_re3, img_re4 = img2tensor(
                [img_gt, img_lq, img_re1, img_re2, img_re3, img_re4],

            # normalize
            if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:


            return {
                'lq': img_lq,
                'gt': torch.cat((img_gt, img_re1, img_re2, img_re3, img_re4),
                'lq_path': lq_path,
                'gt_path': gt_path
        elif self.opt['phase'] == 'val':
            h, w, c = img_lq.shape
            if h % 16 != 0 or w % 16 != 0:
                h = h // 16 * 16
                w = w // 16 * 16
                img_lq = cv2.resize(img_lq, (h, w),
                img_gt = cv2.resize(img_gt, (2 * h, 2 * w),

            # TODO: color space transform
            # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW, numpy to tensor
            img_gt, img_lq = img2tensor([img_gt, img_lq],

            # normalize
            if self.mean is not None or self.std is not None:

            return {
                'lq': img_lq,
                'gt': img_gt,
                'lq_path': lq_path,
                'gt_path': gt_path

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.paths)