コード例 #1
class PuzzleCube:
    An instance of a PuzzleCube.  The interface treats each instance of this class as immutable.
    def __init__(self, _inner: Optional[BatchCube] = None):
        :return: A new solved puzzle cube.

        if _inner is None:
            self._inner_cube = BatchCube()
            self._inner_cube = _inner

    def copy(self) -> "PuzzleCube":
        return PuzzleCube(_inner=self._inner_cube.copy())

    def scramble(self, distance: int) -> "PuzzleCube":
        Scrambles a copy of the cube a set number of random moves.
        :param distance: Number of random moves to scramble
        :return: A copy of the cube scrambled.
        assert (distance >= 0)

        inner = self._inner_cube.copy()
        return PuzzleCube(_inner=inner)

    def move(self, action: str) -> "PuzzleCube":
        Perform action on a copy of the cube.
        :param action: One of "L", "L'", "R", "R'", "U", "U'", "D", "D'", "F", "F'", "B", "B'"
        :return: A copy of the cube with one action performed.
        assert (action in valid_moves)

        move_index = valid_moves.index(action)

        inner = self._inner_cube.copy()
        return PuzzleCube(_inner=inner)

    def is_solved(self) -> bool:
        :return: Whether or not the cube is solved.
        return self._inner_cube.done()[0]

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        :return: A flat string representation of the cube.
        return str(self._inner_cube)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self._inner_cube)
コード例 #2
class State():
    """ This is application specfic """
    def __init__(self, internal_state=None):
        if internal_state is None:
            internal_state = BatchCube(1)
        self.internal_state = internal_state

    def reset_and_randomize(self, depth):
        self.internal_state = BatchCube(1)

    def next(self, action):
        next_internal_state = self.internal_state.copy()
        return State(next_internal_state)

    def input_array(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().reshape((1, 6*54))

    def calculate_priors_and_value(self, model):
        For now, this does nothing special.  It evenly weights all actions,
        and it gives a nuetral value (0 out of [-1,1]) to each non-terminal node.
        prior = model.predict(self.input_array()).reshape((12,))
        value = .01
        return prior, value

    def key(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().tobytes()

    def done(self):
        return self.internal_state.done()[0]

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.internal_state)
コード例 #3
class State():
    """ This is application specfic """
    def __init__(self, internal_state=None):
        if internal_state is None:
            internal_state = BatchCube(1)

        self.internal_state = internal_state

    def reset_and_randomize(self, depth):
        self.internal_state = BatchCube(1)

    def next(self, action):
        next_internal_state = self.internal_state.copy()
        return State(next_internal_state)

    def input_array(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().reshape((1, 6 * 54))

    def calculate_priors_and_value(self, model):
        For now, this does nothing special.  It evenly weights all actions,
        and it gives a nuetral value (0 out of [-1,1]) to each non-terminal node.
        prior = model.predict(self.input_array()).reshape((12, ))
        value = .01
        return prior, value

    def key(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().tobytes()

    def done(self):
        return self.internal_state.done()[0]

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.internal_state)
コード例 #4
class BatchState():
    """ This is application specfic """
    def __init__(self, internal_state=None):
        if internal_state is None:
            internal_state = BatchCube(1)
        self.internal_state = internal_state

    def copy(self):
        return State(self.internal_state.copy())

    def import_bit_array(self, bit_array):
        color_idx = np.indices((1, 54, 6))[2]
        array = (color_idx * bit_array.reshape((1, 54, 6))).max(axis=2)
        self.internal_state = BatchCube(cube_array=array)

    def reset_and_randomize(self, depth):
        self.internal_state = BatchCube(1)

    def next(self, action):
        next_internal_state = self.internal_state.copy()
        return State(next_internal_state)

    def input_array(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().reshape((1, 6*54))

    def key(self):
        return self.internal_state.bit_array().tobytes()

    def done(self):
        return self.internal_state.done()[0]

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.internal_state)
コード例 #5
# Rebuild dictionary
state_dict = {
    b.tobytes(): (b, a, int(d))
    for b, a, d in zip(bits, best_actions, distances)

print("Testing data...")
# Test data types
for k, v in state_dict.items():
    assert v[0].dtype == bool
    assert v[1].dtype == bool

# Test data
import numpy as np
for i in range(1000):
    test_cube = BatchCube(1)
    test_cube.randomize(1 + (i % MAX_DISTANCE))
    _, best_actions, distance = state_dict[test_cube.bit_array().tobytes()]

    for _ in range(distance):
        assert not test_cube.done()[0]
        action = np.random.choice(12, p=best_actions / np.sum(best_actions))
        _, best_actions, _ = state_dict[test_cube.bit_array().tobytes()]

    assert test_cube.done()[0]

print("Passed all tests")
コード例 #6
print("Testing data...")
# Test data types
for k, v in state_dict.items():
    assert v[0].dtype == bool
    assert v[1].dtype == bool

# Test data
import numpy as np
for i in range(1000):
    test_cube = BatchCube(1)
    test_cube.randomize(1 + (i % MAX_DISTANCE))
    _, best_actions, distance = state_dict[test_cube.bit_array().tobytes()]

    for _ in range(distance):
        assert not test_cube.done()[0]
        action = np.random.choice(12, p=best_actions/np.sum(best_actions))
        _, best_actions, _ = state_dict[test_cube.bit_array().tobytes()]

    assert test_cube.done()[0]

print("Passed all tests")